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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Car reg...


Car registration plates (牌照) are just a series of numbers and letters, right? Well, yes…but not for everyone.

France was the first country 1. (introduce) plates in 1893. Early number plates differed 2. shape and size, and were made of lots of different materials, including iron, cardboard and even pressed soybeans. In fact, it was not until 1957 3. car manufacturers and the governments agreed on standardized plates. 4. was first registered in the UK was A1. The letter “A” showed the number was from London, while the number “1” showed it was the first number issued. At the moment, number plates 5. (consist) of a sequence of letters and numbers are applied in the UK.

Different EU countries also use different arrangements of numbers and letters, and 6. (they) systems have changed many times because these letter-number 7. (combine) keep running out. In the past decades, some number plates 8. (become) extremely valuable, particularly those that spell out words. 9. (basic), numbers on the plates can be used to represent words or parts of words. For example, “NVERLA8” means “Never Late”. And the most 10. (expense) number ever was “M1” which an anonymous buyer has acquired for 331,000.


1.to introduce 2.in 3.that 4.What 5.consisting 6.their 7.combinations 8.have become 9.Basically 10.expensive 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了车牌的发展史,包括材质、形状以及车牌上数字和字母所代表的含义等。 1.考查非谓语动词。句意:1893年,法国是第一个引入车牌的国家。分析句子可知,此处为固定句型“be+形容词+to do sth.”,故填to introduce。 2.考查介词。句意:早期车牌在形状和大小上都不相同。分析句子可知,differ in为固定词组,意为“在……方面不同”,故填in。 3.考查强调句型。句意:事实上,直到1957年,汽车制造商和政府才就标准化车牌达成一致。分析句子可知,此处为强调句型“it is/was not until…that…”,意为“直到……才”,故填that。 4.考查连接代词。句意:在英国首次注册的是A1。分析句子可知,此句为主语从句,从句缺少主语,因此需要连接代词what做主语,且在句首需大写,故填What。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:目前,由一系列字母和数字组成的车牌在英国适用。分析句子可知,number plates与consist是逻辑上的主动关系,因此需使用现在分词作定语,故填consisting。 6.考查形容词性物主代词。句意:不同的欧盟国家之间也使用不同的数字和字母安排,他们的系统已经改变了很多次,因为这些字母和数字的组合在不断耗尽。分析句子可知,修饰名词systems需用形容词性物主代词,故填their。 7.考查名词。句意:不同的欧盟国家之间也使用不同的数字和字母安排,他们的系统已经改变了很多次,因为这些字母和数字的组合在不断耗尽。分析句子可知,these为修饰可数名词复数的指示代词,应使用名词复数。故填combinations。 8.考查动词时态。句意:在过去的几十年里,一些车牌变得极其宝贵,特别是那些拼出单词的车牌。分析句子可知,in the past decades一般与现在完成时连用,主语some number plates是复数概念,故填have become。 9.考查副词。句意:基本上,盘子上的数字可以表示单词或部分单词。分析句子可知,修饰整个句子时要使用副词,故填Basically。 10.考查形容词。句意:有史以来,最贵的一个车牌是一名匿名买家以331000英镑购买的M1。分析句子可知,修饰名词number需用形容词,故填expensive。

    Every Friday and Saturday night I deliver food for a local food delivery company. I need this _________ job to pay off the debt that resulted from an accident a few years ago.

Last night I got a(n) _________ in which the restaurant and the customer's house were pretty far away from each other. This was actually a _________ thing. The customer got charged a higher delivery fee, which would be paid to me.

I _______ the customer's food and drove to his house. Though I used Google Maps, I still had problems_________ his house. I called the customer and he told me that the address on the order was _________. When I knew this, I became very _________. By this time I had already _______ half an hour on this order. What's more, I had_________ another order which got reassigned (再分配) to another person during the time.

Another 30 minutes later I got to the customer's door. I __________ him to be in a bad mood because his delivery had taken so long. __________, I was greeted by a very pleasant customer. He__________ to me that his wife's eyesight was not that great so she had put in the wrong address in the order __________, so the whole thing was their ________

Knowing the________, I didn't complain to the customer. I__________ my anger towards the couple. But he said he felt so __________ for me and decided to give me an additional 30 cash for my __________. I knew I needed money, but I also knew forgiving was a virtue. So I ________

Later the company I worked part-time in __________ me for what I had done and I was given an extra amount of money as a reward. You can't imagine how happy I was!

1.A.extra B.tough C.full D.comfortable

2.A.request B.reply C.order D.position

3.A.common B.difficult C.dull D.good

4.A.picked up B.cut up C.paid for D.waited for

5.A.fixing B.finding C.designing D.judging

6.A.clear B.strange C.wrong D.secret

7.A.worried B.relieved C.nervous D.angry

8.A.got B.saved C.enjoyed D.wasted

9.A.lost B.finished C.signed D.forgotten

10.A.needed B.wanted C.expected D.considered

11.A.Anyhow B.Besides C.Therefore D.However

12.A.admitted B.explained C.complained D.suggested

13.A.in return B.with pleasure C.by accident D.on purpose

14.A.excuse B.fault C.choice D.request

15.A.truth B.goal C.decision D.opinion

16.A.understood B.regretted C.expressed D.canceled

17.A.anxious B.ashamed C.sorry D.afraid

18.A.trouble B.delay C.progress D.patience

19.A.changed B.refused C.accepted D.agreed

20.A.pardoned B.fired C.charged D.praised



Traditional Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is over 5000 years old. 1.

The spirit of the tea ceremony

Xi Hu Long Jing West Lake Dragon Well and Yunnan Pu'er have long been, world famous. 2. .The spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony captures the Chinese attitude towards life and spirituality. These are the things that people all over the world can benefit from.

A handful of good tea leaves with some boiling water and a set of lovely tea ware are the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon and gain some insight into the wisdom of this ancient civilization.


During the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, many different flavors, styles, and cuisines (烹饪)have developed based on traditional philosophy and culture. This ancient food culture has had a direct impact on the countries, such as Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore. It has benefited billions of people around the world through such innovations as Chinese vegetarian culture, tea culture, vinegar, pasta medicated diets, ceramic tableware, and the use of soybeans in the diet.

Chinese Confucianism

Confucianism has flourished during the last 2,500 of China's 5,000-year history. 4. . This school of thought has had the most profound and long lasting influence in China's history. Seventy-four Nobel Prize winners and many other highly respected scholars have stated that for the benefit of mankind's livelihood and development into the next century, these teachings should be promoted and adopted worldwide. 5. .

A.Chinese cuisine

B.Traditional Chinese culture

C.It has been the mainstay (支柱〉of this ancient civilization

D.They are pretty popular due to their superior color and flavor

E.The following three items of traditional Chinese culture have had a worldwide impact

F.This wonderfully rich food culture has also had an impact on Europe, America and Oceania

G.This would provide long lasting benefits for man, helping to ensure a peaceful and happy life



    Life satisfaction is the way persons evaluate their lives and how they feel about their directions and options for the future. It's a measure of well-being and may be evaluated in terms of mood, satisfaction with relations with others and with achieved goals and self-concepts to cope with daily life. It's having a favorable attitude towards one's life as a whole rather than just an evaluation of current feelings. Life satisfaction has been measured in relation to economy, education, experiences, and residence, as well as many other topics.

Life satisfaction can reflect experiences that have influenced a person in, a positive way. These experiences have the ability to motivate people to pursue and reach their goals. As a matter of fact, in these experiences there are two kinds of emotions that may positively influence how people understand their life. Hope and optimism both consist of emotional processes that are usually directed towards the reaching of goals. People who have higher life satisfaction are always full of hope for a better future; additionally, optimism is linked to higher life satisfaction, while pessimism is related to symptoms in depression.

The psychologist, Yuval Palgi, studied the old-old-people who were primarily in their nineties. This subject group was found to have thought highly of their past and present, but they thought lower of their future. A large factor that was talked about in life satisfaction was intelligence. The experiments talk of how life satisfaction grows as people become older because they become wiser and more knowledgeable, so they begin to see that life will be better as they grow older and understand the important things in life more. But when they step into their nineties, future becomes a luxury to them.

According to Seligman, the happier people are, the less they are focused on the negative. Happier people also have a greater tendency to like other people, which promotes a happier environment, which then correlates to a higher level of the persons' satisfaction with their life.

1.What can we learn about life satisfaction from Paragraph 1?

A.It can be easily measured through income and education.

B.It includes a positive attitude towards people's entire life.

C.It merely determines people's attitude towards the future.

D.It has nothing to do with the evaluation of current feelings.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?

A.The wealthier a person is, the happier he will feel.

B.Happy people are more likely to get along well with others.

C.Happy people won’t be influenced by the negative items in life.

D.Intelligence plays a leading role in determining people’s happiness.

3.What was the attitude of most old-old towards their future?

A.They were less hopeful about it. B.They thought highly of it.

C.They felt satisfied with it. D.They were scared of it.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Old People Have Much More Life Satisfaction

B.Life Satisfaction—the Key to a Happier Life

C.Optimism Ensures Life Satisfaction

D.Emotions Affect Life Satisfaction



    Vinegar makes saladfries and dumplings taste better and you can even use it to clean your windows And now according to scientists it may even the planet's population survive climate change

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science CSRS in Japan found that growing plants in vinegar makes them more resistant to droughts This could mean that in the future worries about climate change affecting the world's supply of food will be much lower The discovery was made after the researchers studied the Arabidopsis a plant known for its ability to survive in dry weather It was found that when the plant was placed in droughtlike conditions it produced a chemical called acetate(醋酸盐)﹣the main component of vinegar

After discovering this the scientists experimented further by adding acetate to the soil of other plants before they stopped giving them water completely After leaving the plants for 14days they found that the ones treated with acetate had survived while the untreated plants had dried up and died

It's hoped that this simple method of survival could soon be used to help farmers in dry countries keep their crops alive "In the experiment we targeted the staple foods of the worldrice wheat and maizeand the basic plant of breeding species rapeseed(油菜籽)," Jong Myong Kim coauthor of the study told Popular Science magazine

Kim also told the magazine he's already been in touch with people all over the world who are interested in trying this simple and costeffective method out for themselves from flower growing companies to amateur gardeners Although at this point keeping thirsty plants alive isn't as easy as just pouring vinegar over them Kim said he and his team are working on making the process as simple as possible "Now we are trying to cooperate with some farmers and also some companies to make a method to apply this system "he said And for those of us who always forget to ask our neighbors to water our plants when we goaway hopefully this means the end of returning home from a trip to find our favorite flowers have died

1.What is the article mainly about

A.The world's food supply will be increased

B.Plants better survive droughts

C.The Arabidopsis is resistant to droughts

D.Vinegar could be used to fight droughts

2.It was discovered that acetate can     

A.be used by farmers to replace soil

B.only be produced by the Arabidopsis

C.help plants survive dry conditions

D.be used to improve poor soil

3.What are the target plants of the experiment

A.all breeding species

B.wheat and Arabidopisis

C.rice and maize

D.rapeseed and Arabidopisis

4.Jong Myong Kim's experiment of trying out the method     

A.can make people's trips pleasant

B.turned out a worldwide success

C.is as simple as pouring vinegar over the plants

D.appeals to many flower growing companies



    When I recently revealed to my friends, colleagues, and family members that I would be moving my family to Israel, the reactions were numerous and varied. Some people said it was an expected thing while others asked: Why now? What will you do?

For me, making the move to Israel is the fulfillment of a dream that has lasted for my 47 years of life. I have always known that Israel is my home. Over the years Israel has been in my heart, but I have found a number of reasons to put off making it my permanent residence: kids, the economy, education… you name an excuse, and at some point I have probably used it.

Truthfully, I believe that I was always just a little bit scared. And of course I still am, with the fear factor that is reported by the press surrounding the Israeli military and economy. However, it has come to the point when I have realized that for over 2000 years we have longed for this land, and that for 47 years I have denied the opportunity to make it my home. I am finally ready to fully grasp this opportunity.

Over the years, I have always loved visiting Israel. I have traveled there with my family, and enjoyed introducing thousands of travelers to the country. I have come to love all of these things about Israel as a tourist because I get to love my home. And as far as waiting for the “perfect” condition under which to make aliyah, I believe the time is now!

I have been asked many times if I am nervous about moving to Israel. Before I answer, I remember that we have overcome the Greeks, the Romans, the Russian killings, Hitler and the Holocaust(大屠杀),and the armies of seven countries.

How can I not feel confident that I , and my family, will overcome any difficulties that may come our way? I am not worrying, complaining, crying, or fearing as I prepare to make aliyah. I am proud and excited to say that I am fulfilling a 47-year-old dream: I am going home.

1.What does the author want to say in the passage?

A.His dream is to come true after 47 years.

B.It is a dilemma for him to return to Israel.

C.He didn’t live a happy life in Israel.

D.It is a latest trend to fulfill everyone’s dream.

2.The author didn’t return to Israel before because_________.

A.his children mainly held him back

B.he failed to get determined

C.he didn’t save enough money

D.he hoped to finish his education

3.What does the underlined part “make aliyah” mean in the passage?

A.To return to Israel.

B.To make a decision.

C.To live happily.

D.To catch a chance.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.the author will be happy to meet his relatives in Israel

B.Israel is a familiar word but a strange place for the author

C.the Israeli suffered a lot in the history

D.Israel is still a place between wars and chaos



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