满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In 2000, a tiny goose was left behind by...

    In 2000, a tiny goose was left behind by his parents in our driveway. He was too young to fly and join the adults. So, we had to bring him onto our back porch to ensure his safety. A week later, the young goose had clearly decided we were his new family. We called the little guy Peeper.

A year passed and we were accustomed to the life of taking care of him. Peeper slept on our back porch each night. My dad would spray off all the goose’s droppings daily. Part of this ritual(例行的事)included dad throwing Peeper up into the air so he could fly a loop around the house, coming back again once the porch was clean. One evening, my dad threw him up again, but this time, Peeper just flew off and never back again. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family.

Geese live to be around 25 years old, are very loyal, and never forget their first home. Even so, it came as a total shock to me when, in 2019, an aging adult goose made his way back to my family home. At first, I assumed it was just another goose. And yet, something about the lone male seemed oddly familiar to me.

After two weeks of the goose coming back repeatedly, it became clear to me that this wasn't a random goose. He did all of the same things Peeper used to, like trying to come in through the front door and sleeping in our enclosed pool area. In addition to looking like Peeper's old ways, this goose also responded to the name Peeper. Much to my amazement, my old best friend had returned, 20 years later.

This experience has been as meaningful to me as anything in my life. I hope that my children, someday, have the opportunity to connect with nature and a wild being in this same way. People long for connection with the natural world. Through Peeper, I have learned so much about myself and about the nature of love.

1.What did the author's family do to the little goose?

A.He taught him some tricks.

B.They restricted his flight.

C.He tried to drive him away.

D.They took good care of him.

2.What do we know about geese from this text?

A.They depend on human very much.

B.They always remember the first home.

C.They know how to repay human beings.

D.They are good at flying long distances.

3.What does the author think of the reunion with the goose?

A.It is controversial. B.It is quite natural.

C.It is of significance. D.It is accidental.

4.What can be a suitable title for this text?

A.The Reunion of a Family and a Goose

B.A Goose with a Great Memory

C.A Goose Will Eventually Fly Away

D.The Desire to Get on Well with Animals


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了作者和家人收养一只鹅在20年后又飞回来看望自己的一个家的家人,这对作者来说意义重大,他希望自己的孩子也有这样的机会可以接触大自然和野生动物。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段的So, we had to bring him onto our back porch to ensure his safety. (因此,我们不得不把它带到我们的后门廊,以确保它的安全。)可知,作者和他的家人决定照顾这只小鹅。D. They took good care of him.(他们决定好好照顾它)符合以上说法,故选D项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段的Geese live to be around 25 years old, are very loyal, and never forget their first home.可知,鹅能活到25岁左右,非常忠诚,永远不会忘记它们的第一个家。B. They always remember the first home.(它们总是记得第一个家)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的Much to my amazement, my old best friend had returned, 20 years later. (令我吃惊的是,20年后,我最好的朋友回来了)和最后一段的This experience has been as meaningful to me as anything in my life. (这段经历对我来说就像我生命中的任何事情一样有意义。)可推测,与这只鹅的重聚对于作者来说意义重大。C. It is of significance.(非常重要)符合以上说法,故选C项。 4. 主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其倒数第二段的Much to my amazement, my old best friend had returned, 20 years later. (令我吃惊的是,20年后,我最好的朋友回来了) 和最后一段的This experience has been as meaningful to me as anything in my life. I hope that my children, someday, have the opportunity to connect with nature and a wild being in this same way. (这段经历对我来说就像我生命中的任何事情一样有意义。我希望有一天,我的孩子们也有机会以同样的方式与大自然和野生动物接触)可知,本文主要讲述了作者和家人收养的一只鹅在20年后又飞回来看望自己第一个家的家人,这对作者来说意义重大,他希望自己的孩子也有这样的机会可以接触大自然和野生动物。A. The Reunion of a Family and a Goose(一只鹅和一个家庭的团聚)可以作为本文标题,故选A项。

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1.What is stressed in the ad?

A.The coin is of high quality and worth collecting.

B.The coin can be circulated as a currency.

C.Limited supplies guarantee a stable price of the coin.

D.Demand for the coin is bound to break records.

2.If you buy six 2012 US.Mint Silver Eagles by post, you should pay at least ________.

A.$230.7 B.$233.7 C.$240.7 D.$243.7

3.The ad strongly encourages people to purchase the silver coins by ________.

A.shopping online

B.making a phone call

C.lining up in front of the stores

D.writing to the company




Jo: 15 years old, Amy’s sister, whose ambition is to be a great writer

Amy: 11 years old, Jo’s little sister, who had burned Jo’s manuscripts(手稿) on purpose

Laurie: 15 years old, a boy next door, the sisters’ friend

“There! Jo is a bad sister. She promised I should go skating this time, for this is the last ice  we shall have.” Amy complained.

“Don’t say that. You were very naughty, and it is hard for Jo to forgive you for deliberately burning her precious little book. Don’t say anything till she’s cheered up. Go and be a nice girl.” “I’ll try,” said Amy and after a hurry to get ready, she ran after Jo and Laurie.

Jo saw Amy coming along, but she turned her back. She heard Amy had some trouble putting her skates(溜冰鞋) on, but she ignored her and went slowly down the river, taking a bitter, unhappy sort of satisfaction in her little sister’s troubles. Jo allowed her anger to grow strong and take possession of her.

Laurie did not see Amy, for he was carefully skating along the shore, examining the ice with his hockey stick(曲棍球球棍). As He turned the bend(转弯处), he shouted back... “Keep near the shore(河岸). It isn’t safe in the middle.” Jo heard, but Amy was struggling to her feet and did not catch a word.

“No matter whether she heard or not, let her take care of herself.” Jo murmured. Laurie had disappeared round the bend, Jo was just at the turn, and Amy, far behind, striking out toward the smoother(光滑的) ice in the middle of the river.

注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 120 左右;

1. 至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

2. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。


For a minute Jo stood still with a strange feeling in her heart, then she resolved(决心) to go on, but something held and turned her round.



Shivering, dripping, and crying, Jo got Amy home with Laurie’s help, and after an exciting time of it, Amy fell asleep, rolled in blankets before a hot fire.








Dear Frost



Li Hua




Kenya signed an 1. (agree) with China in 2013 to construct a new standard railway from Nairobi to Mombasa, part of 2. will run through the Tsavo National Park. The section of the railway that passes through the park is being built at a raised level 3. (allow) space for underpasses(地下通道) for the animals.

The Tsavo National Park is home to Kenya’s 4. (large) elephant group, according to non-profit organization the Tsavo Trust. It says there were over 12,000 elephants in the Tsavo National Park in 2011.

Robert O’brien is Assistant Director of the Tsavo National Park at the Kenya Wildlife Service. He says monitoring the elephants’ movements will help also to reduce the conflict 5. wildlife and humans, which has been 6. key issue in this area.

Sospeter Kiambi, an office worker of the Kenya Wildlife Service elephant programme, 7. (say) the project is 8. (potential) dangerous for both elephants and people, but he also says that 9. (authority) will make full use of this exercise and avoid 10. (make) silly decisions to damage the relation to wildlife.

In all, projects like this one could help elephants and humans live together a little more harmoniously.



    I was going to see my grandma Ruthy.

Approaching her apartment, I was suddenly seized with the _______ that I was going to die one day. I walked in to see my grandmother sitting on the sofa, _______ and pale. Once she would have _______ me in her huge bear hug, but now it seemed like the sofa was going to have her _______ alive.

I knew I was supposed to hug her but I wanted to _______ . I didn't want to even make eye contact with this woman that I had loved so _______ , because if I did, maybe death would _______ from over her shoulder and touch me too.

My grandmother, dying of cancer, _______ pulled herself to the edge of the sofa and _______ herself up and said, "So where are we going for dinner? '' I turned to my mom ________ I didn't know what food went with dying.

The next minute, we ended up ________her off the sofa, down the steps, into the car, and driving to the closest ________. She hadn't managed solid food in weeks, and could ________ do a sip(一小口) of water due to the pain. But she ordered a large cup of beer. We ate and she drank. ________ , there was no death. There was no cancer. There was a moment like that in every ________ .

Then we said ________ . I was waiting for the icy cold hand of ________on my heart.

But I didn't feel it, because she had ________ a shield(防护物)around me ---the meal.

The last ________ my grandma Ruthy taught me is that one day, I'm supposed to look over my shoulder and say, "Hello, Death. Before we go, I'm going to have one more ________.''

1.A.depression B.terror C.surprise D.anger

2.A.clumsy B.hungry C.tiring D.weak

3.A.wrapped B.packed C.contacted D.comforted

4.A.locked B.split C.swallowed D.bitten

5.A.check B.scream C.stand D.flee

6.A.slightly B.deliberately C.dearly D.secretly

7.A.reach out B.run away C.look away D.set out

8.A.smoothly B.unwillingly C.casually D.slowly

9.A.dressed B.straightened C.gave D.fastened

10.A.when B.although C.because D.unless

11.A.dragging B.rushing C.carrying D.inviting

12.A.restaurant B.park C.supermarket D.clinic

13.A.carefully B.barely C.freely D.easily

14.A.From time to time B.From then on C.For a long while D.For a moment

15.A.meal B.conversation C.party D.celebration

16.A.sorry B.goodbye C.hello D.thanks

17.A.fate B.God C.death D.life

18.A.built B.remove C.bought D.refused

19.A.skill B.concept C.story D.lesson

20.A.hug B.beer C.talk D.trip



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