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Point Reyes At Point Reyes you will find...

    Point Reyes

At Point Reyes you will find trails, historic buildings and visitor centers where visitors can enjoy all aspects of the unique area. Visitors can enjoy camping, hiking and biking. Point Reyes National Park also features the Point Reyes Lighthouse and visitor center, and at the visitor center you can learn all about the lighthouse(灯塔)and for the very adventurous tourists a trip down the 308 stairs to the lighthouse is a great option.

Big Sur

Big Sur is a region in California with many wonders to offer visitors. The Los Padres National Forest is an excellent destination for hiking. Throughout the forest there are many trails, including trails allowing visitors to walk along the coastline. In addition, Big Sur is also a fantastic destination for wildlife viewing. This region is one of the few places where the majestic bird can be seen.

Yosemite National Park

Located in central California, Yosemite National Park is an amazing destination for recreational enthusiasts, especially rock climbers. Climbers travel from around the world to take on the challenges presented at Yosemite. There are many other recreational activities to enjoy, including biking, hiking, backpacking and many more. Yosemite Valley has a wide range of attractive sights, and waterfalls.

Joshua Tree National Park

Located in southeastern California, Joshua Tree has some amazing sites to see. There are many nature trails, hiking trails, as well as options for mountain biking and rock climbing. Visitors to Joshua Tree can enjoy the beautiful desert ecosystem. At Joshua Tree you can look into the dense star clouds of the Milky Way, and see clearly. These star clouds are especially dense and bright to the south near the horizon.

1.How do tourists visit the Point Reyes Lighthouse?

A.By bike. B.On foot.

C.By air. D.By boat.

2.What can tourists do in Big Sur?

A.Enjoy historic buildings. B.Hunt birds.

C.Sec the sea. D.Climb rocks.

3.Where can you go if you'd like to experience the desert ecosystem?

A.Point Reyes. B.Big Sur.

C.Yosemite National Park. D.Joshua Tree National Park.


1.B 2.C 3.D 【解析】 本文是篇应用文。文章介绍了北美的四个国家公园,各具特色,值得参观游览。 1. 细节理解题。根据 Point Reyes中的you can learn all about the lighthouse(灯塔) and for the very adventurous tourists a trip down the 308 stairs to the lighthouse is a great option.可你可以了解到关于灯塔的所有信息,对于那些喜欢冒险的游客来说,从308级台阶下到灯塔是一个不错的选择。可知,游客参观灯塔要步行。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据 Big Sur中的 Throughout the forest there are many trails, including trails allowing visitors to walk along the coastline. 整个森林有许多小路,包括允许游客沿着海岸线行走的小路。可知,在这里游客可以看到大海。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据 Joshua Tree National Park 中的Visitors to Joshua Tree can enjoy the beautiful desert ecosystem:观约书亚树的游客可以欣赏到美丽的沙漠生态系统。可知,如果一个人想体验沙漠生态环境,他可以选择Joshua Tree国家公园。故选D。


1. 欢迎来北京度假;

2. 假期票难买,请提前买票;

3. 介绍北京游览点,如颐和园 (the Summer Palace)、紫禁城 (the Forbidden City)、明十三陵 (the Ming Tombs)、长城等,还可以参观北京大学;

4. 请电话告知车次及起程日期(date of departure),准备去车站迎接。


Drear Martin,

I'm very glad to receive your e­mail on December 15.



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。

Different attitudes lead to different results. Those who take positively attitudes towards work will be rewarded. Taking Li Kang as an example. He is my classmate. He puts his heart into his studyso he had become a top student. With his hard workhe will succeed in entering into his ideal university. BesidesLiu Qiangalso my classmatenever cares about his study because he is addicting to playing games. He turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advices. As resulthe falls far behind others in her study. In my opinionattitude is everything. No matter how you doyou must do it well even if you may fail many times.




People eat rice all over the world

Rice 1. (believe) to have been first grown in China or possibly somewhere else in eastern Asia around 10,000 years ago. 2. earliest evidence of rice farming comes from a 7,000-year-old site near the lower Yangtze River village of Hemudu in Zhejiang province in China.

Rice is a kind of food which requires much labor. In developed countries, the planting and harvesting is done 3.(most) with machines. 4., in much of the world, these things are still largely done by hand. It takes one farmer 1,000 to 2,000 working hours5.(raise)a rice crop on 2.5 acres of land. The fact that rice needs so much labor means 6.(keep) a lot of the population on the land.

Rice is also a crop 7. need of lots of water. The wet rice grown in most of Asia needs hot weather after a period of rain and conditions provided by the rainy seasons affect many of the places 8. rice is grown.

Rice straws(稻杆9.(leave) in the fields add nutrients(营养物) to the soil after rice is harvested(收割). For the next crop, rice farmers can often enjoy a good harvest by adding little 10. no fertilizer.(肥料)




1.If you have any questions, please don’t h________to ask me.

2.He doesn’t make friends with others. As a c__________, he is rather lonely..

3.The women made an a_______ to the saleswomen for being so impolite.

4.His _______(缺乏) of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.

5.It's impolite to keep _________ (打断) a speaker during a lecture

6.He is a celebrity now. But can you imagine the difficulties he o________ before success.

7.He jumped up in ______(恐慌) at the sight of the big snake.

8.Try to act _______(自信地), even if you feel nervous.

9.The f_________ of the ear is to listen.

10.He is a _______(天才的) artist.



    Giving a gift that will stand the test of time is always a challenge,but giving plants is one way to try.Whatever type of plant you choose,it’s sure to last longer than cut flowers1.

The most important thing to consider is where it will live.If your friend’s place is bright and sunny,a succulent(多肉植物)makes sense. 2.Succulents naturally grow in desert-like environments,while orchids(兰花)grow in damp forests.

3.It can help you understand what conditions it prefers.So,while picking out plant gifts,ask the salesperson for more information to ensure what you choose is a match for where it will end up.

Whatever plant you choose,make peace with the fact that it may or may not survive.After all,a house’s inside is pretty dissimilar to where that plant naturally grows.So we can all only do our best.4.If their leaves dry up,they’re not getting enough water.If they’re reaching their leaves toward the light,they may need more of it.So offer that advice to your friend,and then let it go.

If you have a plant-interested friend on your gift list,why not choose a plant which is easy to keep alive in his place and looks lovely?You don’t need to wrap it,as a simple bow is  enough.5.It’s a way to ensure your gift gets a good start in life.

A.You can always put them inside a paper bag.

B.But you can consider giving a nice pot and bag of soil.

C.Knowing the natural history of a plant is equally important.

D.Even relatively experienced green thumbs sometimes lose

E.The key is to pay attention to plants-really look at them each day..

F.If you want to choose plants as gifts,the ideas below will help you on your way.

G.If your friend has a cool home with no direct sun,an orchid is probably a better choice.



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