满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

How much will the man pay? A.$50. B.$100...

How much will the man pay?

A.$50. B.$100. C.$200.


B 【解析】 【原文】 W:It’ll cost you about $200 to have your car repaired, but since you have a membership card, you’11 have to pay only 50% of it. M: Go ahead and do the necessary work. Just do a good job.  

What will the man do this weekend?

A.Meet his professor. B.See a movie. C.Do a project.










Dear Tom,


Y ours sincerely,

Li Hua









In the beginning of the new term, our school organized military training. In the first three day, our instructor taught us how to walk and stood like a real soldier. On the last day of military training, we were honoring for our achievements. Through our efforts, they won the first prize. After the four-day military training, my classmates and I was expressed our thanks for our instructor’s hardly work. He not only taught us how to behave like a soldier but also showed us meaning of honor or teamwork. Never will I forget that he taught me.




Honeybee populations in the United States 1. (decrease) dramatically over the decades. And a new study suggests that a certain kind of pesticide could be making things 2. (bad).

The number of honeybees hasn’t changed much over the past few years, but the overall picture doesn’t look good for an insect that plays 3. important role in our food supply. Scientists don’t know for sure 4. this is happening. Pesticides and parasites (寄生虫) are the most suspected reasons, and a study recently published in the scientific journal. One suggests that neonicotinolds (烟碱类农药) ,types of pesticides that 5. (use) around the world, are incredibly poisonous to honeybees and other insects. Part of the reason for that is because these pesticides appear 6. (stick) around in the environment and stay dangerous for longer periods of time.

Though they’re deadly to insects, neonicotinolds are not considered dangerous to humans. An ongoing challenge 7. farmers is finding ways to keep other insects away while still 8. (protect ) bees. Pesticides may not discriminate between the insects they kill, though neonicotinolds maker says the chemical’s risk to bees is lower when it’s used properly. The U. S. Department of Agriculture says it’s 9. (likely) that there’s one magic 10. (solve) to the problem, but there are a number of organizations trying to help honeybees.



    You might think having to dial 911 in an emergency would be scary, but really it was OK because I knew what to do. One ______ I was sitting on a rock watching my mom ______ a horse. The next second , she went ______ backward when the horse kicked her. She landed on the ground, ______, got up on her knees, and held her face in her hands. The horse ran off.

I was in a bit of ______. I yelled to my mom and ______ if she was all right. She didn’t answer. ______, she ran inside the house. I was scared, but I knew my mom would want me to make sure the horse was ______. I led him back to the barn. He’s not ______ or scary or anything—sometimes accidents ______ happen.

Once I put him in a stall, I ran ______. My mom did not look OK. I called 911 and told the ______ what had happened. The ambulance came and drove us a short distance to where a helicopter was waiting to ______ my mom to the hospital. In the ambulance, I called my mom’s friend, who came and took me to the ______ too.

I was crying and so ______ and shaking. Would my mom be OK? After ______ and five days in the hospital, she came home. I was so ______ to have her back. She was training ______ again after about six weeks.

Later on, I couldn’t believe it when the government gave me an award for how I ______ the emergency and helped my mom. One thing’s for sure. She can always ______ me.

1.A.moment B.line C.zone D.second

2.A.push B.train C.beat D.feed

3.A.approaching B.fighting C.flying D.crashing

4.A.rolled over B.stepped forward C.slipped away D.spread out

5.A.shock B.sadness C.disappointment D.amusement

6.A.responded B.asked C.explored D.comforted

7.A.Thus B.Unfortunately C.Instead D.Actually

8.A.dead B.wild C.heavy D.safe

9.A.mean B.mild C.lovely D.special

10.A.just B.already C.rarely D.rather

11.A.outside B.away C.inside D.off

12.A.operator B.waiter C.doctor D.director

13.A.sacrifice B.bring C.hold D.take

14.A.helicopter B.hospital C.ambulance D.barn

15.A.discouraged B.frightened C.confused D.frozen

16.A.connection B.recovery C.operation D.adventure

17.A.upset B.cross C.happy D.calm

18.A.legs B.knees C.bikes D.horses

19.A.handled B.survived C.instructed D.claimed

20.A.care about B.count on C.get hold of D.look up to



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