满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

World Heritage Sites (遗址) You Need to Vi...

World Heritage Sites (遗址) You Need to Visit

Los Glaciares National Park

Located in the southwest of Santa Cruz province of the Argentine part of Patagonia in a remote area known as the Austral Andes, Los Glaciares National Park is a heaven of mountains lakes. and countless glaciers ( 冰川) that cover half the 600, 000-hectare expanse. Travelling through this amazing scenery is a once- in-a-lifetime experience.

Jeronimos Monastery

Travel to the Belem district at the entrance to the port of Lisbon to find the Jeronimos Monastery, which dates back to the 15th century. This highly religious building was constructed and donated to the monks (和尚) of Saint Hieronymus to pray for sailors on their voyages. It’s the characteristic of Portuguese Gothic style.

Old Québec

Founded by the French explorer Samuel de Champlain in 1608, Québec is among the oldest settlements in North America and one of the most popular travel destinations in Canada. Centuries-old attraction is on full display in its perfectly preserved historic district, a shining example of a city built by early settlers with stone paths, churches. And landmarks like Chateau Frontenac and Place Royale.

Angkor Wat

Exploring Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia lops our list of unforgettable trips that won’t break the bank. It is part of one of the most significant archaeological (考古的) sites in Southeast Asia in the ancient capital of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 14th century. This great temple complex was originally constructed as a place of showing respect to the god Vishnu and is the largest religious structure on the planet !

1.If you’re interested in natural scenery, which of the four places would you visit?

A.Los Glaciares National Park. B.Jeronimos Monastery.

C.Old Québec. D.Angkor Wat.

2.Which of the following are religious sites?

A.Old Québce and Angkor Wat.

B.Jeronimos Monastery and Old Québec.

C.Jeronimos Monastery and Angkor Wat.

D.Los Glaciarcs National Park and Jeronimos Monastery.

3.What can a traveler to Angkor Wat expect?

A.Mountain views. B.Great voyages.

C.Gothic style landmarks. D.Low expenses.


1.A 2.C 3.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了四处不同的世界文化遗址。 1.细节理解题。根据Los Glaciares National Park部分中Travelling through this amazing scenery is a once- in-a-lifetime experience.可知在这片神奇的风景中旅行是一生一次的经历。由此可知如果你对自然风景感兴趣,你可以去Los Glaciares国家公园。故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据Jeronimos Monastery部分中This highly religious building was constructed and donated to the monks (和尚) of Saint Hieronymus to pray for sailors on their voyages.可知这座具有高度宗教色彩的建筑被建造起来,并捐赠给了Saint Hieronymus的僧侣们,让他们为航行中的水手祈祷。以及Angkor Wat部分中This great temple complex was originally constructed as a place of showing respect to the god Vishnu and is the largest religious structure on the planet !可知这个巨大的寺庙建筑群最初是为了表达对毗瑟奴神的尊敬而建造的,是地球上最大的宗教建筑!由此可知,Jeronimos Monastery和Angkor Wat是宗教场所。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据Angkor Wat部分中Exploring Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia tops our list of unforgettable trips that won’t break the bank.可知在暹粒探索吴哥窟,柬埔寨是我们最难忘的旅行,不会让你倾家荡产。由此可知吴哥窟的旅行费用很低。故选D。




参考词汇:新冠肺炎   COVD-19   口罩 The protective mask



Dear Dave,

Glad to hear from you!



Li Hua









Lei Haiwei, a fast food delivery man, win the championship in the Chinese Poetry Contest held on April 4. Lei has shown great interest in Chinese culture before he was a child. In his small house, there is bookshelf, the top of that is filled with poetry books. Though he is busy with his work, but Lei seizes any available moment to read books relating to ancient poems. He is total crazy about poems and he recites it while waiting for food at restaurants. "Recite poems not only enriches my knowledges, but also makes my job less boring,” the delivery man said.




TENCENT announced yesterday that it will limit the daily time for youngsters to play 1.(it) popular King of Glory game after parents and schools in Shanghai and other areas complained their children had become addicted 2. playing it.

From tomorrow, children younger than 12 3.(allow)only to play the game for a maximum of one hour a day, and after 9 pm, they will be banned from logging(登录) into it, said Tencent. Teenagers 4.(old) than 12 will be able to play a maximum two hours a day.

The game system will remind players the time they have been playing and young players will be forced to log out-5. the time is up.

Tencent claimed these were the strictest6.(measure)in China's game industry to prevent addiction and the company expected they would case parents' anxiety.

There have been several cases7.(report) that children had spent too much money as well time on King of Glory. Though the company said it8.(update)system for parents to monitor children using its games, it will also add9.new function to limit spending of teenage players.

Now, parents can connect phones, tablets to computers their children use10.(play) game that they can always yep an eye on the children even if they have several game accounts, Tencent said.



    Some ten years ago, I was studying in a middle school in London. One day, Mrs. Clara gave a math  _______to our class. When the papers were  _______ , she found that twelve boys had made _______ the same mistakes in the test.

There is _______new about cheating in  _______ . Perhaps that was why Mrs. Clara didn’t  _______say one word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to  _______after class. I was one of the twelve.

Mrs. Clara asked no questions, and she didn’t  _______us, either. Instead, she wrote the_______ words on the blackboard: On your way home you find some __________   and you’re completely sure that you will never be found out. Later someone comes to ask you if you have  __________some money he lost. What will you do?

She then ordered us to write down the __________ , and asked us to take our whole lives to try to find out our own __________to it.

I don’t know about the other eleven  __________ . Speaking for myself I can say: it was the most  __________single thing of my life. __________ , I have been asking this question to myself when I have to make a  __________ .

Because of this, Mrs. Clara has become the most  __________teacher for me in my whole life. I often think of this: if Mrs. Clara had scolded us as many other  __________ often did, would I go on __________every day?

1.A.assignment B.test C.motto D.image

2.A.marked B.gathered C.distributed D.simplified

3.A.correctly B.frankly C.slightly D.exactly

4.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

5.A.exams B.situations C.sayings D.subjects

6.A.ever B.once C.even D.never

7.A.kneel B.stay C.stand D.punish

8.A.suspect B.instruct C.scold D.obey

9.A.following B.above C.long D.short

10.A.wine B.time C.money D.advice

11.A.abandoned B.found C.witnessed D.touched

12.A.proposal B.instruction C.experience D.question

13.A.answer B.reflection C.access D.appreciation

14.A.people B.children C.strangers D.receivers

15.A.qualified B.worthwhile C.important D.outstanding

16.A.than ever B.So far C.till then D.From then on

17.A.promise B.mistake C.defense D.decision

18.A.unbearable B.unforgettable C.incurable D.unconventional

19.A.teachers B.chiefs C.students D.workmates

20.A.selecting B.misunderstanding C.punishing D.cheating



    Endangered Species Day is a bittersweet event. While it's heartbreaking to think back on all the species we have already lost during our last few generations, and all we stand to lose in the next few.1..

Make a donation to a conservation organization. Every penny helps these local, national and interactional groups to do on-the-ground work in protecting habitats and species.2..

Visit your local natural history museum virtually. You'll learn a lot about your local wildlife including species that may be threatened with decline. Endangered species aren't just rhinos in Africa or leopards in Asia- they're also the insects, birds, mammals and even plants right in our own backyards, and many times there is the opportunity to protect them.

Join a wildlife conservation organization. There are many organizations to choose from including the National Wildlife Federation, National Audubon Society, Wildlife Conservation Network and more.3.. Your membership shows your ongoing support and also provides a way to stay in the loop about what's happening and how you can help.

4.. Today is the perfect day to send a few tweets, add a few Facebook updates, photos about endangered species conservation. You can be a source of information and awareness today and perhaps inspire even more people to get involved!

Stay informed! Make it a daily practice to check in on news about endangered species on a local, national or global level. You'll be able to see when and how you can help.

Many species are endangered now, but we can change that; we can end poaching, habitat destruction, pollution and so many other factors causing declines around the world,5..

A.Even if it's just $5, it helps

B.It is time to get involved and make a difference

C.So let's celebrate it with as many people as possible

D.It's also a chance to look at some ways we can get started

E.Volunteer to work in some wildlife conservation organizations

F.Take to social media with information about endangered species

G.You can join a larger organization or even one that focuses on specific species or habitats



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