满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Who went to England ...


1.Who went to England last year?




2.Where did Erica stay during her holiday?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a tent.

C.In a flat.

3.Which means of transport did Ann use from Italy to Malta?

A.The plane.

B.The car.

C.The boat.

4.Where will the speakers probably go?

A.To a mountain.

B.To a farm.

C.To a castle.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 M: Bella, I’ve got a week’s holiday in July. Why don’t we go to the mountains and take the tent? W: Oh, no! My friend Ivan slept in a tent last July and it rained all week. M: But I like the rain. W: Dad! Jim and his friends flew to England last year. They found a flat in the city center. M: No, you know I don’t really like cities. W: I was talking to Erica yesterday. She said they stayed in a small family hotel in a little village in France. It was just like home! Why don’t we go there? M: I’m not sure. What about your friend, Ann? W: Oh, yeah! She stayed with her family in a castle on Malta. They drove to Italy and took a boat to Malta from there. M: That sounds like a lot of driving! Any other ideas? W: I know! Linda’s family went to Stanton’s Farm and it was great fun. We could take our bikes and go cycling. M: Now that’s a good idea.


1.When is Priceless on?

A.At 8 pm.

B.At 9 pm.

C.At 11 pm.

2.What does the woman think of quiz shows?




3.What program will the woman watch?

A.A basketball game.

B.A movie.

C.A talk show.




1.Where did the woman meet Bradley Cooper?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a bookstore.

C.At a shopping center.

2.What did Bradley Cooper do for the woman?

A.He gave her a book.

B.He signed a book for her.

C.He helped her with her English.




1.What do we know about the basket?

A.It is small for a coffee pot.

B.It was bought yesterday.

C.It is of bad quality.

2.What does the woman decide to do in the end?

A.Change the basket for another one.

B.Have the basket repaired.

C.Return the basket.



What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.A hairdresser.

B.A hairstyle.

C.A girl.



How long does the computer club last?

A.15 minutes.

B.30 minutes.

C.45 minutes.



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