满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

用情态动词或时态填空 1.I didn’t arrive on time, ot...


1.I didn’t arrive on time, otherwise I _______ missed the first bus.

2.—Did you say that there were only ten tickets? There ________be twelve.

—I said it was twelve.

3.If I _______ plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.

4.—What does the sign over there read?

—“No person ____________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”

5.No one thought that he could fly over the Antarctic, but Byrd________ do it by making his plane light.

6.The ground is wet. It_________ have rained last night.

7.Tom ought not to _________tellme your secret, but he meant no harm.

8.He might _________giveyou more help,even though he was very busy.

9.The old man ________ have a smoke under a big tree every afternoon after he finished his farm work.

10.He daren’t speak English before such a crowd, ________ he?


1.could not have 2.should 3.could 4.shall 5.was able to 6.must 7.have told 8.have given 9.would 10.dare 【解析】 1. 考查虚拟语气。句意:我没有准时到达,否则我就不会错过第一班公共汽车的。分析句子,此处考查含蓄条件句的虚拟,otherwise 译为“否则,要不然”是含蓄条件句的关键词。此处表示和过去相反,所以需用would / should / could / might + have done。故填could not have。 2. 考查情态动词。句意:——你是说只有十张票吗?应该有十二人。——我说十二张了。分析句子,根据句意划线处表示“理当,应当”。故填should。 3. 考查情态动词。句意:如果我能够计划我想做的事情的话,我很想去西藏旅游。分析句意,此处表示过去一种可能性,意思为“能够”。故填could。 4. 考查情态动词。句意:——那里的指示牌上写着什么?——在这个区域,没有人可以吸烟或携带点燃的香烟,雪茄或烟斗。分析句子,情态动词shall常常用来表示法律或条文的规定。此处询问提示牌上的内容,属于条文的规定。故填shall。 5. 考查情态动词和过去时。句意:没有人认为他能飞越南极,但Byrd通过使他的飞机变轻,而做到了这一点。分析句子,划线部分应填表示“能力”的情态动词。情态动词can/could 表示能力时强调一般的能力。而be able to 表示做到某件具体事情的能力。分句题意,此处应表示某种具体的能力。再根据No one thought that he could fly over the Antarctic可知时态是一般过去时,故填was able to。 6. 考查情态动词 + have done。句意:地面是湿的。昨晚一定是下雨了。分析句子,根据前句提到的“地面是湿的”,可知昨晚一定下雨了。此处情态动词must和划线后的have rained搭配,must have done 表示对过去发生的事情或状态的非常有把握的肯定猜测。故填must。 7. 考查情态动词 + have done。句意:汤姆不应该把你的秘密告诉我,但他并没有恶意。分析句意,此处是对过去发生的事情的推测。ought not to have done表示“本不应该做某事,实际却做了”,根据后句的“但他并没有恶意”可知,此处符合句意。故填have told。 8. 考查情态动词+ have done。句意:尽管他很忙,但还是有可能给予你更多帮助的。分析句子,根据状语从句的一般过去时时态可知,主语应用might have given 表示对过去发生的事情的不肯定的推测。故填have given。 9. 考查情态动词。句意:老人每天下午做完农活后,都会在一棵大树下抽烟。分析句子,情态动词will / would 表示经常性,习惯性,倾向性,译为“经常,总是”。此处符合句意,再根据句子的时态是过去时。故填would。 10. 考查情态动词和反意疑问句。句意:在这么多人面前他不敢说英语,是吗?此处考查反意疑问句,根据反意疑问句的原则“前肯后否,前否后肯”可知,此处前句是否定,故后句须用肯定。根据dare后面直接接not,修饰动词原形,可以确定此处的dare是情态动词,所以可以直接将其放置后句主语前。故填dare。


1.This TV series is ________ (针对) specially at teenagers aged 13 to 18.

2.The manager got promoted as he completed the project well within ________ (预算).

3.Large audiences were ________ (吸引) to the film “The Wandering Earth”, which turned out to be a box-office hit.

4.It was a close game in which the Kangaroos ________ (打平) with the Eagles in the first half final.

5.What time would it be ________ (方便的) for me to come over to pick you up for the meeting?

6.Do some exercises as a preparation before you swim. O________ you might hurt yourself.

7.The sound of gunfire p________ the crowd, who fed in all directions with fear.

8.Parents should set good examples for children, as children always learn by o________ adults.

9.The judge concluded from the evidence that Jack was i ________ of the murder and should be set free.

10.Hackers gained complete a________ to Tom’s mobile phones, stealing all the money on WeChat.




This was Buck in the fall of 1897,when the discovery of gold in the Klondike brought men from everywhere to the frozen north.But Buck did not read the newspapers,and he did not know that Manuel,one of the gardener's helpers,was 1.a good man.Manuel gambled(赌博)and wasted the little money he had.And one time when the Judge was 2.business,and his sons were busy with a sports club,Manuel did 3.terrible.No one saw him and Buck go off on what Buck imagined was a walk.No one saw them arrive at the railway station, 4.Manuel sold Buck to a man who was waiting for him.

Manuel put a rope around Buck's neck,under the collar.Buck accepted this 5.he knew Manuel,but when the rope was placed in the 6.(strange)hands,he barked dangerously. And when the rope 7.(fix)around his neck,he started to choke and jumped at the man in anger.The man fought him off and forced Buck 8.(lie)on his back,and fixed the rope even more.Buck had not been treated so 9.(bad)in his life,and never had been so angry.Then his strength gave out and he soon became senseless.He was 10.senseless when the train arrived and the two men threw him into the baggage car.



    The factors that cause youth unemployment often differ among regions and labor systems. 1. Since firing full-time workers is so complicated and expensive, employers are unwilling to take on new staff, while people who are already employed, mainly older workers, often keep their jobs for life. In developing countries with high birthrates and very young populations, like the Philippines, growth isn’t strong enough to absorb the wave of youngsters entering the workforce each year. 2. Young people entering the workforce are often the most vulnerable(易受伤害的)in economic downturns — new employees are often the first to get sacked, while college graduates find few employers willing to hire.

3. In Spain, Italy and Japan, for instance, companies looking to gain flexibility in regulated labor markets often offer new, young staffers only short-term contracts. These contracts, which sometimes last for only a few days, usually come with low salaries and few benefits. Since such staff is temporary, employers have little intention to invest in training.

Facing such obstacles, young people everywhere are finding that traditional route to success — education — isn’t paying off as much as in the past. 4. They will often be offered low-skilled jobs from waiters to supermarket clerks. A March report form the UK’s Office for National Statistics showed that the share of recent college graduates in Britain working in lower-skilled jobs rose to nearly 35% in 2011 form less than 27% a decade earlier. 5. Typical is Cairo’s Ahmed Said. He graduated from college with a business degree, and after performing the obligatory(义务的)year of military service, he applied for jobs in accounting and data entry. But Said, 24, had no luck, and today he works as a waiter at a cafe near Tahrir Square. “This was my last choice,” he says, “and this is the job that I got.”

A.Young graduates often find themselves competing with more-experienced workers.

B.More and more college graduates are forced to take jobs below their skill level.

C.They started applying for any positions they could find in other countries.

D.In some parts of the world, such jobs are all that is available to college graduates.

E.Yet youth unemployment also has common roots throughout the world.

F.Those young workers who do find employment are often trapped in awful contracts.

G.In much of Western Europe overemphasized labor protection makes it more difficult for youths to land good jobs.



    Light and bright, cheap and cheerful: IKEA’s 400-plus outlets (专营店) in 49 countries all run on the same central principle. Customers do as much of the work as possible, in the belief they are having fun and saving money. You drive to a distant warehouse built on cheap out-of-town land. Inside, you enter a maze (迷宫) — no shortcuts allowed — where every twist reveals new furniture.

Compared with the prices of other outlets, IKEA’s are much lower. You load up your trolley (手推车) with impulse buys-a clock, storage boxes, tools and more chairs than you will ever use. You drag cardboard boxes, cupboards and tables into your car and reward yourself for your economy and good taste. Then you drive home and put your prizes together. You are satisfied with the bargains. IKEA is satisfied with your money.

The company’s name was a do-it-yourself job, too. IKEA stands for Ingvar Kamprad, from Elmtaryd ― his family’s farm — in Agunnaryd. That village is in the Smaland region of southern Sweden. Mr Kamprad founded IKEA aged 17. Well before that, he spotted a principle which would make him one of the richest men in the world that customers like buying goods at wholesale prices (批发价). First he bought matches in large quantities and sold them by the box. Aged ten, he sold pens in the similar way.

Setbacks inspired him. Facing a price war against his low-cost mail-order furniture business, he defeated competitors by opening a showroom. Dealers tried to crush Mr Kamprad and banned him from their trade fairs. He slipped in, hiding in a friend’s car. When they tried to threaten his suppliers, he relied on his own workers, and secretly sold his production to communist Poland. Decades later, east Europeans freed from the planned economy drove hundreds of miles to newly opened outlets in Moscow and Warsaw.

His self-discipline was world-famous. As a child, he removed the “off” button from his alarm clock to stop himself oversleeping. He rarely took a first-class seat. The wine didn’t get you there any earlier, he sniffed; having lots of money was no reason to waste it. He bought his clothes in second-hand markets, and for years drove an elderly Volvo until he had to sell it on safety grounds. He had his hair cut in poor countries to save money. Visitors admired the views, but were surprised that his house was so shabby. He worked well into his eighties.

His diligence and simple way of life set a good example to his 194,000 “co-workers”. But he was not mean. The point of cutting costs was to make goods affordable, not to compromise quality. He urged his staff to reflect constantly on ways of saving money, time and space. An improved design that allows easier piling means shipping less air and more profit.

Culture was more important than strategy. He disliked “exaggerated (夸张的) planning”, along with financial markets and banks. Better to make mistakes and learn from them. And use time wisely: “You can do so much in ten minutes. But ten minutes once gone are gone for good.” This did not apply to customers. The longer they stayed, the better.

Mr Kamprad’s impact on modern life can be compared with that of Henry Ford and the mass-produced motor car. Furniture used to be expensive, dark and heavy. For many people, decorating a home could cost many months’ salary. IKEA made furniture not just affordable and functional, but fun. The mission was civilizational, he felt, changing how people lived and thought.

His approach drew some fire. The company values struck some as unpleasant. At IKEA’s Corporate Culture Centre, lots of pictures of Mr Kamprad with his mottos can be seen everywhere. What’s worse, some parts of the supply chain seemed to have serious problems to overcome.

1.What can we learn about IKEA in Paragraph 1?

A.IKEA prefers rural areas for its location.

B.IKEA has 400 outlets throughout the world.

C.IKEA likes to store new furniture in a maze.

D.IKEA provides a lot of work for its customers.

2.The underlined two sentences in Paragraph 2 imply that ________.

A.IKEA tricks you into spending more money

B.you may buy bargains with impulse in IKEA

C.both you and IKEA are pleased with the deal

D.both you and IKEA are happy with the bargain

3.By mentioning Mr. Kamprad’s experiences before he founded IKEA, the author intends to tell us that Mr Kamprad ________.

A.was likely to become a successful businessman

B.preferred selling matches and pens by low prices

C.had been a well-off merchant due to his principle

D.enjoyed doing something promising with discipline

4.What can be inferred from paragraph 5 and 6 about Mr. Kamprad?

A.He never overslept due to his alarm clock being set.

B.He was against drinking but for sniffing at the wine.

C.He sold the old Volvo with the purpose of saving money. -

D.He didn’t give up the quality of furniture for more profit.

5.Which of the following has nothing to do with Mr. Kamprad’s success in business?

A.The pictures and mottos of Mr. Kamprad.

B.The setbacks Mr. Kamprad experienced.

C.Mr. Kamprad’s principles of management.

D.Mr. Kamprad’s self-discipline and diligence.



    The Jewish(犹太人)family-had-just finished supper and the woman had placed the dishes in the sink.The kitchen was quite damp and even gloomier than in the main room.It was their third apartment since the start of the war,they had abandoned the other two in a hurry.The woman came back into the room and sat down again at the table.The 3-year-old boy sat with his back straight,his eyes fixed on his father,but it was obvious that he was so sleepy that he could barely sit up.

The man was smoking a cigarette.His eyes were blood-shot and he kept blinking in a funny way.This blinking had begun soon after they fled the second apartment.

It was late,past ten o'clock and they could have gone to sleep,but first they had to play the game that they had been playing every day for two weeks.Even though the man tried his best and he moved very quickly,the fault was his and not the child's.The boy was.marvelous.Seeing his father put out his cigarette,he opened his blue eyes even wider.The woman,who didn't actually take part in the game, stroked the boy's hair.

“We'll play the key game just one more time only today.Isn't that right?"she asked her husband.

He didn't answer because he was not sure.They were still two or three minutes off. He arose and walked towards the bathroom door.Then the woman called out softly,“Ding-dong."At the sound of the bell ringing so musically from his mother's lips,the boy jumped up from his chair and ran to the front door,which was separated from the main room by a narrow corridor.

“Who's there?"he asked.

The woman,remaining in her chair,shut her eyes tight as if feeling a sudden, sharp pain.

“I'l1 open up in a minute,I'm just looking for the keys,"the child called out. Then he ran back to the main room,making a lot of noise with his feet.He ran in circles around the table,pulled out one of the sideboard drawers,and slammed it shut.

“Just a minute,I can't find them,I don't know where Mama put them,"he yelled,then dragged the chair across the room,climbed onto it,and reached up to the top of the shelf.

“I found them!”he shouted triumphantly.Then he got down from the chair, pushed it back to the table,and calmly walked to the door and opened it.

“Shut the door,darling,"the woman said softly."You were perfect.”

The child didn't hear what she said.He stood in the middle of the room,staring at the closed bathroom door.

“Shut the door, the woman repeated in a tired flat voice.Every evening she repeated the same words,and every evening he stared at the closed bathroom door.

At last it opened.The man was pale and his clothes were streaked with lime and dust.He stood there,eyes blinking in that funny way.

“Well?How did it go?"asked the woman.

“I still need more time.He has to look for them longer.I slip in sideways all right,but then...It's so tight in there that when I turn...And he's got to make more noise-he should stamp his feet louder."

The child didn't take his eyes off him.

“Say something to him,"the woman whispered.

You did a good job,little one,"he said mechanically.

“That's right,”the woman said,“you're really doing a wonderful job,darling. You act just like a grown-up.And you do know that if someone should really ring the doorbell when Mama is at work,everything will depend on you?And what will you say when they ask you about your parents?”

“Mama's at work.”

“And Papa?"He was silent.

“And Papa?"the man screamed in terror.The child turned pale.

“And Papa?”the man repeated more calmly.

“He's dead,”the child answered and threw himself at his father,who was standing right beside him,but already long dead to the people who would really ring the bell.

1.What does the underlined sentence in Para.5 mean?

A.The family needed to practise the game for another 2 or 3 minutes.

B.There was still 2 or 3 minutes left before someone knocked at the door.

C.They would become too sleepy to play the game 2 or 3 minutes later.

D.The father needed 2 or 3 more minutes before the kid opened the door.

2.Why did the boy make a lot of noise when he was looking for the key?

A.Because he needed to drown out the noise caused by his father.

B.Because he was too little and just couldn't control his footsteps.

C.Because he was too anxious to find the key to open the door with.

D.Because he met many barriers on his way to where the key was.

3.In Para.12,why did the mother repeat“shut the door”in a tired,flat voice, instead of the previous soft one?

A.She was angry because her son didn't close the door as he had been told to.

B.She felt anxious because she knew her husband would be annoyed at the boy again.

C.She was disappointed because the boy's movement betrayed again where her husband was.

D.She was impatient because she was asked to repeat these words again and again every evening.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.A Scary Night B.The Key Game

C.My Father Is Dead D.An Innocent Boy



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