满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I’m glad I got sick Twenty-seven years a...

I’m glad I got sick

Twenty-seven years ago I got sick. The reason I can remember the date so well is that being sick is What___________ me to choose my future wife. She was just a good friend, but because she _______to my apartment, brought me medicine, and made me breakfast, I thought for the first time “what a super wife she will _______for someone”

I took her out to eat for helping me get _______the flu. After that we became even better friends, but still_______thought of marriage. A few months later I was going to_______a new job in the Atlanta area, so Cathy helped me_______up boxes to get ready to leave. We_______great time that day and had lunch together. Near the end of that day I_______a few tears in Cathy’s eyes, so I asked what was ________

She said, “ I don’t know if I can live________you. You are my best friend.” I said. “ I know. I’ve been thinking of the ________thing.” That day we decided to get married and we have been married ever since. We have had our ________times, as many others have had, but we are still best friends!

________I get to the family unit in my Health class and we talk about ________. I always tell this story. My students seem to love it because they learn that ________, sharing and caring about others is all that really ________

in life, and that looks, money and other things are not important.

________the way, my wife is 12 years younger than me, and she is beautiful. We have two beautiful children, but we still have dates ________weekend.

Cathy is the greatest thing that has ever ________to me! She is a fantastic mother, and the best wife a coach could ever have. Thank God I got sick 27 years ago!

1.A.brought B.resulted C.followed D.caused

2.A.came over B.came out C.came up with D.came back

3.A.develop B.get C.become D.prove

4.A.up B.over C.off D.away

5.A.much B.more C.less D.no

6.A.take B.give C.hand D.continue

7.A.pick B.take C.pack D.look

8.A.spent B.had C.took D.cost

9.A.noticed B.observed C.looked D.watched

10.A.right B.terrible C.wrong D.awful

11.A.with B.without C.by D.on

12.A.different B.difficult C.similar D.same

13.A.hard B.happy C.wonderful D.common

14.A.Unless B.Until C.When D.Though

15.A.health B.marriage C.exercise D.hobby

16.A.taking B.supporting C.gaining D.giving

17.A.matters B.works C.helps D.needs

18.A.In B.By C.On D.Off

19.A.any B.some C.all D.every

20.A.contributed B.spoken C.happened D.led


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述作者因为生病而得到好朋友的照顾,最终两人相恋、相爱,作者认为在自己的婚姻中付出、分享和关心是非常重要的,而外表、金钱和其他东西并不重要。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我之所以能记得那个日子,是因为生病让我选择了我未来的妻子。A. brought 带来;B. resulted 结果;C. followed跟随,按着;D. caused引起。 固定搭配:cause sb. to do sth.“引起某人做某事”。是指因为生病让作者选择了未来的妻子,故选D。 2. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她只是一个好朋友,但因为她来到我的公寓,给我带药,给我做早餐,我第一次觉得“她会成为一个多么棒的妻子。A. came over 过来拜访;B. came out 出来,花开;C. came up提出;D. came back回来。 根据第2空后的to my apartment可知,她“来到”作者的公寓。故选A。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她只是一个好朋友,但因为她来到我的公寓,给我带药,给我做早餐,我第一次觉得“她会成为一个多么棒的妻子”。A. develop发展;B. get 得到;C. become 变成;D. prove证明,结果是。根据what a super wife可知, 此处指她会“成为”一个好妻子。故选C。 4. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我带她出去吃饭,因为她帮我战胜了流感。A.(get)up 起床,站起来;B.(get)over 克服,战胜;C.(get) off 下车;D.(get) away离开。根据第2空后的brought me medicine,和 第4空前的I took her out to eat for helping me可知,此处指“克服了”流感。故选B。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,我们成了更好的朋友,但还是没有想过会结婚。A. much 非常;B. more 更多;C. less 更少;D. no没有。根据第5空前后内容After that we became even better friends, but still和thought of marriage尤其是转折词but,可知此处指“没有”考虑结婚。故选D。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:几个月后,我要在亚特兰大地区找到一份新工作,所以凯茜帮我打包行李准备离开。A. take 拿走,带走;B. give 给;C. hand 递给;D. continue继续。根据第6空后的a new job in the Atlanta area可知,作者“找到”一份新工作。故选A。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:几个月后,我要在亚特兰大地区找到一份新工作,所以凯茜帮我打包行李准备离开。A. pick 检,拾;B. take 获得;C. pack 包装;D. look看。 根据第7空后的boxes to get ready to leave可知,此处指“打包”行李。固定词组:pack up“整理,打包”。故选C。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天我们玩得很开心,一起吃了午饭。A. spent 花费,度过;B. had 有;C. took 拿走;D. cost花费,使付出。根据第8空后的great time that day可知,此处指“玩得开心”。固定词组:have great time“玩得开心”。故选B。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天快结束时,我注意到凯茜的眼睛里有几滴眼泪,于是我问她怎么了。A. noticed 注意到;B. observed 观察;C. looked看; D. watched观看,注视。 根据第9空后的a few tears in Cathy’s eyes,可知,“注意”到眼里有眼泪。故选A。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那天快结束时,我注意到凯茜的眼睛里有几滴眼泪,于是我问她怎么了。A. right 正确的;B. terrible可怕的;C. wrong错误的;D. awful糟糕的。此处指,作者问“怎么了”。故选C。 11. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:我不知道没有你我能不能活下去。你是我最好的朋友。A.(live) with 承认;B.(live) without 在没有……的情况下生活;C.(live) by以……为生;D.(live) on靠……生活。 此处指“没有你,我能不能活下去”。故选B。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。我也在想同样的事情。A. different 不相同的;B. difficult 困难的;C. similar相似的;D. same相同的。 根据第12空后的That day we decided to get married and we have been married ever since.可知,我们在想“同一件事情”。故选D。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们和许多人一样,也有过困难的时候,但我们仍然是最好的朋友! A. hard 困难的,硬的;B. happy 高兴的;C. wonderful 极好的;D. common共同的,普通的。 根据第13空后的as many others have had, but we are still best friends!此处指有“困难的”时光。故选A。 14. 考查从属连词辨析。句意:当我在健康课上讲到家庭单元时,我们谈论婚姻。A. Unless 除非;B. Until直到……为止;C. When当……时候;D. Though尽管。 结合句意可知此处是when引导的时间状语从句。故选C。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我在健康课上讲到家庭单元时,我们谈论婚姻。A. health 健康;B. marriage 婚姻;C. exercise练习,锻炼;D. hobby业余爱好。根据第15空下文I always tell this story. My students seem to love it可知,作者谈论“婚姻”。故选B。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的学生们似乎很喜欢它,因为他们学到了给予、分享和关心他人是生活中真正重要的东西,而外表、金钱和其他东西并不重要。A. taking拿走,带走;B. supporting支持;C. gaining获得;D. giving给予。根据第16空后的sharing and caring about others可知,此处指在生活中的“给予”。故选D。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的学生们似乎很喜欢它,因为他们学到了给予、分享和关心他人是生活中真正重要的东西,而外表、金钱和其他东西并不重要。A. matters重要,关键;B. works工作;C. helps帮助;D. needs需要。根据 that looks, money and other things are not important给予、分享和关心他人是生活中真正重要的东西。故选A。 18. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:顺便说一下,我妻子比我小12岁,她很漂亮。固定词组:by the way“顺便说一下”。结合句意,故选B。 19. 考查不定代词。句意:我们有两个漂亮的孩子,但我们每个周末仍然有约会。A. any 任何;B. some 一些;C. all 所有;D. every每一个。此处指“每个”周末。故选D。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:凯茜是我这辈子遇到的最伟大的事情!。A. contributed有助于;B. spoken说话;C. happened发生;D. led领导,通向。根据She is a fantastic mother, and the best wife a coach could ever have.可知,凯茜是作者这辈子遇到的最伟大的事情。固定结构:happen to sb.“某事发生在某人身上”。故选C。

    Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, so why not show the Earth some gratitude this year? Prepare an eco-friendly celebration that even Mother Nature would be proud of. Here are some small things you can do to make a difference.

Bring your own bag.

1.you’ll help reduce millions of plastic bags that make their way to landfills, waterways and oceans each year.


With all the heat produced from cooking a giant feast, your house will be warmer than usual. Turn down the thermostat(恒温器)at least two degrees to save energy.

Let’s talk turkey.

The big meal is over, so what do you do with all the leftover(剩余的) turkey? 3. using the extra meat to make a delicious soup you can drink after the holiday.

Buy locally.

Produce travels an average of 1,500 miles before reaching your home. Buy ingredients at a nearby farmer’s market to avoid harmful gases created by transporting food from far away.

Avoid wasting food.

The number of garbage trucks Americans fill each year would stretch halfway to the moon. Create natural fertilizer(肥料) for your garden by composting (将制成堆肥)vegetable waste.

Don’t use the paper napkins.

Eating all that delicious food can get untidy, so use cloth napkins rather than paper.  4. .

Make green decorations.

5.Create a colourful centrepiece using fruits and vegetables that you can eat later.

A.Be green by giving

B.Turn down the heat

C.Don’t let it go to waste

D.Help those who need it this holiday

E.Make your own festive holiday decorations

F.Shop for the holidays with a reusable fabric bag

G.Cloth napkins can be washed and reused, which saves trees.



If you go into the woods with your friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you do get lost, this is what you should do.

Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends — let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place.

There is another way to help your friends or other people nearby to find you. Give them a signal by shouting or whistling(吹口哨)three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help. You will be helped by others.

Keep up the shouting or whistling, always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know they have heard your signal. They will give two shouts, two whistles or two gunshots. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.

If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house and cover up the holes with branches with lots of leaves and grass. What should you do if you get hungry or need to drink some water? You should have to leave your little branch house to look for a brook. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back.

The most important thing to do when you are lost is — stay in one place.

1.How do you let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun?

A. Stop now and then.

B. Go on shouting or whistling.

C. Shout over and over at the top of voice.

D. Shout or whistle three times once a while.

2.If nobody answers you after your signal, what should you do then?

A. Give two gunshots.    B. Shout louder.

C. Stop shouting.    D. Make a house.

3.If you feel thirsty when you are lost in the forest, what should you do?

A. Go and find a brook.

B. Light a fire and make yourself some tea

C. Go to find a brook and leave marks behind you.

D. Find something to hold the water.

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. What Do Three Shots And Two Shots Mean In A Forest

B. How To Find Your Friends When You Are Lost In The Woods

C. What To Do If You Get Lost In A Forest

D. The Most Important Thing To Do Is To Stay In One Place



Through history, children have played with toys and they help to prepare children for adult life. But the toys are changing all the time. As science and technology have changed the way adults live, the toys children play with have changed as well. Development in science and technology has had a big effect on the toys that children play with. Today trains and mobile phones are popular toys for young children, but there were no toys of this kind before real trains and mobile phones were invented. The materials that toys are made of have also changed. Today lots of toys are made of plastic. Plastic is a modern, man-made material that did not exist in the past. On the other hand, some other toys that you have might not be all that different from the ones children played with 1,000 years ago. Scientists have found some bone dice(骰子)in Aberdeen. In medieval(中世纪的)times dice were used for playing games as much as they are today.

A recent survey found that half of all the children aged from 4 to 6 have played video games, a quarter of them regularly. The increasing use of electronic toys troubles Dr Singer, a professor at Yale. “One thing we know is that kids in early years need to be in touch with the real world,” he said, “no matter how brilliant they are, they’re not going to learn to walk, to move or to talk to others unless their hands or feet have a direct role in such activities.”

Some toy experts argue that the best toys are the ones that increase a child’s creativity and imagination. Traditional toys can be used for different kinds of purposes and be used in group settings, individually(单独地), and one-to-one. They are also used differently depending on the child’s age and skill level. And these toys made of natural materials are valuable for children because they teach children what the world is made of.

1.In how many ways do toys change according to the first paragraph?

A. One.    B. Two.    C. Three.    D. Four.

2.The author used the example of “dice” to show that ______.

A. the toys are changing all the time

B. some toys are made of different materials

C. some toys don’t change over time

D. some toys’ materials don’t change over time

3.From the article, we can know that ______.

A. only children like to play with toys

B. toys have nothing to do with children’s future life

C. the development of toys is related to science and technology

D. plastic is the best material for making toys

4.According to Dr Singer, ______.

A. the electronic toys are good for children if they play often enough

B. the electronic toys prevent children keeping in touch with the real world

C. children should play with electronic toys instead of the traditional ones

D. children should be stopped from being hurt by the danger coming from the outside world



    At heart, parents always wish the best for their children, and they work hard for that. Nowadays, we see parents deciding the schools for their little ones before the baby is even born. Once kids start going to school, some parents want to have a time-to-time update of their kid's activities. They want to come to the classroom every day, keep an eye on whom they talk to, know the friends they keep, start telling them how to do their job, and keep talking or giving a feedback(反馈) to them about everything under the sun. Besides, they send their kids for extra hobby classes, as they want their children to do best in every field.

When it comes to the education, super mom and dad have all the plans made for their children, and I am sure that they have come up with the best. So, try to fight for the dreams that your parents have set for you. However, in some cases, it may happen that the kids have some different dreams. Parents sometimes don't even consider the choice of their kids and may force them to do what they wanted to do in life. It's good to plan the future for the children, but leave at least some decisions to them.

So what should the children do? First, hear out all the plans that your parents have made for you. If you have some different ideas, then sit down and talk to your family about it. Be patient and respect their decisions, but put your plan forth, and make them understand what you want to do and why. Many times, you are not aware of the difficulties that you may have to face while pursuing your dreams. Ask your parents for suggestions, which will make them feel good and involved. That way, they may support you if you are going on the right path.

1.The parents described in Paragraph 1 tend to     .

A. have a good understanding of their children

B. worry a lot about their children

C. take good care of their children

D. expect too much from their children

2.With respect to educational plans, the author advises     .

A. children to do as they are told

B. children to turn a deaf ear to their parents

C. parents to respect their children’s choices

D. parents to do everything for their children

3.The underlined word “pursuing” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “     ”.

A. going after B. planning for

C. adapting to D. preparing for

4.What is the author’s attitude towards these super parents’ behaviors?

A. Opposed B. Doubtful

C. Uncaring D. Supportive



    London is great. It’s great. Rome and Paris are also fine places, but I knew as soon as we landed in London, this was the finest of the three.

There are only two small things that I don’t like about London. First of all, everyone speaks English here. I had so much fun in Rome and Paris. There I could speak in foreign languages. In a word, I made a lot of friends. But here everybody can understand me. I don’t have any reason to start up a conversation with a stranger. And speaking of restaurants---- that is the other problem with London. The food here is not good at all! I haven’t had one good meal in the three days since we were here.

Since you asked me to write to you about everything I learned on this trip, here is what I’ve learned about London.

London’s population of eleven million makes it the second largest city in the world. It is bigger than New York but not as big as Tokyo. London is twice the size of New York. It has an area of 620 square miles!

The Thames River runs right through the center of the city. Someone once called the Thames “liquid history”. It is a very good name. Dozens of armies have crossed it over the past few thousand years. One of the first was the army of Julius Caesar two thousand years ago.

So far I have only had time to visit one neighbor-hood. It is called Bloomsbury. In fact there is a group of writers known as the Bloomsbury Group. It got its name because so many of them lived there. Virginia Woolf was one of them. I know how much you like her novels.

Baker Street is also part of Bloomsbury. Do you remember who once lived on Baker Street?when I asked Bob this question, he answered , “ A man who baked bread, right? Sherlock Holmes, of course, but I won’t have time to find his address. Maybe you will when you come.

1.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that ____________.

A.It is more difficult to begin a conversation in English in London than in any languages

B.The writer had made trips to Italy and France before he came to England

C.Of all the meals the writer has had in London, only one he thinks is good enough

D.The writer hates to talk to strangers who can speak English

2.According to the text, who once lived on Baker Street?

A.A man who baked bread.

B.Sherlock Holmes.

C.A group of writers

D.A friend of the writer’s

3.Where is the text most probably taken from?

A.letter B.A diary

C.A guidebook D.A business report



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