满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



There was something in the elderly woman’s grace that caught my eye. Although slow and unsure of her steps, the woman moved with deliberation (从容), and there was no hesitation in her gestures.

It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part - time holiday - season job in a video. store at the local shopping mall. From inside the store, I could see the people outside rushing by.

The elderly woman entered the store, along with her daughter, who was displaying a serious case of impatience, rolling her eyes, sighing and checking her watch every few seconds. I guessed if she had possessed a rope, she would have fastened it to her mother to drag her along to keep step with the rush of other shoppers.

The elderly woman separated from her daughter and began to seek through the DVDs on the nearest shelf. After the slightest hesitation, I walked over and asked if I could help her find something. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a title written on an old piece of paper.

Rather than rush off to locate the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it. Looking back, I thought I wanted to enjoy her company for a moment.

Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother, who’d passed away the previous Christmas. I missed my mom and still felt regretful about the moments when I’d used my impatience to make her life unhappy.

As we walked along the back of the store, I introduced its floor plan: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fiction. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and casual conversation.

We found the DVD and she thanked me, saying that it was the one she’d enjoyed when she was her daughter’s age. Unwillingly, I accompanied her to the cash register, realizing I had to return the elderly woman to her daughter, who was still tapping her foot at the front of the store.

Paragraph 1: As the elderly woman was waiting in the queue at the cash register, I walked over to her daughter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2: Together they made their way toward the store’s exit. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


As the elderly woman was waiting in the queue at the cash register, I walked over to her daughter. “Mind some advice?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and said, “of course not.” I smiled to show her I wasn’t criticizing. Cherish her and cherish every single moment you can stay with her,” I said. And then I answered her curious expression by saying, “When she's gone, it's these little moments that will come back to you. Moments like this. I know.” Having finished saying this, I noticed the elderly woman moving with her deliberation back to her daughter. Together they made their way toward the store's exit. Then the daughter glanced over her elderly mother. And slowly, almost unwillingly, she placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mothers’ shoulders and gently guided her back into the crowd. Tears filled my eyes when I watched them disappearing in the crowd. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,作者在录像带工作做兼职时,看到了一对母女一起走进了商店。女儿非常不耐烦,而母亲只是从容地选着DVD。看到这里作者想到了自己的母亲,于是在收银台排队时给了女儿一些忠告。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:当那位老妇人在收银台排队时,我走向她的女儿。可知后文应当描写作者和女儿的对话,作者劝告女儿珍惜现在和母亲相处的时刻;第二段开头是:他们一起朝商店的出口走去。后文应当描写听了作者建议的女儿和母亲在一起的表现,她把她的胳膊放在她母亲的肩膀上,带着明显不习惯的感情,轻轻地把她带回到人群中。作者看着消失在人群中,热泪盈眶。


1. 表达兴趣;

2. 自身优势;

3. 希望获准。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





China’s Liangzhu Archaeological Site 1.(declare) on the list of World Heritage sites on Saturday by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee during its 43rd session in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

The site, 2.is located in Yuhang District in Hangzhou City in China’s eastern Zhejiang Province, showcases the civilization of prehistoric rice agriculture between 3,300 B.C. 3. 2,300 B.C. The ruins of ancient Liangzhu city were discovered in 2007, and then large dam sites 4.(surround) the Liangzhu ancient city were unearthed continuously after 2009. It was 5. (official) submitted lo UNESCO in 2019, hoping to win 6. (recognize) as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The site 7. (include) archaeological remains and unearthed cultural relics of the Liangzhu Ancient City as well as a wetland that covers 8. area of 908. 89 hectares in a plain river network. It is also found that the Liangzhu ancestors started to use characters about 5 ,000 years ago, 1 ,000 years 9. (early) than previously thought, according to Colin Renfrew, a retired professor of archaeology at the University of Cambridge.

The World Heritage Committee added Liangzhu to the UNESCO list10. (encourage) better protection of the site, considered to be of “outstanding universal value” to humanity.



    Jarrell Little W8s road testing his mountain bike outside of Columbus, Georgia, when his riding partner, Chris Dixon, stopped suddenly. Something in the distance_______among the trees caught her attention. It_______to be a sandy-colored five-month-old Great Dane mix.

He was skinny, and had a lot of road rash and a_______leg. The cyclists fed the friendly pup and_______their water. They were more than seven miles from_______and riding bikes. ''We couldn't_______ him," Little told his partner. He_______picked up his new friend and slipped the dog's hind legs into the back pockets of his cycling jersey. Then he put the dog's_______paws over his shoulders.

The 30-minute ride into town"_______at a bike store, where they got more water and ________ for the dog. That was when Andrea Shaw, a woman from Maine in town on business,________by. The dog made a beeline for her, licking her. Shaw was________and, after learning what had happened, declared her________ : I am keeping this dog.

Shaw called him Columbo ________the town where they'd met and scheduled an operation on his leg. Today, Columbo is living the high________on a farm with a horse, a pony, a six-year-old boy, and two coon dogs to keep him company.

1.A.calling B.moving C.standing D.sleeping

2.A.turned out B.looked C.found out  D.figured

3.A.dirty B.broken C.burnt D.beaten

4.A.shared B.drank C.poured D.finished

5.A.school B.home C.village D.downtown

6.A.take B.carry C.leave D.keep

7.A.quickly B.carefully C.natural D.finally

8.A.front B.other C.hurt D.injured

9.A.turned B.reached C.arrived D.ended

10.A.medicine B.care C.food D.rest

11.A.happened B.made C.stopped D.moved

12.A.excited B.touched C.shocked D.annoyed

13.A.luck B.wish C.intention D.mind

14.A.at B.in C.from D.after

15.A.friendship B.way C.life D.chance



    Here’s an imaginary question for youwould you rather leave your home country and never be allowed to returnor never leave your home country ever again?

It’s a difficult one!Let’s consider the beauty of being at home and the thrill of travelling. I left my home countryGermanywhen I was seven to move to England with my family. Now at the age of 21I’ve left my second home countryEnglandto work as an English language assistant in Switzerland. 1.

●New friends

I don’t know about youbut I love getting to know new people. Moving abroad is the perfect opportunity to extend your friendship circle and make it global. 2. They’11 also be able to give you a new perspective on life as they share their view of the world—which is likely to be very different from your own!Time to open your mind and see the world.


You may learn a language in the classroom environment and learn it wellbut nothing compares to fully burying yourself into a foreign languageparticipating in real-life conversations and picking up authentic slang and sayings from the locals. 4.

●Foodglorious food!

The world has so much to offer when it comes to foodso make the most of this new cultural experience and let your stomach guide you. Why not try something completely new?Tingle those taste buds. 5. Perhaps you can surprise your friends back home you’re your new-found cooking skills when you see them next.

A.The opportunity to master a new language.

B.The advantage of mastering a new language.

C.Is it always an exciting experience moving abroad?

D.Even better stilllet the locals teach you how to make it.

E.You also fully experience the culture tied to the language.

F.These new friends will show you the most fun things to do in your new home.

G.What are the benefits of leaving the home country for a new adventure abroad?



    A good way to look at failure straight in the face is by writing a failure resume(简历)or CV. Like social mediatherewe usually only see our friends’“highlight part”. When we look at others’resumeswe get scared and think how ours doesn’t measure up. But even the most accomplished people have plenty of failure behind them—we just don’t see it.

Stefan felt this deeply as a scientistso she wrote a different CV which of course boasted (夸耀)about her good gradesPhDand published papers. But the way she deals with her failure CV is a model of what we could a11 do.

“My CV does not reflect my great academic efforts—it does not mention the exams I failedmy unsuccessful PhD or scholarship applicationsor the papers never accepted for publication. During the interviewsI talk about the one project that workednot about the many that failed”writes Stefan in a column for Nature.com.

Stefan suggests keeping a draft on which you logcasually but regularlyevery unsuccessful applicationrefused grant proposal and rejected paper.

And that’s the pointnot to consider what we got wrongbut to use that information to both look at failure and realize it’s really okayand also to use our failures for another purposeas learning tools.

The point is to be real—with ourselves and about how the world works. Being real means taking an honestcriticalbut also kind look at what we didn’t get rightand then doing our best to change what we can. Instead of focusing on how that failure makes you feeltake the time to step back and analyze the practicaloperational reasons that you failed.

Soprctice being okay with failureand turning your failures into lessons learned. And yessometimes we have to learn those lessons more than onceletting go of what you can’t change. And keep moving forward to success.

1.What does the underlined word“it”in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Plenty of failure. B.A failure resume.

C.Highlight part. D.Social media.

2.What did Stefan intend to tell us in paragraph 3?

A.A11 her failures in her career.

B.Benefits she got from her failures.

C.The content of her own resume.

D.The difference between her resume and others’.

3.What does Stefan advise us to do in our careers?

A.Regard failures as part of our life.

B.Keep a record of our failures.

C.Value our achievements.

D.Long for failures.

4.Which of the following best describes the author’s opinion?

A.No painsno gains.

B.A11 roads lead to Rome.

C.Where there is a willthere is a way.

D.Failure is the mother of success.



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