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Glenda and Raphael Savitz moved to Newto...

    Glenda and Raphael Savitz moved to Newton in 2016.They found themselves welcomed into the neighbourhood with truly open arms. Three months later, they gave birth to Samantha. Unluckily, she was born entirely deaf.The neighbourhood was still excited to welcome little Samantha,of course,but they were worried about her parents.

The neighbours wanted to do something to make things easier for the family.All the neighbourhood agreed to take on the responsibility of learning an entirely second language all for their youngest member. Samantha would grow up learning to "speak" American Sign Language, so her friends and neighbours would learn to speak it right along with her. The group of 18 residents employed a sign language teacher and the whole neighbourhood except Glenda and Raphael Savitz began to learn American Sign Language in a neighbour's big living room.They believed people everywhere wished to have a community with something positive around and Samantha was bringing about.a reason for them to get together.

The neighbours went on learning hard and kept things secret for as long as possible.They wanted thirstily to communicate with the little girl. Finally,t he time had come to show Raphael,Glenda,and Samantha what they had done.The family found themselves deeply moved by the welcoming signs of their friends and neighbours. Glenda recalled it as one of the most affecting experiences she'd ever felt.A present for Samantha would have  made her grateful,and this was so much more.Now after neighbours say hello to her parents,they bend down to greet three-year-old Samantha with sign language.At every turn, in the street,the grocery store, or by the canal, Samantha feels included.

1.Which of the following can best describe the neighbourhood?

A.Warm. B.Tolerant.

C.Prejudiced. D.Generous.

2.What did the neighbours think of Samantha?

A.She forced her parents to struggle hard.

B.She set up an example for other children.

C.She caused the situation of her family's poverty.

D.She was an affectional bond of the neighbourhood.

3.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Neighborhood Welcomes A Newborn Baby With Sign Language

B.Neighborhood Learns Sign Language To Communicate With New Family

C.Neighborhood Takes The Newborn Deaf Baby As Sign Language Teacher

D.Neighborhood Learns Sign Language To Comfort Unfortunate New Parents.


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】 本文为记叙文。格伦达和拉斐尔搬到了牛顿,受到邻居的热烈欢迎。三个月后,他们生下了萨曼莎,不幸的是萨曼莎天生耳聋,一直在学美国手语。邻居们想为这个家庭做点事,于是邻居们决定学习美国手语与萨曼莎交流,他们的行为让萨曼莎觉得自己被接纳了。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“They found themselves welcomed into the neighbourhood with truly open arms. 和“The neighbourhood was still excited to welcome little Samantha,of course,but they were worried about her parents.”可知格伦达和拉斐尔刚搬到纽镇时就受到了邻居们的真诚的欢迎。在格伦达和拉斐尔生下萨曼莎之后,因为莎蔓莎天生耳聋,、邻居们一方面很欢迎小女孩儿的出生,一方面很担忧格伦达和拉斐尔。根据后两段“The neighbors wanted to do something to make things easier for the family. All the neighborhood agreed to take …”可知他们的邻居为了想让格伦达和拉斐尔他们的生活更容易一些,秘密地学习手语,用手语与萨曼莎打招呼,让萨曼莎感受到了被接纳的感觉。综上所述,可以判断邻居们是非常热心,温暖的人,故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的最后一句话“They believed people everywhere wished to have a community with something positive around and Samantha was bringing about. a reason for them to get together.”可知邻居们相信世界各地的人们都希望拥有一个积极向上的社区,萨曼莎为他们提供了聚在一起的理由。也就是说,邻居们为了萨曼莎聚在一起学手语,而萨曼莎成为了她邻居聚在一起增进感情的纽带,故选D项。 3. 主旨大意题。文章第一段中,格伦达和拉斐尔的到来,以及他们的女儿萨曼莎的出生都受到了邻居们的欢迎,第二段讲了邻居们为了帮助这个家庭,决定为萨曼莎学习美国手语,第三段讲述了邻居们现在向三岁的萨曼莎的父母问好后,都会弯下腰用手语跟她打招呼,萨曼莎觉得自己被接纳了。由此可知,邻居们学会手语与小萨曼莎交流是文章的主题,B项(邻居学习手语与新家庭交流)最适合做本文的标题,故选B项。

    Dolphin or not a dolphin?That is the question!You see,there are several types of dolphins.Some are saltwater dolphins while others are river dolphins.

What are the 32 types of dolphins?"When people are asking the question,they are actually referring to the saltwater dolphins in oceans and seas.The river dolphins living in fresh water,are not included in these species.But what would be the answer in this case if we ask,"Dolphin or not a dolphin?"The answer would obviously be yes.River dolphins still belong to the dolphin family.

Among the 32 types of dolphins,some do not actually wear the word"dolphin”in their names,such as the tucuxi,while others actually have the word"whale"as part of their names even if they are not whales but in fact,belong to the dolphin family,for example, the melon-headed whale and the killer whale.So what would be the answer to the questiondolphin or not a dolphin?"in these cases?It would be yes.All these species do belong to the dolphin family.

Another question that people ask is,"Are the sea animals that perform at aquariums all dolphins?"So,it always seems to come back to the question,"Dolphin or not a dolphin?"

Well the answer is no in this case.The sea animals that perform there are not all dolphins. The beluga which people tend to think belong to the dolphin family because they show what seems like a smile,like most dolphins,are in fact a species of the whale family.

Now that you read these facts about dolphins,you probably realize that certain sea animals may appear to be part of the dolphin species and that others seem to be part of the whale family,but in either case,it is not obvious and can be surprising when you identify a sea animal as being a dolphin or not a dolphin.That is the question!

1.What do we know about the majority of the dolphins?

A.They look like whales. B.They appear friendly.

C.They perform for audience. D.They live in fresh water.

2.What could be added about dolphins before the last paragraph if you were the author?

A.The living area. B.Dolphin training.

C.The eating habits. D.Further identification.

3.This article can be classified as_____.

A.popular science B.literary fiction

C.a travel diary D.a news report



This wall requires______.

A.to repair B.repaired C.repairing D.being repaired



_______with the research,he had no time to play with his son.

A.Occupied B.Occupying C.To occupy D.Having occupied



Don't interrupt;just hear me_______before you start talking.

A.on B.off C.out D.over



_______she was late for such an important meeting?I can't believe all the efforts she'd made just went down the drain.

A.What if B.So what C.What about D.How come



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