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双向翻译 The target audience is high-school ...


The target audience is high-school teenagers. 1. 我们的目标是劝阻年轻人不要吸烟。Our research shows that young people care about their health and future. 2. We will educate them about the bad physical effects of smoking and how smoking affects those people around them. 3.我们将解释不吸烟的所有好处, such as saving money which can then be spent on other things. Our interviews also indicate that young people are concerned about what is cool and what their friends like. 4. We will show how smoking is not cool or attractive, because it makes people smell terrible, and gives them bad teeth, skin and fingernails. If we can convince young people not to start, 5. they might then urge their parents and other people to give up smoking, too.


1.Our main aim is to discourage young people from smoking. 2.我们将告诉他们吸烟对身体造成的不良后果。 3.We will explain all the advantages of not smoking. 4.我们会告诉他们为什么吸烟不酷,没有吸引力。 5.他们也有可能会督促他们的父母和其他人戒烟。 【解析】 1. 考查不定式作表语和动词短语。分析句子可知,本句为主系表结构,主语为Our main aim,系动词为is,动词不定式作表语,用来说明aim的具体内容。再根据其它汉语提示,选定动词短语discourage sb. from doing,意为“劝阻某人不要做某事”。故填:Our main aim is to discourage young people from smoking. 2. 考查动词短语和时态。分析句子可知,本句为一般将来时,句子主语为we,意为“我们”,动词短语educate sb. about sth.意为“教育某人关于某事”,them作间接宾语,意为“他们”,the bad physical effects of smoking作直接宾语,the bad effects of…意为“……的不良影响”,the bad physical effects of smoking意为“吸烟对身体造成的不良后果”。故填:我们将告诉他们吸烟对身体造成的不良后果。 3. 考查时态和固定短语。分析句子可知,本句为一般将来时,句型为“主语+will+动词原形”。句子主语为we,谓语为explain,意为“解释”,宾语包含短语the advantages of…,意为“……的好处”,故填:We will explain all the advantages of not smoking. 4. 考查宾语从句和时态。分析句子可知,本句为一般将来时,句子主语为we,谓语动词为show,后接宾语从句how smoking is not cool or attractive,从句为主系表结构,意为“为什么吸烟不酷,没有吸引力”。故填:我们会告诉他们为什么吸烟不酷,没有吸引力。 5. 考查动词短语。分析句子可知,句子主语为we,动词短语urge sb. to do意为“督促某人做某事”,give up doing意为“放弃做某事”,urge their parents and other people to give up smoking意为“督促他们的父母和其他人戒烟”。故填:他们也有可能会督促他们的父母和其他人戒烟。

1~10 的空格处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过三个单词)

Our family bought1.new computer last week. It is2.(real) cool! But we didn’t know what we should do 3.the old one. Then I saw an advertisement for Tech-help. Tech-help donates computers to people 4.need them.

So far, Tech-help has  5.(donate) more than 2000computers to different families across the country. Last year they gave computers to poor families. It is very easy to donate computers to Tech-help. Yesterday, my father and 6.(me) took the old computer to a local shop. Two hours later, Tech-help7.(collect) it from the shop. They will clean the computer and make it better.

Right now, Tech-Help is 8.(give) computers to families in Xinjiang. There 9.(be) about 50 families on the waiting list. I’m 10.(excite) we could do something to help others!



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It is not so easy to disagree with your parentsHere are a few quick tips on how to show your opinion in the right way1.Don’t let angry words fly out of your mouth if you don’t really want to say themor you will have a lot of work to do later

2.How would you feel if you were your mother or father? Why do they do that? Is it really bad?Try to stay calmIf you find yourself getting too angry, ask for some time to be alone3.Learn to listenMaybe your parents aren’t as persuasive(具有说服力的)as you think.4.Pay attention to needs rather than problems.5.Tell your parents that you want to discuss the problem with them rather than work against them

A.Think about the problem from your parents’ point of view

B.Never listen to your parents

C.Think before you speak

D.It is quite common to disagree with one’s parents

E.Hear them out and then decide how to deal with the problem

F.If you can, try to discuss the problem with your parents at another time

G.Be clear about what you needrather than focus on why you disagree



    At the beginning of high school I couldn’t get along with the new life. Besides studying harder, I also had to _________ field hockey (曲棍球).

In fact, doing field hockey was my mother’s _________. She thought I should join in field hockey at high school to make my school life full. I wanted to do volleyball — I had played it for six years, and wasn’t _______. But my mother said I was too short. She bought me a field hockey stick and _________ me on the field the night after my first day of high school.

So I _________ up to a group of girls who were talking and smiling on the field. I gathered all my courage to say _______ to them. Then we introduced ourselves.

_________, all of them accepted me into their group. We continued _________ until the coach showed up and asked me to practise with them. I tried to do well but it was so difficult! Being _______ at it, I almost wanted to give it up.

But the girls kept me ____________. They were so easy to talk to. So I continued to __________ to play it. ____________, the real turning point was when my coach taught how to play it. It truly did __________. I found out the same strategies as soccer players used. I ____________ the girl and tried to “jab” (猛击) at the ball, which was a field hockey technique. I __________ the ball several times, but a little while later it was much easier to actually push the ball away.

From then on, I played it regularly and had a little ____________. That gave me high spirits. I had achieved what I consider a(n) ____________ success, and soon the rest of my high school problems ____________ themselves. And thanks, Mom, for forcing me out of the car onto the ____________, making me face my cowardice (懦弱), and __________ me to live to my fullest potential.

1.A.do with B.go through C.put off D.give up

2.A.interest B.idea C.promise D.mistake

3.A.new B.long C.bad D.skilled

4.A.beat B.praised C.left D.punished

5.A.gave B.walked C.called D.broke

6.A.sorry B.goodbye C.welcome D.hello

7.A.Finally B.Importantly C.Surprisingly D.Particularly

8.A.talking B.sleeping C.studying D.dreaming

9.A.excited B.good C.amazed D.horrible

10.A.going B.crying C.running D.laughing

11.A.promise B.refuse C.learn D.pretend

12.A.Besides B.Still C.Thus D.However

13.A.begin B.help C.fail D.finish

14.A.got along with B.end up with C.came up with D.caught up with

15.A.missed B.saw C.received D.threw

16.A.chances B.skill C.advice D.patience

17.A.strange B.necessary C.impossible D.important

18.A.helped B.found C.appeared D.corrected

19.A.field B.horse C.stage D.surface

20.A.allowing B.pushing C.persuading D.expecting



There are stock markets (股票市场) in large cities in many countries. Stock markets in Paris, London, Tokyo, Shanghai and New York are among the largest and most well-known. The stock, also called stock exchange,  is a place where people can buy or sell shares of a factory or  company. And each share means certain ownership(所有权) of a factory or company.

Different people go to stock markets. Some are rich, who want to get more money than they have. Others are not very rich, who buy stocks to try to become rich. Still others buy stocks as part of their plan to save money.

Of course, investing (投资) money in the stock market is not the safest way to make money. No one can tell exactly whether the shares will be doing well. The factory or company may do badly. Then the stocks will go down, and the investors will lose money. The stock may go up or down for a number of untold reasons. Everyone wants the stock to go up, but sometimes even if a factory or company does a good job, the stock may still go down.

Going to the stock market is often like gambling (赌博). All want to make money by “gambling’ in the stock market. Factories and companies that need money are pleased that so many people are ready to “gamble”. Indeed, the stock market is an attractive(吸引人的) but complex part of the business world.

1.If you are a good investor, ________ in the stock market.

A.you can always make money

B.you can tell exactly when the stock goes up or down

C.you may sometimes lose money

D.your gambling is always safe

2.The passage mainly wants to tell us________.

A.how to buy or sell shares

B.the stock market is like gambling

C.a general idea of stock market

D.investing money in the stock market is not the safest way

3.Factories and companies are pleased that so many people “gamble” because________.

A.they can make them rich

B.they need their money to do business

C.they need more people to work for them

D.some people win and some lose

4.The word “complex” in the last sentence probably means________.

A.difficult B.happy

C.complete D.modern



    When I think about ducks. I picture my mother's pets. She saved Lucy and Fran from a very wet area when I was 16 years old. The little ducks were weak and sick. My mother helped them to get healthy.

Lucy and Fran lived in a large box in the garage. They became family pets. They were members of our family. Lucy followed me around. She quacked and quacked. She liked attention.

My brother Tim read everything he could find about ducks. He learned to care for our pets. He made sure that the box in the garage was fit for our pets. It had a heat lamp and a feeder. He gave them water and fresh straw each day. What a hit! Lucy and Fran loved their house. They quacked to say, “Thank you!”

On a rainy morning, Lucy walked near me to the mailbox. She walked so close that we knocked each other. I fell into a big mud hole. All the letters from the mailbox got wet. They were covered with muddy, brown water

What's worse. Tim watched from the window. When I got back into the house, he was on the kitchen floor holding the sides of his stomach. He laughed there.

I stomped my feet and threw up my arms. My mom calmly listened to me shout. “It's okay, honey. If you prefer to you can trade beds with the ducks!” she comforted.

With that in mind, I went to the garage and made my peace with the ducks. My own bed looked a lot better than their straw and heat lamp.

1.Where did Lucy and Fran live?

A.In the kitchen B.In the bedroom

C.In the water. D.In the garage

2.What happened on a rainy morning?

A.The writer fell into a big mud hole B.The mailbox got lost

C.The ducks both disappeared D.Tim picked up some letters

3.What could be the best title for the text?

A.Two Noisy Ducks for Sale B.A Family's Love for Ducks

C.A Family’s Photo with Ducks D.Two Boys' Fight with Ducks



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