满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。 Once up...

阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

Once upon a time, there was an old man who couldn’t read or write. When he was little, his family was so poor that he couldn’t attend school. But he always dreamed of being able to read.

One day, he took his seven-year-old grandson to school.

Since he didn’t have anything to do that day, he didn’t leave immediately. Instead, he stood outside his grandson’s classroom and looked in through the window.

The kids’ teacher, who was an old man in his fifties, entered the classroom when the class began. The teacher was wearing thick glasses. He started teaching. Through watching him, the old man found something interesting. He noticed that the teacher could read nothing without putting his glasses on. As soon as he put on his glasses, he could read very well.

“How amazing!” said the old man to himself.

He waited outside the classroom until the class was over and stopped the teacher.

“Excuse me, sir,” said the old man to the teacher.

“Yes?” said the teacher.

“I noticed something amazing. You can’t read without the glasses, right?” said the old man.

“Yes, that’s true. I can read nothing without them,” replied the teacher.

“But you can read once you put them on, can’t you?” asked the old man.

“Yes, that’s true, too,” replied the teacher, wondering why the old man was asking such strange questions.

The teacher looked at the old man, who left in a hurry with a big smile on his face.

The old man, who was extremely happy, decided to go to town to find an eyeglasses store. After being unable to read so many years, he finally found an easy way to read, which cheered him up. He realized what he needed to read was just a pair of glasses.

“I can finally read,” said the old man to himself when walking to the town.

Finally, the man arrived at the town. He looked around and soon found a store with glasses in it. The man happily entered the store.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

After the old man entered the store, the store owner greeted him.


Paragraph 2:

The store owner, thinking the old man didn’t like that pair, picked another pair for him.



Paragraph 1: After the old man entered the store,the store owner greeted him. “Good morning, sir. May I help you?” asked the store owner. The old man nodded while looking at the glasses in the store. There were so many glasses that he didn’t know which one to pick. So he asked the store owner to choose one for him. The store owner gave him a pair of glasses. The old man put it on and took a magazine nearby to read. Then he shook his head. Paragraph 2: The store owner, thinking the old man didn’t like that pair, picked another pair for him. The old man put it on, tried to read and then shook his head again. It went on and on. Finally, the old man asked. “The teacher in my grandson’s class could read once he wore his glasses. Why can't I?” The store owner couldn’t help laughing when he heard that. He said, “Sorry, sir. But you can’t read with the glasses if you can’t read at all.” The old man then left the eyeglasses store in great disappointment. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,从前,有一个老人因为家庭很穷,以至于他无法上学,从而不会读书和写字。但是他一直梦想着能够阅读。一天,他带着七岁的孙子上学,在教室外面,他注意到老师不戴眼镜就无法阅读任何东西。一戴上眼镜,他就能看得很好。在和老师沟通后,老人非常高兴,决定去镇上找一家眼镜店。他想要买一副眼镜,圆了读书梦。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:老人进入商店后,商店老板向他打招呼。可知接下来是老人与老板之间的关于买眼镜的对话,老人戴上眼镜后却摇头,还是不能阅读;第二段开头是:商店老板以为老人不喜欢那对,就为他挑选了另一对。可推知, 老人戴上它,试图阅读,但是反复更换了几副眼镜,结果还是不行。最后,商店的老板解决了老人的疑问。如果老人根本看不懂不识字,戴着眼镜也无法阅读。老人非常失望地离开了眼镜店。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当地加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。


1. 推荐地点;

2. 推荐理由。





New Zealanders stayed in their homes for nearly two months couldn’t even wait for sunlight to get their hair cut as they lined up 1. hair salons and barbershops before the clock struck midnight. Malls, retail stores and restaurants all reopened Thursday in the South Pacific nation. The country 2.(report) no new cases of the virus for 3. third straight day on Thursday. At midnight, barber Conrad Fitz-Gerald reopened his shop. He told the Associated Press he had had about 50 4. (inquiry) from customers in desperate need of haircuts. “People are saying their hair is out of control, they can’t handle it anymore,” he said. Fitz-Gerald limited the midnight cuts 5. just a dozen customers, starting with his 18-year-old son. He planned to then go home 6. return at 6 a.m. for another round of cuts.

New Zealand eased its strict coronavirus(新冠病毒) measures in late April, 7. (allow) for some construction work to commence again. On Thursday, traffic 8.(slow) returned to the country’s roads and office towers filled up with employees returning after weeks of working from home. Schools will open on Monday, while social gatherings are limited to 10 people. Bars won’t reopen 9. May 21.

The government revealed Thursday plans to borrow and spend vast amounts of money in an attempt to keep 10. (employ) below 10 percent, so that people have chances to regain jobs.




56. The club also offers its c____________ to Dr.Brown on his appointment as president.

57. Harvard University says there’s been no d_____________ against Asian-American applicants.

58. Unfortunately, I became very a___________ to alcohol.

59. Not c________________ to the fact, his description of that accident cannot be used as evidence.

60. It makes no difference whether dividends(红利) are paid quarterly(季度) or a___________.




It is said that farmers or peasants, especially those in developing countries, are often criticized for cutting down forests. But a new study suggests that many farmers recognize the value of keeping trees.Researchers using satellite images found at least ten percent trees cover on more than one billion hectares of farmland.1.. Earlier estimates were much lower but incomplete. The authors of the new study say it may still underestimate the true extent worldwide.The study found the most trees cover in South America.2.. North Africa and West Asia have the least.The study found that climate conditions alone could not explain the amount of trees cover in different areas.3.. There are areas with few trees but also few people, and areas with many trees and many people. The findings suggest that things like land rights, markets or government policies can influence tree planting and protection.Dennis Garrity heads the World Agroforestry Center.4.. The problem, he says, is that policy makers and planners have been slow to recognize this and to support such efforts.The satellite images may not show what the farmers are using the trees for, but trees provide nuts, fruit, wood and other products.5.. Even under drought (干旱) conditions, trees can often provide food and a way to earn money until the next growing season.Some trees act as natural fertilizers. They take nitrogen (氮气) out of the air and put it in the soil. Scientists at the Center say the use of fertilizer trees can reduce the need for chemical nitrogen by up to three-fourths. Trees also capture carbon dioxide, a gas linked to climate change.

A.Nor could the size of nearby populations, meaning people and trees can live together.

B.He says farmers are acting on their own to protect and plant trees.

C.Almost all of it is covered by trees.

D.They also help prevent soil loss and protect water supplies.

E.He devotes most of his time to making people realize its importance.

F.That is nearly half of the farmland in the world.

G.Next comes Africa south of the Sahara, followed by Southeast Asia.



Half a century ago, Japan built the world’s first high-speed rail network—a network that remains the gold standard in train travel today. Currently the country is now helping Texas build its own bullet train, a potential game-changer for transportation in the state.

When it launched on October 1, 1964, the world’s first high-speed rail network was known as the “super-express of dreams.” The first line in Japan’s now world-famous shinkansen network was built against all odds, in the face of fierce public opposition, technical difficulties and astronomical costs.

Half a century ago, the system was far humbler. In 1964, the first track was a 320-mile-long link between Tokyo and Osaka that reduced the trip from six-and-a-half hours (on conventional trains) to three hours and 10 minutes, traveling at a maximum speed of 200 miles per hour. For the first time, workers could get to meetings in one city during the day and be back home drinking a beer in the local pub that night.

Not only did the train expand mobility profoundly, but also businesses appeared around the major stops as a growing emphasis on productivity swept across Japan. Today, the shinkansen network has 1,487 miles of track, with more set to open in the coming years. It seems that everything the shinkansen touches turns to city, and regions that are off the beaten track, so to speak, benefit greatly from the economic jumpstart brought by the train. New shinkansen lines are often proceeded by aggressive marketing campaigns promoting tourism in those areas, a strategy that seems to work.

Despite its astronomical costs, it actually has saved more. Today, over 350,000 annual trips transport tens of millions of passengers all over Japan with efficiency—the average delay time is less than a minute. A research report titled 30 Years of High-Speed Railways: Features and Economic and Social Effects of The Shinkansen by Hiroshi Okada, estimates that the economic impact from the shinkansen train network, based on the time saved from faster travel, is approximately ¥500 billion ($4.8 billion USD) per year. Okada stresses that the cultural impact is also significant, a shinkansen offers people living far from urban centers “easy access to concerts, exhibitions, theaters, etc., enabling them to lead fuller lives.”

Japan has a plan, known as the One-Day Travel Initiative. Its goal: regardless of where you are in Japan, it should only take you three hours to get to the nearest major regional city (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo or Fukuoka). The planned impact of this hyper-mobility is to discourage the tide of migration toward urban centers, like Tokyo, and encourage decentralization.

1.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.

A. opposed to traditional belief    s    B. despite some major barriers

C. based on impractical fantasies    D. in spite of poor planning

2.According to Okada, what benefit does a shinkansen bring to people living far from urban centers?

A. Saving more travelling time.    B. Creating massive employment.

C. Enjoying a more colorful life.    D. Accumulating vast wealth.

3.What is the main purpose of the One-Day Travel Initiative?

A. To promote even distribution of population.

B. To advocate urban lifestyle among migrants.

C. To satisfy the increasing needs of urban centers.

D. To include more citizens in urban centers.



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