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Harvard student guides lead Highlights T...

    Harvard student guides lead Highlights Tours and Quick Stops, available during the fall and spring semesters, except during holidays, winter sessions, and breaks. Fall tours begin on Friday, September 6, and ran through Wednesday, November 27. Spring tours start on Friday, January 31, through Friday, March13 and then from Wednesday, March 25 through Wednesday, April 29. Tours may also be offered in French and Chinese besides English.

Highlights Tours

Fridays, 12:30pm Saturdays, 2:00pm Sundays, 2:00pm

Visit towering Native American totem (图腾)poles and precious artifacts of the ancient world. See life-size casts of Maya monuments and exhibitions such as Wiyohpiyata which is about the 19th century warrior art, and Digging Veritas, which explores the history of Harvard. The themes of the exhibition vary every two days. Visit the museum near the fountain. Tours last 45 minutes, and museum admission is free. For groups of 6 or more, please reserve a scheduled group tour for the day and time of your choice by contacting reservations at 617-495-3216. Each guide may lead a maximum of 20 people per tour. These tours are mainly offered to people of college age or older. Groups with younger people may reserve K-12 school programs through reservation.

Quick Stops

Wednesday, 3:30pm Sundays, 11:30am

Let a Harvard student help you focus on a few special objects in the galleries. Each Quick Stop lasts about 25 minutes and offers replica (复制品)objects to handle while you are engaged in lively conversations. Tell us what the exhibits show you. Topics change daily and there is no age limit, but children between six and ten travelling with adults are free of charge.

For more information, please visit https://www.harvard.edu.

1.How long does the Fall tours last?

A.More than two months. B.Within two months.

C.Within a month. D.At least three months.

2.What should a group of 12 people participating in Highlights Tours do?

A.Call the guide at 617-495-3216. B.Make the reservation ahead of time.

C.Take a 10-year-old child if they want. D.Arrive at the museum 45 minutes earlier.

3.Which of the following is true about Highlights Tours?

A.Wiyohpiyata is closely connected with Native American totem culture.

B.Digging Veritas explores the history of Native Americans.

C.You can get close to the special objects in the gallery.

D.One exhibition is about the art of ancient soldiers.

4.What is the similarity between the two tours?

A.They have changeable themes or topics. B.They are targeted at tourists of similar ages.

C.They tell about the Maya civilization. D.They allow the visitors to guide the tours.

5.What can we learn from the text?

A.Tours are offered only in French or Chinese.

B.Visitors can have a tour on Christmas Day.

C.A child aged eight can travel free in Quick Stops with his parents.

D.Highlights Tours offers free museum admission just for children under ten.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。主要介绍了在哈佛学生带领下进行的两种旅行,包括它们的时间、参观的主要内容,费用、要求等。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段的Fall tours begin on Friday, September 6, and ran through Wednesday, November 27. 可知,秋季游从9月6号(周五)开始,一直持续到11月27号(周三),即两个月零21天。A. More than two months.(超过两个月)符合以上说法,故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。根据Highlights Tours部分的For groups of 6 or more, please reserve a scheduled group tour for the day and time of your choice by contacting reservations at 617-495-3216.(6人或6人以上的团体,请致电617-495-3216预约你所选择的日期和时间)可知,6人及以上的团队需要提前预约。那么,12人的团队也需要提前预约。B. Make the reservation ahead of time.(提前预约)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。根据Highlights Tours部分的See life-size casts of Maya monuments and exhibitions such as Wiyohpiyata which is about the 19thcentury warrior art, and Digging Veritas, which explores the history of Harvard. (观看真人大小的玛雅纪念碑和展览,例如19世纪武士艺术和探索哈佛历史的Digging Veritas)可知,Highlights Tours其中一项展览是关于古代武士艺术。D. One exhibition is about the art of ancient soldiers.(一项展览是关于古代武士艺术)符合以上说法,故选D项。 4. 细节理解题。根据Highlights Tours部分的The themes of the exhibition vary every two days.(展览的主题每天换一次)和Quick Stops部分的Topics change daily (话题每天都换)可知,这两种游览的共同点是他们都有变化的主题或者话题。 A. They have changeable themes or topics.(他们有常变的主题)符合以上说法,故选A项。 5. 细节理解题。根据Quick Stops部分的there is no age limit, but children between six and ten travelling with adults are free of charge.可知,Quick Stops没有年龄限制,但6-10岁的孩子要在父母的陪同下才能进行免费参观。C. A child aged eight can travel free in Quick Stops with his parents.(一个8岁的孩子在父母的陪同下可以在Quick Stops进行免费参观)符合以上说法,故选C项。

    Cards came for every occasion for Grandma. She even sent a card which was more of a _______to me when my cat died or when my relationship with somebody ended.

When I was young, I looked forward to _______ her birthday cards because of the check, the "gift" they contained. _______ , as I grew older, I realized the card itself was a(n) _______ gift, especially since her handwriting became spidery, a sign her illness was _______ .

She kept writing cards even the morning she died. Her wonderful nurses _______ them after she was gone. At her _______ , friends and family told us about the many cards they got from her. Her cards seemingly stretched further than I knew. We _______ that the volume of mail in the Postal Service was about to drop _______ after Grandma' s death. AS we dug into her possessions, we found notebook after notebook of ________ including many strangers', and album after album of cards she had received from others. She________ every card people sent. And that' s when I________ I would start sending cards, too.

When I grew up, I realized cards served a(n) ________ purpose in my life. When my mailbox is filled with ________  offers or even worse, bills, a personalized card is a breath of fresh air. The cards from my grandma were a ________ that she thought enough of me and I__________ the time she spent writing a card, sticking a stamp, and sending it out.

Now I like to ________ my friends by sending them birthday cards when they have even removed their birthdays from social media. And I usually pick out cards months in ________ for the persons on my list. A card is a good way to tell someone you thought about them, you________ them, and if nothing else, you just want to make them feel________ .

1.A.burden B.promise C.comfort D.claim

2.A.receiving B.sending C.selling D.buying

3.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Instead D.However

4.A.precious B.artificial C.simple D.traditional

5.A.recovering B.worsening C.treated D.controlled

6.A.wrote B.mailed C.read D.copied

7.A.funeral B.request C.office D.heart

8.A.declared B.warned C.poked D.suggested

9.A.slightly B.completely C.hugely D.randomly

10.A.labels B.timetables C.accounts D.addresses

11.A.burned B.threw away C.gave out D.saved

12.A.decide B.agreed C.suspected D.pretended

13.A.imaginary B.significant C.impossible D.meaningless

14.A.junk B.suitable C.sweet D.similar

15.A.lesson B.recommendation C.reminder D.command

16.A.measure B.appreciate C.remember D.check

17.A.persuade B.surprise C.consult D.instruct

18.A.addition B.consequence C.order D.advance

19.A.observe B.interview C.value D.challenge

20.A.calm B.fair C.relaxed D.special



The growth of economy is influenced by a number of factors, ________are beyond our control.

A.most of them B.most of that C.most of what D.most of which



Our school has recently obtained the latest multimedia equipment, __________ students to learn efficiently under special circumstances.

A.allowing B.being allowed C.having allowed D.allowed



The famous performing artist can not come in person for some reason, so his wife will accept the prize_________ him.

A.in case of B.in return for C.on behalf of D.on account of



Mary' s brother has come back home from London, where he __________for three years as a visiting scholar.

A.had stayed B.has stayed C.stays D.stayed



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