满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When you're on the go, your best friend ...

When you're on the go, your best friend and resource can be your phone. In the age of smart phones, apps are like guiding stars: They can point you in the right direction for a hotel, list expenses, send postcards, and much more. When used together, these apps can be the basic travel tool, placing a wealth of information at your fingertips no matter where you are on the planet. U.S. News Travel has picked the essential travel apps, known for their utility and reliability. Best of all, they cost absolutely nothing.

Trip It

Your Personal Travel Agent

Be your own travel agent and plan every detail of your trip—from car rental to accomadating restaurants—with Trip It. You can make travel schedule by hand, or simply forward the email confirmations of your flight, rental car, train tickets, and hotels to plans.

Weather Free

Your Go-To Meteorologist(气象学者)

Stop trying to explain the weather forecast on the evening news (particularly when it's in a foreign language). The Weather Free app informs you (in English) of the climate in various locations. It features the local weather, and other key factors that will inform your decision about what to wear before stepping outside.


Your Event Guru

When you're in a foreign city, you sometimes look around and ask: Where are all the people? Goby has the answer. This app pinpoints the neighborhood hot spots (including museums, hotels, eateries, and more) in your neighborhood. But its true value comes in finding nearby events. You'll discover concerts, plays, and more right around the corner.

1.What is the advantage of using travel apps picked by the U.S. News Travel?

A. They can solve any problem you come across.

B. They reduce your travel budget.

C. They exercise your fingertips.

D. They are reliable and free of charge.

2.With the help of the travel apps used together, travelers can do the following things EXCEPT__________.

A. rent a car

B. decide what to wear

C. look for a friend while traveling

D. find the nearby museums

3.Where are the readers likely to read the passage above?

A. In a geography textbook

B. In a science and technology magazine

C. On a popular website

D. In a business report


1.D 2.C 3.C 【解析】 试题分析: 本文介绍了三种手机应用,这些应用可以帮助你在旅游时的租车,住宿,天气,已经寻找旅游景点等问题。 1. 22 2. 3.

Now that newsrooms(新闻编辑室) are becoming less popular in the US,young people have begun to tell their own stories.

GlobalGirl Media,an organization that teaches teenage girls digital(数码的) storytelling skills for free,was started by award-winning filmmakers Amie Williams and Meena Nanji in Los Angeles in 2010.

“By giving girls a voice,you introduce a different story,and change the existing one,”said Danny Glover,a member of the GlobalGirl Media organization.

“When the camera’s in my hands,I feel like I can’t lose,”Said Cheyenne Grisez,14.“It makes me happy and I feel like I can do anything.”

On the final day of the summer academy in California,Williams worked with Grisez and Camila Prado,15, on a short film about Prado’s fight against an eating disorder(紊乱). In the film,Prado bravely interviewed her parents and sister about how she was able to beat her bad feelings and eating disorder. This film and others the girls had made were shown to parents and friends on the last day of the academy, celebrating their hard work.

“It’s their story,and nobody knows how to tell it better than they do.”Williams said.

“These girls are from really difficult backgrounds. They feel trapped sometimes. They feel alone.”Williams said.“The camera gives them a way to look at their world in a different way and get out of that feeling.’’

Girls in the program practice their skills and build confidence by going out in the community and interviewing people for the short films.Many of them had no experience, but found they had good storytelling skills.

“I work with these girls. Every day I leave gratefully,because I know that.due to the work we're doing with them,things will be better,”said GlobalGirl Media summer academy project director Heather Faison.

1.Why do many American girls like to tell stories using the camera?

A.Their parents hate to give them a hand.

B.They desire to improve their photo skills.

C.They can make profits from their documentaries.

D.The camera can help them out of their trouble.

2.What do we learn about GlobalGirl Media from the text?

A.It was founded by the government.

B.It gets much money from girl students.

C.It gives girls digital storytelling skills.

D.It has newsrooms in California.

3.What difficulty did Prado overcome by making her film?

A.Self-harm.                B.Poor school scores.

C.An eating disorder.        D.Teenage difficulty.

4.Who directed GlobalGirl Media summer academy project in California?

A.Heather Faison         B.Amie Williams.

C.Danny Glover.         D.  Meena Nanji



    When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm and in the winter especially, we were quite cut off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that city life has its problems too.

One big disadvantage is money—It costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma(哮喘), and at times the air is so bad that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous.

Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever your tastes in culture or entertainment. Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprisingand , what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.

Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is , when you are in your teens(十几岁)or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.

1.What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child?

A.Staying on the farm. B.Moving to the countryside.

C.Leaving home for the city. D.Running away from the school.

2.Which of the following is true about the writer?

A.He is very old now. B.He is in good health.

C.He prefers driving a car. D.He lives in the city now.

3.In the passage, the writer tries to __________.

A.express his opinions about way of life B.describe his life in the countryside

C.show an interest in the outside world D.persuade the reader to live in the city




Mother's Gift

I grew up in a small town when the primary school was a ten-minute walk from my house. When the noon bell rang, I would race breathlessly home. My mother would be standing at the top of the stairs, smiling down at me.

One lunch-time when I was in the third grade will stay with me always. I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had rehearsed my lines so hard with me. But no matter how easily I acted at home, as soon as I stepped onstage, every word disappeared from my head. Finally, my teacher took me aside. She explained that she had written a narrator's (旁白的) part to the play, and asked me to change roles. Her words, kindly expressed, still hurt, especially when I saw my part go to another girl.

I didn't tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day. But she sensed my pain. Instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine (藤蔓) was turning green. Under the huge trees, we could see yellow dandelions (蒲公英) in the grass in bunch, as if a painter had touched our landscape with gold. I watched my mother casually bend down by one dandelion. ''I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds,'' she said, ''pulling it up by its roots. From now on, we'll have only roses in this garden.''

''But I like dandelions,'' I protested. ''All flowers are beautiful---even dandelions.''

My mother looked at me seriously. ''Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn't it? '' She asked thoughtfully. I nodded, pleased that I had won her over. ''And that is true of people too,'' she added. ''Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no shame in that.'' Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry as I told her what had happened. She listened and smiled.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

Paragraph 1:

''But you will be a good narrator, '' she said,


Paragraph 2:

After the play, I took home the dandelion.





1. 锻炼身体的好处;

2. 锻炼身体的方式;

3. 呼吁全体学生一起参加。

注意:1. 词数在80左右;

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear fellow students,

Our school has started a program of extra-curricular sports activities. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




When people 1. (face) with health or nutrition questions, it is 2. (increasing) common to go online and diagnose themselves. But the Internet is full of conflicting health warnings with no regulation to get rid of the wrong advice, some of 3. is extremely dangerous! Also, search engines rank results by 4. (popular) rather than accuracy, so solid facts can be tricky to find. It is worth 5. (check) if the writer of an online piece is properly qualified as an expert. Anyone can call 6. (they) a “diet expert”, “nutritionist” and even a “doctor” — given it could refer to qualifications like a PhD. But remember, only officially 7. (recognize) practicing doctors as well as dietitians have degrees 8. giving medical 9. (suggest). So if you are unsure and still wondering whether the chocolate diet really does work or not, then it pays to make  10. appointment with your dietician or doctor. The truth is out there, and you just need to look in the right place!



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