满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A parent might place his daughter’s draw...

    A parent might place his daughter’s drawing on the fridge out of a love for his child,but for many people,that drawing is actually quite delicate. _______adult abstract artists were often inspired by children’s drawing.Observers have found similar _______in modern abstract art and kids’ drawing; one example is the “X-ray” drawing, _______a drawing in which the “inside” of a person is made_______.For the museum-goers who tend to_______a piece of modern art and say “My kid could have made that!” it’s worth remembering that often,that’s actually just what the artist had _______.

Whether it is lucky accident or artistic talent, _______that young kids don’t intend to produce a realistic expression helps demonstrate what the drawing experience means to them. For many kids, drawing is exciting not because of the final _______leads to,but because they can live _______in the world of their drawing.

Even simple scribbles(胡写乱画)are meaningful.When scribbling,children are representing through action,not through ________. Alves, a prekindergarten teacher,recalled a student who________her with a drawing featuring a single straight line across the page. Alves assumed the child hadn’t given too much ________to the drawing until he explained that the ________was one of the mattresses(床垫)from The Princess and the Pea.

Ingram,a preschool teacher,said her students often tell different stories about a ________piece of art depending on the day.”We as adults will often say,I’ m going to draw a horse,’and we set out...and get ________when we can’t do it.They seem to take a much more rational approach,where they just draw,and then they ________,’it is a horse.”“

Ultimately, what may be most________about kids’ art isn’t the art itself but what they say during the drawing process.They’re often________stories that offer a much clearer window into their world than does the final product.Studies suggest that kids will create a detailed narrative________drawing, but when telling adults about their work they’ll simply name the items or characters in the image.

What’s most important to remember is that “children’s art has its own logic.”Winner said. Children are not being ________.”

1.A.In tum B.In consequence C.In fact D.In contrast

2.A.themes B.patterns C.tones D.shapes

3.A.or B.and C.than D.but

4.A.concrete B.abstract C.visible D.accessible

5.A.relate to B.point to C.see to D.apply to

6.A.at heart B.in mind C.at hand D.in store

7.A.acknowledging B.denying C.approving D.confining

8.A.decision B.attainment C.product D.goal

9.A.slightly B.completely C.readily D.precisely

10.A.words B.ideas C.pictures D.stories

11.A.presented B.passed C.placed D.pleased

12.A.idea B.thought C.advice D.feeling

13.A.furniture B.character C.page D.line

14.A.given B.common C.favorite D.distinct

15.A.aggressive B.frustrated C.confused D.nervous

16.A.counter B.guess C.realize D.consent

17.A.touching B.promising C.understanding D.revealing

18.A.swapping B.recalling C.telling D.reading

19.A.while B.before C.after D.as

20.A.artistic B.creative C.critical D.crazy


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。孩子们画画有自己的逻辑和意义,父母应该正确对待孩子们的作品。 1. 考查固定短语辨析。句意:事实上,成人抽象艺术家经常从孩子们的画中获得灵感。A. In turn反过来;B. In consequence因此,结果;C. In fact事实上,实际上;D. In contrast相反。上文提到“但是对很多人来说,那副画实际上相当精美”,空后是对前一句的进一步说明,“事实上”符合语境,In fact与空前一句actually呼应。故选C项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:观察者在抽象艺术和孩子的画中发现了相似的模式。A. themes主题;B. patterns模式;C. tones语调;D. shapes形状。根据下一句的例子one example is the “X-ray” drawing可知,此处是指相似的画画“模式”。故选B项。 3. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:X-射线画法就是一个例子,或者说一种可以看见人的内在的画法。A. or或者;B. and和;C. than比……更;D. but但是。空后a drawing in which the “inside” of a person is made___4___.是对“X-ray” drawing的另外一种说法,所以此处指“或者”。故选A项。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:X-射线画法就是一个例子,或者说一种可以看见人的内在的画法。A. concrete具体的;B. abstract抽象的;C. visible可见的,明显的;D. accessible易接近的,可达到的。空处与“inside”形成对比,是指使一个人的内在“可见”。故选C项。 5. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:对于那些经常去博物馆参观,并且总爱指着一幅现代艺术作品说“我家孩子也会这样画”的人来说,我们需要记住的是,创作这幅作品的艺术家心里其实也是这么想的。A. relate to与……有关;B. point to指着,指出;C. see to明白;D. apply to适用于。根据空后的a piece of modern art and say “My kid could have made that!”可知,此处应是“指着”作品说,故选B项。 6. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:对于那些经常去博物馆参观,并且总爱指着一幅现代艺术作品说“我家孩子也会这样画”的人来说,我们需要记住的是,创作这幅作品的艺术家脑海里其实也是这么想的。A. at heart在心底;B. in mind在脑海中;C. at hand在手边;D. in store在商店。上文提到那些经常去博物馆参观,并且总爱指着一幅现代艺术作品说“我家孩子也会这样画”的人,此处指艺术家也是这样“想”的,in mind符合语境。故选B项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论是幸运的偶然还是艺术天分,孩子们并非要制造现实的表达,承认这个事实有助于证明画画经历对他们意味着什么。A. acknowledging承认,接受;B. denying否认;C. approving赞成;D. confining限制。此处指“承认、接受”这个事实。故选A项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于孩子们来说,画画令人兴奋不是因为最终的作品,而是因为他们可以完全活在画画的世界中。A. decision决定;B. attainment达到,学识;C. product作品 ,结果;D. goal目标。根据“the final”可知,此处指最终的“作品”。故选C项。 9. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:对于孩子们来说,画画令人兴奋不是因为最终的作品,而是因为他们可以完全活在画画的世界中。A. slightly轻微地;B. completely完全;C. readily乐意地;D. precisely准确地。此处指孩子们画画时“完全”活在画画的世界中。故选B项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当胡写乱画时,孩子们是通过行动去代表,而不是通过画作。A. words单词,话语;B. ideas想法;C. pictures画,图片;D. stories故事。根据When scribbling可知,此处指通过行为,而不是通过乱涂的“画作”。故选C项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Alves,一位幼儿园预备班的老师,回忆起一位学生给她看的一幅画,画着一条直线横在纸上。A. presented呈现,描述;B. passed传递;C. placed放置;D. pleased使满意。分析句子可知,who是定语从句的关系词,指代“a student”,根据空后对画的描述“a drawing featuring a single straight line across the page”可知,此处指学生把画“呈现”给这位老师看。故选A项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Alves认为这个学生没有投入太多思想,直到他解释说这条线是《豌豆公主》里的一个床垫。A. idea主意;B. thought想法,思想;C. advice建议;D. feeling感觉。根据上文对这幅画的描述可知,Alves认为学生画画时没有投入太多思想,故选B项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Alves认为这个学生没有投入太多思想,直到他解释说这条线是《豌豆公主》里的一个床垫。A. furniture家具;B. character特点;C. page页码;D. line线。此处是学生向Alves解释画中“直线”的意义。故选D项。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Ingram,一个学前班的老师说,她的学生经常依日子不同而对给出的一个艺术作品讲述不同的故事。A. given给定的;B. common普通的;C. favorite最喜欢的;D. distinct不同的。根据“students often tell different stories about”可知,此处是指“提供给”学生的艺术作品,学生讲述关于它的故事,故选A项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们不会画的时候就变得泄气。A. aggressive好斗的;B. frustrated挫败的,泄气的;C. confused困惑的;D. nervous紧张的。根据when we can’t do it可知,大人在不会画马时,就会变得受挫泄气。故选B项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析;句意:他们只是画,然后他们认识到:这是一匹马。A. counter反对;B. guess猜想;C. realize认识到,意识到;D. consent同意,赞同。根据上文“They seem to take a much more rational approach”可知,孩子们和大人不同,他们先是画,然后才“认识到”画出来的就是一匹马。故选C项。 17. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最后,孩子们的画最发人深省的不是画本身,而是他们在画的过程中说了什么。A. touching动人的;B. promising有前途的;C. understanding理解的;D. revealing揭露真相的,发人深省的。空后They’re often___18___stories that offer a much clearer window into their world than does the final product.是从孩子画画中得到的道理,所以此处指“发人深省的”。故选D项。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们经常讲述故事,提供一个更清楚的入口进入他们的世界,而不是只做最终的作品。A. swapping交换;B. recalling回忆;C. telling讲述,告诉;D. reading阅读。上文提到“her students often tell different stories”,此处是词汇复现。故选C项。 19. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:研究表明,孩子在画画时会创造一个详细的述说。A. while当……时候;B. before在……之前;C. after在……之后;D. as和……一样。下一句中“when telling adults about their work”是说孩子画完后的表现,此处是指“当孩子在画画的时候”,与下文的表现形成对比。故选A项。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:孩子们不是荒唐的。A. artistic艺术的;B. creative有创造力的;C. critical批评的;D. crazy疯狂的,荒唐的。上文提到“children’s art has its own logic(孩子们的艺术作品有它自己的逻辑)”,可知,此处补充说明他们并不是“荒唐的”。故选D项。

—Mike and I are planning a trip to Japan this summer vacation.

—Really?__________ I have always wanted to go there.

A.Take your time! B.Be my guest! C.Let me alone! D.Count me in!



With the virus spreading throughout the world, worldwide major media have been_______with the reports related to how to handle the situation.

A.occupied B.infected C.consumed D.littered



—Where was the experiment carried out?

—It was in the lab built in the 30s_______Mr. Smith worked as an assistant professor

A.that B.which C.where D.when



—Have you heard about the plan to sell the company?

—Not at all. I am totally__________

A.out of the blue B.in the dark C.not all there D.up in the air



Giving credit where credit is due is a good habit to form, ____________ rewards are immeasurable.

A.which B.where C.whose D.its



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