满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

"Keep your eyes open. This is where the ...

    "Keep your eyes open. This is where the Ewoks live.'' The one-hour drive outside of San Francisco, covered in clouds along windy roads, has inspired my husband to say this sentence at least a dozen times.

We finally arrive at Muir Woods National Park. I explain the strange green stuff on trunks of trees as we pass by--mos (苔藓), something my 5-year-old son Cole has never seen in the desert where we live.

"Mom, are Ewoks real? I think they maybe aren't real. " There's a question in Cole's voice,like he's trying on this idea.

We've been down the road of pretending versus reality before, what with all the talk of superheroes and such around our house. "I think you are right. Ewoks are just in the movies. But it would be cool if they were real, right ?"

Cole's silent for a while, thinking. "I just saw an Ewok’s ear back there!" Coles spotted an additional Ewok arm and one full body of the tiny hairy creatures. It does indeed look like we are in the Ewok forest of Star Wars.

Cole's imagination is more than I can understand. What do plants eat? Which is the best planet? Which rocks float? He loves life. He loves his inner world and outer existence equally.

I hear a lot of worry from parents about media sucking the souls from our children, taking away their time for creative play. For us, this hasn’t been the case. Cole and his brother are quite knowledgeable in the realities of life when it comes to Angry Birds, Curious George, and the adventures of Indiana Jones. These characters, and others of their own invention, live in my home like visitors, joining us on walks and outings. I appreciate them, though not all the time, for the company they give my sons and their busy minds.

I think of media characters as an add-on to already busy minds, by carefully monitoring who gets invited into our lives, they become part of the parenting team. They teach loyalty adventure, curiosity--lessons I'm trying to convey, but in a much cooler way than I can.

Pretence is awesome. It provides practice for real life without the ordinary interfering.

1.Where are the family heading for?

A.The cinema. B.A park. C.San Francisco. D.A desert.

2.What can we know about Cole from the passage?

A.He is proud of himself. B.He is full of curiosity.

C.He is courageous. D.He is considerate.

3.What do many parents think of their children playing via media?

A.It wastes children's time.

B.It can make their children relaxed.

C.It can engage their children in learning actively.

D.It can accompany their children in their absence.

4.What's the authors attitude to the media characters in parenting children?

A.Indifferent. B.Critical. C.Supportive. D.Disapproving.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者通过他们一家去国家公园的路上,儿子Cole对一切都非常好奇的情况,联想到了媒体角色对孩子的正面影响。作者谈到,很多父母都认为玩媒体游戏浪费孩子的时间。但事实上,媒体角色以一种非常酷的方式帮助父母教会了孩子忠诚、冒险和好奇。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段的We finally arrive at Muir Woods National Park.(我们最终到了Muir Woods国家公园)可知,作者一家要前往一个国家公园。B. A park.(一个公园)符合以上说法,故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第六段的Cole's imagination is more than I can understand. What do plants eat? Which is the best planet? Which rocks float? (Cole的想象力超乎我的想象。植物吃什么?哪个是最好的星球?哪一个岩石是漂浮的?)可知,Cole有很多的疑问。由此推测他对一切都充满了好奇。B. He is full of curiosity.(他充满了好奇)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的I hear a lot of worry from parents about media sucking the souls from our children, taking away their time for creative play. (我听到很多父母担心媒体会吸走孩子的灵魂,夺走他们创造性游戏的时间。)可推测,很多父母认为在媒体上玩是浪费时间。A. It wastes children's time.(它浪费了孩子的时间)符合以上说法,故选A项。 4. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段I think of media characters as an add-on to already busy minds, by carefully monitoring who gets invited into our lives, they become part of the parenting team. They teach loyalty adventure, curiosity--lessons I'm trying to convey, but in a much cooler way than I can.(我认为媒体角色是我们已经非常忙碌的头脑的附加部分,通过仔细观察谁被邀请进入我们的生活,它们成为养育孩子团队的一部分。它们教会人们忠诚、冒险和好奇心,用一种比我所能想到的更酷的方式)可推测,作者对媒体角色在教育孩子这方面持赞同的态度。C. Supportive.(支持的)符合以上说法,故选C项。

Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center

Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center is a shelter for endangered and illegally-traded foreign animals confiscated (没收) by the U.S. Wildlife Service. It carries out the motto "Preservation through Education" by educating visitors about the preservation of the environment and the inter-dependence of all living things.

Field trips

The Center hosts field trips for schools and camps throughout Southern California. Each field trip lasts two hours, consisting of a one-hour gathering and a one-hour tour of the facility with lessons associated with California State Science Standards.

Throughout the field trip, students learn about the latest developments in environmental protection and the ways in which wildlife interacts with various ecosystems. The students also receive an up-close and hands-on experience with our rescued foreign wildlife. The tour includes different environmental exhibits that show the ways students can help protect animals in the wild.

Public tours

Guided tours of the Center introduce visitors to over two hundred rescued foreign wildlife. Each tour is led by a staff member, and features fun animal facts, hands-on animal encounters. surprising rescue stories, environmental exhibits, and original approaches to going green. Visitors may only see the animals on a guided tour, for both your safety and the safety of our animals.

The guided tour lasts approximately 45-60 minutes. Visitors are served on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservations are required. However, tours may sell out. We suggest larger groups schedule a private tour.

Our regular public tour’s times are subject to change without notice. Please call in advance for the most up-to-date information

1.What is Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center intended for?

A.Helping study wildlife abroad.

B.Collecting money for animal shelters.

C.Raising awareness of wildlife protection.

D.Deepening our understanding of rare animals.

2.What can students do on a field trip?

A.Share stories of rescuing animals. B.Take part in foreign wildlife rescue.

C.Explore why species get endangered. D.Learn how wildlife affects ecosystems.

3.What can we learn about a guided tour?

A.Large groups are served first. B.Animals are not available.

C.Booking ahead is needed. D.Tours 'times are flexible.



假定你是李华.你所在的黑龙江省实验中学要征集〜封英文感谢信.以致敬奋战在抗击新型冠状病 毒第一线的医护人员。清你写一封感谢信参与投稿.内容包括:









新型冠状病毒novel coronavirus

黑龙江省实验 Heilongjang Provincial Experimental High School

Dear medical workers.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua









I recently had a bad cold. My Chinese friends suggested that 1 drank some hot water, what made me think of some common home remedies(家庭疗法)back in the US.

When I was about 10, I got the flu, and my mom didn't take me to the doctor. First, she had me to take several hot showers. Then, she told me to put on as many clothing as I could. Before that, I slept under a thick blanket. I was sweating so much that I felt like I’d just taken a bath. Within a day, my flu gone.

This kind of sweating is the common home remedy in the West. Another remedies include drinking ginger soda when you have a stomachache and eat chicken noodle soup when you have a cold.




On Aug 12, I started the second day of my visit to the United States. My mother's old classmate, 1. has lived there for a while, came with me. I soon found that the US is2. true a "nation on wheels”.

I spent most of my day 3.ride in the car. 1 could sec the endless land and lots of trucks going past. There are many gas stations along the road. They not only provide drivers4. food, showers and beds, but also services like truck repair.

It's not just truck drivers on the country's roads, but many bikers can 5. see as well. They're called "Harley knights (骑士)" 6.  most of their vehicles are Harley Davidson motorcycles. They have their luggage 7.tie to the backs of their bikes and ride through the broad lands of the US. The exciting music they listen to while riding their 8.motorcycle beats together with their young hearts. These bikers stand for the passionate (热情的)on-the-road spirit of the US. They long to be close to the road and enjoy 9.they. At one gas station, we 10.meet four "Harley knights" who were about 70 years old. I envy these bikers, as they are living such colorful lives.



You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please______ the books when you’ve finished with them.

A.put on B.put down

C.put back D.put off



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