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阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在...

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

The  organization  is  called  Roots  &  Shoots  because roots move 1. (slow) under the ground  to make a firm  foundation,  and  shoots seem small 2. weak,  but they can break open brick walls to reach the light. The roots and shoots  are you,  your friends and young  people all around the world. Hundreds and thousands of roots and   shoots can 3. (change) the world and make it a better place to live in.


1.slowly 2.and 3.change 【解析】 本文为一片说明文。文章介绍了一个以改变世界,改善居住环境为目的的组织Roots & Shoots。 1. 考查副词。句意:这个组织被称为根与芽,因为根在地下缓慢移动,形成坚实的基础,而芽看起来又小又弱,但它们可以打破砖墙,获得阳光。分析句子可知,修饰动词move用slow的副词形式slowly。故填slowly。 2. 考查连词。句意:这个组织被称为根与芽,因为根在地下缓慢移动,形成坚实的基础,而芽看起来又小又弱,但它们可以打破砖墙,获得阳光。结合前文small及后文weak,前后文为并列关系,and在句中表并列。故填and。 3. 考查动词。句意:成千上万的根和芽可以改变世界,使它成为一个更好的居住的地方。分析句子可知,动词位于情态动词can后用动词原形。故填change。

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

My favorite color is orange. It is a warm and bright color. And it 1.(make) me feel happy and safe. When I see this color, I think of fall. When I go outside, I enjoy2.(walk) through the dark orange leaves and listening to the sound they make under my feet. I also think of the smell of fire. It's great to be at home and sit by the warm fire with3.(I) family. This warm and beautiful color should be everywhere this season!




焦虑症状: 头晕、乏力、睡眠不好、食欲不振等









Dear editor,

I’m Li Hua of Senior Two, Guang Ming Middle school. I’m writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.



Li Hua




1.联合,团结 vi.&vt. ___________

2.unwilling adj. ___________

3.吸引 vt. ___________

4.sightseeing n. ___________

5.早先的 adj. ___________

6.lack vi&n. ___________

7.乐观的 adj. ___________

8.delighted adj. ___________

9.货物 n. ___________

10.demand n.&vt. ___________

11.由……组成 ___________

12.break away(from)___________


14.break down ___________


16.take up ___________


18.so as to(do sth) ___________


20.concentrate on ___________



William was pastor(牧师) of a small church in a rural community. Wilbur and his wife, Leah, ____ every Sunday morning. Wilbur was a farmer, and whenever he came into the house from the _____ and sat down, he would fall ______. It was such a habit _______when he came into church and sat in the pew(长凳) he ____also soon fall asleep. William _____ that some of the members of the church were taking bets to see _____ he could keep Wilbur awake on Sunday mornings.

Wilbur's ______ was embarrassed(困窘) by his behavior, ______ when he began to snore(打鼾). She tried ______ to keep her sleepy husband awake. She _____ to him that she was getting calluses(老茧) on her elbow from striking him in _______ribs in a useless attempt to keep him alert.___ while shopping in the grocery store, she saw a small bottle of Limburger cheese. Leah bought it and dropped it in her ______.

The _____ morning William had just started the sermon(布道) when Wilbur began to nod. When William finished the first point in his three-point sermon, he could see Wilbur didn’t_______ him. As William started the third point, Wilbur began to snore. Quietly, Leah opened her purse,___ the bottle of Limburger cheese and held it under her husband's nose. It _____. Wilbur sat up ______ and, in a voice that could be heard all over the _______, said, "Leah, will you please keep your feet on your own side of the bed!"

1.A. attended    B. looked    C. walked    D. reached

2.A. shop    B. factory    C. school    D. field

3.A. sleep    B. sleepy    C. asleep    D. to sleep

4.A. which    B. that    C. what    D. as

5.A. should    B. would    C. could    D. must

6.A. looked    B. looked for    C. discovered    D. saw

7.A. how soon    B. how often    C. how much    D. how long

8.A. mother    B. daughter    C. wife    D. song

9.A. specially    B. especially    C. usually    D. particularly

10.A. nothing    B. something    C. anything    D. everything

11.A. complained    B. smiled    C. laughed    D. wrote

12.A. his    B. a    C. the    D. /

13.A. Some day    B. One day    C. Every day    D. Everyday

14.A. purse    B. schoolbag    C. clothes    D. hair

15.A. next Monday    B. last Sunday    C. next Sunday    D. next Monday

16.A. heard    B. hear of    C. listen to    D. listen

17.A. took in    B. took for    C. took out    D. took up

18.A. worked    B. got    C. finished    D. ended

19.A. straightly    B. straight    C. excitedly    D. happily

20.A. home    B. bedroom    C. farm    D. church



Increase your creativity

Every month I face the same problem — how to write educational, informative and, hopefully, interesting articles. 1.. At other times my mind goes blank (空白的), and I experience a creative block.

At times we all face creative challenges in life, from designing websites to decorating our apartments, but there are ways to work through creative slumps (低潮).


For years, others may have told you to stop daydreaming. 2.. Daydreaming sometimes helps you take a more creative approach to your problem.

Be happy

Some studies suggest that a positive mood (心情) encourages creativity because it increases activity in the parts of the brain related to decision-making and feelings.


Face-to-face conversations with friends can lead to creative thinking.

Take risks

Don’t let fear hold you back. You won’t succeed at everything you try. But with each new effort, you will build self-confidence and develop new skills for the future.

Limit your amusement

Everyone enjoys entertainment. 4.. Literature and audiobooks are better forms of amusement because they force you to use your imagination.

Look for inspiration

Activities such as listening to music, going to museums and travelling all provide sources of inspiration.

Go offline and go outside

Remember how much fun you had as a child running, playing and pretending? Your imagination simply ran away with you. 5., and can help you get back some of that creative energy from your childhood.

A.Get social

B.Make friends

C.Nature settings fire the imagination

D.In fact, letting your mind run briefly can actually be helpful

E.Reading relaxes the mind and encourages you to use your imagination

F.Sometimes I can just sit down at my computer and the words just flow

G.But watching TV, for instance, requires little thought and can actually decrease creativity



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