满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— My cousin would like to risk ____the w...

My cousin would like to risk ____the weight-loss pills rather than ____in a gym.

Really ? She must be mad.

A.to take; work out B.to take ; working out

C.taking, working out D.taking; work out


D 【解析】 考查固定短语。句意:——我表妹宁愿冒险吃减肥药也不去健身房。——真的吗?她一定疯了。第一空考查risk doing sth.,是固定搭配,意为“冒险做某事”,所以第一空用taking;would like to do sth. rather than do sth.是固定搭配,意为“宁愿做……,而不愿做……”,所以第二空填work out。故选D项。  

The cloth ______easily if _______on a table.

A.measures, spreading B.will be measured, spread

C.measures, spread D.is measured, spread



Experts recommended parents _____their children to play computer games for more than an hour a day.

A.not allow B.do not allow C.mustn’t allow D.couldn’t allow



______ excuse you have, you should apologize for not having finished the task in time.

A.Wherever B.Whatever C.Whenever D.However



The course normally attracts 60 students per year, ______up to half are from Europe.

A.in which B.for whom C.with which D.of whom




A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.

—Tenneva Jordan

I knew I was not supposed to be quite so excited. I was too old for that. At age eleven, the oldest and my mom's "grown up" girl, I had to keep my cool. I was in middle school after all. But every chance I got, when I was alone, I checked each present under the tree. I read every tag and felt every package, guessing at the contents within. I had examined each gift so often that I could tell which present went to which person without even looking at the tags.

It had been a tough year for my family. Whenever my mom looked over at the tree and scattered(撒) presents, she would sigh and warn us, "There won't be as much for Christmas this year. Try not to be disappointed." Christmas had traditionally been a time for my parents to spoil us. In years past, the presents would pile up and spill out from under the tree, taking over the living room. I had heard the phrase "giving is better than receiving," but thought that whoever had said that must have been out of their mind. Getting presents was the whole point! It was the reason I couldn't get to sleep on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas morning, we eagerly waited in the hallway until Dad told us everything was ready. We rushed into the living room and let the wrapping paper fly. We made weak attempts to wait and watch while other family members opened their presents, but as the time passed we lost our self-control.

"Here's another one for you,” said Mom as she handed me a package. I looked at it, confused. Having spent so much time examining the presents before Christmas, I recognized this one. But it had not been mine. It was my mom's. A new label had been put on it, with my name written in my mother's handwriting.

"Mom, I can't...”



Paragraph 1:

I was stopped by my mother's eager, joyful look.


Paragraph 2:

I have always remembered that Christmas fondly.




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