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参考词汇:新冠肺炎 COVID-19;针灸 acupuncture;大流行病 pandemic



Hi Leslie, Thank you for writing to me! Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years, and doctors use various practices together with herbal medicine to address health problems. For instance, acupuncture can be used to treat pain and improve overall wellness by inserting thin needles into our body. If you want to know more, there is more information available online. In the most recent battle against COVID-19, TCM has proved its effectiveness in boosting people's immune system, relieving disease symptoms and preventing mild symptoms from getting worse. Overall, it helped to reduce death rate and improved patients' chances of recovery. Best wishes to your family and take care of yourself in the pandemic! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。要求以李华的名义,给朋友Leslie写一封关于中医药以及针灸在治疗新冠病毒期间的作用。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封电子邮件;假设你是Li Hua,你要给朋友Leslie回复一封邮件,内容包括对中医药的简介、针灸疗法在治疗新冠病毒期间的作用,以及对Leslie的祝愿。题目要点明确,利于学生进行表达。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:herbal medicine(中药),For instance(例如;举例来说),effectiveness(效果;有效性),immune system(免疫系统),disease symptoms(疾病症状)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)连词成句,需注意这是一封与朋友之间的电子邮件,可使用较为口语的语气。本篇电子邮件主要为介绍中医药的内容,以及针灸的作用,因此时态使用一般现在时即可。 第4步:连句成文,可使用连词对文章进行润色,如For instance(例如;举例来说),Overall(总而言之)等高频词,全篇书写要清晰、规范、不得有涂改、书写错误等。







Nowadays my schoolwork becomes much heavier than ever before, thus force me to stay up deep into the night. I seldom do sports. For this reason I often felt sleep in class. Bad health caused my poor memory. Things have been changed after I followed my teacher's advices. I get up earlier to do morning exercises. During the 10 minutes break I go out the classroom to relax my brain and muscles. At five o'clock in the afternoon I often go to the playground to have sports. All this makes myself fresh and full of energy. It is sports that improves my health. I have made a rapid progress in my studies.




Generally we know a little about the western people and their ways of life. When the difference is  1.(wide) than our expectation, it becomes a cultural shock.

Cultural 2. (shock) may come in different ways. Once my friend, 3. businessman, after concluding a business with his suppliers in Hangzhou, 4. (whisper)to me, “Do we have to dine (进餐) together with them? ”I knew he was not sure of our dinner culture and reassured (使安心) him, “Yes, if you wish, 5. not necessary.” He did choose to dine with the suppliers but I don't think he enjoyed it. Hard as I tried 6. (focus) the dialogue on my friend, the suppliers always talked to me, 7. (leave) my friend seated there listening to a(n) 8. (relevant) conversation.

People who are familiar 9. Chinese ways know Chinese people drink hot water, and always remind their friends not to drink  10. (direct)when they receive a cup of water. I, too, don't take any chance, either ask my clients whether they need chilled water or normal or remind them the water might be hot.

China is an open country now and the cultural exchange has been quite frequent over the last 30 years. Such cultural shocks are less and less shocking.



    My mom is an environmentalist. We've always composted (制堆肥) and she's always had some sort of garden. She also never threw anything away because she could see the second __ in it.

I grew into a __ lifestyle. And I started __ my carbon footprint and consumption.

I decided to __ my car for one month in May of 2017. If I needed a car, I was going to borrow someone's to prove that I had the community to __ this decision. I only ended up __ a car once, and I realized it didn't make sense to own a car, __ it and pay for gas. So in September, I fully __ and sold my car.

I also fly a lot for work, and on my __ from the travel agency, it will include how many tons of __ you're emitting (排放) from just your single __, which is like a punch in the gut.

As a result, it has become a __ for me to offset (抵消) my carbon emissions. I __ my carbon emissions, and go onto carbon footprint. com and purchase an offset in the __ of a donation. If we're going to __ the environment this much, we have to be doing something that's going to offset the carbon __ until there's a carbon tax, which I truly hope is __ we will go next.

It’s also really important to talk about what we could see the __ as, because it gets so dark so fast when people talk about __ change.

I don't know what the __ is of me not having a car, but I hope it's something positive that I can't necessarily see.

1.A.Time B.life C.hand D.way

2.A.different B.healthy C.modern D.similar

3.A.Assessing B.suspecting C.obtaining D.ignoring

4.A.blow up B.speed up C.give up D.break up

5.A.oppose B.support C.announce D.approve

6.A.borrowing B.possessing C.purchasing D.renting

7.A.repair B.wash C.park D.finance

8.A.understood B.quit C.recovered D.agreed

9.A.list B.poster C.trip D.ticket

10.A.smell B.heat C.carbon D.sweat

11.A.seat B.plane C.car D.garden

12.A.pain B.habit C.burden D.reward

13.A.increase B.reduce C.control D.calculate

14.A.form B.name C.course D.middle

15.A.provide B.create C.pollute D.preserve

16.A.in vain B.in return C.in force D.in advance

17.A.when B.why C.how D.where

18.A.future B.globe C.environment D.tax

19.A.cultural B.economic C.climate D.population

20.A.intention B.motivation C.drawback D.effect



    One thing that most of us probably can agree on: just about every parent thinks that his or her kid is special. 1.. Good intentions, however, do not often lead to good outcomes: people who particularly dislike their name-and also if other people think it's an odd (怪异的) and unlikeable name-tend not to be as well-adjusted.

2., maybe even something fairly significant, about your parents' religious or ethnic (种族的) background, their level of income or education, maybe even their politics. From what we can tell, your name is not your destiny (命运). The story goes that two brothers in New York were named Loser and Winner by their parents. Loser turned out to have a great life as an upstanding citizen. He was a police detective. 3. .

Just think about it for a minute. 4. -your intelligence, your taste, your health, your work morals and decision-making-to say nothing of luck.

Now, considering all of those heavyweight forces, how much could something as surface as a name really affect your life's outcome? 5. , it isn't that hard to change it.

A.Your life is determined by yourself

B.And Winner had been a career criminal

C.A name contains a rich set of information

D.Think about all the things that make you

E.It is true that your name may tell the world something

F.Plus which: if you really think your name is holding you back

G.And part of what makes each of our kids special is the names we give them



    The stomach is an extremely strong organ, full of acid to break down each meal. In order to prevent this acid from burning a hole in our stomachs and damaging other organs, our stomach lining is specially adapted to contain the acid safely.

H. pylori are able to live in the stomach by living in the lining, safe from harsh stomach acid. These bacteria are actually pretty common in people, approximately a third of Australians have H. pylori in their bodies, but not all have symptoms.

The bacteria can eventually create infection in stomach lining, a condition known as gastritis (胃炎), by wearing away the lining and allowing stomach acid to burn away stomach tissue, causing painful ulcers (溃疡)。

Up until the 1980s, it was thought that bacteria could not survive in stomach acid. The cause of stomach ulcers was due to lifestyle choices: stress, smoking, spicy foods; the stomach acid was breaking through the lining on its own.

This belief was first questioned in 1979 by Robin Warren, an Australian pathologist, who found bacteria on a microscope slide containing the stomach lining of a patient with gastritis. In the years that followed Warren continued his research.

Warren then teamed up with Barry Marshall in 1981 and the two continued with the research, trying to separate the mystery bacteria and find a cure. Over the next three years, they tested their theories with some positive results, however the idea that bacteria could be the cause of gastritis was not widely accepted or even acknowledged.

Finally, fed up with being ignored and confident in his findings, Barry Marshall decided to test on himself. He infected himself with H. pylori and soon developed gastritis and terrible stomach ulcers. Marshall then began to cure himself by taking a dose of antibiotics (抗生素). This once and for all proved not only that bacteria could grow in stomach acid, but it could also cause gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Eventually, the world fully acknowledged Warren and Marshall's huge contribution to science and medicine and the two were awarded the Nobel prize in Medicine in 2005. Twenty-six years after Robin Warren first began his research.

1.Why did the academics initially refuse to accept that H. pylori caused gastritis?

A.Lifestyle choices caused stomach ulcers.

B.Stomach acid could break through the lining on its own.

C.They thought that bacteria couldn't survive in the stomach.

D.The Australian pathologist Robin Warren provided no evidence.

2.How did Barry Marshall prove that H. pylori caused gastritis?

A.Choosing unhealthy lifestyles. B.Introducing H. pylori to his own stomach.

C.Finding the bacteria on stomach lining. D.Growing H. pylori in the lab.

3.What can we infer from the text?

A.Scientific progress takes time. B.Science guides medical practices.

C.Warren is not a productive scientist. D.Only Marshall deserves the prize.

4.The text is most likely written to          .

A.Chemists B.Patients C.Researchers D.The general public



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