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The custom of clapping have early beginnings. In classical Athens, applause meant judgement and taking part in. Plays were often in competition with each other, and prolonging clapping helped play to win. The theatre was largeit could hold 14,000 people, half the adult male population of the city, that meant that the audience could make a lot of noise.


1.have→has 2.去掉in 3.prolonging→prolonged 4.play前加a 5.that→which 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了鼓掌习俗的起源。在古典雅典,掌声意味着判断和参与,延长的拍手时间有助于比赛的胜利。剧院很大,所以观众可以制造很多噪音。 1.考查主谓一致。本句主语为The custom of clapping,时态为一般现在时,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数。故have改为has。 2.考查固定用法。句意:在古典雅典,掌声意味着判断和参与。此处taking part后没有宾语,故后面不需要再跟介词in。故去掉in。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:比赛常常是互相竞争的,长时间的鼓掌有助于比赛的胜利。此处prolong在句中应用非谓语动词形式,且作定语表示“延长的”修饰clapping应用过去分词prolonged。故prolonging改为prolonged。 4.考查冠词。play为可数名词,此处表示泛指应用不定冠词,且play为辅音音素开头的单词应用a。故play前加a。 5.考查定语从句。此处为非限制性定语从句修饰上文整个句子,且从句中缺少主语,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故应用which。故that改为which。  


In Europe, most capital cities 1.plan)and built before cars,and city centre traffic jams 2.be)part of daily life for a long time.The situation in central London, 3.drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues,became so bad 4. the local government decided to do something about it.In February 2003 the mayor of London introduced a"congestion charge"-a tax for cars 5.enter)the centre of the city.



    When I entered the 9th grade,I fell in love with college,wanting to pursue art for the rest of my life.To me,__ means a chance to further my education and my abilities in art.I want to __ in Game Art and Animation to develop characters and their stories that I do now through drawing,hoping to be recognized in the game industry like

Rill Gates known in the computer world.I long for a kind of busy lifestyle __ new things.so Game Art will not be the___ thing that I will be known for.I plan to make a career out of every talent I have,developing each talent to the fullest.

I think as I get older my curiosity will___ to the height I have never thought possible.I remember when in the 3rd grade my teacher Mrs Green said something to us in Spanish.I never understood ___she did that,but now I realize she wanted to expand our little brains,showing us that there was __ our neighbourhood in the world.I ___her greatly for that. Back then I didn't really care for anybody else' s __,but now l' m teaching myself Japanese and Spanish.Culture is a very important part of life and college will help me __ different cultures.

College is also an opportunity to meet new people.Looking forward to attending college outside my__,1 believe being in a different environment will __ me to learn and create.I will feel __,surrounded by people with dreams and even more individuals willing to help others __ their dreams.

I wish to inspire future generations just like Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.did!College will take much time and __,but I am ready to consider it as both a challenge and a fun experience.

1.A.art B.college C.games D.life

2.A.major B.study C.play D.learn

3.A.filled in B.rely on C.full of D.instead of

4.A.one B.very C.same D.only

5.A.narrow B.expand C.raise D.strengthen

6.A.when B.why C.how D.where

7.A.less than B.rather than C.better than D.more than

8.A.suspect B.regret C.respect D.expect

9.A.opinion B.country C.language D.culture

10.A.remember B.explore C.forget D.like

11.A.talent B.house C.neighbourhood D.college. .

12.A.make B.cause. C.force D.inspire

13.A.comfortable B.connected C.upset D.unlucky

14.A.come true B.set C.find D.achieve

15.A.money B.devotion C.progress D.knowledge



    It’s often said that your parents’ job is to make sure that one day you no longer need them. And that’s certainly the case by the time you have kids of your own. However, this is precisely the time when your parents start to need you. How do you talk to your aging parents about their health? 1., but these tips make it easier.

Before a conversation, you had better establish yourself as a friend, not an enemy. Always start with an “I” statement, not a “you should” statement. 2..

Scientists recommend beginning a conversation about something you’re doing—taking up yoga to stay slim, for instance. 3.. And you can even have her commit to doing it with you. When you’re a friend day-to-day, your parents will trust you and be able to depend on you during a health crisis.

4.. Start by equipping them with a smartphone that’s designed for seniors. Staying in close phone contact will keep you informed of any arising health issues. It will help you pick up on faults in their memory, too.

Your parents are your parents until they’re gone. Do not treat them like children. Even if you find that there’s an emergency going on, you can make suggestions, but they have the right to make decisions, especially if there’s no cognitive (认知的) disorder. 5., helping your parents in their later years is the least you can do. With the proper measures and technology, it can get easier and feel even more rewarding.

A.Just as they have been there for you

B.It may not be a simple conversation to have

C.It can mean changes in your parents’ schedule

D.Scientists also suggests phoning your parents regularly

E.That can lead to asking your mom what she’s doing to keep fit

F.Talk about affairs about yourself first, then extend them to your parents

G.Scientists recommend opening the door to dialogue instead of calling them



    Educators today are more and more often heard to say that computer literacy is absolutely necessary for college students. Many even argue that each incoming freshman should have his or her own microcomputer. What advantages do computers offer the college students?

Any student who has used a word processor will know one compelling reason to use a computer: to write papers. Although not all students feel comfortable composing on a word processor, most find revising and editing much easier on it. One can alter, insert, or delete just by pressing a few keys, thus ridding students of the need to rewrite or retype. Furthermore, since the revision process is less difficult, students are more likely to revise as often as is necessary to end up with the best paper possible. For these reasons, many freshman English courses require the use of a word processor.

Computers are also useful in the context of language courses, where they are used to drill students in basic skills. Software programs strengthen ESL (English as a Second Language) instruction, as well as instruction in French, German, Spanish, and other languages. By using these programs on a regular basis, students can improve their skills in a language while proceeding at their own pace.

Similarly, business and accounting students find that computer spreadsheet (电子表格) programs are all but important to many aspects of their work, while students pursuing careers in graphic arts, marketing, and public relations find that knowledge of computer graphic (绘图) is important. Education majors learn to develop grading systems using computers, while social science students use computers for analyzing and graphically displacing their research results.

It is no wonder then, that educators support the purchase and use of microcomputers by students. A useful tool, the computer can help students learn. And that is, after all, the reason for going to college.

1.What does the underlined phrase “computer literacy” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.The purchase of computers. B.The ability to use computers well.

C.The computer hardware and software. D.The computer science and technology.

2.According to the author, a word processor can be used to___________.

A.revise and edit papers B.rewrite or retype papers

C.complete a freshman’ course D.improve students’ writing skills

3.According to the author, the reason for students to go to college is__________.

A.to learn something B.to perfect themselves

C.to improve computer skills D.to find one's passions

4.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.Educational experts have developed grading systems.

B.The computer has fund its way into social science.

C.Rarely do accounting students use computers.

D.Computers benefit various majors in college.

5.Which of the Allowing is TRUE according to the passage?

A.More college students should major in computer science.

B.Machine learning and big data is the future of computer application.

C.Some computer progams can be employed to aid language learning.

D.Educators are reluctant to increase computer use in their own classroom.



    LIANG TAO.sold 80 pink Givenchy bags in 12 minutes.Becky Fang sold 100 Mini Cooper cars in just five.Both are wanghong,literally"red-hot on the web".Every day millions of Chinese search social media for wanghong posts or tune in to live-streams for wanghong's opinions on everything.The fans are helping this new Chinese Internet star to make money out of their popularity and to shake up the country's e-commerce industry in the process.

A few of wanghong have been hired by luxury brands.Jaeger-LeCoultre, a Swiss watchmaker,hired Papi Jiang for a video ad targeting young urbanites(都市人),including her 27m fans on Sina Weibo,a Twitter-like microblog. Zhang Yi of iiMedia Research,a consulting firm,estimates that up to 15%of sales on shopping sites like Taobao or social-media apps such as WeChat are influenced by wanghong's public support.The length of a dress might be decided by a survey of a wanghong's fans;its launch date might be based on the number of hits,shares or comments it collects,some of which can cause last-minute design changes.

This poses a new challenge for retailers(零售商),whose supply chains must respond even more quickly to wanghong's opinions.Whereas previously a company would look for a celebrity to match its image,wanghong and their admirers are shaping goods.

Another challenge comes directly from wanghong themselves.They increasingly make money not merely from online support or advice but by launching their own e-commerce stores.Sales of goods accounted for just under half of wanghong earnings of 53bn yuan($8bn)in 2016,estimates Analysis,a Chinese market-research firm(the rest came mostly from live-show tips and adverts).

Some wanghong are going a step further.In November Becky Fang launched her own clothing line.Part of her motivation,she says,was that the brands she supported did not always match the trends she was sharing with her followers.By creating her own brand,Becky's Fantasy,she has full control of the quality.She also gains a new income. For the time being only 3-5%of wanghong follow Becky Fang's example,iiMedia Research estimates.But it expects the model to become an industry in its own right, including entertainment and e-commerce,and driven by online data..

1.Why can wanghong use their popularity to make money?

A.Because they are Internet stars.

B.Because they use social media.

C.Because their opinions influence fans..

D.Because they can shake the e-commerce industry.

2.What is the characteristic of the products supported by wanghong?

A.They are fans-based.

B.They are social-media-based.

C. They are design-shared.

D. They are youth-targeted.

3.What are the challenges for retailers?

A.Online support and advice.

B.Increasing sales of goods online.

C.Quick responses to the.market changes.

D.Wanghong's opinions and e-commerce stores.

4.Why do some wanghong create their own brands?

A.Because they want.to attract more fans.

B.Because they want to share with their followers.

C.Because they want to set up a new industry model.

D.Because the brands they speak for can't satisfy their fans.

5.What's the writer's attitude to wanghong?

A.supportive B.objective

C.indifferent D.worried



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