满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 询问度假情况;

2. 希望得到什么礼物;

3. 表达感谢。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Becky



Li Hua


Dear Mary, I am so glad to know that you are returning to China after the holidays in the USA. How was your holiday? You must have had great fun together with your family back in your motherland after working so long in China. I hope you can share your wonderful experiences with us afterwards. It is very kind of you to offer to buy gifts for me. I would quite appreciate it if you could buy me an English dictionary and several popular novels that sell well in your country. I am sure they will help me improve my English. I will also prepare a gift for you in return. Thanks again for your kindness, and we are all looking forward to seeing you soon. Welcome back! Best wishes. Yours Li Hua 【解析】 本篇考查的作文类型是书信。 第一步:审题。审题的目的是获取重要信息。通过审题我们可以确定几个方面的信息。第一假定你是李华,你校外教Becky回美国度假即将返回,给你发来e-mail,询问你希望她帮你从美国带什么礼物。请给她回复—封电子邮件。要点如下: 1. 询问度假情况; 2. 希望得到什么礼物; 3. 表达感谢。 第二,人称为第一人称。第三,时态以一般现在时和一般将来时。 第二步:布局段落,确定主要段落,次要段落,段落数量。这篇写作段落数量为四段。第一段,询问度假情况;第二段,希望得到什么礼物。第三段,表达感谢。第四段,表达良好祝愿。 第三步:确定关键词汇和短语: return ,appreciate ,have fun,improve my English,share …with 第四步:确定较为高级的句子: 省略that的宾语从句I am sure they will help me improve my English. that引导的定语从句 several popular novels that sell well in your country. It作形式主语It is very kind of you to offer to buy gifts for me. 第五步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连接词进行过渡衔接:besides,however,finally. 第六步:注意书写,保持卷面整洁,避免划线,乱擦。 【高分句型1】 Not only will they help me improve oral English, but also they increase my vocabulary. 它们不仅能帮助我提高英语口语,还能增加我的词汇量。本句为部分倒装句。 【高分句型2】 Please share your wonderful experiences with us,which will help us have a good understanding of American culture. 请与我们分享你的美好经历,这将有助于我们更好地了解美国文化。本句为which引导的非限制性定语从句。  


The lion dance is one of the most outstanding1.(tradition) folk dances in China. It can date back to the Three Kingdoms Period (220—280).

The lion2.(regard) as a symbol of bravery and strength by ancient people. They thought that it could drive away evil and protect people and3.(they) livestock such as cattle, sheep and so on. Therefore, lion dances are performed at important events, 4.(especial) the Lantern Festival.

The lion dance requires two highly-trained5.(perform) in a lion suit. One acts as the head and forelegs, and6.other the hind legs. Under the guidance of a choreographer(编舞者), the “lion” dances7.the beat of a drum, a gong(), and cymbals(). Sometimes they jump, roll, and do difficult acts such as walking on stilts(桩子).

In one lion dance, the “lion” moves from place to place looking for some green vegetables, in8.red envelopes with money inside are hidden. The acting is very amusing and everyone enjoys it very much.

In the past decades, the lion dance9.(spread) to many other countries with overseas Chinese. In many Chinese communities of Europe and America, Chinese people use lion dances or dragon dances10. (celebrate) every Spring Festival and other important events.



    “What kind of stuff do you write? ” one student asked on my first day at the University of Massachusetts. After a decade away from the classroom, I was back to_______.

“I write creative nonfiction, ” I said, “as you’ll be doing.”

It was a_______. I couldn't remember when I'd last written a_______essay. But it must have been before my mother fell ill, leaving me feeling my family story wouldn't end_______. It seemed that nothing I wrote could change that._______I couldn’t write my own stories, I could_______my students to tell theirs. “You’re going to keep a_______in this class, and I want you to tell your stories like they_______.”

“Why do they matter? ” a boy named Michael asked. Looking out at the roomful of students, I_______. No one said a word. Many of them, I learned, worked while in school. Most didn’t know their stories did matter. They didn’t even realize their stories were as________as their own lives.

Finally, I looked at Michael. “They matter because they’re what you have. Stories allow us to make meaning of what we’ve________.” I said. Michael didn’t look________, but he didn’t challenge me, either.

In his first essay, Michael wrote about how his high school English teacher saw his________and helped him fill out a college________. I had Michael read his essay out loud. After he finished, the class went so ________that we could hear the sound of each other’s________. I looked at him and saw a small________in his dark eyes. Then, I said, “That’s why you tell your stories.”

I went home that night and________my journal from where it lay, dusty and________. For the first time in months, I had to________.

1.A.studying B.operating C.traveling D.teaching

2.A.game B.joke C.lie D.trick

3.A.creative B.moving C.useful D.fascinating

4.A.safely B.proudly C.happily D.perfectly

5.A.Once B.Unless C.Because D.Although

6.A.warn B.encourage C.permit D.order

7.A.journal B.letter C.book D.fiction

8.A.exist B.matter C.happen D.remember

9.A.nodded B.hesitated C.laughed D.responded

10.A.satisfying B.plentiful C.famous D.meaningful

11.A.gone through B.turned over C.taken over D.broken through

12.A.worried B.frightened C.convinced D.impressed

13.A.weakness B.potential C.nature D.character

14.A.invitation B.suggestion C.composition D.application

15.A.still B.loud C.free D.alive

16.A.thought B.debate C.breath D.remark

17.A.glaring B.doubting C.forming D.softening

18.A.got over B.picked up C.looked for D.kept to

19.A.opened B.closed C.untouched D.locked

20.A.write B.rest C.sleep D.stop



    Are you one of the increasing number of students who are struggling for college education online? Follow these tips to help you be a successful online learner?

Many students assume that online classes require less work and are easier than traditional classes. 1.

Arrangement according to class schedule is important. Log on to your course according to the required schedule. Manage your time just as you would in a traditional course.

2.You may not be able to turn in papers, view videos, or participate in groups if you don't have the proper technology. Make sure that you have the proper Internet connection and software programs installed (安装).

During class, you are advised to be focused. Read and practice everything. 3.Don’t run through a course skipping videos, animations (动画), and ungraded self-assessment activities. Be comfortable communicating through text. Most communication in an online course occurs through the written word. Discussion board posts, written assignments, and email are all common modes of communication in online courses. 4. Be prepared to read and write a lot in online courses.

Remember to be active. If you have questions or don’t understand an assignment, tell your instructor. 5. Don’t wait until after you’ve turned in an assignment to let the instructor know that you have struggled. If you email or call the instructor before an assignment, quiz, or exam, you’ll prevent the struggle, and avoid having your grade suffer.

A.Go through every screen.

B.Online classes require less work

C.You’ll understand the instructor better.

D.Be sure you have the required software and hardware.

E.Your instructor can help you better if you tell him or her.

F.In reality, they’re designed just as demanding as traditional courses.

G.This is different from traditional classes, where a lot of communication is oral.



    If you could change your child's DNA in the future to protect them against diseases, would you? It could be possible because of technology known as CRISPR- Cas, or just CRISPR.

CRISPR involves a piece of RNA, a chemical messenger, designed to work on one part of DNA; it also uses an enzyme that can take unwanted genes out and put new ones in, according to The Economist. There are other ways of editing DNA, but CRISPR will do it very simply, quickly, and exactly.

The uses of CRISPR could mean that cures are developed for everything from Alzheimer's to cancer to HIV. By allowing doctors to put just the right cancer-killing genes into a patient's immune system, the technology could help greatly.

The US' National Academy of Sciences plans to discuss questions about CRISPR s ethics(伦理问题). For example, CRISPR doesn't work properly yet. As well as cutting the DNA it is looking for, it often cuts other DNA, too. In addition, we currently seem to have too little understanding of what DNA gives people what qualities.

There are also moral questions around playing God. Of course, medicine already stops natural things from happening-for example, it saves people from infections. The opportunities to treat diseases make it hard to say we shouldn't keep going.

Also, according to The Economist, gene editing may mean that parents make choices that are not obviously in the best interests of their children: “Deaf parents may prefer their children to be deaf too; parents might want to make their children more intelligent at all costs.”

In the end, more research is still needed to see what we can and can't do with CRISPR. “It's still a huge mystery how we work,” Craig Mello, a UMass Medical School biologist and Nobel Prize winner, told The Boston Globe, “We're just trying to figure out this amazingly complicated thing we call life.”

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.What we can and can't do with CRISPR.

B.The advantages of CRISPR and arguments about its ethics.

C.How CRISPR was developed by scientists.

D.Scientists' experiments of using CRISPR to edit human embryos.

2.What does the writer mean by saying “playing God” in Para. 5?

A.Playing jokes on religious people.

B.Asking God to help deal with moral questions.

C.Following the instructions of God.

D.Doing things that go against nature.

3.According to the passage, the technology of CRISPR           .

A.is very safe because it only cuts the DNA it is looking for

B.is very helpful to cure people of any disease

C.could cause parents to make unwise choices for their children

D.could help us understand how complicated life is

4.What is the author's attitude towards CRISPR?

A.Objective. B.Worried.

C.Negative. D.Supportive.



    Probably no other musical instrument is as popular as the guitar. Musicians use the guitar for almost every kind of music. Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar. The traditional Spanish folk music called Flamenco could not exist without a guitar. The sound of American blues music would not be the same without the sad cry of the guitar. And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument.

Some music experts say an instrument very much like a guitar was played in Egypt more than one thousand years ago. Some other experts say that the ancestor of the modern guitar was brought to Spain from Persia sometime in the twelfth century. The guitar continued to develop in Spain. In the 1700s, it became similar to the instrument we know today.

Many famous musicians played the instrument. The famous Italian violinist Niccolo Paganinni played and wrote music for the guitar in the early 1800s. Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some of his famous works. One kind of music for the guitar developed in the southern area of Spain called Adalusia. It will always be strongly linked with the Spanish guitar. It is called Flamenco.

In the 1930s, Les Paul began experimenting with ways to make an electric guitar. He invented the solid body electric guitar in 1946. The guitar has always been important to blues music. With the electric guitar, Les Paul helped make modern blues music possible. There have been many great blues guitarists. Yet, music experts say all blues guitar players are measured against one man and his famous guitar. That man is B. B. King. Every blues fan knows that years ago B. B. King named his guitar Lucille. Here B. B. King plays Lucille on his famous recording of “The Thrill Is Gone”. Lucille, B. B. King's large, beautiful black guitar, is important to American music. Visitors can see King's very first guitar at the Rock and Soul Museum in Memphis, Tennessee. The museum is the only permanent exhibit organized by the Smithsonian Institution outside Washington, D. C. , and New York City.

1.Where did the modern guitar finally come into being?

A.Spain. B.Egypt.

C.Persia. D.Italy.

2.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

A.The musician B. B. King named his guitar Lucille.

B.The Rock and Soul Museum first opened in Memphis.

C.The electric guitar promoted the development of the blues.

D.The exhibit was first organized by the Smithsonian Institution.

3.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Traditional Folk Music B.Guitar and Music

C.Violinist and Blues D.Flamenco and Guitar



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