满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Where did the man put the woman’s bike? ...

Where did the man put the woman’s bike?

A.Under a street lamp. B.In a garage. C.In a backyard.


A 【解析】 【原文】 W:Karl,where did you place my bike?I can't find it. M:Oh,I put it under a street lamp,the one beside our backyard.  

假定你是李华,受学生会委托,围绕垃圾分类,保护环境这一主题,为校宣传栏 语天地写一封倡议书,内容包括:








垃圾分类:garbage sorting





2018年的平昌冬奥会和正在筹备中的2022年北京冬奥会再次让体育运动成为人们关注的 社会热点话题之一。请根据以下要点,写一篇关于体育运动的短文:









请认真阅读下列各个小题,并根据所给首字母或中文提示,写出下列各句空格中的单词, 注意保持语义和形式的一致。请将答案的完整形式写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每空 只填1个单词。

1.This TV series is ________ (针对)specially at teenagers aged 13 to 18.

2.The manager got promoted as he completed the project well within ________ (预算).

3.As you know, sales of your Snowman ice cream have ________ (成倍增加)since we gave it a new package.

4.It was a close game in which the Kangaroos ________ (打平)with the Eagles in the first half final.

5.Police officers have been closely ________ (监控)the organization's activity.

6.They felt lucky to have won the free trip to Europe, o ________ they'd never have been able to afford it.

7.Before I consulted you, I had no c ________ that a company might try to fool people into buying a product or service.

8.However, the cost of building a VR studio is quite high, and this seems like a real d ________ .

9.The judge concluded from the evidence that Jack was i ________ of the murder and should be set free.

10.Hackers gained complete a ________ to Tom's mobile phones, stealing all the money on WeChat.




China successfully exploded its first atomic bomb on Oct 1619641.(shock)the rest of the world.It was followed by the successful2.(explode)of a hydrogen()bomb in 1967.Latera satellite with a recording of the tune of Dong Fang Hong declared to the world that China3.(master)satellite technology.

It was the bombs and the satellite4. enabled China to take the lead in global scientific and technological development and improve the strength of the country's national defensecommented Xinhua News Agency.

Many people made5.(contribute)to these world-shaking events.Yu Mina famous nuclear physicist who passed6. in January at the age of 93was one of them.

Yu was one of the leading scientists who7. (be)able to overcome difficulties in the design of the hydrogen bomb. Known as the "the father of China's hydrogen bomb"he was presented8. the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award by President Xi Jinping in 2015.It is the nation's highest scientific honor.

9.Yu said the achievement belonged to the whole team.

“A man's name will disappear in timebut10. will satisfy him is that he can contribute slightly to the nation's prosperity(繁荣)”Yu saidaccording to China Daily.



What’s in a logo?

What attracts customers?1. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity (企业形象) of the company.

There are now many products and services on the market which are similar in content though produced by different companies. It is important, therefore, for a company to distinguish itself from its competitors by having a strong company image which is immediately recognizable.

Logos are part of this image.2. The logo establishes a visual identity for the company, just as different groups of young people express their identity through hairstyles and clothes. All groups from all cultures and throughout the ages have used colours and symbols to show their identity.

3. Some colours may be connected with coldness in one culture and with warmth in another; some colours represent life in one culture but death in another. International companies have, therefore, to make sure that their logos will not be misunderstood or misinterpreted in different countries.

The logos of large international companies are instantly recognizable throughout the world.4. The design of the words “Coca Cola” has not changed since 1886, although the surrounding design has been changed from time to time.

Companies need to have a strong corporate identity. The logo helps to promote this image and to fix it in the minds of the consumers.5.

A.One of the most famous logos is that of Coca Cola.

B.Colour isn’t a strictly visual element; it’s very psychological.

C.In different cultures, different colours carry different meanings.

D.Logos, therefore, need to be original and to have impact and style.

E.There was a time when Coca Cola was struggling a bit with brand recognition.

F.Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal.

G.They are symbols which often include a name or the first letters of it to identify a company.



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