满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You know Australia is a big country, but...

    You know Australia is a big country, but you may not know how easy it is to get around. The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the horizon are just there, waiting to be reached and explored. The following are the different ways you can explore our vast country.

Getting around Australia


Flying is the best way to cover large distances in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australia’s can’t-miss landscapes and relaxing lifestyle. Moreover, competition among airlines makes great flying fees available for you.


Australia has a vast network of well-maintained roads and some of the most beautiful touring routes in the world. You have no difficulty finding car rental companies at major airports, central city locations, suburbs and attractions.


Bus travel in Australia is comfortable, easy and economical. Buses generally have air conditioning, reading lights, adjustable seats and videos. Services are frequent, affordable and efficient.


Train travel is the cheapest and gives you an insight into Australia’s size and variety, all from the comfort of your carriage. Scheduled services are a great way to get quickly between our cities and regional centers.


The Spirit of Tasmania runs a passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly. Extra services are running during summer rush hours. Sealink ferries connect South Australia and Kangaroo Island several times a day. Ferries connect suburbs in our capital cities.


With easy on the feet pedestrian streets, walking is a great way to get around our cities. Besides all the above, you can also experience some of the longest tracks and trails in the world in central Australia—impressive journeys of a thousand kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.

1.The underlined word “untouched” in the 1stparagraph means _____.

A.secure B.special

C.natural D.artificial

2.Which of the following is TRUE about travelling in Australia?

A.More travelers make the flying fees among airlines higher than before.

B.You can easily rent a car to explore its most beautiful touring routes.

C.Taking a bus tour is the most comfortable, economical and efficient way.

D.Train services can offer you more comfort than any other means of transport.

3.Ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania usually runs ____.

A.only at night hours B.only during rush hours

C.several times a day D.Between different cities

4.From the passage, we know that ____.

A.pedestrian walking is a great way to travel between cities

B.walking in central Australia takes a long time

C.central Australia has the world’s longest railway line

D.you have to walk over a thousand kilometers in Australia

5.If you have only 5 days and want to visit Australia’s famous attractions that are far away from each other, which way of travelling best suits you?

A.By air. B.By car.

C.By bus. D.On foot.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本文系统向我们介绍了去澳大利亚旅行的多种交通方式,飞机,汽车,火车等,并具体介绍了各种方法的优点。 1. 词义猜测题。在“The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the horizon are just there, waiting to be reached and explored.”中,根据“waiting to be reached and explored”可知这些地方等待被到达和探索,所以这些地方是未被开发的,故该词指自然的。故C正确。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Australia has a vast network of well-maintained roads and some of the most beautiful touring routes in the world. You have no difficulty finding car rental companies at major airports, central city locations, suburbs and attractions.”(澳大利亚拥有维护良好的庞大的公路网络,还有一些世界上最美丽的旅游线路。在主要机场、市中心、郊区和景点,你不难找到租车公司。)由此可知,你可以很容易地租到一辆车,探索它最美丽的旅游路线。故B选项描述正确。故选B。 3. 细节理解题。根据Ferry部分The Spirit of Tasmania runs a passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly(The Spirit of Tasmania每晚在墨尔本和塔斯马尼亚之间经营客运和车辆渡轮服务),由句中的关键词nightly,可知在墨尔本和塔斯马尼亚之间通常晚上才有轮船服务。故选A。 4. 细节理解题。根据Walk部分Besides all the above, you can also experience some of the longest tracks and trails in the world in central Australia—impressive journeys of a thousand kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.(除了以上这些,你还可以在澳大利亚中部体验一些世界上最长的铁轨和小道——令人印象深刻的1000公里或更多的旅程可能需要几个星期才能完成。)由此可知,从这篇文章中,我们知道在澳大利亚中部行走需要很长时间。故选B。 5. 推理判断题。根据Air部分Flying is the best way to cover large distances in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australia’s can’t-miss landscapes and relaxing lifestyle.(飞行是在短时间内,完成长距离旅行的最好方式。你可以花更多的时间在澳大利亚不容错过的风景和放松的生活方式上。)由此可知,如果你只有五天的时间,但又想要游览距离较远的澳大利亚著名景点,乘飞机的旅行方式最适合你。故选A。

Most students try to learn English grammar using grammar textbooks. They study grammar rules and take grammar tests. They use an analytical(分析的) approach, attempting to memorize, and then apply, a great number of rules.

However, research has proved this method inefficient and ineffective. The truth is, the human brain simply cannot consciously remember process and use hundreds of or thousands of grammar rules. Real speech is too fast.

Native speakers do not learn grammar in this way, but rather intuitively (凭直觉地) and unconsciously. They learn in a complete way, not by attempting to memorize individual grammar rules. As a result, native speakers use correct grammar fluently and easily.

Fortunately, it is possible for English learners to learn grammar this way. Language teacher Blaine Ray has developed a unique "intuitive" approach to teach English grammar. Her system uses "point of view" stories to teach the patterns of English grammar, allowing students unconsciously to acquire correct grammar without ever studying grammar rules.

In this system, the teacher first tells a simple story from one point of view. It may be told about the past, then repeated, but beginning with "since he was a child"; then repeated again, but this time about the future.

Listening to these stories allows students intuitively and effortlessly to learn English grammar and makes them be able to use it correctly when they speak.

Point of View Stories is a creative new way to study English grammar, and offers hope to millions of frustrated English learners.

1.Which of the following ways is approved by the author?

A. Remembering grammar rules.

B. Taking grammar tests.

C. Analyzing grammatical structure.

D. Applying language to situations.

2.What does the underlined part "this way" in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A. Talking to native speakers when learning.

B. Learning English grammar in a complete way.

C. Using correct English grammar.

D. Learning English grammar from a teacher.

3.From this passage we learn that ______.

A. native speakers learn English grammar by listening to stories

B. Blaine Ray’s method gets students to grasp correct grammar unconsciously

C. Blaine Ray teaches grammar rules by asking students to tell stories

D. it’s hard for students to speak correct English in the new system

4.This passage wants to ______.

A. criticize the traditional way of learning grammar

B. introduce a new way to study English grammar

C. ask students to learn English grammar by listening to stories

D. tell us how the native speakers learn English grammar

5.Why shouldn’t the English learners use an analytical approach?

A. because the analytical approach can let them learn English grammar effortlessly

B. because the analytical approach makes them be able to use English correctly when they speak.

C. because the analytical approach can’t let them memorize and then apply a great number of rules.

D. because Real speech is too fast.



Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

There are two faces of nature. One is good while the other is bad. It all depends on 1.you look at it. I believe that nature is man’s friend and we should treat it2.a great deal of respect.3.trip to the mountains on the weekend will give you a glimpse at how beautiful nature is or4.be.

Unfortunately, due to our busy lives, many of us take this beauty for granted. We keep spoiling our environment instead of protecting 5. . Polluting the air, cutting down trees, and building more and more factories are just a few examples showing how6.damage we have done to our earth. Because of the harm caused by humans, nature has turned on(attacked suddenly) us.7.a result, storms and landslides are taking place more than before. If we don’t take the time to protect our environment ,nature will no longer be our friend, 8.our biggest enemy.



    I was feeling a little blue because my mother had been laid off from her job. I_______the college bus and heard piano music and_______rising above the noise of the people and the traffic. I walked a little slower so that I could find out where it was coming from. Through the crowd I saw a young lady sitting at a piano with a_______next to her.

She was singing songs about love: keeping on trying, and not understanding the power within yourself. The way she was singing_______me a bit. I thought that it must take_______to perform on your own in the middle of a crowded New York bus station.

So I stood there listening. She must have felt my presence because she would _______look in my direction. I walked over and put some money in her box and she said, “Thank you,” Instead of _______my way home, I said to her, “I have been going through a rough time lately, but you’ve made me _______again.”

“I’m happy that I could help,” she replied. ” Why are you so sad?”

“Well, my mom had got _______,and I’m not so sure what to do…”

“You see, here’s the problem,” she added, ”The way you were walking. Don’t look________because the chance comes in different ways and if your head is down you might never see it. Lift your head up.” I smiled slightly, amazed by how she was encouraging me. So I asked her, ”Why are you playing the piano in the middle of a crowded place?

She________to me that she saw a lot of negative people in the world and she wanted to reduce the pain and bring more ________by sharing motivational(激励性的) music.

1.A.got on B.got off C.got through D.got around

2.A.talking B.laughing C.shouting D.singing

3.A.bag B.box C.case D.bowl

4.A.comforted B.changed C.confused D.shocked

5.A.time B.courage C.money D.energy

6.A.particularly B.occasionally C.carefully D.gradually

7.A.continuing B.missing C.fighting D.blocking

8.A.thoughtful B.watchful C.hopeful D.thankful

9.A.raised B.fired C.lost D.paid

10.A.separated B.defeated C.satisfied D.frightened

11.A.explained B.responded C.suggested D.complained

12.A.advantage B.challenge C.positivity D.knowledge



—What does this modern-day dinosaur look like?

—The tongue of this animal can be extended _____ of its body.

A. more than twice the length B. twice more than the length

C. more than the length twice D. more twice than the length



I’m sorry, but I would rather the specialist as well as the assistants _____and ______the project again.

A.seated , discuss about B.were seated ,discussed

C.are seated, discuss D.seats ,are discussing



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