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While enjoying good incomes, physicians ...

    While enjoying good incomes, physicians suffer from a lack of time. Between scheduled clinical work and being on call, it’s common to have only one full day off in seven. Not surprisingly, it’s far too easy to spend that entire day just trying to do the boring tasks for yourself and your family.

The good news, however, is that new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that many professionals can increase their happiness by using their incomes to buy back some of that lost time through the use of time-saving services such as housecleaners or online personal assistants.

Study authors Ashley Whillans and Elizabeth Dunn found that when people spend money on such services, happiness improves. Their findings suggest that “using money to buy time may provide benefits by serving as a buffer(缓冲器)against the harmful effects of time pressure on overall life satisfaction”.

Spending money on a big purchase, such as an expensive car, can feel good and serve as a reward for having worked so hard. Research has consistently shown, however, that the gains from such material purchases are short lived. Instead, buying back time and then using it to go after meaningful activities is more likely to result in long-term gains in well-being.

There are the obvious tasks that have been outsourced(外包)for decadessuch as house cleaning or meal preparation. In my own physician coaching practice, it amazes me how many of my physician clients do not take full advantage of these classic opportunities to save time, particularly meal services. When your time is worth well over $100 to 200 an hour, how could you NOT pay another person far less than that to do the job better than you would do it yourself?

Regaining a couple of hours on your only day off can change your well-being. How different would you feel if you had a few more hours to spend quality time with other people, improve your health, or try a new hobby?

1.Which of the following is true according to this passage?

A.Physicians often do boring tasks for their family.

B.Time pressure often has effects on life satisfaction.

C.Physician clients never use time-saving services.

D.People all should regain time to change their well-being.

2.What will lead to long-term gains in well-being?

A.Meal preparation. B.Earning high incomes.

C.Buying expensive materials. D.Spending quality time with family.

3.What is the author?

A.A physician coach. B.A salesman.

C.A researcher. D.A reporter.

4.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A.To persuade people to spend money wisely.

B.To introduce some ways to gain happiness.

C.To advise physicians to buy time for happiness.

D.To state physicians’ terrible working environment.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。医生可以通过购买时间(付钱让别人做一些诸如家务活等事情)从而提高自己的幸福指数。 1. 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Their findings suggest that “using money to buy time may provide benefits by serving as a buffer(缓冲器)against the harmful effects of time pressure on overall life satisfaction.”可知他们的研究结果表明,“用钱买时间可能会带来好处,因为它可以缓冲时间压力对整体生活满意度的负面影响。”也就是说时间方面的压力往往会影响生活满意度。故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Research has consistently shown, however, that the gains from such material purchases are short lived. Instead, buying back time and then using it to go after meaningful activities is more likely to result in long-term gains in well-being.”可知然而,研究一直表明,从这些物质购买中获得的收益是短暂的。相反,把时间买回来,然后用它去做有意义的活动,更有可能带来长期的幸福感。B项和D项都是跟物质获得的收益有关,先排除B,D项。根据第五段中的“There are the obvious tasks that have been outsourced(外包)for decades,such as house cleaning or meal preparation.”可知作者认为很多任务是可以外包的,比如打扫屋子或者备餐,由此推知作者认为备餐是不需要自己花时间做的,排除C项。综合来看,D项(与家人共度美好时光)是很有意义的活动,根据作者的看法,这个会带来长期的幸福感,故选D项。 3. 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“In my own physician coaching practice,”可知作者是医生指导师,故选A项。 4. 推理判断题。文章第一段提出很多医生缺少时间,第二段到第四段中作者表明有个新研究发现对于医生来说,用钱买时间可能会带来好处,因为它可以缓冲时间压力对整体生活满意度的负面影响。第五段作者结合自己的经历再次表明某些任务比如打扫房间等可以外包来节约时间。最后一段中作者让读者想想用节约下来的时间休息或和他人度过美好时光会让生活有多么不同。综合全文,作者写这篇文章的目的就是建议医生通过购买时间(付钱让别人做一些诸如家务活等事情)从而提高自己的幸福指数。故选C项。

    Children born in the early 21st century will likely never know a world without the Internet, television, and other forms of instant intellectual satisfaction. The average high school student in any developed nation has access to more information than some of the greatest minds in history, such as Socrates or Da Vinci, ever had in their lifetimes. Some critics of this phenomenon fear that instantaneous(瞬时的)access to all of this information has the potential to overload users, however. Instead of researching deeper into one particular subject, many people are now dabbling on(浅尝)the surface of many interests and subjects of study at the same time. Author Richard Foreman described those who have spread themselves thinly across a wide range of subjects as pancake people.

For many generations, scholars and artists tended to concentrate their energy on one particular subject. For William Shakespeare, that interest was literature; for Mozart, it was musical composition; and for Newton, physics. Visual artists were not expected to understand higher mathematics, nor were philosophers (哲学家)expected to study engineering. Without widespread access to libraries or the ability to spread their latest creations to the rest of the world instantly, many people worked hard in relative obscurity(冷门)to explore the depths of their chosen jobs or subjects of interest.

With the development of the Internet and other sources of information that can be accessed quickly and easily, many people attempt to gain at least a working knowledge of many different subjects. As a result, a new generation have essentially become the proverbial jacks of all trades, but masters of none. A linguist(语言学家)from the 18th may have studied Spanish or French until he or she could translate even the most complex literary works written in those languages, but modern pancake people only learn enough of the language to travel as a tourist. As long as the information necessary to perform a task or create a new work is at a person’s fingertipsthere is always the risk of that person losing some intellectual curiosity.

1.What can we know from the first paragraph?

A.People nowadays have access to more information than before.

B.Interest is becoming more and more important in modern society.

C.Children will know nothing about the world without modern social media.

D.Students in developed nations know more than the greatest minds in history.

2.How does the author develop his argument in Paragraph 2?

A.By comparison. B.By example.

C.By classification. D.By cause and effect.

3.Pancake people refer to those who___________________.

A.are gifted in music, art or literature

B.are knowledgeable in different fields

C.know a working knowledge of many different subjects

D.tend to concentrate their energy on one particular subject

4.What’s the author’s attitude to pancake people?

A.Disapproving. B.Favorable.

C.Doubtful. D.Unconcerned.



    When Dominick Cabalo noticed four years ago that his son Nicholas, then in Grade 4, was struggling to make new friends at school, he came up with a creative way to help him “break the ice”. The graphic artist from Glendale, Calif, started creating amazing drawings on his sons brown paper lunch bags.

From Captain America to Darth Vader to Kobe Bryant, Cabalo has drawn about 400 pictures of animals, superheroes, movie characters and pop culture icons (偶像)on his son’s lunch bags. The Grade 8 student told CTV News Channel on Wednesday that he had noticed the influence his father's artwork had on social life at school.

“It would encourage a conversation. If it was a movie, then we would talk about what happened or our favorite scenes,” Nicholas said. “People I don’t talk to would start talking to me about what my father has drawn on bags.”

Although Cabalo said he couldn’t see his son’s schoolmates’ reactions to his drawings first-hand, Nicholas would often let him know which ones were hits at school. “If I do something funny or draw something quite humorous, Nicholas will report back to me and say, ‘Oh yeah, they really liked this one,’”Cabalo said.

Cabalo said his son’s favorite drawings are the ones about superheroes. He explained that, every time a new superhero movie is released (上映),he will make sure to include that character on a lunch bag. With so many lunch bags and superhero movie series, Cabalo admits there have been a few repeated characters over the years.

1.Why did Dominick Cabalo decide to create drawings on his son’s lunch bags?

A.To become famous. B.To show his talent.

C.To sell them and earn money. D.To help his son make friends.

2.The underlined word “hits” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to drawings that__________.

A.are popular with Nicholas's classmates

B.are about the latest superhero movies

C.express deep thoughts and feelings

D.influence Nicholas's classmates greatly

3.What kind of drawings did Nicholas like most?

A.Animals. B.Superheroes.

C.Movie characters. D.Pop culture icons.

4.What would be the best title of the text?

A.A Son Learns to Make Friends B.A Son Is Influenced by His Dad

C.A Dad Creates Drawings on Lunch Bags D.A Dad's Artwork on Lunch Bags Helps His Son



    Are you looking for the best way to earn online and free yourself from financial slavery? Here are the top 4 jobs that have a good pay and you can find online to do.


This is basically the conversion of a video or an audio to text. However, transcription takes different formats that you need to learn and master to deliver your work in time. Becoming a transcriber requires nothing other than fluency of the language you are working in and a good typing speed. On average, transcribers make an average of $22 per hour of audio. Medical and legal transcriptions pay much higher than most conversations.

Travel Agency

Do you have a deep knowledge of the tourism industry? Do you have the ability to get discounted tickets for various airlines? Then you can help people book their flights to and for different destinations around the globe. Many people would like to tour different places but they lack lots of the vital information. The business can work best for you depending on your setup, client (客户)base, and the season. You can expect an average of $20/hr.

Online Tutor

Many students from various parts of the world need people to help them better understand the courses they are studying. Others too need people to coach them on some extra-curricular activities. You can make a good income if you are available to offer the services. The average wage of a tutor is $25/hr.


Writers are in demand as far as online and media businesses are concerned. The more we see businesses streaming online, the more you know there is a market for writers. Writers can be hired for different writings like printonline media publications, blogs, business copywriting, etc. A writer earns an average of $26/hr.

1.What does a transcriber require most?

A.A strong sense of duty. B.A good writing speed.

C.Fluency of the target language. D.A deep knowledge of the tourism industry.

2.What is likely to increase the demand for online writers?

A.Popularity of audios. B.Difficult school courses.

C.Large markets for tourism. D.Booming online business.

3.Where can you probably find the passage?

A.In a journal. B.In a newspaper.

C.In a travel magazine. D.In a science fiction.



假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Mary听说了在中国抗击新冠肺炎的奋战过程中,中国的传统医学(Traditional Chinese Medicine  TCM)起了很重要的作用,所以对它非常感兴趣,请给她写一封信,内容包括:





Dear Mary,





增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ^),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。




Nowadays many young parents are addicted in their electric devices like smartphones or computers, pay less or no attention to their kids.

Then what does it come about? Admittedly, the smartphone indeed dramatically changes our life. With it, people can do nearly everything we want, such as surfing the Internet for information, watching films or video, doing some online shopping and playing games as well as. Thus, a smartphone serves as a platform for them to get fun in a comfortable and convenience way. As a result  more and more young parents are being attracted.

However, nothing can replace face-to-face communication between parents and kids, what requires parents to think about the real meaning of life, spends more time with their children and have fun together. Only in this way a better parent-child relationship be developed.



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