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When Mike Mushaw decided to join the nat...

    When Mike Mushaw decided to join the national bone marrow registry (骨髓登记) nearly three years ago, he never really gave it a second thought. After all, he did it only because his college football coach had _______ him and his teammates to register.

About six months after the registry, Mushaw got a call. His bone marrow matched a _______ in Virginia. Mushaw didn’t know it at the time that his marrow would _______ to a five-month-old girl named Eleanor with a rare _______. She had hardly _______ her house, and the only place she went to was the _______ because her immune (免疫的) system was far too _______. As the days and weeks passed, her condition had become only more_______ and she would die without the transplant (移植).

Still, _______ is sure of the success. At first, Eleanor’s family had only hoped that she would have some improvement from the transplant, enough to ________ a more normal life. ________ after a few weeks, the doctors came back with ________ news: Eleanor’s condition hadn’t just ________ — Mushaw’s bone marrow had cured (治愈) her.

“She is doing amazing,” the mother says, “ ________ than we ever expected her to be. It was a little surprising just because of how serious her condition was, but it was more of a relief and ________ feeling than anything.”

Mushaw didn’t ________ any of this until Eleanor’s parents sent him an e-mail to ________ him for saving her life. “When they told me it was a little girl, I got a little choked up (哽咽),” Mushaw says, “Just to hear that someone so ________ has such a serious disease and her only ________ is in your bone marrow is a heavy ________.” But he was pleased that his kindness had saved a life and even one small act of kindness can go a long way.

1.A.ordered B.encouraged C.employed D.forced

2.A.doctor B.hunter C.performer D.patient

3.A.go B.fall C.turn D.float

4.A.wound B.disease C.injury D.hurt

5.A.approached B.explored C.reached D.left

6.A.park B.shop C.cinema D.hospital

7.A.strong B.weak C.false D.ordinary

8.A.curious B.impressive C.serious D.familiar

9.A.nobody B.everybody C.somebody D.anybody

10.A.ruin B.escape C.lead D.attract

11.A.And B.So C.Or D.But

12.A.boring B.astonishing C.frightening D.convincing

13.A.expanded B.reduced C.improved D.failed

14.A.Heavier B.Poorer C.Better D.Worse

15.A.sad B.happy C.angry D.worried

16.A.believe B.research C.understand D.know

17.A.forgive B.warn C.thank D.respect

18.A.young B.old C.gentle D.kind

19.A.thought B.strength C.hope D.weakness

20.A.chat B.feeling C.debt D.award


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.B 【解析】 本文是记叙文,讲述了Mushaw用自己捐赠的骨髓救了小女孩Eleanor的生命的故事。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:毕竟,他这么做只是因为他的大学橄榄球教练鼓励他和他的队友去登记。A. ordered命令;B. encouraged鼓励;C. employed雇佣,聘用;D. forced强迫。是在教练的鼓励下, Mushaw去进行捐献骨髓的登记的。故选B项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的骨髓和弗吉尼亚州的一个病人的骨髓相匹配。A. doctor医生;B. hunter猎人;C. performer表演者;D. patient病人。骨髓捐赠的接受者应该是病人。故选D项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Mushaw当时并不知道他的骨髓会被一个患有罕见疾病的五个月大的女孩Eleanor所接受。 A. go走;B. fall落下;C. turn转向;D. float漂浮。此处go意思为“被给予”;Mushaw的骨髓捐献给了Eleanor。故选A项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Mushaw当时并不知道他的骨髓会被一个患有罕见疾病的五个月大的女孩Eleanor所接受。A. wound伤口;B. disease疾病;C. injury受伤;D. hurt伤痛。根据下文“because her immune (免疫的) system was far too 7 . ”可知,Eleanor患有严重的疾病。故选B项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她几乎没有离开过家。A. approached接近;B. explored探索; C. reached到达;D. left离开。根据下文“the only place she went to was the 6 ”可知,由于生病,她几乎就只能呆在家。故选D项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她唯一去的地方是医院,因为她的免疫系统太虚弱。A. park公园;B. shop商店;C. cinema电影院;D. hospital医院。根据下文“because her immune (免疫的) system was far too 7 .”可知,由于生病,她只能到医院去。故选D项。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她唯一去的地方是医院,因为她的免疫系统太虚弱。A. strong坚强的;B. weak弱的;C. false假的;D. ordinary普通的。按照生活常识,免疫系统弱,就会生病。故选B项。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:几天、几周过去了,她的情况已经变得更严重,如果不做骨髓移植手术,她就会死去。A. curious好奇的;B. impressive令人印象深刻的;C. serious严重的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据“she would die”可知,她的病情变得更严重。故选C项。 9. 考查代词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,没人能肯定会成功。 A. nobody没有人;B. everybody每个人;C. somebody有人;D. anybody任何人。由于Eleanor病得越来越严重,尽管进行骨髓移植,也没人能保证一定能成功地挽救她的生命。故选A项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一开始,Eleanor的家人只希望她能从移植手术中得到一些改善,足以过上正常的生活。A. ruin毁灭;B. escape逃跑;C. lead带领;D. attract吸引。根据句意,此处是短语lead a…life“过上……的生活”。家人希望她能够过上正常人一样的生活就可以了。故选C项。 11. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:但几周后,医生回来,带来了惊人的消息:Eleanor的情况不仅仅是改善,Mushaw的骨髓已经治愈了她。A. And和,又;B. So因此;C. Or或者;D. But但是。上文说“Eleanor的家人只希望她的病情能得到改善”,下文说“Mushaw的骨髓已经治愈她”,前后两个句子之间为语义上的转折,因此用but表示转折关系。故选D项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但几周后,医生回来,带来了惊人的消息:Eleanor的情况不仅仅是改善,Mushaw的骨髓已经治愈了她。 A. boring无聊的;B. astonishing令人惊讶的;C. frightening可怕的;D. convincing令人信服。本来家人只希望她的病情能改善,结果医生带来的消息是“Eleanor的病情不仅仅是改善,而是已经治愈”,这消息当然是让人惊讶。故选B项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但几周后,医生回来,带来了惊人的消息:Eleanor的情况不仅仅是改善,Mushaw的骨髓已经治愈了她。A. expanded扩张;B. reduced减少;C. improved改进,改善;D. failed失败。根据上文 “Eleanor’s family had only hoped that she would have some improvement from the transplant” 中的“have some improvement”可知,她的病情不仅仅是改善。故选C项。 14. 考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:“她做得太棒了,”母亲说,“情况比我们预想的要好。”A. Heavier更重的;B. Poorer更穷困的;C. Better更好的;D. Worse更糟糕的。根据上文“Eleanor’s condition hadn’t just 13 — Mushaw’s bone marrow had cured (治愈) her.”可知,她的情况比家人预料的好。故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的病情如此严重,这让人有点惊讶,但这更多的是一种宽慰和高兴的感觉。A. sad伤心的;B. happy高兴的,幸福的;C. angry生气的;D. worried担忧的。Eleanor的病能够治愈,当然让家人感到高兴,也松了一口气。故选B项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到Eleanor的父母给他发了一封电子邮件,感谢他救了她的命,Mushaw才知道这些。A. believe相信;B. research研究;C. understand理解;D. know知道。根据“Mushaw didn’t know it at the time that his marrow would ___3___ to a five-month-old girl named Eleanor”可知,Mushaw在此之前根本不知道自己的骨髓会救Eleanor的命。故选D项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到Eleanor的父母给他发了一封电子邮件,感谢他救了她的命,Mushaw才知道这些。 Mushaw 的骨髓救了Eleanor的命,父母当然会感谢他。A. forgive原谅;B. warn警告;C. thank感谢;D. respect尊重。故选C项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Mushaw说,“听到这么小的小孩得了这样严重的疾病,而且她唯一的希望就在你的骨髓,这是一种沉重的感觉。”A. young年龄小的;B. old年老的;C. gentle温柔的;D. kind善良的。根据上文“a five-month-old girl named Eleanor”可知, Eleanor这么小就患了重病。故选A项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Mushaw说,“听到这么小的小孩得了这样严重的疾病,而且她唯一的希望就在你的骨髓,这是一种沉重的感觉。” A. thought思想;B. strength力量;C. hope希望;D. weakness虚弱,弱点。根据上文“she would die without the transplant”可知,骨髓移植是Eleanor能活下去的唯一希望。故选C项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Mushaw说,“听到这么小的小孩得了这样严重的疾病,而且她唯一的希望就在你的骨髓,这是一种沉重的感觉。”A. chat聊天;B. feeling感觉;C. debt债务;D. award奖励。了解了Eleanor的情况后,Mushaw心情沉重。故选B项。

    Having good communication skills is important. They can help you with performances in class, during the job hunting, having arguments and in a variety of other situations. 1.

1. Understanding the basics of communication skills.

Communication is the process (过程) of delivering signals or messages between a sender and a receiver through various methods. 2.

2. Trying to attract the attention of your audience.

Whether you are speaking or listening, looking into the eyes of the person with whom you are having a conversation with can make the communication more successful. Eye-contact expresses interest and encourages your partner to be interested in you in return.

You can use gestures to help. 3. Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups. The gestures should get larger as the group that one is talking to increases in size.

3. 4.

People will think of you as nervous and unsure of yourself if you talk fast. However, be careful not to slow down to the point where people begin to finish the sentence just to help you finish.

People will judge your ability through your vocabulary. 5. Improve your vocabulary by reading new words regularly. Look in the dictionary to help you learn how to pronounce a new word.

Communication increases happiness and love and makes you more popular. When you improve how you talk and present yourself, you will build your confidence, self-esteem (自尊) and social life.

A.Using your words.

B.These include gestures with hands and face.

C.Learning to get in the mood for conversation.

D.If you aren’t sure of how to say a word, don’t use it.

E.It is also the skill we use to build and keep relationships.

F.If you do that, you’ll make conversations far more interesting.

G.Here are some tricks you can use to improve your communication skills.



    Anything made of plastic or metal can be 3D printed nowadays — bicycles, toys, tools... even replacement body parts! But the latest trend in 3D printing may be food. Scientists and chefs are putting their heads together to create printed food.

Several 3D printers designed for food are now on the market. Anything that can be made into a soft wet mixture can be squeezed (挤压) from a tube in a 3D printer. Instead of ink, these printers can use fruits, vegetables, proteins, sweets, and more. This makes for lots of combinations that can be healthy, yummy, and even artistic.

Most 3D printers don’t actually cook the food, at least not yet. Engineers at Columbia University’s Creative Machines Lab invented an oven (烤箱) that cooks 3D-printed pizza with laser beams (激光束). A special computer program controls the lasers, heating each part of the pizza to perfection. Unlike regular ovens, lasers can carefully cook each thin piece of 3D-printed food.

In the future, food can be made with a 3D printer to meet our needs. For example, a hospital could design meals to meet patients’ dietary needs. Vitamins, minerals, and even medicines can be mixed right in. A 3D printer can make food appealing. Foods that someone may not like might be more attractive after 3D printing. Maybe that food you dislike wouldn’t seem so bad if it looked like a castle!

The idea of 3D printed food may seem very modern. In fact, NASA (美国国家航空航天局) has been researching the topic for more than ten years. On a long travel, it’s important to have food that is easy to make, tastes good, and has the nutrients astronauts need to stay healthy. Printing food on demand may soon be into the space!

1.What will be the latest trend in 3D printing?

A.3D printed bicycles.

B.3D-printed toys.

C.3D-printed food.

D.3D-printed body parts.

2.What is special about the laser oven?

A.It is invented by students at Columbia University.

B.It is made from strong laser beams.

C.It can make 3D-printed food carefully.

D.It can cook each part of 3D printed food perfectly.

3.What does the underlined word “appealing” in paragraph 4 mean?





4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Anything Can Be 3D Printed

B.3D Printing: the Future of Food

C.NASA’s New Research

D.How to Cook 3D Printed Pizza



What is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah (光明节) is the Jewish Festival of Lights. It lasts for eight days and is usually celebrated in November or December. Hanukkah traditions include lighting candles, giving presents, playing games and eating food fried in oil, like doughnuts or potato pancakes.

Fried food is traditional at Hanukkah. latkes are fried pancakes made with potatoes, onions, eggs, flour and oil. Jam filled doughnuts are another popular Hanukkah treat. Dairy food such as cheese and cheesecake are also traditionally eaten at this festival.

The traditional Hanukkah candle holder is called a Hanukkah menorah (烛台) or hanukkiah and it has been used as a Jewish symbol since ancient times. A Hanukkah menorah has nine candles which are lit at night-time during Hanukkah.

In London you can see a giant menorah lit up with candles for the Hanukkah London event, in celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights. This huge menorah in Trafalgar Square is put close to the Christmas tree for a truly multicultural winter celebration.

Playing with the dreidel (陀螺) is a traditional Hanukkah game played in Jewish homes in Britain and all over the world, and rules may vary from family to family. There are various games you can play with the dreidel.

It's traditional to give presents or money to family and friends at Hanukkah. Hanukkah Gelt refers to money given as a gift at the festival. ''Gelt'' is the Yiddish word for money. Children are often given chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil (金箔).

People also give Hanukkah greetings cards. The cards often show a picture of a menorah or dreidel. One UK online greetings cards company even combines Christmas and Hanukkah to make a card with the greeting ''Very Merry Chrismukkah wishes''!

Happy Hanukkah!

1.What are the traditional foods of Hanukah?

A.Fried pancakes and cheesecake.

B.Potato cakes and doughnuts.

C.Eggs and fried pancakes.

D.Cheese and onion doughnuts.

2.What is a long used Jewish symbol during Hanukkah?

A.A candle.

B.The dreidel.

C.Hanukkah Gelt.

D.A Hanukkah menorah.

3.What do we know about Hanukkah?

A.Hanukkah is only celebrated in December.

B.Playing with the dreidel is a traditional Hanukkah game.

C.Children are often given money wrapped in gold foil.

D.People will make Hanukkah greetings phone calls.



Xixia Dinosaur Relic Park

Lying at the center of Funiu Mountain World Geopark, Xixia Dinosaur Relic Park in Nanyang, Henan province is a tourist place with high ornamental (观赏性的) and scientific value. The area has cool average summer temperature of 19, making it a paradise to escape the summer heat.

Xixia Dinosaur Relic Park is a large scale dinosaur theme park, which has the world’s most well preserved dinosaur fossil (化石) eggs. The discovered eggs are the rarest of its kind in the world, which are called the ninth wonder of the world, after the Terracotta Warriors of the First Qin Emperor.

Scenic Spot Level: AAAAA

Ideal (最合适的) Sightseeing Season: April to late November

Opening Hours: 8:00 - 17:30 in winter; 7:30 - 18:30 in spring, summer and autumn

Ticket Price: 130 yuan ($18.81)

Free Tickets:

Children below 1.2 meters;

Persons aged 70 or above with valid certificate (有效证件).

Discounted Tickets: 50 yuan

Children with height between 1.2 and 1.4 meters;

Students and those aged 60 or above with valid certificate.

Online Booking: www.ljlkly.com/shopcart/

1.Which of the following is the ideal time to visit the park?





2.What is special about the park?

A.It has the world’s most well preserved dinosaur fossil eggs.

B.It is a small-scale but world famous dinosaur theme park.

C.It is called the ninth wonder of the world.

D.It has hundreds of dinosaur fossil eggs.

3.How much should a young couple with their 1.3-meter tall son pay for the tickets?

A.150 yuan.

B.230 yuan.

C.310 yuan.

D.360 yuan.




It seemed I’d done everything I’d ever wanted to do in my life, but I had one regret. I was born in 1898, the oldest of five kids. Papa couldn’t spare me to go to school, so I worked in the fields with him till I was 21 years old.

Everywhere I went, I learned some hard lessons about what happens to a man who even can’t read the alphabet. People cheat you out of wages. They sell you a ticket to one city, take your money and hand you a ticket to somewhere else.

By 1928, I’d been wandering for nine years. I met a woman named Elzenia. We fell in love, married and moved to Dallas, where I got work fixing roads for the city. When Amelia, the oldest of our seven children, first went to school, I took my wife aside. “Elzenia,” I said. “I don’t want the kids to know I can’t read or write.”

In 1938, one day my boss called me in. “George,” he said. “No one knows those machines like you do. I’d like to promote you.” But my thrill and surprise were cut short when he said, “Fill out this application and we’ll get you a raise.” I couldn’t admit the truth. I thanked him and walked out of his office. I did stay right where I was, until I turned 65 and my boss made me retire. But I didn’t stop working. For the next 25 years, I lived a happy life, but it still seemed to me like something was missing.

A young fellow handed me a piece of paper. It’s information about adult education classes. People can learn to read and write. Now I’m 102. I thought of my friends and neighbours and what they might think if they found out I couldn’t read. After all these years, my secret would be out. But all my life I’ve wanted to read. It was high time for action.

Paragraph 1: The young man drove me to a huge building and led me into a spacious classroom, which was crowded with elderly people like me.


Paragraph 2: I’m still going to school.




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