满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.According to the art...


1.According to the article, what’s wrong with smoothies?

A.They contain too many calories.

B.The man doesn’t make his properly.

C.They take too long to drink.

2.What did the man put in his smoothie?

A.Vegetables. B.Sugar. C.Milk.

3.What does the man imply in the end?

A.He’ll read the article.

B.He’ll stop drinking smoothies.

C.He’s still going to make smoothies.


1.A 2.C 3.C 【解析】 【原文】 W: Do you know what a smoothie is? M: Sure. A smoothie is fruit juice mixed with milk or ice cream. W: I just read an article about smoothies. They may not be so good for us after all. M: Why? W: Well, you’re likely consuming more calories and sugar than by eating whole fruits or vegetables. M: This is pretty healthy. I used yogurt, a banana, three strawberries, and some milk. W: According to the article, drinking a whole smoothie in a few minutes is much worse for you than eating the same ingredients in fifteen minutes. M: Why? W: The substance in the fruit and vegetables slows down the time your body processes the sugar. But when you drink a smoothie, you’ll just feel hungrier later. You should read the article. M: Thanks, but I’ll be sticking with my morning smoothie.


1.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a clothing store.

B.At a work event.

C.At the cleaner’s.

2.When will the woman return?

A.Tomorrow morning. B.This afternoon. C.Tonight.



What does the woman tell the man?

A.Shoes are 15% off.

B.He should come back next month.

C.Winter jackets are the only items on sale.



What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Brother and sister. C.Husband and wife.



Why isn’t the Internet working?

A.The power went out.

B.The woman disconnected it.

C.The man didn’t pay the bill.



What is the most expensive thing that the woman orders?

A.Her drink. B.Her bread. C.Her vegetable.



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