满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What do we know abou...


1.What do we know about the area?

A.Lightning strikes mostly in December.

B.The people there worry about getting hit.

C.The area is near the Andes Mountains.

2.What did NASA call the area?

A.The Never-Ending Storm of Catatumbo.

B.The Lightning Capital of the World.

C.The Light of Venezuela.

3.How many people are struck by lightning near the Catatumbo River?

A.One in three per year.

B.One in 12,000 per year.

C.80% of people who live there.

4.What does the man say in the end?

A.He’s scared of storms.

B.He’ll never visit Venezuela.

C.He’d be careful if he lived in the area.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 W: There’s a place in Venezuela where lightning strikes about 200 days a year. M: Are you serious? W: Yep. Locals call it “the Never-Ending Storm of Catatumbo” because the area is near the Catatumbo River. Scientists found that most of the lightning strikes between April and November. NASA named the area “the Lightning Capital of the World”. M: Why does the area get so many storms? W: The Andes Mountains are on one side of the river, and the Caribbean Sea is on the other side. Cool mountain winds move into the valley and hit warm sea air, creating the perfect conditions for lightning. M: Are the people there afraid of getting hit? W: Most people stay inside at night, but they don’t really worry about it. The chances of being struck by lightning are pretty slim. In the U.S., about one out of every 12,000 people gets hit in their lifetime. M: Yeah, but we’re talking about an area that gets struck by lightning about 80% of the time. W: True. This article says that near the Catatumbo River, one in three people gets struck every year. M: Wow. That’s really scary! I would never go outside if I lived there.


1.What is the man doing?

A.Giving suggestions. B.Offering information. C.Asking for help.

2.What does the woman think of her father?

A.Stubborn. B.Understanding. C.Warm-hearted.

3.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Quit the play.

B.Talk with her father.

C.Take her father to the show.




1.According to the article, what’s wrong with smoothies?

A.They contain too many calories.

B.The man doesn’t make his properly.

C.They take too long to drink.

2.What did the man put in his smoothie?

A.Vegetables. B.Sugar. C.Milk.

3.What does the man imply in the end?

A.He’ll read the article.

B.He’ll stop drinking smoothies.

C.He’s still going to make smoothies.




1.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a clothing store.

B.At a work event.

C.At the cleaner’s.

2.When will the woman return?

A.Tomorrow morning. B.This afternoon. C.Tonight.



What does the woman tell the man?

A.Shoes are 15% off.

B.He should come back next month.

C.Winter jackets are the only items on sale.



What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Brother and sister. C.Husband and wife.



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