满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Early February, I was flying up to Ohio....

    Early February, I was flying up to Ohio. Well prepared, I had everything in my favourfuel for five hours, charts in order, my flight plan on my lap, and a beautiful clear sky.

I was wrong.

I had heard about Alberta Clippers coming out of Canada. I knew all about them―how an entire air mass was streaming along at over sixty miles an hour.

That morning, the Weather Briefer informed me that an Alberta Clipper was going over Chicago about the time I got to the airport. Chicago was some 400 miles from my destination—not a factor, or so I thought. That was the first hint I missed.

The controller called and asked if I wanted to adjust my flight plan. I did the check and everything was in the green. So I told him no. Twenty minutes later the controller called again asking whether I wanted to adjust my flight plan. I checked everything. All was fine. I ignored that hint. I was fooled by the smooth air and limited experience with a rapidly moving air mass that was not changing violently. The Alberta Clipper was clipping along.

The first blast of turbulence(气流)struck my plane. I got slammed into the roof, and then slammed sideways hitting the window with such force up my nose that I started bleeding.

After a 2-hour flight of 100 miles, I realized fuel was now an issue. So was landing. I called Flight Following. We figured out the airport I could land.

The engine stopped. So did my heart. There is no quiet as quietly stunning as this one at such an altitude. I had run out of fuel in the left tank, and only a little in my right tank. The engine quit for a second time. I declared an emergency. I was told that I might get another few minutes of fuel if I gently banked the airplane. Luckily, it worked. Then, the engine quit for the last time. I was a glider now. I made a long lazy spiral descent. Down I went. I stopped at the very end of the runway.

I made so many mistakes, missed so many clues, and showed my ignorance so much that I beat myself up over and over again in my mind. I learned textbook descriptions of Alberta Clippers and real-life experience with one are totally different. I will never forget the sound of that silence.

I flew home the next day. Older. Wiser. Humbler. Lucky.

1.We can know from the passage that Alberta Clippers ______.

A.can bring snowstorms

B.are quick-moving air masses

C.are violently changing air pressure

D.can lead to a sudden temperature drop

2.What mainly led to the author's missing all the hints?

A.His lack of flying experience.

B.His poor preparation for the journey.

C.His misjudgement about the air mass.

D.His overconfidence in his piloting skills.

3.Which is the right order of the events?

a. I declared an emergency.

b. My airplane was running out of fuel.

c. I insisted on carrying on my flight plan.

d. I was thrown to the roof by the violent air mass.

e. I slightly banked my airplane and made a landing.

A.dcbea B.dceba

C.cdabe D.cdbae

4.The passage describes ______.

A.a rewarding training B.a narrow escape

C.a painful exploration D.a serious accident


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,作者在糟糕的天气条件下,坚持飞行,错估天气状况,又遭遇飞机没油和飞机引擎不转,经历了一次死里逃生的飞行经历。 1.细节理解题。由第三段中的“I had heard about Alberta Clippers coming out of Canada. I knew all about them―how an entire air mass was streaming along at over sixty miles an hour.”(我听说Alberta Clippers从加拿大来了。我对它们了如指掌——整个空气团以每小时60英里的速度流动。),可知Alberta Clippers是快速移动的气团。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。由第五段中的“I ignored that hint. I was fooled by the smooth air and limited experience with a rapidly moving air mass that was not changing violently.”(我忽略了这个暗示。我被平稳的空气和有限的经验愚弄了,认为快速移动的空气团没有剧烈的变化。),可知是作者对气团的错误判断使他忽略了暗示。故选C项。 3.细节理解题。按事件顺序,c——第五段中的“So I told him no.”(所以我告诉不调整飞行计划。),d——第六段中的“I got slammed into the roof, and then slammed sideways hitting the window with such force up my nose that I started bleeding.”(我被摔在顶上,然后侧身撞在窗户上,鼻子上的力量太大,我开始流血。),b——倒数第三段中的“I had run out of fuel in the left tank, and only a little in my right tank.”(我的左油箱没油了,而我的右油箱只有一点油。),a——倒数第三段中的“I declared an emergency.”(我宣布了紧急情况。),e——倒数第三段中的“I was told that I might get another few minutes of fuel if I gently banked the airplane. Luckily, it worked.”(有人告诉我,如果我轻轻地把飞机倾斜起来,我可能再得到几分钟的燃油。幸运的是,它成功了。)及“I stopped at the very end of the runway.”(我在跑道的尽头停了下来。),可知事件的正确顺序为cdbae。故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。由第六段中的“The first blast of turbulence(气流)struck my plane. I got slammed into the roof, and then slammed sideways hitting the window with such force up my nose that I started bleeding.”(我的飞机受到了第一次气流的冲击。我被摔在顶上,然后侧身撞在窗户上,鼻子上的力量太大,我开始流血。),倒数第三段中的“I had run out of fuel in the left tank, and only a little in my right tank. The engine quit for a second time. I declared an emergency.”(我的左油箱没油了,而我的右油箱只有一点油。发动机又一次熄火了。我宣布了紧急情况。)及“I stopped at the very end of the runway.”(我在跑道的尽头停了下来。),和最后一段“I flew home the next day. Older. Wiser. Humbler. Lucky.”(第二天我就飞回家了。年纪大了。要更聪明的,更谦卑。真幸运。),可知文章讲的是死里逃生的一次飞行经历。故选B项。

World Heritage Sites (遗址) You Need to Visit

Los Glaciares National Park

Located in the southwest of Santa Cruz province of the Argentine part of Patagonia in a remote area known as the Austral Andes, Los Glaciares National Park is a heaven of mountains lakes. and countless glaciers ( 冰川) that cover half the 600, 000-hectare expanse. Travelling through this amazing scenery is a once- in-a-lifetime experience.

Jeronimos Monastery

Travel to the Belem district at the entrance to the port of Lisbon to find the Jeronimos Monastery, which dates back to the 15th century. This highly religious building was constructed and donated to the monks (和尚) of Saint Hieronymus to pray for sailors on their voyages. It’s the characteristic of Portuguese Gothic style.

Old Québec

Founded by the French explorer Samuel de Champlain in 1608, Québec is among the oldest settlements in North America and one of the most popular travel destinations in Canada. Centuries-old attraction is on full display in its perfectly preserved historic district, a shining example of a city built by early settlers with stone paths, churches. And landmarks like Chateau Frontenac and Place Royale.

Angkor Wat

Exploring Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia lops our list of unforgettable trips that won’t break the bank. It is part of one of the most significant archaeological (考古的) sites in Southeast Asia in the ancient capital of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 14th century. This great temple complex was originally constructed as a place of showing respect to the god Vishnu and is the largest religious structure on the planet !

1.If you’re interested in natural scenery, which of the four places would you visit?

A.Los Glaciares National Park. B.Jeronimos Monastery.

C.Old Québec. D.Angkor Wat.

2.Which of the following are religious sites?

A.Old Québce and Angkor Wat.

B.Jeronimos Monastery and Old Québec.

C.Jeronimos Monastery and Angkor Wat.

D.Los Glaciarcs National Park and Jeronimos Monastery.

3.What can a traveler to Angkor Wat expect?

A.Mountain views. B.Great voyages.

C.Gothic style landmarks. D.Low expenses.






参考词汇:新冠肺炎   COVD-19   口罩 The protective mask



Dear Dave,

Glad to hear from you!



Li Hua









Lei Haiwei, a fast food delivery man, win the championship in the Chinese Poetry Contest held on April 4. Lei has shown great interest in Chinese culture before he was a child. In his small house, there is bookshelf, the top of that is filled with poetry books. Though he is busy with his work, but Lei seizes any available moment to read books relating to ancient poems. He is total crazy about poems and he recites it while waiting for food at restaurants. "Recite poems not only enriches my knowledges, but also makes my job less boring,” the delivery man said.




TENCENT announced yesterday that it will limit the daily time for youngsters to play 1.(it) popular King of Glory game after parents and schools in Shanghai and other areas complained their children had become addicted 2. playing it.

From tomorrow, children younger than 12 3.(allow)only to play the game for a maximum of one hour a day, and after 9 pm, they will be banned from logging(登录) into it, said Tencent. Teenagers 4.(old) than 12 will be able to play a maximum two hours a day.

The game system will remind players the time they have been playing and young players will be forced to log out-5. the time is up.

Tencent claimed these were the strictest6.(measure)in China's game industry to prevent addiction and the company expected they would case parents' anxiety.

There have been several cases7.(report) that children had spent too much money as well time on King of Glory. Though the company said it8.(update)system for parents to monitor children using its games, it will also add9.new function to limit spending of teenage players.

Now, parents can connect phones, tablets to computers their children use10.(play) game that they can always yep an eye on the children even if they have several game accounts, Tencent said.



    Some ten years ago, I was studying in a middle school in London. One day, Mrs. Clara gave a math  _______to our class. When the papers were  _______ , she found that twelve boys had made _______ the same mistakes in the test.

There is _______new about cheating in  _______ . Perhaps that was why Mrs. Clara didn’t  _______say one word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to  _______after class. I was one of the twelve.

Mrs. Clara asked no questions, and she didn’t  _______us, either. Instead, she wrote the_______ words on the blackboard: On your way home you find some __________   and you’re completely sure that you will never be found out. Later someone comes to ask you if you have  __________some money he lost. What will you do?

She then ordered us to write down the __________ , and asked us to take our whole lives to try to find out our own __________to it.

I don’t know about the other eleven  __________ . Speaking for myself I can say: it was the most  __________single thing of my life. __________ , I have been asking this question to myself when I have to make a  __________ .

Because of this, Mrs. Clara has become the most  __________teacher for me in my whole life. I often think of this: if Mrs. Clara had scolded us as many other  __________ often did, would I go on __________every day?

1.A.assignment B.test C.motto D.image

2.A.marked B.gathered C.distributed D.simplified

3.A.correctly B.frankly C.slightly D.exactly

4.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

5.A.exams B.situations C.sayings D.subjects

6.A.ever B.once C.even D.never

7.A.kneel B.stay C.stand D.punish

8.A.suspect B.instruct C.scold D.obey

9.A.following B.above C.long D.short

10.A.wine B.time C.money D.advice

11.A.abandoned B.found C.witnessed D.touched

12.A.proposal B.instruction C.experience D.question

13.A.answer B.reflection C.access D.appreciation

14.A.people B.children C.strangers D.receivers

15.A.qualified B.worthwhile C.important D.outstanding

16.A.than ever B.So far C.till then D.From then on

17.A.promise B.mistake C.defense D.decision

18.A.unbearable B.unforgettable C.incurable D.unconventional

19.A.teachers B.chiefs C.students D.workmates

20.A.selecting B.misunderstanding C.punishing D.cheating



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