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假定你是李华,本周末市图书馆有免费的公益书法课程(calligraphy cla...

假定你是李华,本周末市图书馆有免费的公益书法课程(calligraphy class),请你写信给你的外教Lucy,邀请她和你一起参加这个课程。内容包括:

1. 时间和地点;

2. 课程内容。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



Dear Lucy, Knowing that you are interested in Chinese culture, I’m writing to invite you to attend a calligraphy class with me this weekend. The class will be given at 9 this Saturday morning in the city library and it is free of charge. In this class, the teacher will tell us the history and some interesting stories of calligraphy. What’s more, we will appreciate some great calligraphy works written by some famous artists. More importantly, we can learn some basic skills in calligraphy, which must be very interesting. I’m sure you will have a better understanding of Chinese culture through this class. If you can come with me, please let me know. I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。假定你是李华,本周末市图书馆有免费的公益书法课程(calligraphy class),请你写信给你的外教Lucy,邀请她和你一起参加这个课程。 写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1.时间和地点;2.课程内容。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题対于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的开篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。







Last week I take part in a farm work programme with my classmates in the suburbs. Before the activity, our teacher told us some specific arrangements about the activity which theme was “Labor is the most glorious thing”. Meanwhile, he stressed on the importance and value of working by our own hand. When I got home, I packed up for trip excitedly. On the farm, we helped picking watermelons and carried them to the truck. While worked, I realized how tougher it was to work in the fields in the burning sun. When I came back home, I shared your experience with my parents during dinner. Happy and proud they spoke high of my behavior.




Chinese researchers have developed a robot designed to help doctors treat the new coronavirus and other1. (high) contagious (传染的) diseases. The machine has a long robotic arm attached to a base with wheels. It can perform some of the same medical examination tasks2. doctors. Cameras record the robot’s activities, 3. are controlled remotely so doctors can avoid4. (come) in close contact with infected patients. Doctors and other medical5. (worker) can operate the machine from a nearby room, or from much farther away.

The robot’s main6. (design) is Zheng Gangtie, an engineer and professor at China’s Tsinghua University in Beijing. He said that he got the idea for the device around the time of the Lunar New Year in January. At the time, 7. number of cases of the COVID-19 virus was rising quickly in the city of Wuhan. COVID-19 is the disease8. (cause) by the new coronavirus.

“Doctors are all very brave,” Zheng said. “But this virus is just too contagious. We can use robots to perform the most9. (danger) tasks. I would like to build more of the robots, but money from the university10. (run) out so far. Each robot costs about $72,000 to make.”



    Soon after Savannah Phillips got fastened into her window seat on a flight from Oklahoma to Illinois, she glanced over at her seatmate. He was in his 60s, wore bright yellow sunglasses, and was busy _________. The font (字体) was _________large and the screen was_________, making it easy for Phillips to read what he was _________ out: “Hey Babe, I’m sitting next to a smelly fatty.”

“It was like_________of the negative things I think about myself,” the 33-year-old mother wrote in a Facebook post after the flight. Soon tears_________down her cheeks as she_________the cabin wall, trying to make herself as _________ as possible.

Sitting a row behind them and across the_________was Chase Irwin. He could see the man’s texts, too—and he could see Phillips. He noticed her looking at his__________. He was __________to his stomach. He could not ________ this guy sit next to her this whole flight.

In an instant, Irwin had unfastened his seat belt and was hovering over the texter. “Hey, I need to talk to you,” Irwin told him. “We are ________ seats —now!” When the texter asked________, Irwin said, “You're texting about her, and I’m not________ that.

The texter agreed ________. Irwin took his place next to Phillips and was soon cheering up his new__________.

“He________me not to let that guy________to me and that everything was going to be fine,” Phillips wrote on Facebook. “He was my ________.”

1.A.writing B.texting C.reading D.working

2.A.abnormally B.unnecessarily C.unusually D.endlessly

3.A.bright B.bent C.dusty D.gray

4.A.taking B.tapping C.stretching D.calling

5.A.translation B.formation C.regulation D.confirmation

6.A.settled B.broke C.streamed D.watered

7.A.hugged B.climbed C.shook D.struck

8.A.happy B.small C.obvious D.comfortable

9.A.room B.road C.passage D.line

10.A.phone B.seat C.expression D.description

11.A.ill B.unhealthy C.sick D.unsatisfied

12.A.notice B.help C.feel D.have

13.A.finding B.switching C.getting D.fixing

14.A.how B.when C.where D.why

15.A.putting up with B.taking over C.opposed to D.fed up with

16.A.elegantly B.quickly C.cautiously D.surprisingly

17.A.stewardess B.partner C.seatmate D.company

18.A.confused B.changed C.praised D.encouraged

19.A.get B.talk C.come D.appeal

20.A.assistant B.client C.teacher D.hero



    TOEFL is the most widely used language assessment exam for American universities. There are two major versions of the TOEFL test. The first is the iBT, or Internet-based Test. It is offered in most of the world and accepted by nearly every university and scholarship program in the United States. The other is called the Paper-based Test or PBT.1.

Here are some tips for getting started with TOERL:

Plan ahead —2.Do not expect a big lift in your test results in two weeks. There is no easy way to improve your score quickly. You will have to spend a lot of time and energy.

Master the basics first —3..If you score below 500 on the PBT or 70 on the iBT, study the fundamentals for a few months and come back to the TOEFL later.

Get a study guide It is easy to find study guides for the iBT. 4. The best study guides will have explanations in the answer key. PBT study guides are difficult to find because the test is being phased out.

5.— Remember, you are learning a language, not a test. You can improve your TOEFL part of your daily life. Some simple ways are listening to podcasts, watching movies, reading newspapers, sending and reading text messages in English, and writing online comments in English.

A.Know English well.

B.Use various resources.

C.It is still used in some developing countries.

D.Raising your score will take months of intensive work.

E.If you have a choice, take the iBT if it is not too pricey.

F.Pearson, Barron’sETS, and Kaplan all produce quality materials.

G.You should have at least an upper- intermediate English level before you attempt the test.



    An increasing part of the world is becoming artificially lit. Artificial light is often seen as a sign of progress: the march of civilization shines a light in the dark; it takes back the night. But some scientists argue that unnaturally bright nights are bad not just for astronomers but also for nocturnal (夜间的) animals and even for human health.

Now research shows the night is getting even brighter. From 2012 to 2016 the earth’s artificially lit area expanded by about 2.2 percent a year, according to a study published last November in Science Advances. However, the measurement does not include light from most of the energy–efficient LED lamps that have been replacing sodium-vapor (钠气灯) technology in cities all over the world ,says Christopher Kyba, a postdoctoral researcher at the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam.

The new data came from a NASA satellite instrument called the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIRS). It can measure long wavelengths of light, such as those produced by traditional yellow-and-orange sodium-vapor street lamps. But VIIRS cannot see the short-wavelength blue light produced by white LEDs. This light has been shown to disturb human sleep cycles and nocturnal animals’ behavior.

The team believes the ongoing switch to LEDs caused already bright countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the U.S. to register as having stable levels of lighting in the VIIRS data. In contrast, most nations in South America, Africa and Asia brightened, suggesting increases in the use of traditional lighting.

In 2016, a study showed that one third of the world’s population currently lives under skies too bright to see the Milky Way at night. Between 2012 and 2016 the median nation pumped out 15 percent more long-wavelength light as its GDP increased by 13 percent. Overall, counties' total light production correlated with their GDP.

1.Which of the following can best describe artificial light?

A.Convenient but unnatural. B.Useful but energy-consuming.

C.Progressive but uncomfortable. D.Civilized but harmful.

2.What can we know about the already bright countries?

A.Traditional lighting is not used in those countries.

B.LED lights are increasingly used in those countries.

C.Efforts to reduce harmful light work in those countries.

D.People do enjoy stable lighting in those countries.

3.Why does the author mention “the median nation” in the last paragraph?

A.To show artificial light has an association with GDP.

B.To demonstrate GDP plays an important part in the median nation.

C.To stress the median nation was to blame for the light problem.

D.To suggest artificial light should be banned in the future.

4.Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A.A biology textbook. B.A book review.

C.A science magazine. D.A science fiction.



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