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文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增...





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。

Different attitudes lead to different results. Those who take positively attitudes towards work will be rewarded. Taking Li Kang as an example. He is my classmate. He puts his heart into his studyso he had become a top student. With his hard workhe will succeed in entering into his ideal university. BesidesLiu Qiangalso my classmatenever cares about his study because he is addicting to playing games. He turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advices. As resulthe falls far behind others in her study. In my opinionattitude is everything. No matter how you doyou must do it well even if you may fail many times.


1. positively→positive 2. Taking→Take 3. had→has 4. into 去掉 5. Besides→However 6. addicting→addicted 7. advices→advice 8. As ∧a 9. her→his 10. how→what 【解析】 本文为记叙文,讲述了李康和李强两人因不同态度得到不同结果的故事。 1. 考查形容词。句意:那些对工作持有积极态度的人都会得到奖励。在这句话中是要修饰attitudes这个名词,所以前面需要形容词进行修饰。故将positively改为positive。 2. 考查祈使句。句意:我们以李康为例。在这句话中没有谓语动词,所以take要以谓语动词出现。然后这句话有没有主语,所以是祈使句。故将Taking改为Take。 3. 考查时态语态。句意:于是他成为了顶尖生。根据整篇文章可知,这篇文章讲的是现在的事情,所以要用现在的时态,所以将过去完成时改为现在完成时。而且“他”和“成为”是主动关系。故将had改为has。 4. 考查介词。句意:通过他的努力,他进入了梦想的大学。enter这个词是及物动词,所以不需要跟介词。故去掉into。 5. 考查副词。句意:然而,我的同学李强一点也不在意自己的成绩,整天沉迷于玩游戏。前文讲的是李康认真学习取得好成绩,这里讲的是李强玩物丧志,所以是转折关系。故将Besides改为However. 6. 考查固定搭配。句意见上一题。我们用be addicted to来表示“沉迷于”。故将addicting改为addicted。 7. 考查名词单复数。句意:他不会听取老师的建议。建议advice是不可数名词,所以没有复数。故将advices改为advice。 8. 考查冠词。句意:结果是,他的学习成绩远远落后于其他同学。“结果是”我们用as a result这一固定搭配进行表示。故在As后加a。 9. 考查代词。句意见上一题。这里讲的是李强的成绩落后于其他同学。所以应该用his来指代李强。故将her改为his。 10. 考查让步状语从句。句意:无论你做什么吗。在这里do是及物动词,后面缺宾语,所以我们用what来做do的宾语。故将how改为what。  


People eat rice all over the world

Rice 1. (believe) to have been first grown in China or possibly somewhere else in eastern Asia around 10,000 years ago. 2. earliest evidence of rice farming comes from a 7,000-year-old site near the lower Yangtze River village of Hemudu in Zhejiang province in China.

Rice is a kind of food which requires much labor. In developed countries, the planting and harvesting is done 3.(most) with machines. 4., in much of the world, these things are still largely done by hand. It takes one farmer 1,000 to 2,000 working hours5.(raise)a rice crop on 2.5 acres of land. The fact that rice needs so much labor means 6.(keep) a lot of the population on the land.

Rice is also a crop 7. need of lots of water. The wet rice grown in most of Asia needs hot weather after a period of rain and conditions provided by the rainy seasons affect many of the places 8. rice is grown.

Rice straws(稻杆9.(leave) in the fields add nutrients(营养物) to the soil after rice is harvested(收割). For the next crop, rice farmers can often enjoy a good harvest by adding little 10. no fertilizer.(肥料)




1.If you have any questions, please don’t h________to ask me.

2.He doesn’t make friends with others. As a c__________, he is rather lonely..

3.The women made an a_______ to the saleswomen for being so impolite.

4.His _______(缺乏) of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.

5.It's impolite to keep _________ (打断) a speaker during a lecture

6.He is a celebrity now. But can you imagine the difficulties he o________ before success.

7.He jumped up in ______(恐慌) at the sight of the big snake.

8.Try to act _______(自信地), even if you feel nervous.

9.The f_________ of the ear is to listen.

10.He is a _______(天才的) artist.



    Giving a gift that will stand the test of time is always a challenge,but giving plants is one way to try.Whatever type of plant you choose,it’s sure to last longer than cut flowers1.

The most important thing to consider is where it will live.If your friend’s place is bright and sunny,a succulent(多肉植物)makes sense. 2.Succulents naturally grow in desert-like environments,while orchids(兰花)grow in damp forests.

3.It can help you understand what conditions it prefers.So,while picking out plant gifts,ask the salesperson for more information to ensure what you choose is a match for where it will end up.

Whatever plant you choose,make peace with the fact that it may or may not survive.After all,a house’s inside is pretty dissimilar to where that plant naturally grows.So we can all only do our best.4.If their leaves dry up,they’re not getting enough water.If they’re reaching their leaves toward the light,they may need more of it.So offer that advice to your friend,and then let it go.

If you have a plant-interested friend on your gift list,why not choose a plant which is easy to keep alive in his place and looks lovely?You don’t need to wrap it,as a simple bow is  enough.5.It’s a way to ensure your gift gets a good start in life.

A.You can always put them inside a paper bag.

B.But you can consider giving a nice pot and bag of soil.

C.Knowing the natural history of a plant is equally important.

D.Even relatively experienced green thumbs sometimes lose

E.The key is to pay attention to plants-really look at them each day..

F.If you want to choose plants as gifts,the ideas below will help you on your way.

G.If your friend has a cool home with no direct sun,an orchid is probably a better choice.



    Researchers have been looking forward to using tiny flying robots to settle important tasks. The various machines could be used to help astronauts on space missions, and even to help bees with plant pollination(授粉). However, fitting the heavy electric equipment that is used to power and control the wings into the tiny robot has been challenging. Now thanks to RoboBee X-Wing—the world’s lightest aerial vehicle that can fly not tied to a power source.

Made by Harvard researchers, the insect-inspired robot weighs only 259 milligrams, has four wings whose distance is 3.5 centimeters, and stands 6.5 centimeters high. Its four small wings, which can flap up(拍动) to 170 times a second, are controlled by actuators(驱动器). They become small when the electricity passes through them. Six small solar cells, fitted above the wings to prevent them from disturbing the flight, provide the power.

RoboBee X-Wing is powered by six solar cells. To test its flying abilities, the team, led by doctor Noah Jafferis and PhD student Elizabeth Helbling, exposed the RoboBee X-Wing’s solar cells to LED lighting. To their delight, the tiny robot’s wings began to flap, and it rose, keeping a flight for about half a second. Though the robot lost its flight ability as soon as the power source was turned off, its short flight was cheered for its huge effect on the future of tiny flying robots.

However, though the current RoboBee X-Wing is a step in the right direction, it is not quite ready for main time. The researchers also hope to experiment with other power sources, such as batteries, sun light or radio frequency signals, and to add more advanced “brains” and sensor systems to navigate and complete tasks independently.

1.What can we know about small flying robots according to the first paragraph?

A.They are made to do ordinary tasks by scientists.

B.They can be used only for very dangerous task.

C.They can be powered directly by the energy of the sun.

D.It’s not easy to fit the heavy electric equipment into them.

2.Why is RoboBee X-Wing considered having a big effect on the future of tiny flying robots?

A.Because it is ready for the instant use.

B.Because it can take off and fly out of control.

C.Because it can fly not tied to a power source.

D.Because it can settle important tasks.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about RoboBee X-Wing?

A.It can’t be used in crowded places.

B.It can be used for giving directions.

C.It can use radio signals to power itself.

D.It still can’t be used widely at present.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Science.

C.Education. D.Health.



    The United States has about 475,000 school buses ---all painted yellow. Each day they carry more than 25,000,000 children, half of all schoolchildren in the country. But these buses, on average, use four liters of diesel (柴油) fuel to travel less than sixteen kilometers. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged 55 cents a liter nationally. The price nearly doubled, to a dollar and 8 cents, by the end of school in June.

Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council. He says fuel prices for schools are not much lower than others have to pay. As a result, schools are looking for ways to reduce transportation costs. Bus routes are being redrawn or, in some cases, canceled. Some areas are buying buses that use natural gas or other alternative fuels. Other steps include fewer field trips and less travel by sports teams. And some school districts may end any bus service not required by law.

Studies show that school buses are the safest form of transportation to and from school. The American School Bus Council says cuts in bus service are bad for children and possibly the environment. It says removing buses from the road will mean an increase in other vehicles transporting students. Spokesman Bob Riley says another concern is that reducing bus services might reduce attendance.

But it could also get more children to walk or bicycle to school. And that would surely make people happy at the National Center for Safe Routes to School. More kids walking or biking safely to school is the aim of a three-year-old federal program, part of an international movement. The goal is to increase physical activity and reduce air pollution. The United States will celebrate Walk to School Day on October eighth this year. But for some students, high fuel prices could make every day a walk-to-school day.

1.What does this passage mainly tell us?

A.High fuel prices’ influences on school buses.

B.New measures to transport school students.

C.The safest form of student transportation.

D.The origin of Walk to School Day.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A.Cuts in bus service will have negative results.

B.The US government is encouraging cuts in bus services.

C.The US schools are searching for the safest transportation means.

D.Reducing bus service will do a lot of good to the environment.

3.In order to cut down transportation cost, many schools take the following measures EXCEPT__.

A.changing some bus routes

B.stopping some bus routes

C.asking parents to drive children to and from school

D.using other types of fuels

4.The National Center for Safe Routes to School encourages more children to walk or bike to school in order to ____.

A.save more fuels and diesel for the country

B.keep the children safe on their way to school

C.make the children live a simple life

D.keep the children healthy and the environment clean



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