满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My boss advised me to be__________when m...

My boss advised me to be__________when making a decision,adding that it was not wise to put all the eggs in one basket.

A.aggressive B.cautious C.determined D.influential


B 【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的老板建议我做决定时要谨慎,并补充说孤注一掷是不明智的。A. aggressive好斗的;挑衅的;B. cautious 小心的;谨慎的;C. determined下定决定的;D. influential有权势的;有影响的。根据后文“adding that it was not wise to put all the eggs in one basket.”可知老板认为做决定时孤注一掷是不明智的,结合选项推知老板建议我做决定时要“小心谨慎”。选B项。  

Paying for children to go to a private school is beyond the________of most people.

A.revenue B.commission C.means D.deposit



—How do you find the 5G cell phones?

—Oh,quite good.A new function has been developed on this new model_____it has faster data transmission and lower delay

A.that B.which C.what D.whether



Don’ t blame the boy.He only made a mistake which others_______on such an occasion.

A.will make B.would make C.were to make D.would have made



Many a house______in the powerful earthquake so far, so the homeless survivors have to stay in tents for the time being.

A.was damaged B.were damaged C.has been damaged D.have been damaged



Most firms in China prefer applicants with foreign degrees when they advertise for employees,___ the hopes of those who hold domestic master’s or doctor’s degrees.

A.ruining B.ruined C.to ruin D.having ruined



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