满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I could still feel the burning desert he...

    I could still feel the burning desert heat as I stood there on the platform. My suitcase was jammed between the doors of the train that was_________away from the station, and I was alone with a classmate I had_________merely 14 hours before.

We were in a_________country where I thought my fluent French would help me_________, but it turned out that we had transferred(换乘)trains in a Moroccan town where Spanish was the second language. Both my friend and I couldn't_________Spanish. The Arabic characters on the signs made us_________. We were lost. In those hours of_________helplessness, Annie and I sat on the ground, staring at the plat form.

_________, we started pulling our_________eyes away from the train plat form and out at the__________around us. How did I not__________the orange sand hills behind Annie' s head? Or the white skyline of Casablanca? The sky was completely clear, the air was dusty, but my god, it was__________. A woman sitting nearby__________at me, and I felt like the blanket of__________that was killing me had just lifted away. This moment—a__________comfort between complete strangers—helped me__________everything would be okay.

That day, Annie and I had the__________to disconnect from everything we__________, to see and soak in(沉浸在) everything around us. That day in Morocco, I came to believe that being__________is sometimes so much more__________than being found.

1.A.breaking B.fleeing C.backing D.pulling

2.A.left B.met C.guided D.greeted

3.A.familiar B.wild C.foreign D.distant

4.A.get up B.get along C.get down D.get off

5.A.speak B.translate C.study D.write

6.A.skeptical B.curious C.desperate D.nervous

7.A.apparent B.slight C.potential D.absolute

8.A.Eventually B.Immediately C.Abruptly D.Steadily

9.A.energetic B.dull C.sharp D.sightless

10.A.people B.signs C.trains D.scenery

11.A.ignore B.describe C.notice D.imagine

12.A.attractive B.sacred C.horrible D.messy

13.A.called B.laughed C.pointed D.smiled

14.A.chaos B.dust C.anxiety D.smoke

15.A.silent B.natural C.cold D.cautious

16.A.discover B.remember C.admit D.realize

17.A.belief B.privilege C.chance D.wisdom

18.A.found B.knew C.cared about D.left behind

19.A.alone B.poor C.stuck D.lost

20.A.meaningful B.hopeful C.successful D.powerful


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述作者在摩洛哥迷路后感悟了一些有意义的哲理。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的行李箱被塞在驶离车站的火车的车门之间,我和一个14小时前才认识的同学单独在一起。A. breaking 破坏,阻断;B. fleeing 逃离;C. backing 支持,后退;D. pulling 拉,拔出。分析上文,pull away from 译为“驶离,离开”,此处表示火车驶离车站。故选D项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和一个14小时前才认识的同学单独在一起。A. left 离开;B. met 遇见;C. guided 指导;D. greeted 问候。分析上下文,根据后文可知作者和他同学同时迷路了。所以可知这位同学是14小时前才遇见的。故选B项。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们在国外,我以为我流利的法语能帮助我。A. familiar 熟悉的;B. wild 野生的;C. foreign 国外的;D. distant 遥远的。分析上下文,根据后文提到的 Moroccan 这个地方以西班牙语为第二外语且我朋友和我都没办法讲西班牙语可知,他们现在身处国外。故选C项。 4. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们在异国他乡,我以为我流利的法语能帮助我相处,但结果我们在一个摩洛哥小镇上换乘火车,那里西班牙语是第二语言。A. get up 起床;B. get along 进展,相处;C. get down 写下,记下;D. get off 下车。分析上下文,作者现在身处异国他乡,他以为流畅的法语能让他和当地人相处,但最后发现当地把西班牙语当作第二语言。故选B项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和我的朋友都不会说西班牙语。A. speak 讲;B. translate 翻译;C. study 学习;D. write 写。分析上下文,根据后文的我们迷路了可知我们都不会讲西班牙语。故选A项。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:标牌上的阿拉伯文字让我们绝望。A. skeptical 怀疑的;B. curious好奇的;C. desperate 令人绝望的;D. nervous 紧张的。分析上下文,根据后文提到的 “我们迷路了” 可知,是因为此处的阿拉伯字让我们看不懂令人绝望。故选C项 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那无助的几个小时里,安妮和我坐在地上,凝视着平台。A. apparent 明显的;B. slight 轻微的;C. potential 有潜力的;D. absolute 绝对的,完全的。分析上下文,前文提到了他们不会讲西班牙语,看不懂阿拉伯文字而且还迷路了。因此可知,此时他们完全的无助。故选D项。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,我们开始把呆滞的目光从火车站台上移开,看看周围的风景。A. Eventually 最终,终于;B. Immediately 立即,马上;C. Abruptly 突然地;D. Steadily 稳定地。分析上下文,前句提到他们不知所措凝视着站台,划线后提到他们开始关注站台周围的风景。此处应填 “最终” 表示看了很久站台后开始关注别的事物,故选A项。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。最后,我们开始把呆滞的目光从火车站台上移开,看看周围的风景。A. energetic 精力充沛的;B. dull 呆滞的;C. sharp 急剧的,尖锐的;D. sightless 看不见的。分析上下文,前文提到他们凝视着站台无所事事,此处提到他们关注别的事物。所以他们将“呆滞的”的目光移开。故选B项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,我们开始把呆滞的目光从火车站台上移开,看看周围的风景。A. people 人们;B. signs 标志,符号;C. trains 火车;D. scenery 风景。分析上下文,分句后文提到的 “沙丘,地平线,天空” 可知,此处他们开始关注周围的风景。故选D项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我怎么会没有注意到安妮脑袋后面的橙色沙丘呢? A. ignore 忽略;B. describe 描述;C. notice 注意;D. imagine 想象。分析上下文,根据下文开始描述周围漂亮的风景可知,此处表示惊讶---为什么之前没有 “注意” 到这些东西呢。故选C项。 12. 考查形容词义辨析。句意:天空是完全晴朗的,空气是尘土飞扬的,但我的天,这是迷人的。A. attractive 迷人的;B. sacred 害怕的;C. horrible 可怕的;D. messy 凌乱的。分析上下文,作者对沙丘,地平线,天空,空气的描述都是和前文提到的“无聊的”火车站台相比较,突出这些风景很“迷人”。故选A项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:坐在旁边的一位女士朝我微笑,我觉得折磨焦虑的覆盖刚刚消失了。A. called 打电话,呼叫 B. laughed 嘲笑;C. pointed 指向;D. smiled 微笑。分析上下文,后句提到我的焦虑消失了。因此可推断那位女士对我 “微笑” ,同时也符合了这段的整体对美好事物描写的语境。故选D项。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我觉得折磨我的焦虑的覆盖消失了。A. chaos 混沌;B. dust灰尘;C. anxiety 焦虑;D. smoke 烟。分析句子可知,在转移欣赏周围风景和那个女士对我微笑之前,因为人生地不熟我感觉很无助,很焦虑。现在有了这些美好事情之后,我感觉得我之前的 “焦虑” 消失了。故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这一刻——完全陌生的人之间无声的安慰——让我意识到一切都会好起来的。A. silent 沉默的;B. natural 自然的;C. cold 寒冷的;D. cautious 谨慎的。分析上下文,前文提到附近一个女士对我微笑让我的焦虑消失了。由此可知,微笑是陌生人之间 “无声的” 安慰。故选A项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:句意:这一刻——完全陌生的人之间无声的安慰——让我意识到一切都会好起来的。A. discover 发现;B. remember 记得;C. admit 承认;D. realize 意识到。分析上下文,前文提到了陌生人的微笑让一切焦虑都没有了。由此可知,因此作者“意识到”一切都会好的。故选D项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天,安妮和我有机会脱离我们所知道的一切,去看并融入我们周围的一切。A. belief 相信,信仰;B. privilege 特权;C. chance 机会;D. wisdom 智慧。分析上下文,对于作者和朋友来说脱离所知道的一切且融入到周围的一切美好中是他们的一个 “机会” 。故选C项。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天,安妮和我有机会脱离我们所知道的一切,去看并融入我们周围的一切。A. found 发现;B. knew 知道,了解;C. cared about 关心,重视;D. left behind 留下,遗留。分析上下文,因为后句提到的融入周围的新环境,所以此句因表示和我知道的(熟悉的)的一切脱离。故选B项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在摩洛哥的那一天,我开始相信迷失有时比找到更有意义。A. alone 独自的,单独的;B. poor 贫穷的,可怜的;C. stuck 被困住的;D. lost 迷失的,迷路的。分析上下文,此处和上文相呼应,前文提到他们在摩洛哥迷路了。故选D项。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在摩洛哥的那一天,我开始相信迷失有时比找到更有意义。 A. meaningful 有意的;B. hopeful 有希望的;C. successful 成功的;D. powerful 强大的。分析上下文,上文提到因为这次迷路作者感悟了很多人生哲理,所以他觉得迷失有时候比被找到更有意义。故选A项。

    First impression is very important.1.Either consciously or unconsciously, we make judgments about the characters and abilities of others based on first impressions. And here are some tips on how to make a good first impression.

Be confident in who you are. Whether it is a formal function or an informal get-together, the key is to be confident in yourself. Having confidence is a very attractive character. You don't need to be the smartest or the most physically appealing person to be confident about yourself.2.

Be calm. When other people see how calm you are in any situation, they will look forward to depending on you.3.When others see the ease with which you handle yourself, they will also let go off their anxieties regarding meeting someone new for the first time.

Be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not.4.Be honest. If somebody finds out you have been presenting yourself falsely, they can feel hurt and it might be hard for them to forgive you.

Develop approachable and friendly body language.5.If you are planning to approach the other person first, walk over confidently and introduce yourself with a firm handshake. The gesture of taking the first step will assure(使确信)the person that you are interested in them and the smiling face will signal your friendly nature.

A.A smile goes a long way, so be kind and smile.

B.Your calmness will assure them of your abilities.

C.You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

D.Never lie to anybody about what you think and care about.

E.Don't shake hands with persons who find body contact uncomfortable.

F.Just be cautious not to be overconfident or abrupt, which can turn people off.

G.The belief that you're good enough makes you appear more attractive to the people around you.



    Examining the classroom practices of National Teacher of the Year winners and finalists, the study, by Michigan State University scholars, suggests successful educators aren't afraid to push the boundaries by adding real world, cross-disciplinary(跨学科的)themes into their lessons.

The study is one of the first in depth investigations(调查)of how teachers use creativity in the classroom. "The best teachers are taking their own creative interests—from rap music to cooking to kickboxing—and are finding ways to include these into the curriculum," said Danah Henriksen, lead author of the study. "They're bringing together different subject matters and finding areas of connections so students can learn both in interesting ways."

America's test-driven educational policy, Henriksen argues, has prevented creativity in teaching and learning. Many teachers today struggle to balance testing and responsibility to act flexibly and independently in their classrooms. "I think that there's a lot of fear," one of the award-winning teachers says in the study." And when teachers are teaching in fear, they take few risks, for they have to consider exams and academic performance."

The findings have major meanings for teaching and learning. The study' s main recommendations are as follows: Teachers' unique creative interests should be brought into classroom lessons. Teacher education programs and professional development courses should include a focus on real world. Administrators and policymakers should support opportunities for teachers to take creative risks in their work.

If we want teachers to be creative, we need to provide them with opportunities to bring those outside interests into their professional life," said Mishra, study co-author," The point is to find what works for you. Finally, we teach who we are. That's the most powerful finding."

1.According to the study, what are successful teachers like?

A.They take creative risks to help students learn.

B.They tend to lead students to outdoor activities.

C.They encourage students to take more risks in life.

D.They focus on developing students' academic performance.

2.Many teachers are teaching in fear because           .

A.the students are always troublesome

B.they are afraid to make mistakes in teaching

C.administrators and policymakers don't support them

D.the American educational policy is focused on test

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A.America's test-driven educational system

B.How teachers use creativity in the classroom

C.A great finding: best teachers are creative

D.What are the major meanings for teaching



    Since November last year, cyclists in the northern Dutch town, Krommenie, have been part of a revolutionary experiment—a length of 70 meters of the town's main bikeway has been resurfaced with a layer of glass tiles treated with a non-slip coating. The panels, which are laid on a bed of concrete, are only one centimetre thick, but it's what's inside the glass that makes them truly impressive—each individual section contains a solar cell and together they form one long energy producing net work.

There were a number of reasons to start with a bike path. One is that when you start an innovation like this you want a step that is doable, but still guarantees that things are pretty safe for road users. In a bike path, the loads are not too heavy, and the requirements are not too severe. The Krommenie experiment has four goals. One is to see how it performs technically and what the energy production is. The second goal is to know what the satisfaction of the users is; do they have any kind of discomfort or negative perception? And the last thing, is to see if the road managers are comfortable with this type of road which is completely new.

More than 150 ,000 cyclists have used the bike path in the first six months of its operation and the trial has met with no serious problems, even during recent testing using heavyweight vehicles. Some wear and tear on the non-slip coating was expected and has been repaired.

Despite the trial's promise, there is still one major problem to deal with—the initial cost of road construction using the solar panels is higher than it is for standard forms of surfacing. But the researchers predict that will come down, when the technology enters mass production.

1.What does the underlined word " panels" in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Bikeways. B.Glass tiles.

C.Solar cells. D.Non- slip coatings.

2.Why was the experiment started with a bike path?

A.It is very easy to build. B.It is cheap and light.

C.It is frequently used. D.It is workable and safe.

3.What does the author think of the future of solar panel road?

A.Promising. B.Expensive.

C.Unnecessary. D.Impractical.

4.What can we infer about the solar panel road?

A.Its trial was a great success with no problems.

B.It has no limit to the weight of heavy vehicles.

C.It cannot be put into regular use at the moment.

D.Its management will be difficult and expensive.



    While out hunting for ducks near Perry Lake, Kansas, Jake Atkins and his friend accidentally got trapped in sinking mud, which they unknowingly walked right into.

"We were walking pretty much side-by-side, and we both sank to knee depth in the mud and we tried to wiggle(扭动)ourselves out and it ended up being waist deep," Atkins said. They realized that if they struggled any more, they would only sink further, so Atkins called 911 and they tried to stay as still as possible until help arrived.

Atkins' dog, Otis, waited nearby but jumped to action when firefighters failed to save his owner. "If they'd walked out, they would've sunk too. So there was no way for them to get rope to us. So when those firefighters popped out of the bushes, I said just tie the rope onto Otis," Atkins said.

Otis bravely walked out onto the sinking mud three times to rescue the gear, Atkins friend, and finally Atkins. By the final trip, Otis was crying from exhaustion(精疲力竭)but refused to rest until Atkins was safe. " He followed me as they were pulling me. He kind of just was walking right beside me as they were pulling me in on my back. It was kind of funny," Atkins said.

Watch the entire video below to see what this dog did to save his owner from sinking mud.

Can you believe the fire department couldn't even save the two hunters? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

1.How did the two hunters get trapped?

A.By chance while hunting. B.On purpose while training a dog.

C.They were pulled in by ducks. D.Otis set the trap for them.

2.Why did the hunters try to stay as still as possible before help arrived?

A.To wait for Otis to save them.

B.To wait for the ducks and shoot them.

C.To avoid sinking deeper into the mud.

D.To be able to call 911.

3.What can we know from the text?

A.The fire department failed to save the hunters finally.

B.Otis saved the two hunters in one go.

C.Otis pulled the two hunters out.

D.The dog played the key role in the rescue.

4.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.A book about dogs. B.A website.

C.A newspaper. D.A magazine.



    Sweden's popularity as a tourist destination is ever-growing. Here's your guide to avoid the crowds, escape the beaten track and catch up on your beauty sleep in four Swedish accommodations out of the ordinary.

Falk nästet

The Kullen lighthouse, on the peninsula(半岛)of Kullaberg in the south, is the highest standing lighthouse in Sweden. Located at its foot is Falknästet, a remarkable one-room hotel—with a round bed hanging from the ceiling and panorama(全景)windows offering a front-row sunset view. Works well for wedding nights.

Fabriken Furillen

Fabriken Furillen is a creation of concrete and hardwood in the middle of an old limestone quarry(石灰菜市场). The buildings reflect the rough industrial setting, yet act as comfortable shelters from it. Besides, this hotel's remote location on the island of Gotland's Furillen peninsula makes for a special stay.

Salt & Sill

Salt & Sill is a hotel close to the sea. Six two-storey houses combine to make a floating hotel steeped in Nordic minimalist design. The hotel is located on the small fishing island of Klädesholmen, which is only a 45-minute drive north of Gothenburg.

Utter Inn

In Lake Mälaren, outside Västerås, floats a lone red cottage. It marks the entrance to Utter Inn, an underwater hotel. Above water you'll find cooking equipment. Below the surface is the bedroom—with panorama windows to the underwater world. Built as an art project by Mikael Genberg, Utter Inn is hugely popular during its season, April—October.

1.Which hotel is most suitable for a newly married couple?

A.Falknästet. B.Fabriken Furillen.

C.Salt & Sill. D.Utter Inn.

2.What makes Fabriken Furillen a particular stay?

A.Its round bed. B.Its unusual design.

C.Its special location. D.Its building materials.

3.What's the sign of the entrance to Utter Inn?

A.A floating boat. B.A lone red cottage.

C.A high lighthouse. D.An old limestone quarry.

4.What is unique to Utter Inn?

A.It is near to the city Gothenburg.

B.Its room has panorama windows.

C.It is near Lake Mälaren.

D.It is an underwater hotel.



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