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Since November last year, cyclists in th...

    Since November last year, cyclists in the northern Dutch town, Krommenie, have been part of a revolutionary experiment—a length of 70 meters of the town's main bikeway has been resurfaced with a layer of glass tiles treated with a non-slip coating. The panels, which are laid on a bed of concrete, are only one centimetre thick, but it's what's inside the glass that makes them truly impressive—each individual section contains a solar cell and together they form one long energy producing net work.

There were a number of reasons to start with a bike path. One is that when you start an innovation like this you want a step that is doable, but still guarantees that things are pretty safe for road users. In a bike path, the loads are not too heavy, and the requirements are not too severe. The Krommenie experiment has four goals. One is to see how it performs technically and what the energy production is. The second goal is to know what the satisfaction of the users is; do they have any kind of discomfort or negative perception? And the last thing, is to see if the road managers are comfortable with this type of road which is completely new.

More than 150 ,000 cyclists have used the bike path in the first six months of its operation and the trial has met with no serious problems, even during recent testing using heavyweight vehicles. Some wear and tear on the non-slip coating was expected and has been repaired.

Despite the trial's promise, there is still one major problem to deal with—the initial cost of road construction using the solar panels is higher than it is for standard forms of surfacing. But the researchers predict that will come down, when the technology enters mass production.

1.What does the underlined word " panels" in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Bikeways. B.Glass tiles.

C.Solar cells. D.Non- slip coatings.

2.Why was the experiment started with a bike path?

A.It is very easy to build. B.It is cheap and light.

C.It is frequently used. D.It is workable and safe.

3.What does the author think of the future of solar panel road?

A.Promising. B.Expensive.

C.Unnecessary. D.Impractical.

4.What can we infer about the solar panel road?

A.Its trial was a great success with no problems.

B.It has no limit to the weight of heavy vehicles.

C.It cannot be put into regular use at the moment.

D.Its management will be difficult and expensive.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了自去年11月以来,荷兰北部城镇Krommenie的自行车手们一直在进行一项革命性的试验——该市70米长的主要自行车道重新铺上了一层玻璃砖,并涂上了防滑涂层,每块玻璃砖里包含一个太阳能电池。文章说明了试验选择在自行车道上进行的原因,以及道路的运行情况和前景。 1. 词义猜测题。根据后文but it's what's inside the glass that makes them truly impressive—each individual section contains a solar cell and together they form one long energy producing net work.可知自去年11月以来,荷兰北部城镇Krommenie的自行车手们一直在进行一项革命性的试验——该市70米长的主要自行车道重新铺上了一层玻璃砖,并涂上了防滑涂层。这些玻璃砖铺在混凝土床上,只有1厘米厚,但玻璃内部的东西让它们真正令人印象深刻——每个单独的部分包含一个太阳能电池,它们一起形成一个长时间的能源生产网络。由此可知, panels指代的是上文中的“glass tiles”。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段中One is that when you start an innovation like this you want a step that is doable, but still guarantees that things are pretty safe for road users. In a bike path, the loads are not too heavy, and the requirements are not too severe.可知一是当你开始一个像这样的创新时,你想要一个可行的步骤,但仍然保证事情对道路使用者相当安全。在自行车道上,负荷不会太重,要求也不会太苛刻。由此可知,实验从自行车道开始,是因为自行车道可行和安全。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中Despite the trial's promise, there is still one major problem to deal with—the initial cost of road construction using the solar panels is higher than it is for standard forms of surfacing.可知尽管这次试验很有前景,但仍有一个主要问题需要解决——使用太阳能电池板修建公路的初始成本要高于标准路面。由此可推知,作者认为太阳能公路的未来很有前景。故选A。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段Despite the trial's promise, there is still one major problem to deal with—the initial cost of road construction using the solar panels is higher than it is for standard forms of surfacing. But the researchers predict that will come down, when the technology enters mass production.可知尽管这次试验很有前景,但仍有一个主要问题需要解决——使用太阳能电池板修建公路的初始成本要高于标准路面。但研究人员预测,当这项技术进入大规模生产时,这个数字将会下降。由此可推知,太阳能板公路目前不能正常使用。故选C。

    While out hunting for ducks near Perry Lake, Kansas, Jake Atkins and his friend accidentally got trapped in sinking mud, which they unknowingly walked right into.

"We were walking pretty much side-by-side, and we both sank to knee depth in the mud and we tried to wiggle(扭动)ourselves out and it ended up being waist deep," Atkins said. They realized that if they struggled any more, they would only sink further, so Atkins called 911 and they tried to stay as still as possible until help arrived.

Atkins' dog, Otis, waited nearby but jumped to action when firefighters failed to save his owner. "If they'd walked out, they would've sunk too. So there was no way for them to get rope to us. So when those firefighters popped out of the bushes, I said just tie the rope onto Otis," Atkins said.

Otis bravely walked out onto the sinking mud three times to rescue the gear, Atkins friend, and finally Atkins. By the final trip, Otis was crying from exhaustion(精疲力竭)but refused to rest until Atkins was safe. " He followed me as they were pulling me. He kind of just was walking right beside me as they were pulling me in on my back. It was kind of funny," Atkins said.

Watch the entire video below to see what this dog did to save his owner from sinking mud.

Can you believe the fire department couldn't even save the two hunters? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

1.How did the two hunters get trapped?

A.By chance while hunting. B.On purpose while training a dog.

C.They were pulled in by ducks. D.Otis set the trap for them.

2.Why did the hunters try to stay as still as possible before help arrived?

A.To wait for Otis to save them.

B.To wait for the ducks and shoot them.

C.To avoid sinking deeper into the mud.

D.To be able to call 911.

3.What can we know from the text?

A.The fire department failed to save the hunters finally.

B.Otis saved the two hunters in one go.

C.Otis pulled the two hunters out.

D.The dog played the key role in the rescue.

4.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.A book about dogs. B.A website.

C.A newspaper. D.A magazine.



    Sweden's popularity as a tourist destination is ever-growing. Here's your guide to avoid the crowds, escape the beaten track and catch up on your beauty sleep in four Swedish accommodations out of the ordinary.

Falk nästet

The Kullen lighthouse, on the peninsula(半岛)of Kullaberg in the south, is the highest standing lighthouse in Sweden. Located at its foot is Falknästet, a remarkable one-room hotel—with a round bed hanging from the ceiling and panorama(全景)windows offering a front-row sunset view. Works well for wedding nights.

Fabriken Furillen

Fabriken Furillen is a creation of concrete and hardwood in the middle of an old limestone quarry(石灰菜市场). The buildings reflect the rough industrial setting, yet act as comfortable shelters from it. Besides, this hotel's remote location on the island of Gotland's Furillen peninsula makes for a special stay.

Salt & Sill

Salt & Sill is a hotel close to the sea. Six two-storey houses combine to make a floating hotel steeped in Nordic minimalist design. The hotel is located on the small fishing island of Klädesholmen, which is only a 45-minute drive north of Gothenburg.

Utter Inn

In Lake Mälaren, outside Västerås, floats a lone red cottage. It marks the entrance to Utter Inn, an underwater hotel. Above water you'll find cooking equipment. Below the surface is the bedroom—with panorama windows to the underwater world. Built as an art project by Mikael Genberg, Utter Inn is hugely popular during its season, April—October.

1.Which hotel is most suitable for a newly married couple?

A.Falknästet. B.Fabriken Furillen.

C.Salt & Sill. D.Utter Inn.

2.What makes Fabriken Furillen a particular stay?

A.Its round bed. B.Its unusual design.

C.Its special location. D.Its building materials.

3.What's the sign of the entrance to Utter Inn?

A.A floating boat. B.A lone red cottage.

C.A high lighthouse. D.An old limestone quarry.

4.What is unique to Utter Inn?

A.It is near to the city Gothenburg.

B.Its room has panorama windows.

C.It is near Lake Mälaren.

D.It is an underwater hotel.














I feel very honored to be invited at your lecture about the body language in different countries next Monday. I’m real looking forward to it.

As you know it, as an important part of culture, the body language plays significant role in our life. Much of the body language are universal, but different cultures do have different way of expressing themselves. Therefore that is beneficial for us to know about the body language of different countries. I believe his lecture will help us to understanding the cultural differences in the body language.

Hope your lecture will be a great successful.




Many high school students in the United States get training in construction skills by building real houses. The project 1. (run) by the Waterloo Career Center. The center offers students different programs designed 2. (prepare) them for careers in technical fields.

Students from the Waterloo Community School District 3. (recent) took part in construction training that centered on the skill of masonry (砖石建筑)—work done with stone, brick or concrete materials. The students spent five days at their school learning 4. experienced workers from the Masonry Institute of Iowa, a 5.(profession) organization. The workers taught the students 6. to mix mortar (砂浆)and build walls with bricks and blocks. The students moved the mortar onto 7. (piece) of wood and then added bricks and blocks to form walls.

Chris Busch helped oversee the students’ efforts. As the students worked, Busch 8.(offer) them an important piece of advice. He told the students to be sure to use a leveling tool to check that the wall stands straight and level. West High student Nathan Elliott told the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier newspaper that this kind of learning was much better 9. sitting at a computer. Other students also said it got them 10.(excite) about future careers in construction.



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