满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If you cut in line, you might just be a ...

    If you cut in line, you might just be a bad person. The queue is a regulation where the reward (the ice-cream stand/dining room/ticket booth) is earned through patience. Your choice to avoid this time-honored process will be bound to draw the anger of those you pass by, drawing remarks like “Whoa there, Chief,” the passive-aggressive “There’s a line, you know!” and of course, the incredibly common “Hey, Copernicus, why don’t you guide yourself to the back of the line?”

But, in the moment in which you really cannot wait, for example, the entire royal family has prepared a dinner party upon you last minute, then there is a way to cut the line correctly.

There are a few different ways to consider and a few different methods to employ. The regularity of the situation is very important. If you’re waiting to use the photocopier at work, you might be more likely to manage a successful cut than if you were waiting for a lifeboat on the Titanic. Sure, that might be an extreme example. But the importance of the event does matter.

For those requests in normal situations, emphasizing either the urgency of your task or the simplicity of your task proved to be effective: experimenters who said “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the photocopier?” had a cut rate of 60 percent and experimenters who said “May I use the photocopier because I need to make copies?” saw a success rate of 90 per cent when queuing for the copy machine.

If you have a couple of extra dollars lying around, bribing members of the line also proved to be effective. And most of the time, the person being bribed didn’t end up accepting the money, because even the offer showed that the briber had a sense of desperation.

1.Why does the author use the remarks about Chief and Copernicus in paragraph 1?

A.To illustrate the reaction from members in line. B.To encourage those who want to cut in line.

C.To praise the behavior of cutting in line. D.To provide advice which helps cut in line.

2.Which of the following is not a wise way to cut in line?

A.Giving the members in line money. B.Stating the emergency of the event.

C.Considering the regularity of the situation. D.Defending the right of cutting in line.

3.What is the best title for the text?

A.Be Patient When Queuing. B.Acceptable Ways to Cut in Line.

C.Time and Tides Waits for No Man. D.Special Rights under Emergency.


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了如果你插队,你可能就是个坏人。排队是一种规则,奖励是通过耐心赢得的。如果你插队,可能会引来排队的人的愤怒。文章主要介绍了一些明智的插队方式。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段中Your choice to avoid this time-honored process will be bound to draw the anger of those you pass by, drawing remarks like “Whoa there, Chief,” the passive-aggressive “There’s a line, you know!” and of course, the incredibly common “Hey, Copernicus, why don’t you guide yourself to the back of the line?”可知你选择避开这个历史悠久的过程,势必会引来被你插队的人的愤怒,引来诸如“哇,老大”“没看到在排队吗?”这样的被动攻击性的话语,当然,还有非常常见的话“嘿,哥白尼,你为什么不把自己引导到队伍的后面去?”由此可推知,作者在第一段使用了关于老大和哥白尼的评论,是为了举例说明队伍里其他人的反应。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中The regularity of the situation is very important.(形势的规律性是很重要的)可知C选项“考虑到事情的规律性”是明智的插队方式;根据倒数第二段中For those requests in normal situations, emphasizing either the urgency of your task or the simplicity of your task proved to be effective: experimenters who said “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the photocopier?”(对于那些在正常情况下的请求,强调任务的紧迫性或任务的简单性被证明是有效的:实验者说“不好意思,我有五页纸。我可以用这台复印机吗?”)可知B选项“说明活动的紧急情况”属于明智的插队方式;根据最后一段中If you have a couple of extra dollars lying around, bribing members of the line also proved to be effective.(如果你有多余的钱,贿赂队伍中的成员也被证明是有效的)可知C选项“给排队的人送钱”属于明智的插队方式;只有D选项“捍卫插队的权利”文章没有提到,不是明智的插队方式。故选D。 3. 主旨大意题。根据第二段But, in the moment in which you really cannot wait, for example, the entire royal family has prepared a dinner party upon you last minute, then there is a way to cut the line correctly.可知但是,在你真的等不了的时候,例如,整个皇室家族在最后一刻为你准备了一场晚宴,那么有一种方法可以正确地插队。结合文章主要说明了如果你插队,你可能就是个坏人。排队是一种规则,奖励是通过耐心赢得的。如果你插队,可能会引来排队的人的愤怒。文章主要介绍了一些明智的插队方式。由此可知,B选项“可以接受的插队方式”最符合文章标题,故选B。

    Khalifa joined the Roots & Shoots in 2007. But her involvement began much earlier when she was inspired by a video shown in a school classroom of Dr. Jane Goodall doing research in Tanzania. “I think it was the third grade,” she says. “I was like, ‘Wow, I want to be like her.’”

That drive led her to participate in Roots & Shoots and several other youth programs. As a member of the Roots & Shoots in high school, she was involved in many service projects, to make the world a better place for people, animals, and the environment. She travelled to national youth summits, to gatherings with other students from around the world, and to Tanzania where she met youth leaders there and saw Jane’s work in Gombe.

Reflecting on the many Root & Shoots projects she was involved in, Khalifa says a favorite was called Peace Through Art. During the Iraq War, she and her peers made and collected art from students in the United States and sent them to Iraqis. The project tapped into both her passion for expression through art and her commitment to helping others. “Art is very special,” she says, “in that art is kind of a universal language. You don’t have to really speak the same language as someone to get a message across.”

She hopes to be an inspiration to women, to people of color, and to others who “have that little seed”-who want to ask questions, seek answers, have an impact on their communities. “So people pull you up, right, but the idea is that you should pull someone up too,” she says.

“The mountain top, for me at least,” she says, “is making a positive impact in my community, knowing that I helped change not only my life but other people’s lives.” She hopes that her story will motivate others. Ultimately, she says, “I want to do the same for others that Jane has done for me. That’s the long-term goal.”

1.Why did Khalifa join Roots & Shoots?

A.To collect art to help other people in Iraq.

B.To follow Jane Goodall to build a better world.

C.To travel to meet different students and youth leaders.

D.To be an inspirational woman to encourage weak groups.

2.Which of the following best describe Khalifa?

A.Clever and determined. B.Brave and outgoing.

C.Aggressive and strict. D.Caring and ambitious.

3.What can we learn from Khalifa’s words in the last two paragraphs?

A.People should get involved in social activities.

B.People should try their best to change their own life.

C.People should make a difference to others.

D.People should never give up their dreams.




1.What does the speaker suggest people do at the beginning of the week?

A.Stay indoors.

B.Put their summer clothes away.

C.Get out to enjoy the beautiful weather.

2.When should the storm be over?

A.By Tuesday evening.

B.By Friday morning.

C.By next Monday.

3.What usually happens in late September and early October?

A.There are a lot of storms.

B.The weather gets hot again.

C.It is always quite cold.




1.What do we know about the area?

A.Lightning strikes mostly in December.

B.The people there worry about getting hit.

C.The area is near the Andes Mountains.

2.What did NASA call the area?

A.The Never-Ending Storm of Catatumbo.

B.The Lightning Capital of the World.

C.The Light of Venezuela.

3.How many people are struck by lightning near the Catatumbo River?

A.One in three per year.

B.One in 12,000 per year.

C.80% of people who live there.

4.What does the man say in the end?

A.He’s scared of storms.

B.He’ll never visit Venezuela.

C.He’d be careful if he lived in the area.




1.What is the man doing?

A.Giving suggestions. B.Offering information. C.Asking for help.

2.What does the woman think of her father?

A.Stubborn. B.Understanding. C.Warm-hearted.

3.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Quit the play.

B.Talk with her father.

C.Take her father to the show.




1.According to the article, what’s wrong with smoothies?

A.They contain too many calories.

B.The man doesn’t make his properly.

C.They take too long to drink.

2.What did the man put in his smoothie?

A.Vegetables. B.Sugar. C.Milk.

3.What does the man imply in the end?

A.He’ll read the article.

B.He’ll stop drinking smoothies.

C.He’s still going to make smoothies.



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