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To welcome the coming New Year, our class hold a party last night. Before the party, we decorated the classroom with colorful balloons and flower. Our teachers also came to the party. We sang and danced happy at the party but we enjoyed ourselves so much. All the teachers present gave performances. Our teacher of English sang English song. Guess what! He surprised at us. I had never known that he could sing so well. We applauded loudly after he finished sing the song. We were too excited that we could not fall asleep at night. As a result, all of us is sleepy today. The good news is what we can go home today and will have a two-day holiday.


1. hold→held。 2. flower→flowers。 3.happy→happily。 4.but→and。 5.在English前加an。 6.去掉at。 6.sing→singing。 8.too→so。 9.is→are。 10. what→that。 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。为了迎接新年,我们班举行了聚会。聚会前我们装饰了教室,在聚会时老师都出席了,英语老师还唱歌了,我们很高兴。而且今天放假。 1.考查动词时态。last night是一般过去时态的时间标志,句子应该用一般过去时态,故将hold改为held。 2.考查名词复数。flower意为“鲜花”,是可数名词,句中flower前没有冠词,应该用复数形式,故将flower改为flowers。 3.考查副词。sang和danced是动词,应该用副修饰,故将happy改为happily。 4.考查连词。句意:在聚会上,我们快乐地唱歌和跳舞,我们玩得很开心。句子前后不是转折关系,是并列的,故将but改为and。 5.考查冠词。song意为“歌曲”,是可数名词,句中是“唱一首英文歌”,English是元音发音开头,用an。故在English前加an。 6.考查动词用法。句意:他使我们感到意外。surprise意为“使感到意外”,是及物动词,后直接加宾语,故去掉at。 6.考查固定搭配。finish doing sth.意为“完成做某事”,故将sing改为singing。 8.考查固定搭配。句意:我们太高兴了,以至于晚上睡不着。so…that…意为“如此……以至于……”,是固定搭配。故将too改为so。 9.考查谓语动词。句意:结果,今天我们都很困。句中all of us指“我们所有人”,是复数概念,谓语动词用复数形式,故将is改为are。 10.考查表语从句。句意:好消息是,我们今天可以回家,会有两天假期。分析句子可知,is后接表语从句,且从句中不差成分。故将what改为that。  


Have you heard of World Book Day? It is a celebration of authors, illustrators(插画家), books and, most1.important, it's a celebration of reading. It's the2.bigcelebration of its kind, appointed by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.

The main aim of World Book Day is to encourage children3.explorethe pleasures of books and reading by providing them4.the opportunity to have a book of their own.

Book tokens(代币)will be given to children so they can purchase 1 books from5.specially selected list of titles.

The date of World Book Day6.changeevery year. In the UK and Ireland, World Book Day is on the first Thursday of March. According to organizers, this date was decided after serious thought and long discussion to take into7.considerreligious holidays, school terms and potential conflict with other8.activity.

Everyone9.loves books can take part in World Book Day. It is devoted to10.getchildren closer to the books and authors they already love and helping them discover brand new books and authors they will love just as much.



    I could still feel the burning desert heat as I stood there on the platform. My suitcase was jammed between the doors of the train that was_________away from the station, and I was alone with a classmate I had_________merely 14 hours before.

We were in a_________country where I thought my fluent French would help me_________, but it turned out that we had transferred(换乘)trains in a Moroccan town where Spanish was the second language. Both my friend and I couldn't_________Spanish. The Arabic characters on the signs made us_________. We were lost. In those hours of_________helplessness, Annie and I sat on the ground, staring at the plat form.

_________, we started pulling our_________eyes away from the train plat form and out at the__________around us. How did I not__________the orange sand hills behind Annie' s head? Or the white skyline of Casablanca? The sky was completely clear, the air was dusty, but my god, it was__________. A woman sitting nearby__________at me, and I felt like the blanket of__________that was killing me had just lifted away. This moment—a__________comfort between complete strangers—helped me__________everything would be okay.

That day, Annie and I had the__________to disconnect from everything we__________, to see and soak in(沉浸在) everything around us. That day in Morocco, I came to believe that being__________is sometimes so much more__________than being found.

1.A.breaking B.fleeing C.backing D.pulling

2.A.left B.met C.guided D.greeted

3.A.familiar B.wild C.foreign D.distant

4.A.get up B.get along C.get down D.get off

5.A.speak B.translate C.study D.write

6.A.skeptical B.curious C.desperate D.nervous

7.A.apparent B.slight C.potential D.absolute

8.A.Eventually B.Immediately C.Abruptly D.Steadily

9.A.energetic B.dull C.sharp D.sightless

10.A.people B.signs C.trains D.scenery

11.A.ignore B.describe C.notice D.imagine

12.A.attractive B.sacred C.horrible D.messy

13.A.called B.laughed C.pointed D.smiled

14.A.chaos B.dust C.anxiety D.smoke

15.A.silent B.natural C.cold D.cautious

16.A.discover B.remember C.admit D.realize

17.A.belief B.privilege C.chance D.wisdom

18.A.found B.knew C.cared about D.left behind

19.A.alone B.poor C.stuck D.lost

20.A.meaningful B.hopeful C.successful D.powerful



    First impression is very important.1.Either consciously or unconsciously, we make judgments about the characters and abilities of others based on first impressions. And here are some tips on how to make a good first impression.

Be confident in who you are. Whether it is a formal function or an informal get-together, the key is to be confident in yourself. Having confidence is a very attractive character. You don't need to be the smartest or the most physically appealing person to be confident about yourself.2.

Be calm. When other people see how calm you are in any situation, they will look forward to depending on you.3.When others see the ease with which you handle yourself, they will also let go off their anxieties regarding meeting someone new for the first time.

Be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not.4.Be honest. If somebody finds out you have been presenting yourself falsely, they can feel hurt and it might be hard for them to forgive you.

Develop approachable and friendly body language.5.If you are planning to approach the other person first, walk over confidently and introduce yourself with a firm handshake. The gesture of taking the first step will assure(使确信)the person that you are interested in them and the smiling face will signal your friendly nature.

A.A smile goes a long way, so be kind and smile.

B.Your calmness will assure them of your abilities.

C.You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

D.Never lie to anybody about what you think and care about.

E.Don't shake hands with persons who find body contact uncomfortable.

F.Just be cautious not to be overconfident or abrupt, which can turn people off.

G.The belief that you're good enough makes you appear more attractive to the people around you.



    Examining the classroom practices of National Teacher of the Year winners and finalists, the study, by Michigan State University scholars, suggests successful educators aren't afraid to push the boundaries by adding real world, cross-disciplinary(跨学科的)themes into their lessons.

The study is one of the first in depth investigations(调查)of how teachers use creativity in the classroom. "The best teachers are taking their own creative interests—from rap music to cooking to kickboxing—and are finding ways to include these into the curriculum," said Danah Henriksen, lead author of the study. "They're bringing together different subject matters and finding areas of connections so students can learn both in interesting ways."

America's test-driven educational policy, Henriksen argues, has prevented creativity in teaching and learning. Many teachers today struggle to balance testing and responsibility to act flexibly and independently in their classrooms. "I think that there's a lot of fear," one of the award-winning teachers says in the study." And when teachers are teaching in fear, they take few risks, for they have to consider exams and academic performance."

The findings have major meanings for teaching and learning. The study' s main recommendations are as follows: Teachers' unique creative interests should be brought into classroom lessons. Teacher education programs and professional development courses should include a focus on real world. Administrators and policymakers should support opportunities for teachers to take creative risks in their work.

If we want teachers to be creative, we need to provide them with opportunities to bring those outside interests into their professional life," said Mishra, study co-author," The point is to find what works for you. Finally, we teach who we are. That's the most powerful finding."

1.According to the study, what are successful teachers like?

A.They take creative risks to help students learn.

B.They tend to lead students to outdoor activities.

C.They encourage students to take more risks in life.

D.They focus on developing students' academic performance.

2.Many teachers are teaching in fear because           .

A.the students are always troublesome

B.they are afraid to make mistakes in teaching

C.administrators and policymakers don't support them

D.the American educational policy is focused on test

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A.America's test-driven educational system

B.How teachers use creativity in the classroom

C.A great finding: best teachers are creative

D.What are the major meanings for teaching



    Since November last year, cyclists in the northern Dutch town, Krommenie, have been part of a revolutionary experiment—a length of 70 meters of the town's main bikeway has been resurfaced with a layer of glass tiles treated with a non-slip coating. The panels, which are laid on a bed of concrete, are only one centimetre thick, but it's what's inside the glass that makes them truly impressive—each individual section contains a solar cell and together they form one long energy producing net work.

There were a number of reasons to start with a bike path. One is that when you start an innovation like this you want a step that is doable, but still guarantees that things are pretty safe for road users. In a bike path, the loads are not too heavy, and the requirements are not too severe. The Krommenie experiment has four goals. One is to see how it performs technically and what the energy production is. The second goal is to know what the satisfaction of the users is; do they have any kind of discomfort or negative perception? And the last thing, is to see if the road managers are comfortable with this type of road which is completely new.

More than 150 ,000 cyclists have used the bike path in the first six months of its operation and the trial has met with no serious problems, even during recent testing using heavyweight vehicles. Some wear and tear on the non-slip coating was expected and has been repaired.

Despite the trial's promise, there is still one major problem to deal with—the initial cost of road construction using the solar panels is higher than it is for standard forms of surfacing. But the researchers predict that will come down, when the technology enters mass production.

1.What does the underlined word " panels" in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Bikeways. B.Glass tiles.

C.Solar cells. D.Non- slip coatings.

2.Why was the experiment started with a bike path?

A.It is very easy to build. B.It is cheap and light.

C.It is frequently used. D.It is workable and safe.

3.What does the author think of the future of solar panel road?

A.Promising. B.Expensive.

C.Unnecessary. D.Impractical.

4.What can we infer about the solar panel road?

A.Its trial was a great success with no problems.

B.It has no limit to the weight of heavy vehicles.

C.It cannot be put into regular use at the moment.

D.Its management will be difficult and expensive.



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