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In 1985, the BMX bike craze was at its h...

    In 1985, the BMX bike craze was at its height. Every kid in our community was doing tricks on their BMX Raleigh Burner. Every kid apart from two: me and Martin Ogley. Martin was the owner of a purple Raleigh Chopper, and to be seen riding it in 1985 was embarrassing. The kids would knock into Martin mercilessly at every opportunity. And although I didn’t own any kind of bike, I would  join in. I knew that by keeping the focus on Martin, I was less likely to be a target.

When other kids asked where my bike was, I would say my BMX was so top-of-the-range that I didn’t ride it on the street. While I knew it would not hold up forever, I wasn’t too worried. The New Year was coming and, after months of complaining to my dad, I was confident that a BMX would appear.

On the New Year, I was disappointed to see Martin playing at the end of our street on what was clearly a brand-new BMX. As we entered the house, my eyes were drawn to where my presents were piled up. There was a bike. A purple Raleigh Chopper. You see, in the week before the New Year, my dad just happened to be drinking in the local working men’s club with Martin’s dad, who was eager to sell an old bike after buying his son a new one.

It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that we were in that same working men’s club and I reminded my dad of that year, the year of Martin Ogley’s Chopper. I thought he wouldn’t remember the whole thing, but he did. And so I asked him the question: How the hell did I end up with Martin Ogle’s Chopper? And my dad smiled and said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, “Well, because you were mean to Martin.”

1.Why did the writer join the kids in treating Martin badly?

A.To protect Martin. B.To be friends with them.

C.To get Martin’s bike. D.To avoid being the focus.

2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined words “hold up”?

A.Work. B.Stop. C.Fail. D.Stay.

3.How did the writer’s father get the purple bike?

A.He bought it from the market. B.He got it from Martin’s father.

C.He asked Martin to give it away. D.He exchanged it with his friend.


1.D 2.A 3.B 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的记叙文。通过一些生活示例比如他父亲如何得到这辆自行车,新年感到失望的理由和原因,以及到了三十岁以后自己工作的状态和想法等等来讲述作者对拥有一辆高级自行车以及由此产生的一些观点和看法。 1. 细节理解题。通过审题得知前面描述的是他们小伙伴如何见一次Martin的面就打他一次。而作者And although I didn’t own any kind of bike, I would join in. I knew that by keeping the focus on Martin, I was less likely to be a target.尽管我没有一辆车,我也会加入打Martin的行列,因为我知道通过让Martin成为焦点,我便更少机会可能成为被打的目标。由此可以推出作者是想避免成为焦点以被打。故选项 切合文意,故选D。 2. 猜测词义题。审题定位于所标词组处:While I knew it would not hold up forever, I wasn’t too worried.当我得知这样永远不会有效,我也不担心。因为下文讲新年快到了,经过数月的对父亲的抱怨,我很自信会有一辆高级自行车出现在我眼前。这里可以推出作者并不担心这样做是否会有效果,但期待着有一辆车会出现在眼前。故A选项为工作之意,也即有效的意思。故切合文意。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。通过审题得知You see, in the week before the New Year, my dad just happened to be drinking in the local working men’s club with Martin’s dad, who was eager to sell an old bike after buying his son a new one.你知道的,在新年来临的前一周,我父亲恰好在当地工人俱乐部和马丁的父亲一起喝酒,而马丁父亲急于想出售那辆旧车以便给他买一辆新的。从这里可以推出是作者的父亲购买了马丁父亲出售的旧车。所以作者很失望,故B选项切合文意。故选B。


1.How did the speaker feel before his first interview?

A.Very confident. B.Very nervous. C.Very impatient.

2.Where did the speaker take up his first part-time job?

A.In middle school. B.In high school. C.In college.

3.What made the speaker want to be an engineer?

A.Helping at McDonald’s.

B.Serving at a coffee shop.

C.Working at a building company.

4.What is the speaker’s secret to success?

A.He met lots of people.

B.He had work experience.

C.He developed good study habits.




1.What will the woman do first when summer starts?

A.Go on a trip. B.Work. C.Buy a car.

2.How long will the man stay at college?

A.One year. B.Two years. C.Three years.

3.What can the woman enjoy in July?

A.A comedy show. B.A sports match. C.A concert.

4.Where did the woman get her tickets?

A.From a radio show. B.From the ticket office. C.From a friend.




1.How does the woman feel about going back to school?

A.Nervous. B.Happy. C.Excited.

2.What does the new school have?

A.Two huge computer rooms. B.An outdoor swimming pool.

C.A playground with artificial grass.

3.What course will the woman probably choose?

A.Drawing. B.Dancing. C.Acting.




1.How long will their holiday probably last?

A.Four days. B.Five days. C.Nine days.

2.What is the woman especially interested in about Thailand?

A.The national park. B.The climate. C.The food.




1.Who will pay for the lunch?

A.The man. B.The woman. C.The man’s boss.

2.How will the speakers go for the lunch?

A.By car. B.On foot. C.By taxi.



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