满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你是班长李华,你们班的外教 Smith 最近生病住院了,请代表你们班的同学给...

假如你是班长李华,你们班的外教 Smith 最近生病住院了,请代表你们班的同学给他写封慰问信,内容包括:

1. 表示难过; 2. 感谢他的付出; 3. 希望给他一些帮助。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Smith,



Li Hua


Dear Smith, We’re sorry to hear you’re ill and have been in hospital for several days. We miss you a lot. You’re a great teacher -- humorous and warmhearted. In your class, you always motivate us to interact with you. And you’re willing to spare your time to communicate with us in English, which has greatly improved our oral English. We appreciate what you’ve done for us and have regarded you as our friend. Now we’d like to do something for you, like bringing you food and borrowing books for you. We really hope you can recover soon. If there’s anything that we can do for you, please let us know. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生作为班长代表全班同学给生病住院的外教Smith老师写封慰问信。 第一步:审题。 体裁:书信应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时为主。 要点:1 对Smith老师生病住院表示难过 2 感谢老师为我们英语学习的付出 3 希望能为老师做一些对他有帮助的事情 结构布局: 第一段,对Smith老师生病住院表示难过。 第二段,感谢老师对我们的付出: 1 为了调动我们学习英语的兴趣,上课方式幽默生动 2 课后会像朋友一样和我们沟通交流,给我们提学习意见 第三段, 表达想要做一些对他有帮助的事情的想法,并祝早日康复。 第二步:列重点词语,词组(注意好词的使用) 如:be sorry to hear that, on behalf of, more than, be grateful to, in order to, take an interest in, humorous, vivid, make a comment on,recovery等 第三步:连词成句(注意好句型的使用如主从复合句,非谓语动词,注意拼写和时态问题) 如:1 We are sorry to hear that you have been in hospital for several days. 2 On behalf of all students in the class, I want to say we all miss you more than a word can express. 第四步:连句成篇(注意衔接词的使用) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second…, Finally, In the end, At last; 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, As well as, not only…but (also); 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing, On the one hand…,On the other hand…,some…while others… ; 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡。 第五步:润色修改。





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I’ve just moved to a new city, where means I’ve had to study in a new school. I’m fearful that I will lose the track of my old friends, so I decide to keep touch with them by joining a social network. Therefore, my father doesn’t agree with me. He insisted that I should make several new friends near where I live now. Their words make me feel confusing. After a second thought, I still think it is unwise to losing old friends. As an old saying going, “Old friends and old wine are best.” I do believe they are of great significant in my life.




Haven’t you always wondered why the beginning and the end of the present school year don’t line up with the calendar year? Well, 1. answer might surprise you: the school year actually 2. (date) back to the time when the farming schedule took 3. (prior) over everything else — even schooling.

Farming can only be done in spring, summer, and fall. Families needed kids’ help, so their schooling took place in the colder months 4. nothing could be planted or harvested. Thus kids could help with farm duties during busy seasons.

Large cities operated 5. (different). Because people there didn’t rely on farming 6. (earn) a living, kids could go to school all year round and take a few short vacations throughout.

When education started to become more valuable in society, much  7. (strict) rules had to be made so that there would be more uniformity in the school system. In 1852, Massachusetts became the first state to enact a compulsory public law, making it compulsory 8. both rural areas and urban areas to offer schooling. Parents 9. (fine) if they didn’t send children to schools.

Shortly after Massachusetts enacted the law, a compromise 10. (make) between urban and rural school systems let the school year start in the fall so kids could help with farming during the summer.



    I had worked for long at the same dead-end job with no pay increases. So I was considering ______ the profession when being offered the job of Office Manager for a company that had been ______ for long. My job would be to change the situation, which meant organizing the office and turning the company profitable.

The ______ knew that would be no easy task, so he offered me a good salary. And I ______ it. Later, my husband joined me and became my ______. With our efforts together, our company became profitable. So I was ______ becoming State Manager with a big salary increase. As our income increased, so did our ______. My husband and I moved into a large, beautiful home with great furniture and ______ two beautiful cars. To all appearances, we were living the American Dream.

Later, ______ the downturn in the economy, the company reorganized and my ______ was removed, and so was my husband’s. ______, we got new ones, but made minimum wages. We had to move into a tiny apartment. It was ______. I measured personal success by how many expensive things I ______. Without them, I felt unimportant and unsuccessful.

Unexpectedly, our loss later turned out to be a(n) ______. It forced us to come to a complete stop and ______ what we really wanted out of life. We realized that to keep that company afloat, we had been so ______ every day that we had sacrificed time that should have been spent with our family and friends. We had ______ important births, graduations and weddings. We knew we needed a change. Now — years later — we are living a more ______ life. Our home is modest; ______, it’s fully paid for. We don’t have many things that need dusting -- only the necessities. Now we are truly living and ______ the American Dream.

1.A.leaving B.regulating C.recommending D.observing

2.A.operating B.consulting C.struggling D.advocating

3.A.partner B.boss C.customer D.employee

4.A.handled B.recognized C.honored D.accepted

5.A.colleague B.competitor C.doctor D.barber

6.A.hired B.comforted C.promoted D.prepared

7.A.experiences B.connection C.spending D.savings

8.A.lent B.changed C.discovered D.purchased

9.A.due to B.regardless of C.in case of D.in comparison to

10.A.allowance B.position C.chance D.office

11.A.Initially B.Apparently C.Gradually D.Luckily

12.A.amusing B.discouraging C.boring D.surprising

13.A.designed B.possessed C.sorted D.donated

14.A.blessing B.surprise C.explanation D.memory

15.A.ignore B.abandon C.consider D.give

16.A.confident B.confused C.joyful D.occupied

17.A.remembered B.missed C.mentioned D.loved

18.A.boring B.demanding C.privileged D.relaxed

19.A.however B.instead C.therefore D.meanwhile

20.A.expecting B.reporting C.enjoying D.replacing



    Every life-changing decision we make in our life shapes our current reality. Let’s talk about a few ways that you can use for reference when making your own life-changing decisions.

Realize the power of decision making. Before you start making a decision, you have to understand what a decision does. 1. When you decide to pick up a cigarette to smoke it, that decision might result in your picking up one after one later on to get that same high feeling.

Carry your decision out. It’s pointless to make a decision and just keep it in your head 2. If you want to make real changes in life, you have to apply action to your decision until it’s completed.

Tell others about your decisions. Telling other people what we’re going to do can make us follow through. For example, if you decide to become an early riser, you can go to a forum and tell people that you will wake up at 6 a.m. and keep on it. 3.

Learn from your past decisions. It’s common that you are going to mess up at times when it comes to making decisions. 4. Ask yourself what is good or bad about your decision and what you will do to make a better decision next time.

5. For example, if you made the decision to lose ten pounds by next month through aerobics (有氧运动). You don’t have to just do aerobics. You can be open to losing weight through different methods of dieting as long as it helps you reach your goal in the end.

A.Maintain a flexible approach.

B.Enjoy the process of making decisions.

C.That’s the same as not making a decision at all.

D.It always takes a lot of time to make a decision.

E.Any decision that you make causes a chain of events to happen.

F.So, instead of beating yourself up over it, learn a lesson from it.

G.You’re able to accomplish this because you feel it an obligation to keep your word.



    A book is so much more than mere ink and paper. So insist French booksellers, who for nearly four decades successfully persuade the government to keep the forces of the free market at bay. A law passed in 1981 bans the sale of any book at anything other than the price decided by its publisher. Authorities are cracking down on those trying to sell the latest Thomas Piketty or J.K Rowling at a discount.

The fixed-price rule is meant to keep customers loyal to their local bookshop and out of the control of supermarkets and corporations. But the arrival of e-commerce and e-readers has promoted questions worthy of their own tomes(大部头著作). Can you fix the price of a book if it is part of an all-you-can-read subscription service? Are audio-books books at all? And what of authors who self-publish?

Changes have been made to preserve the principle of “one book, one price”. In 2011, the rule began to apply to digital tomes. Free delivery by online sellers was prohibited because it implied a subsidy(补贴) on the delivered books (encouraging online sellers to charge only €0.01 for postage). But a new challenge to the policy is proving more difficult to deal with.

Used books are exempted from the pricing rule. Third-party sellers on Amazon are accused of using this as a way to apply forbidden discounts: selling brand-new books as “second hand” to make them cheaper. So fans can purchase a copy of the latest Michel Houellebecq novel Serotonine for 11.71 pounds on Amazon, roughly half of its original price. Its seller claims it is in “perfectly new” condition.

Amazon claims its practices are legal. But books sellers are upset, and their political allies with them. “This is a major concern,” said Franck Riester, the culture minister, at a bookseller’s conference this week. He says new laws may be needed.

Defenders of the fixed-price principle (which has spread to other parts of Europe) say it helps keep independent bookshops alive. Others are not so sure. Books are expensive in France — an odd way to encourage people to buy more.

1.What was the function of the law passed in 1981?

A.To stop publishers from publishing poor books.

B.To prevent the random price of books in the market.

C.To help book consumers benefit from the free market.

D.To encourage French booksellers to sell cheaper books.

2.What’s implied about the arrival of e-commerce and e-readers in Paragraph 2?

A.It greatly changed people’s reading habits.

B.It challenged the principle of “one book, one price”.

C.It weakened the ties between publishers and authors.

D.It provided local booksellers with some new opportunities.

3.What does the underlined part “are exempted from” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.are involved in. B.are threatened by.

C.are consistent with. D.are unrestricted by.

4.What is Franck Riester’s attitude towards those third-party sellers’ practices on Amazon?

A.He is hopeful of them. B.He is uncertain of them.

C.He disapproves of them. D.He is indifferent to them.



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