满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was in four decades of nursing that I...

    It was in four decades of nursing that I'd had such a terrible problem with a colleague. Rita seemed to look down upon me and I had no idea why. Every _______ I expressed had the opposite effect. Our relationship was so impossibly _______ that I didn't even pray about it.

It is eight years since I _______ from nursing, and certainly retired from ever thinking about that _______ coworker. A pandemic (流行病) had _______ us all like a ton of bricks and even my town of Huntington had sold out of protective masks. I _______ for a box of hospital-grade masks I had left over. Well, I didn’t find the masks, _______ I found some old, unopened mail----a Christmas card ----I’d _______ placed near some reference materials a year ago. That kind of thing is always a _______ to find, but the return address was Florida and I couldn't ________ who I knew there.

I opened the envelope and read the card in ________ ----it was from Rita. ''Please ________ me for being such a mean person. '' she wrote. A ________ of love and forgiveness washed over me. I’m not really a(n) ________ because of a problem with my hands, but there at 11:30 p.m., I typed out an emotional message ________ her that there was no cause for concern, no need for forgiveness ________ there is only love and gratitude for the mercy and miracles of God. In a matter of seconds, I ________ a text back. Rita was over the moon with ________. She said that this reconciliation(和解) and my physical healing had been her ________ prayer. That was ________, I thought, but then again with God nothing is really ever that unexpected, is it?

1.A.kindness B.quarrel C.apology D.interest

2.A.special B.close C.bad D.casual

3.A.hid B.retired C.suffered D.heard

4.A.merciful B.elegant C.grateful D.troublesome

5.A.hit B.violated C.guided D.teased

6.A.made B.paid C.searched D.answered

7.A.and B.so C.or D.but

8.A.politely B.unconsciously C.directly D.annually

9.A.treat B.conflict C.disaster D.reward

10.A.agree on B.figure out C.look into D.deal with

11.A.astonishment B.craziness C.disappointment D.sadness

12.A.blame B.punish C.forgive D.applaud

13.A.roll B.glance C.copy D.wave

14.A.doctor B.editor C.texter D.educator

15.A.convincing B.informing C.instructing D.warning

16.A.unless B.while C.until D.because

17.A.reviewed B.received C.rewrote D.recognized

18.A.joy B.sorrow C.anxiety D.frustration

19.A.initial B.absurd C.constant D.unique

20.A.unaffected B.reliable C.ordinary D.unexpected


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。在护理部门工作40年来,作者唯一一次和同事有矛盾,同事丽塔看不起她,她不知道缘由,她所有的示好都适得其反,关系变得很糟糕。退休八年后,一种流行病袭来,在翻找防护面具的过程中,从一堆资料中,作者看到了丽塔的信,她希望作者原谅她。作者回复了短信给她,最后她们和解了。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我所表达的每一个善意都适得其反。A. kindness善良,善意;B. quarrel争吵;C. apology道歉;D. interest兴趣。根据上文的I had no idea why.和had the opposite effect可知此处用“善意”符合语境,故选A项。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们的关系不可思议地糟糕,以至于我不抱任何希望。A. special特别的;B. close亲密的;C. bad糟糕的;D. casual随意的。根据上文的I’d had such a terrible problem with a colleague.可知此处用“糟糕的”符合语境,terrible和bad是同义词复现,故选C项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从护士岗位退休已经8年了,当然也不用再想那个让人觉得麻烦的同事。A. hid隐藏;B. retired退休;C. suffered遭受;D. heard听说。根据下文的and certainly retired from ever thinking about that ___4___ coworker.可知此处用“退休”符合语境,retire是原词复现,故选B项。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从护士岗位退休已经8年了,当然也不用再想那个让人觉得麻烦的同事。A. merciful同情的;B. elegant优雅的;C. grateful令人愉快的;D. troublesome麻烦的。根据上文的Rita seemed to look down upon me可知此处用“麻烦的”符合语境, 故选D项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一种流行病气势汹汹的袭击了我们所有人,甚至我所在小镇Huntington的防护口罩都卖完了。A. hit袭击;B. violated侵犯;C. guided向导;D. teased戏谑。根据上文的A pandemic可知此处用“袭击”符合语境,故选A项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我去搜寻一盒多年前我留下的医用级口罩。A. made制作;B. paid支付;C. searched搜寻;D. answered回答。根据上文的my town of Huntington had sold out of protective masks.可知此处是指因为防护口罩卖完了,作者只能去搜寻以前工作时剩下的口罩,故选C项。 7. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:我没有找到口罩,但是我找到了一些旧的、没有打开过的邮件——一张圣诞卡——一年前我无意间放到了一堆参考资料旁边。A. and并且;B. so因此;C. or或者;D. but但是。根据句意可知,上下文是转折关系,故选D项。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我没有找到口罩,但是我找到了一些旧的、没有打开过的邮件——一张圣诞卡——一年前我无意间放到了一堆参考资料旁边。A. politely礼貌地;B. unconsciously无意间地;C. directly直接地;D. annually年度地。结合上下文可知,作者很长时间都没有发现这封信,是因为无意间放到参考资料旁了,故选B项。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种事总是一个趣事,但回信的地址是弗洛里达,我想不出我在那里认识谁。A. treat趣事;B. conflict冲突;C. disaster灾难;D. reward回报。根据上文的a Christmas card可知此处是指收到圣诞卡片总体上来说是令人高兴的事,故选A项。 10. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:这种事总是一个趣事,但回信的地址是弗罗里达,我想不出我在那里认识谁。A. agree on达成一致;B. figure out想出;C. look into调查;D. deal with处理。根据下文的who I knew there.可知此处用“想出”符合语境,故选B项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我打开信封,读了之后感到很震惊——信是丽塔写的。A. astonishment震惊;B. craziness疯狂;C. disappointment失望;D. sadness悲伤。根据上文的Our relationship was so impossibly ___2___和下文的it was from Rita.可知此处用“震惊”符合语境,故选A项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:请原谅我是如此卑鄙的一个人。A. blame责备;B. punish惩罚;C. forgive原谅;D. applaud鼓掌。根据下文的no need for forgiveness可知丽塔写信是为了让作者原谅她,故选C项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:爱和原谅的情感一波一波地朝我涌来。A. roll滚动;B. glance一瞥;C. copy复制;D. wave波。根据下文的washed over me.可此处是把情感比作波浪,故选D项。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为手的问题,我不擅长发短信,但就在那天晚上的11点30,我编辑了一则充满情感的短信,让她相信没有理由担心,不需要宽恕,因为对于上帝的仁慈和奇迹只有爱和感激。 A. doctor医生;B. editor编辑;C. texter发短信的人;D. educator教育家。根据下文的because of a problem with my hands可知作者不擅长发短信,且下文的I typed out an emotional message也有暗示,type和text是近义词,故选C项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为手的问题,我不擅长发短信,但就在那天晚上的11点30,我编辑了一则充满情感的短信,让她相信没有理由担心,不需要宽恕,因为对于上帝的仁慈和奇迹只有爱和感激。A. convincing使信服;B. informing通知;C. instructing指示;D. warning警告。结合上文,收到丽塔的信后,作者感受到了爱;再结合下文短信内容,作者宽慰丽塔不必担心,说明她很希望她能感受到这种爱和宽恕,故此处用“使信服”符合语境,故选A项。 16. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:因为手的问题,我不擅长发短信,但就在那天晚上的11点30,我编辑了一则充满情感的短信,让她相信没有理由担心,不需要宽恕,因为对于上帝的仁慈和奇迹只有爱和感激。A. unless除非;B. while然而,尽管,当;C. until直到;D. because因为。根据句意可知,上下文是因果关系,故选D项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:几秒钟之后,我收到了一个回复短信。A. reviewed复习;B. received收到;C. rewrote重写;D. recognized认出。根据下文的back可知,作者收到了一个回复信息,故选B项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:丽塔非常高兴。A. joy欢乐;B. sorrow悲伤;C. anxiety焦虑;D. frustration沮丧。根据over the moon可知此处用“欢乐”符合语境,故选A项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说这种和解和我身体的康复是她常常祈祷的。A. initial最初的;B. absurd荒谬的;C. constant经常的;D. unique独特的。根据上文内容可知,丽塔向作者请求原谅,由此推测,她会常常祈求作者康复作为对自己错误行为的弥补,故选C项。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我认为这是意料之外的,但又再想,有上帝在身边世上真的有意料之外的事吗?A. unaffected不受影响的;B. reliable可靠的;C. ordinary普通的;D. unexpected意料之外的。根据下文的nothing is really ever that unexpected可知此处用“意料之外的”符合语境,unexpected是原词复现,故选D项。

Not only ______ me improve my Spanish, but Campero introduced me to her culture.

A.she helped B.did she help C.had she helped D.she had helped



_____ never easy, innovation is absolutely possible with adequate training and continuous practice.

A.When B.As C.Since D.While



Nothing matches face-to-face communication in _____thoughts, emotions and information.

A.concluding B.containing C.confusing D.conveying



Festival celebrations provide a(n) ____ to celebrate together, sharing warmth and good times.

A.pipe B.patent C.avenue D.antique



He was a friendly and _____ man, who gave freely to the poor.

A.rigid B.generous C.shallow D.competent



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