满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not so long ago, a terrible fire broke o...

Not so long ago, a terrible fire broke out in an apartment in die city of Pitesti, just west of Bucharest. In no time, ________ were welcomed by 5-metre-tall flames and roaring smoke. ______, using their advanced equipment, they quickly brought the beast under ________.

The apartment's owner Mr. Petri and his lovely dog, Sandy, were the _______ of the big fire. Local firefighting hero, Costache Mugurel _______ his way through the cruel flames to rescue the

man and his pet. Mr. Petri, ________ injured in the fire, was rushed to hospital. Sandy fell over _________breathing in too much smoke and lifelessly lay on the roadside.

Mugurel, remembering his CPR(心脏复苏术)training,passionately _______ the chest of the dog, desperately trying to _______ his life. And he began to lose hope after many _______ .He was physically and mentally _______. Finally he performed mouth-to-mouth on the dog, screaming“ ______ gets left behind!”. Unexpectedly the dog _______ himself and began panting. The on-looking crowd cheered and Mugurel began to weep with _______. He hurriedly carried him to the awaiting vet(兽医).

Like    ________, the story of Mugurel and his newfound friend spread around the city. His Facebook was___________words of gratitude, loving emoticons(表情符号)and notes from friends and fans alike.

According to vet experts, recovering animals via CPR is rather__________The American Heart Association calculates that only less than 6 percent of cats and dogs survive if they___________heart attacks.

There have been many stories related to_________ in Pitesti, but none have caught the_________of the population quite like Sandy's.

1.A. firefighters    B. policemen    C. friends    D. neighbours

2.A. Therefore    B. Besides    C. However    D. Moreover

3.A. treatment    B. control    C. stress    D. way

4.A. causes    B. results    C. victims    D. heroes

5.A. battled    B. lost    C. pushed    D. got

6.A. blindly    B. hardly    C. slightly    D. seriously

7.A. after    B. before    C. in spite of    D. in case of

8.A. patted    B. beat    C. examined    D. touched

9.A. care about    B. take away    C. save    D. stop

10.A. countings    B. trainings    C. shouts    D. attempts

11.A. relaxed    B. exhausted    C. concerned    D. troubled

12.A. Somebody    B. Everybody    C. Nobody    D. Anybody

13.A. came up    B. came over    C. came out    D. came to

14.A. joy    B. pity    C. stress    D. fright

15.A. wildfire    B. wind    C. disasters    D. sounds

16.A. informed of    B. linked with    C. reminded of    D. flooded with

17.A. common    B. rare    C. practical    D. easy

18.A. cure    B. avoid    C. miss    D. suffer

19.A. fires    B. vets    C. dogs    D. accidents

20.A. attention    B. meaning    C. breath    D. heart


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 【解析】文章讲述了一条在火灾中因吸入太多烟后昏厥的狗Sandy,经过Mugurel医生心脏复苏手术后康复的故事。 1.A 考查名词。A. firefighters 消 防员;B. policemen 警 察 ;C. friends 朋 友 ;D. neighbours 邻 居 。因为是火灾爆发,当然是消防员到现场,故选A. 2.C 考查连词。A .Therefore 因 此;B. Besides 除……之外;C. However 但是 ;D. Moreover 此外。上句说火势猛烈,下句说火势被控制,此处表转折用however。故选C. 3.B 考查名词。A. treatment 治疗,对待;B. control 控制;C. stress 压力;D. way 方法。under control 在控制下,是固定搭配,指火势被控制,故选B. 4.C 考查名词。A. causes 原因;B. results 结果;C. victims 受害者;D. heroes 英雄。Mr. Petri 和他的狗Sandy是这个火灾的受害者,下文对他们的救治也给了提示,故选C. 5.A 考查动词。A. battled 战斗;B. lost 失去;C. pushed 推;D. got 得到。此处指消防队员像战斗一样冲进火场去营救,故选A. 6.D 考查副词。A. blindly 盲目地;B. hardly 几乎不;C. slightly 稍微;D. seriously 严重地。此处指Mr. Petri意外受伤严重被送到医院,故选D. 7.A 考查连词。A. after 之后;B. before 之前;C. in spite of 尽管;D. in case of 以防。此处指吸入太多的烟后,Sandy倒地不起昏厥了。故选A. 8.B 考查动词。A. patted 拍;B. beat 击打;C. examined 检查;D. touched 触摸。心脏复苏就是要击打胸部,故选B. 9.C 考查动词。A. care about 关心;B. take away 带走;C. save 节省,节约;D. stop 停止。医生尽力挽救他的生命,save life“救命”,故选C. 10.D 考查名词。A .countings 数 ;B. trainings 训练 ; C. shouts 喊叫 ; D. attempts 尝试。 医生在多次尝试之后逐渐失去希望,故选D. 11.B 考查形容词。A. relaxed 放松的;B. exhausted 筋疲力尽的;C. concerned 有关的;D. troubled 麻烦的。此处指医生身体上精神上都筋疲力尽了,故选B. 12.C 考查代词。A Somebody 有人;B. Everybody 每个人;C. Nobody 没人;D. Anybody 任何人。医生对狗喊到“没有人可以留下”,故选C. 13.D 考查动词短语。A. came up 发生 ;B. came over 过来 ;C. came out 出版 ;D. came to 来到。此处为固定搭配,come to oneself“ 苏醒”,此处指没想到狗苏醒了开始喘息,故选D. 14.A 考查名词。A. joy 开心;B. pity 可惜;C. stress 压力;D. fright 惊吓。Mugurel看到狗醒了,很开心喜极而泣,故选A. 15.A 考查名词。A. wildfire 野火 ;B. wind 风 ;C. disasters 灾难 ;D. sounds 声音。就像野火一样,这件事很快传遍了这座城市,故选A. 16.D 考查动词短语。A. informed of 通知; B. linked with 连接; C. reminded of 提醒; D. flooded with 淹没,充满。此处指Facebook上充满了感激的话语和爱的表情符号,故选D. 17.B 考查形容词。A. common 普通的;B. rare 稀少的;C. practical 实际的,实践 ;D. easy 容易的。此处指通过心脏复苏术来救活动物这种情况很少见。故选B. 18.D 考查动词。A. cure 治愈 ; B. avoid 避免 ;C. miss 思念,错过 ;D. suffer遭受。美国心脏协会统计遭受心脏疾病袭击的,只有不足6%的猫和狗会存活下来。故选D. 19.C 考查名词。A. fires 火 ;B. vets 兽医 ;C. dogs 狗 ;D. accidents事故。此处指有很多关于狗的故事,故选C. 20.A 考查名词。A. attention 注意力;B. meaning 意思 ;C. breath 呼吸;D. heart 心脏。但是这些故事中没有一条狗像Sandy一样能够这样吸引人们的注意力的。故选A.



I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台) in her general store. ______71_______ I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.”

At first I was paid in candy. ________72______ I worked every day after school, and during the summer and no weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account. ________73________

By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆) ideas. ________74________

The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didn’t need to be a rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener. ________75________ Except they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.

ALater I received 50 cents an hour.

BBefore long, she let me sit there by myself.

CI ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics.

DToday I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers.


E.My grandma’s trust taught me how to handle responsibility.

F.Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before.

G.Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.



I believe in the power of the unknown. I believe that a sense of the unknown pushes us forward in all of our creative activities, from science to art.

When I was a child, after bedtime I would often go to the window and stare at the stars. I had so many questions. How far away were those tiny points of light? Did space go on forever and ever, or was there some edge? And if so, what lay beyond the edge?

Another of my childhood questions: Did time go on forever? I looked at pictures of my parents and tried to imagine their parents, and so on, back through the generations. Does time go on forever? Or is there some beginning of time?

When I grew up, I became a professional astrophysicist. Although I never answered any of these questions, they continued to challenge me, to haunt me, to drive me in my scientific research, and to cause me to live on tuna fish and no sleep for days at a time while I was crazy about a science problem. These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.

Einstein once wrote that “the most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the beginning of true art and true science.” What did Einstein mean by “the mysterious?” I don’t think he meant that science is full of unpredictable or unknowable or supernatural forces. I think that he meant a sense of awe, a sense that there are things larger than us, that we do not have all the answers at this moment, and that we can stand right at the boundary between known and unknown.

Scientists are happy, of course, when they find answers to questions. But scientists are also happy when they become stuck, when they discover interesting questions that they cannot answer. That is when their imaginations and creativity are set on fire. That is when the greatest progress occurs.

1.As a child, the author was

A. cautious    B. generous

C. curious    D. doubtful

2.What does the underlined word “haunt” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Make someone to feel annoyed.    B. Make someone to feel excited.

C. Cause great trouble to someone.    D. Keep coming to someone’s mind.

3.What is the source of pleasure according to the passage?

A. Exact prediction.    B. Creativity in experiments.

C. Rich imagination.    D. Exploration of the unknown.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. The Power of Mysteries.    B. The Characters of Mysteries.

C. The Significance of Science.    D. The Beauty of Art.



    Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been applied in a wide range of fields to perform specific tasks, including education, finance, heavy industry, transportation, and so on.


There are a number of companies that create robots to teach subjects to children ranging from biology to computer science, though such tools have not become widespread yet. Advancements in natural language processing, combined with machine learning, have also enabled automatic grading of assignments. AI has also led to an explosion in popularity of MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, which allows students from around the world to take classes online.


Use of AI in banking can be tracked back to 1987. Banks use artificial intelligence systems to organize operations, maintain book-keeping, invest in stocks, and manage properties. Also, systems are being developed, like Atria, to translate complex data into simple and personable language. There are also wallets, like Wallet AI, which monitor an individual’s spending habits and provides ways to improve them.

Heavy industry

Robots have become common in many industries and are often given jobs that are considered dangerous to humans. Robots have proven effective in jobs that are very repetitive which may lead to mistakes or accidents due to failure in concentration and other jobs which humans may find degrading.


Today’S cars can have AI-based driver assist features such as self-parking and advanced cruise controls. AI in transportation is expected to provide safe, efficient, and reliable transportation while minimizing the impact on the environment and communities.

Toys and games

Companies like Mattel have been creating AI-enabled toys for kids as young as age three. Using proprietary AI engines and speech recognition tools, they are able to understand conversations, give intelligent responses and learn quickly. AI has also been applied to video games, for example video game bots, which are designed to stand in as opponents where humans aren’t available or desired.

1.Which is true about AI and education?

A.Robots have been widely used to teach children.

B.AI has been used to grade students’ homework.

C.AI has enabled more students to receive education at school.

D.Education was the first field where A1 was used.

2.Which can be inferred from the passage?

A.Atria can help people understand complex data.

B.Wallet AI can help people make more money.

C.Robots’ jobs are considered dangerous to humans.

D.Robots can help people concentrate.

3.From the last two paragraphs we can know that_______________.

A.Today’s drivers needn’t learn to park their cars

B.AI ensures safe, efficient, and reliable transportation

C.AI-enabled toys is designed to improve kids’ intelligence

D.Video game bots can fight against you in video games

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The latest progress in AI. B.AI is of great use.

C.Some applications of AI. D.AI is used in all fields.



    A man with a “sob story” has been earning up to $400 in cash handouts from shops on the lower North Shore. He has hit three shops in the past two weeks at North Sydney, Mosman and Crows Nest.

“The man has been telling a sob story about needing money because he has been locked out of his home and his wallet is inside, and he needs money to pay a locksmith,” a police officer said. “Sometimes he tells a story about needing money for a new car battery. He has received amounts between $50 and $400 and is then never seen again.”

The conman has also hit businesses on the lower North Shore and northern beaches. “The man seems to do his research and he'll say he is a friend of the shop owner and mentions the owner's name,” the officer said. The man usually targets shops that are busy or short­staffed.

The police officer said shop owners approached by the man should not give him money and contact the police immediately. The man is described as of European appearance, about 50 years old with a strong Italian accent. He is of medium build and about 180 cm tall, wearing jeans, a brown T­shirt and an expensive­looking gold watch. The police said the man sometimes gives the name of Tony.

1.The underlined word “conman”(in Paragraph 3) most probably means ________.

A.a beggar who begs from shop to shop

B.a jobless man who begs for a short time

C.a man who is in urgent need of money to get out of trouble

D.a man who gets money by tricking people

2.Why does the man target the shops that are busy or short­staffed?

A.He may offer the shops some help. B.He may do his research better.

C.The shop staff may be too busy to find him out. D.He may beg for more money from the customers.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The man likes to make friends with shop owners, so he knows their names.

B.The man has got some information about the shops before playing his trick.

C.The man can earn between $50 and $400 every day from shop to shop.

D.The man does business work on the lower North Shore and northern beaches.

4.Why do the police ask shop owners not to give the man money?

A.The man is in fact a rich man.

B.They do not permit begging in the city.

C.They want to prevent shop owners from being cheated.

D.The man has earned a lot of money.



    Best Bites of Beijing is published on Fridays and covers the latest happenings in the capital’s dining scene. Here you will find weekly updates of new restaurants, seasonal menus, good deals and trends for the foodie in you. For comments or recommendations, email jiangwj@chinadaily.com.cn.

Easter afternoon tea at the Peninsula Beijing

Easter fun starts this weekend at the Peninsula Beijing, where families can enjoy a Champagne Sunday brunch, an Easter egg hunt and other festive activities. The hotel will also upgrade its legendary Peninsula Afternoon Tea for this special occasion, which will be handcrafted by Executive Pastry Chef Frederic Moreau. Expect classic and chocolate scones served with homemade caramel mango jam, lemon curd and clotted cream and Easter-inspired pastries. Easter afternoon tea is priced at 398 yuan for two, available from April 14 to 17.

Easter buffet at New World Beijing Hotel

It is not too early to start planning for your next weekend if you have young children. Do not miss fun Easter activities, sweet treats, egg decorating and face time with the Easter Bunny. The Easter brunch at Tian Tan Kitchen offers it all. The brunch is priced at 148 yuan per person with half price for children ages 6-12.

More Easter fun: Food, music, and games

If you have the entire day to spend with your children on Easter Day, head to the City Weekend Easter Party on April 16. Children shorter than 90cm eat for free when dining with their parents during brunch (288 yuan per adult). Live music will feature children’s songs in both English and Chinese. The Spartan Junior Race will have the little ones crawling, climbing, tumbling and jumping through a number of obstacles. There will also be other games for parents and kids, such as “Draw Something”, “Guess the Baby” and “Kids Darts Game”. The party will be held from 10am to 4pm.

1.If you want to contact Best Bites of Beijing you can reach them by      .

A.phone B.letter C.email D.Wechat

2.When is Easter afternoon tea priced at 398 yuan for two?

A.From April 6-12 B.From April 14-17

C.From April 16-18 D.From April 14-27

3.If you want to pay less with your 6-year-old child who is 89cm tall, which place is the best choice?

A.New World Beijing Hotel B.City Weekend Easter Party

C.The Peninsula Beijing D.The Spartan Junior Race



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