满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One day, the sewer line(污水管道)under my ho...

    One day, the sewer line(污水管道)under my house burst. My first response was to call the plumber, but when he heard what had happened, he said he couldn’t help. “We don’t do that,” he said, as if to suggest that even plumbers have their dignity. He did, however, recommend someone. I made the call, expecting the man to complain at such a miserable job. Instead, he simply asked, “The address?”

2And that was it. An hour later, Steve arrived in his truck. I watched as he walked down into the damp depths. A few moments later he appeared, saying, “Yes. It’s broken.”

“Can you fix it?” I asked with a strange mixture of doubt and hope.

3Steve looked at me strangely as if rebuking my lack of faith, and then said, “Sure.” Then he told me that he had to get a backhoe(反铲挖土机)and dig up the street to the main sewer line.

I showed appropriate panic. “How long will all this take?”

“I should have it done by evening.”

4I didn’t want to watch the excavation(挖掘) of my property unfold. All I wanted was to leave, go somewhere, and, upon my return, have everything the way it was before the damage.

5I felt somewhat guilty upon driving off in my clean car, leaving Steve to such a disagreeable task. I went into town and visited a few friends. Eventually, around 6 p.m., my curiosity got the better of me. I went home, and a sweeter sight I never saw: a patch of newly-paved street and a covered-up excavation across my front garden. I opened the basement door and—all was tidy and relatively dry.

6I sat down on the back garden, lost in thought. I was taken by the very idea that, whatever crisis might happen to an unlucky homeowner, there is somebody, somewhere, who is practiced in its resolution. If that’s not reason for thankfulness, I’m not sure what is.

1.Why did the first plumber reject the author’s request?

A.He wanted to protect his dignity. B.He was inexperienced in the job.

C.He had another urgent task to do. D.He thought the job was unpleasant.

2.What does the underlined word “rebuking” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Admiring. B.Blaming.

C.Accepting. D.Neglecting.

3.What caused the author to feel upset?

A.The fear of Stevens refusal. B.The pressure of having to go out.

C.The difficulty of the repair work. D.The effects of the broken sewer line.

4.What was the author’s purpose of going into town?

A.To remove his negative emotions. B.To avoid doing the excavation work.

C.To visit a couple of friends. D.To satisfy his own curiosity.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 本文是记叙文。作者家的污水管道裂了,请Steve来帮助维修。修理污水管道是又脏又麻烦的活,作者感到心烦,自己去镇上,让Steve一个人维修。等他傍晚回来的时候,作者看到一切都收拾得干干净净。作者感激帮助他解决危机的人。 1. 推理判断题。文章第一段中提到“the sewer line(污水管道)under my house burst.”作者家里的污水管道破了,请水管工维修,但是水管工拒绝了。根据下文中“ as if to suggest that even plumbers have their dignity.”以及“such a miserable job”可知,水管工不愿意修理污水管道,是因为不愿意做这样的又脏又辛苦的活。故选D项。 2. 词句猜测题。划线词上一句提到““Can you fix it?” I asked with a strange mixture of doubt and hope.”作者问Steve的时候,带着一种既怀疑他能否修好,同时又希望他能修好的奇怪心情。根据划线词前后的句子“Steve looked at me strangely”和“my lack of faith”,Steve奇怪地看着作者,应该是怪作者对他没有信心。由此可以推测,rebuke意思为“责怪,指责”。故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“Then he told me that he had to get a backhoe(反铲挖土机)and dig up the street to the main sewer line.”作者请Steve来维修污水管道,维修工作得要反铲挖土机,用来挖开街上主要的污水管线。因此修理工作的困难让作者感到烦心。故选C项。 4. 推理判断题。根据第四段中“I didn’t want to watch the excavation(挖掘) of my property unfold. All I wanted was to leave, go somewhere, and, upon my return, have everything the way it was before the damage.”作者不想看到很脏的污水管道被挖开,于是只想离开,希望等他回来的时候,一切恢复到损坏前的样子。由此可以推断,作者觉得烦心,离开去镇上是想消除他的负面情绪。故选A项。

    Do you want to go to Spain to experience its festivals in spring? If you do, here are some that are worth experiencing.

15-19 March: Las Fallas Festival, valencia

Huge cardboard, wood, and plaster statues are made into the shape of traditional figures or even modern cultural figures like Shrek and former American President Obama. The creations are on display all over the city before being burned in one of the many bonfires, which takes place among much partying.

23 April: Saint George Festival, Barcelona

Sant Jordi, or St George, is the patron saint of Catalonia (as well as England and about 10 other countries and regions). But St George's Day in Barcelona is also the city's version of Valentine's Day when romance sweeps the city. The tradition is for the man to give his lady a rose in return for a book.

30 April to 7 May: Feria de Sevilla, Seville

Spring Fair, the Feria, is a joyful festival with masses of food, drink, music and dancing. To the west of the city a huge area is given over to the creating a small ''town'' of tents for drinking, eating and socializing. Most of the tents are private and invitation only but there are seven public ones.

Mid-May: Fiesta de San Isidro, Madrid

It's Madrid's largest festival. Music and dancing is everywhere with Latin rhythms happening at concerts all over the city. The festival starts with a grand procession of giants, followed by an opening speech in the Plaza Mayor. Over the next few days, entertainment takes over the city's public spaces.

1.What do we know about Las Fallas Festival?

A.Statues are burned during the party. B.American President displays his statues.

C.It is held to burn things for good luck. D.People only party at home with bonfires.

2.What do men do on St George's Day?

A.Give their girls a book as a gift. B.Join a grand procession of giants.

C.Express their love to their lovers. D.Pray to St George for a happy marriage.

3.When should you go if you want to try different foods and drinks at a festival in Spain?

A.On 23 April. B.On 15 March.

C.In the middle of May. D.At the beginning of May.




Gramma Goodie visits her grandkids every Sunday afternoon. Every visit starts the same. First she rings the doorbell. Then Chris jumps down the stairs. Jamie runs to open the door. And every time, Gramma Goodie has gifts. But the kids never know what she'll bring.

Sometimes it's something you need, like socks or underwear. Sometimes it's movie tickets or a giant teddy bear. It could be a kite or a stuffed (填充的) baby kangaroo. It could be a lollipop (棒棒糖) that turns your tongue blue.

Well, one Sunday, Gramma rang the doorbell. Chris hurried down the stairs. And Jamie threw open the door.

''Hello, my darlings'', Gramma Goodie said with a smile. ''Look what I have for you. '' She pulled out a pack of cards, and they played ''Go fish'' all afternoon. At the end of the day, Gramma gave everyone kisses. Then she said her good-byes.

As she drove away, Chris and Jamie heard their parents talking. They said that Gramma Goodie's birthday was next Sunday. They were going to plan a special dinner and bake a delicious cake for her birthday surprise.

''Gramma Goodie has a birthday?'' they thought. Both were a little puzzled. Grown- ups have birthdays? Who in the world knew?

''Well, we have to get her a gift, '' Jamie decided.

''But what?'' asked Chris. ''Gramma Goodie has almost EVERYTHING! ''

Jamie thought about scarves and flowers. But Gramma had plenty of scarves and a huge rose garden. Chris thought about books, pillows and photo albums. A diary? She had one. An umbrella? She had that too. A radio? There is one in her kitchen. Oh, what would Chris and Jamie do? They spent all week thinking.





Paragraph 1:

On Sunday, the doorbell rang.


Paragraph 2:

''What's this? '' asked Gramma Goodie.






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Dear Peter,



Li Hua




Yuan Longping, one of China’s most famous scientists, grows 1. is called super hybrid rice. In 1953, Yuan Longping 2. ( graduate) from college. As 3. young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output. Since then he has devoted 4. (he) to growing more rice without expanding the area of the fields. In 1973, he became the first 5. (agriculture) pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20% more of the crop in the same fields. Yuan Longping is quite satisfied 6. his life. He thinks he 7. (be) just a farmer, even though he is one of the greatest scientists in China. Spending money on himself or 8. ( lead) a comfortable life means very little to him. He gives too much money to help others for their research and 9. (selfless) circulates his knowledge in some other countries. Thanks to his hard work, the problems of 10. (hungry) will be solved, and millions of people can benefit from his great work.



    When Mike Mushaw decided to join the national bone marrow registry (骨髓登记) nearly three years ago, he never really gave it a second thought. After all, he did it only because his college football coach had _______ him and his teammates to register.

About six months after the registry, Mushaw got a call. His bone marrow matched a _______ in Virginia. Mushaw didn’t know it at the time that his marrow would _______ to a five-month-old girl named Eleanor with a rare _______. She had hardly _______ her house, and the only place she went to was the _______ because her immune (免疫的) system was far too _______. As the days and weeks passed, her condition had become only more_______ and she would die without the transplant (移植).

Still, _______ is sure of the success. At first, Eleanor’s family had only hoped that she would have some improvement from the transplant, enough to ________ a more normal life. ________ after a few weeks, the doctors came back with ________ news: Eleanor’s condition hadn’t just ________ — Mushaw’s bone marrow had cured (治愈) her.

“She is doing amazing,” the mother says, “ ________ than we ever expected her to be. It was a little surprising just because of how serious her condition was, but it was more of a relief and ________ feeling than anything.”

Mushaw didn’t ________ any of this until Eleanor’s parents sent him an e-mail to ________ him for saving her life. “When they told me it was a little girl, I got a little choked up (哽咽),” Mushaw says, “Just to hear that someone so ________ has such a serious disease and her only ________ is in your bone marrow is a heavy ________.” But he was pleased that his kindness had saved a life and even one small act of kindness can go a long way.

1.A.ordered B.encouraged C.employed D.forced

2.A.doctor B.hunter C.performer D.patient

3.A.go B.fall C.turn D.float

4.A.wound B.disease C.injury D.hurt

5.A.approached B.explored C.reached D.left

6.A.park B.shop C.cinema D.hospital

7.A.strong B.weak C.false D.ordinary

8.A.curious B.impressive C.serious D.familiar

9.A.nobody B.everybody C.somebody D.anybody

10.A.ruin B.escape C.lead D.attract

11.A.And B.So C.Or D.But

12.A.boring B.astonishing C.frightening D.convincing

13.A.expanded B.reduced C.improved D.failed

14.A.Heavier B.Poorer C.Better D.Worse

15.A.sad B.happy C.angry D.worried

16.A.believe B.research C.understand D.know

17.A.forgive B.warn C.thank D.respect

18.A.young B.old C.gentle D.kind

19.A.thought B.strength C.hope D.weakness

20.A.chat B.feeling C.debt D.award



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