满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When David Edwards founded the oPhone, h...

    When David Edwards founded the oPhone, he hoped scent (嗅觉的) messages would become the next big thing in the digitization of our online lives.

The device looked like a high-tech cruet set (调味瓶) and allowed a friend with an iPhone app to send you scent messages alongside photos. Send a picture of your dinner, tag it with four different tones, and whoever is on the receiving end can sniff it from the vase-like tubes of the oPhone.

The oPhone didn’t take off, and the company has now shifted focus to a “scent speaker” called the Cyrano, which similarly uses a range of scent capsules to emit “play lists” of smells.

Compared to our real world interactions, our online lives are lacking in scent. Our digital culture, so soaked in visual and aural stimuli, is odorless (没有气味的). So why didn’t his marriage of smell and picture messaging excite more interest?

From a technical point of view, smell is simply harder to mass communicate than sounds and pictures. “There are two main technological obstacles to making smell transmissible by digital means,” explains biophysicist and author of Perfumes: The A -Z guide, Dr Luca Turin.

First, there are no odor ‘primaries’like RGB or CMYK. Second, it has proved impossible to stimulate the olfactory epithelium (上皮组织) directly by any means tried so far. This means that it is currently impossible to induce a sensation of smell without there being an actual chemical in the inhaled air (吸入的空气).

The more we’re plugged into the virtual world, the more we deeply appreciate thecontrast-moments in our human, experience,” says designer and olfactory artist Mindy Yang.

Intuitively, we realize that we are starved of certain sensations. With the rise of digital culture, society has become more interested in the missing sense-c-what we smell.”

This interest in scent isn’t only happening within the worlds of perfume and fashion. Over the past few years a number of cultural projects have set out to focus on the power of sensory experiences, from the use of a smell map, to the Tate Sensorium, which in 2015 let users experience visual art alongside smells, tastes and sounds.

Whether it’s devices like the oPhone thaty to introduce scent into digital messaging, organizations are growingly aware of our culture’s desire for sensory experiences. In a time of virtual reality and scentless social networks, it’s perhaps no wonder that we as a culture have such a desire for something that instinctively feels real and authentic-even if it was made in a lab.

1.What can we learn about the oPhone?

A.The oPhone has defended our interest in what we smell.

B.The oPhone hasn’t caught on yet since it was founded.

C.The oPhone has swapped visual and aural stimuli for scent.

D.The oPhone is a vase tube to sniff specific messages from.

2.What makes it challenging to introduce scent into digital messaging?

A.The relevant tissue is impossible to stimulate directly.

B.Scent capsules should be applied to send out smells.

C.There exists no actual chemical in the inhaled air.

D.Sounds and pictures are easier to mass communicate.

3.What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?

A.To promote the oPhone which can send scent messages.

B.To reveal the problems of the invention of the oPhone.

C.To predict the trend of the digitization of our online lives.

D.To introduce the oPhone based on smell-digital-technology.


1.B 2.A 3.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍一种基于嗅觉数字技术的设备。 1.推理判断题。根据第三段The oPhone didn’t take off, and the company has now shifted focus to a “scent speaker” called the Cyrano, which similarly uses a range of scent capsules to emit “play lists” of smells.可知,oPhone没有取得成功,公司现在将注意力转移到名为Cyrano的“气味扬声器”上。由此推断,oPhone自成立以来还没有流行起来。故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据第六段中it has proved impossible to stimulate the olfactory epithelium (上皮组织) directly by any means tried so far.(到目前为止,已经证明用任何方法直接刺激嗅觉上皮是不可能的。)可推断,相关的组织不可能被直接刺激,这使得将气味引入到数字信息中具有挑战性。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据第一段When David Edwards founded the oPhone, he hoped scent (嗅觉的) messages would become the next big thing in the digitization of our online lives.及全文可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了介绍一种基于嗅觉数字技术的设备。故选D。

    If you’ve ridden any New York subway, chances are good that you’ve watched your cellphone clock tick while seated on an unmoving, delayed train. You wouldn’t wish to have such a _________ feeling of being stuck on public transportation anymore. No one knows the feeling as _________ as Jerich Marco Alcantara does particularly when he had _________ in his life to celebrate. He _________ his graduation ceremony at Hunter College’s Brookdale campus due to a delay.

There were two _________ ceremonies that day, but Alcantara specifically wanted to _________ the early ceremony, because students were only _________ two tickets for friends and family at the latter event. He wanted all of his family and friends in attendance.

Stuck on the train in full baccalaureate gown (学士服), Alcantara still got to experience a formal _________, sort of. Some friends and strangers improvised (即兴创作) a ceremony on the subway. _________ a cellphone, a friend presented Alcantara with a “diploma”; __________ somebody else on the train played Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day. Another passenger __________ the ceremony and posted the video to Facebook.

________ he wasn’t able to attend the full ceremony, in a way this will end up being a more memorable __________ for Alcantara down the road. He will be able to point to his __________ and not just think of the hard work it took to earn it, but the __________ missing his real graduation ceremony created.

Moments like these help us get a little more __________ of our fellow man during a __________time. Although these aren’t all strangers, it’s still wonderful to see people __________ to make sure someone feels the proper __________, or at least their big achievement should be __________. Though Alcantara missed his official graduation ceremony, he said his subway experience meant a lot.

1.A.rising B.sinking C.spinning D.floating

2.A.vividly B.casually C.plainly D.fiercely

3.A.milestones B.promotions C.festivals D.parties

4.A.spoiled B.quitted C.overlooked D.missed

5.A.separate B.continuous C.relevant D.contradictory

6.A.join B.make C.abandon D.ignore

7.A.appointed B.allocated C.approved D.accumulated

8.A.assembly B.situation C.occasion D.meeting

9.A.Via B.On C.In D.From

10.A.instead B.afterwards C.therefore D.meanwhile

11.A.filmed B.took C.interviewed D.reported

12.A.Since B.As C.Although D.When

13.A.exploration B.moment C.impression D.stage

14.A.video B.ticket C.diploma D.cellphone

15.A.pain B.inconvenience C.excitement D.memory

16.A.convinced B.tired C.reliant D.faithful

17.A.messy B.extreme C.acute D.disorganized

18.A.get together B.gather together C.put together D.band together

19.A.acquisition B.cooperation C.recognition D.evaluation

20.A.welcomed B.applauded C.calculated D.encouraged



“An Outstanding WomanMadame Curie”为题目按下列表格的内容写一篇100词左右介绍居里夫人的短文。




波兰 Polandn.;  Polish adj.










注意:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 标题及开头已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:诺贝尔物理(化学)奖 The Nobel Prize for Physics (Chemistry)

镭元素 radium element

An Outstanding Woman-Madame Curie

Madame Curie was an outstanding woman, who was a Polish woman scientist.





增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() 并在其下面写出该加的词。





Elias was a poor black worker. The time that he first met Nelson Mandela was very difficult period of his life. Nelson Mandela offered guidance to poor black people with their legal problems. Elias was not at school for long, for his family could not afford his school fees and the bus fare. When he worried about if he would be out of the work because he didn’t have one passbook. Nelson Mandela told him what to do. That day was one of Elias’ happiest day in his life. Later, Elias joined the ANC Youth League organizing by Nelson Mandela. In 1963, Elias helped Mandela blew up some government buildings. It was very dangerous and Elias was happy because he thought it would help them achieve their dream of making black and white people equally.




Wang Kun and his sister Wang Wei had dreamed 1.taking a great bike trip. They decided 2.(cycle) along the entire Mekong River. Wang Wei insisted that they 3. (start) from Qinghai Province. Wang Kun said that would be very difficult, because their journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 4. (metre). But Wang Wei seemed to be5.(excite) about it and refused to change her mind, 6. (say) that it would be an interesting experience.

Several months before their trip, they went to the library. They found a large atlas with good maps 7.showed details of world geography. From the atlas they could see that the Mekong River 8.(begin) in a glacier on a mountain in Qinghai Province. The river is small at first. It moves 9. (rapid) as it passes through deep valleys. Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys. After it flows out of China, it continues to flow through Southeast Asia. At last, the river delta enters 10.South China Sea.





On a cold winter evening, I was walking home alone, when suddenly came screams (呼喊声) from behind some tress.___, I slowed down to listen, and ___ that what I was hearing were the sounds of a fight. A woman was being attack (袭击) not far from where I _____.

“Should I go to help her?” I thought. I was worried about my own _____, and I regretted having suddenly decided to take a new way home that night. “What if I am _____ too? Shouldn’t I just _____ to the nearest phone and call the police?” But already the girl’s ______were growing weaker. I knew it was time for me to act fast because I could not ______ the life of this unknown woman, _____ it meant risking my own life.

I am not a ______ man. I didn’t know where I found the _____ and physical strength (体力), but once I had finally ______ to help the girl, I changed suddenly. I ran behind the bushes and ______ the attacker off the woman. Struggling, we fell to the ground, where we fought for a few minutes _____ the man jumped up and ran away.

______ heavily, I came up to the girl, who was crying. In the _____, I could not see her clearly, but I could certainly _____ her shock. Not wanting to frighten her any further, I spoke to her from a distance.

“It’s OK,” I said _____. “The man ran away. You’re safe now.” There was a long stop and then I heard the words, said in both wonder and _____. “Dad, is that you?” And then, from behind the tree, stepped my youngest _____ Katherine.

1.A.Excited B.Frightened C.Interested D.Disappointed

2.A.knew B.understood C.realized D.imagined

3.A.stood B.killed C.heard D.caught

4.A.money B.safety C.future D.family

5.A.happy B.sad C.excited D.hurt

6.A.move B.take C.run D.go

7.A.cries B.noises C.cheers D.sounds

8.A.save B.ignore C.change D.decide

9.A.although B.because C.as D.but

10.A.kind B.powerful C.mean D.brave

11.A.courage B.belief C.attitude D.idea

12.A.agreed B.planed C.promised D.decided

13.A.took B.dropped C.pulled D.got

14.A.unless B.if C.since D.until

15.A.Walking B.Drinking C.Breathing D.Looking

16.A.daylight B.afternoon C.darkness D.midnight

17.A.feel B.see C.guess D.find

18.A.angrily B.softly C.sadly D.happily

19.A.shame B.peace C.pain D.surprise

20.A.son B.daughter C.grandson D.cousin



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