满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There is a lot of poisonous gases in the...

There is a lot of poisonous gases in the hall. If ____in, they can result in illness and  even death.

A.breathed B.breathing C.to be breathed D.breathe


A 【解析】 考查状语从句的省略形式。句意:大厅里有许多有毒气体。如果被呼吸进人体,它们会导致疾病甚至死亡。此处是if条件状语从句的省略形式,主句的主语they指代 poisonous gases ,和breathe之间为逻辑上的动宾关系, 不省略的句子为if they are breathed in,省略they are,因此用过去分词。故选A项。  

______the phone call, the construction site is crowded with workers full of joy and excitement.

A.On receiving B.As soon as receiving C.The Moment he received D.Receiving



Shall we ask Bob to help us do the work ?

Sure . Time _____and we have a lot to do tonight .

A.is run out B.is running out C.has been run out D.was run out



Was it in the beautiful park ___was located at the foot of the mountain ___we first met our foreign teacher?

A.which; where B.which; that C.which; which D.that; where



His expression suggested that he ____the invitation and he suggested full preparations _____.

A.had accepted; would be made B.accepted; be made

C.has accepted; make D.had accepted; be made



What’s the matter with you, Jane ? You look so anxious.

Oh, nothing much. In fact ,I ____the result of the test.

A.have just considered B.was just considering

C.would just consider D.will just be considering



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