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Over the last few years, nutritional tre...

    Over the last few years, nutritional trends have grown in numbers, as more and more people are becoming aware of the positive advantages that a healthy and balanced diet can have. So it should be no surprise that the phrase “clean eating” has been added to the Collins Dictionary. 1.

“Clean eating” is the trend that became popular over the Internet, especially among health and fitness fans. It is a type of diet where people avoid processed (加工过的) foods, such as bacon and white sugar. 2. No chemicals are used while growing organic foods, so they are kept in their natural state and are considered “clean”. Above all, “clean eating” encourages not only a more conscious type of eating, but also a lasting change in lifestyle, such as regular exercise.

The trend became more popular when the World Health Organization released its report on processed meat in 2015. 3. It links processed meats such as ham, bacon and sausages to cancer. And now many people are feeling anxious.

4. Dietitians(营养师) have noticed an increase in the number of women becoming weak and getting anemia(贫血). Some of these women are on a clean eating diet. They lack nutrients that come from some processed foods. Experts suggest eating a balanced diet of more “clean food” but also taking in a small amount of processed food. 5.  It is necessary that people do not feel guilty(内疚的) if they sometimes have the food that may not belong to “clean food”.

A.But what exactly is clean eating?

B.But how is the phrase added to the dictionary?

C.Processed food made with organic ingredients become more popular.

D.Instead, people mostly eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and organic foods.

E.The report says eating processed food can be really harmful to a person’s health.

F.In addition, what is important is that the person has a healthy attitude toward foods.

G.Some people say clean eating helps control their weight and stay energetic, but not everyone thinks it is a great idea.


1.A 2.D 3.E 4.G 5.F 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了“干净的饮食”的含义,受欢迎的原因,及造成的一些健康问题。最后专家建议饮食在“干净的饮食”和加工食品之间要取得平衡。 1. 此空上一句说到短语“干净的饮食”录入柯林斯字典;此空下文说到“干净的饮食”是一种在互联网上流行的趋势,特别是在健康和健身爱好者中。这是一种饮食,人们避免(吃)加工食品,如熏肉和白糖。此空承上启下,A选项:到底什么是“干净的饮食”呢?符合语境。故选A。 2. 此空上一句说到人们不吃加工食品,比如熏肉和白糖。再结合下文中的关键词“organic foods”,D选项:相反,人们大多吃许多水果、蔬菜和有机食品。前后形成人们的饮食对比,“organic foods”一词也与下文呼应。D选项切题。故选D。 3. 此空前一句说2015年,世界健康组织发布了一篇关于加工肉的报道。下文说到报道中说到火腿、熏肉和腊肠与癌症有关。E选项:报道说吃加工食品对人的健康有害。承上启下,介绍报道内容,符合语境。故选E。 4. 此空上文说到报道的加工食品对人的健康有害,引起人们的不安。下文说到营养师已经注意到越来越多的妇女变得虚弱和贫血。这些妇女中的一些人正在进行“干净的饮食”。G选项:一些人说“干净的饮食”帮助人们控制体重,保持活力,但并不是每一个人都认为这是一个好主意。与上文呼应,符合语境。故选G。 5. 此空下文说到如果人们有时吃可能不属于“清洁食品”的食物,不必感到内疚。谈论的是饮食态度。F选项:另外,重要的是这个人对饮食有一个健康的态度。切题。故选F。

    As William Shakespeare is to literature in English, so is the poet Du Fu to the Chinese literary tradition. “We have Dante, Shakespeare and Du Fu. These poets create the very values by which poetry is judged,” said Harvard Professor Stephen Owen in Du Fu, China’s Greatest Poet, a new BBC documentary(纪录片) broadcast on April 7.

Aimed at introducing the charm and beauty of traditional Chinese literature to viewers around the globe, the documentary invited famous British actor Ian McKellen, who played the wizard(巫师) Gandalf in the film series The Lord of the Rings, to read 15 of Du’s poems that have been translated into English.

The one-hour film talks about the poet’s life experiences in detail. Born in 712, Du lived under the government of the Tang Emperor Xuanzong (713-756), a time marked by extraordinary prosperity(繁荣), inclusiveness (包容) and cultural achievement. However, as the An Lushan Rebellion of 755 broke out in the country, Du, the former civil servant(文职人员) at the Tang court, had to take his family on the road as refugees(难民), and put up with starvation and suffering. Through ups and downs, the poet never stopped writing and about 1,500 poems have been kept over the ages.

“Chinese people really value the recording of history and Du is better than anyone at reflecting(反映) history in his poetry. That’s because historical events are mirrored in his own life and spiritual journey,” Zeng Xiangbo, a professor of ancient Chinese literature at Renmin University of China, told China Daily.

Even though he never held a high position in the government, Du still cared about common people. For example, in the poem My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales , he wrote that “Could I get mansions covering ten thousand miles, I’d house all scholars poor and make them beam with smiles. ” “That’s why he was honored as a Poet Sage by later generations. A difficult life and his spirit of concern about the world helped him create so many masterpieces,” Shi Wenxue, a cultural critic based in Beijing, told the Global Times.

1.According to Para.2, we know Ian McKellen is___________.

A.a narrator in the documentary B.a big fan of Du Fu

C.the director of the documentary D.a British wizard

2.Why Du Fu is so valuable a poet in the mind of Chinese people?

A.Because he experienced the ups and downs of Tang Dynasty.

B.Because he never stopped and wrote about 1,500 poems.

C.Because his poems are completely kept over the ages.

D.Because his poetry is a good reflection of history.

3.The poem mentioned in the last paragraph is intended to _________.

A.explain Du Fu’s position in the government

B.show Du Fu’s concern about ordinary people

C.tell the readers what a difficult life Du Fu lived

D.show Du Fu’s intelligence in writing a poem

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Du Fu’s works gain popularity home and abroad.

B.Chinese literature becomes a hit in the UK.

C.China’s Poet Sage appears on the screen in the UK.

D.British people fall in love with Chinese poetry.



    For centuries, humans have wondered whether there is life on Mars. Scientists have asked why Mars is losing its atmosphere. Last week, the question was answered with a song. “The answer is blowing in the wind,” said Michael Meyer, taking a line from a Bob Dylan song. Meyer is the lead scientist for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program. It turns out that solar winds from the sun are slowly blowing away Mars’ atmosphere.

Today, Mars has a thin atmosphere. It is cold and dry, with a desert-like environment. Jakosky says it used to be much more different. “When we look at ancient Mars, we see a different type of surface. One that had valleys looked like they were carved by water, lakes that were standing for a long period of time. We see an environment that was much more able to support liquid water.”

Recently they found a kind of liquid water that flows with salt down a mountain area of the planet. But it is not always there. Scientist Michael Meyer describes what they found: “We’re seeing water, with the salt that’s able to flow down the sides of the cliff. Why is this important? That means there is water on Mars, on the surface of Mars today.”

Scientists already knew that ice exists on Mars. So why is it important to find liquid water? Meyer explains: “It means that we have a resource. And when we're looking at sending humans to Mars, water is one of the key things that we need to have, not only for astronauts to drink, but also to make oxygen, to make fuel.”

Sending humans to Mars is still in the distant future. NASA is aiming for the 2030s. Both US government and private industries are developing rockets and spacecraft to get people to Mars.

1.Why is the atmosphere of Mars disappearing?

A.Because Mars doesn't have water to keep the atmosphere.

B.Because the atmosphere is affected by the earth.

C.Because the atmosphere is blown away by the solar wind.

D.Because Mars has no condition to make the atmosphere exist.

2.Which of the following are the functions of the water on Mars?

Taking shower.     Drinking for astronauts.     Making fuel.

Watering plants.    Producing oxygen.      Washing clothes.

A.②④⑤ B.①③④⑤ C.②③④⑥ D.②③⑤

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Whether water exists on Mars or not isn’t important to humans.

B.Mars’ atmosphere has changed a lot since it existed.

C.We can successfully send humans to Mars from now on.

D.Water can not appear on Mars because of its thin atmosphere.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Mars Has Conditions to Support Humans

B.Mars Is Strongly Influenced by the Solar Wind

C.Mars and Its Thin Atmosphere

D.Water Does Exist on Mars



    I have been studying literature all the time, so someone asked me if l made the wrong choice by devoting myself to studying literature. I was deep in thought.

A good friend of mine took every single literature class she could while in college and decided early on that she wasn't cut out to be a teacher. Her parents were concerned because she wasn't really focused on becoming something that would pay the bills. In order to mollify their concerns, she took a library science course and told them she would regard library science as a career path. But she ended up taking a job as a communications assistant at a mid-size company and eventually became the director of communications. She put her literature studies to work in making company materials and has benefited a lot from that.

Another friend turned his love of Hemingway’s writings into inspiration for his artworks. Most people don’t stay at one job for their entire career. I can’t tell you how many teachers I worked with over the years give up teaching to paint houses, work in an advertising company, start a company, and so on. A degree is important for many places to get your foot in the door. But I think you should choose your job based on what you're really interested in,and no one says you have to do something for the rest of your work life.

Colleges generally don’t clue you in on the possible career paths available to you with your particular studies, but some are getting far better with guiding students toward the possibilities.Your reading, writing and analytical skills would be great advantages to many companies, so don’t think that your love of literature is going to leave you with few choices. So I didn’t feel sad to devote myself to studying literature.

1.What does the underlined word “mollify” mean?

A.Express. B.Relieve.

C.Deepen. D.Realize.

2.What does the author want to say by mentioning his friends?

A.Learning literature is good for one’s later careers.

B.Most people have a negative attitude towards literature.

C.His friends both disliked the career connected with literature.

D.College majors(主修课) have nothing to do with career choices.

3.Which of the following does the author probably agree with?

A.Change your jobs frequently. B.Stay at one job for all your life.

C.Love whatever job you take up. D.Choose your job by your interest.

4.From the passage, we can learn that the author _______________.

A.didn’t regret studying literature all the time

B.had a negative attitude towards literature learning

C.thought that love for literature held the key to career paths

D.thought that colleges should design career paths for students



Project A:Introductory(入门的)Hip Hop for ages 7-12

Hey kids...go back to school with some cool dance moves!

This 4-week hip hop workshop introduces the popular hip hop style of dance in a fun and kid-friendly way. Learn basic hip hop dance moves featured in today's popular music videos, including footwork, freezes, and more.

Open to ages 7-12 with no or little hip hop experience.

Instructor:Jared Hale

Time:Wednesdays,Nov 27-Dec 18   5:00pm-5:45pm(4 weeks)

Cost:$75-4 weeks

Project B:Beginning Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 13 and up

Are you a Musical Theatre student in middle school or high school?Or maybe you just want to give musical theatre a try?This workshop at the beginning level is for YOU!

This 4-week workshop will be taught by the best at the beginning level to help the musical theatre lover learn some of the common dance moves of musical theatre!

Instructor:Adam Roberts

Time:Sundays,Dec 1-Dec 22  1:15pm-2:15pm(4 weeks)

Cost:$80 per 4-week workshop

Project C:Intermediate(中级的)Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 13 and up

Anyone with dance experience at the intermediate level that wants to improve their Musical Theatre Dance skills will not want to miss this workshop!

You will spend 4 weeks with an instructor who has served as an artistic director,choreographer(编舞者),and musical director.

Instructor:Taylor Williams

Time:Sundays,Nov 10-Dec 1  2:15pm-3:15pm(4 weeks)

Cost:$70 per 4-week workshop

Project D:Beginning Ballet Drop-in Class for Ages 11-18

This beginning level ballet class is offered on our drop-in schedule(插班课程)every Tuesday between Nov 26 and Dec 31 this winter.This class gives students the opportunity to try ballet and get some ballet basics needed for other dance styles.

You can start any time and come when you can, enjoying the flexibility you need during the winter!

Instructor:Adam Roberts

Time:Tuesdays,between Nov 26 and Dec 31

Cost:$25 per class.

1.When can a student attend a Hip Hop dancing class?

A.Dec 18  5:00 pm. B.Nov 26  1:15 pm.

C.Dec 1  2:15pm. D.Dec 22  1:15pm.

2.What do Project B and Project D have in common?

A.They share the same class time. B.They share the same instructor.

C.They teach the same dance moves. D.They share the same classroom.

3.How does Project C differ from the other three projects?

A.It costs students more money.

B.It includes free extra lessons.

C.It has changeable class time for beginners.

D.It is for students with middle-level dance experience.



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



1. 你的活动计划(从上述四个选项中任选两样);

2. 你的理由。




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