满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There are times when we feel as if our b...

    There are times when we feel as if our bad circumstances will never change. When we meet troubles or problems in our lives,we are _______ for a sign that tells us everything will be _______ and get better.

When in this mindset (心态), I think back to a _______ I once heard about a family having dinner at a Chinese restaurant. At the end of the meal, everyone _______ their fortune cookie and read their messages out loud. _______ , the youngest child did not, she went to get another fortune cookie. This _______ several times before the mom stopped her and asked, “What are you doing?” The little child responded, “I am looking for a cookie with the _______ fortune for me.” The mom said, “There is only one thing you need to _______ and it’s not in a fortune cookie. That is where there is a will there’s a way.”

When _______ are not going our way,we may ________ the right fortune. We seek the hope for our ________ so that it will be better than the present. Once the Israelis were expelled (驱逐) in a foreign country against their will. At that time, everything was ________ for them, but they didn’t lose hope; instead, they________to their new environment positively. Years later they returned to their homeland as they had________.

In life we need to take action and hope and believe that nothing is impossible to a willing mind. It does ________ that good things do come out of bad and difficult situations.

1.A.ready B.grateful C.Responsible D.desperate

2.A.settled B.hidden C.defeated D.gone

3.A.message B.story C.problem D.case

4.A.ate B.tasted C.touched D.opened

5.A.Anyhow B.However C.Otherwise D.Therefore

6.A.changed B.ran C.happened D.showed

7.A.good B.bad C.wrong D.right

8.A.doubt B.guess C.know D.hope

9.A.memories B.things C.questions D.chances

10.A.search for B.make up C.take out D.wrestle with

11.A.family B.work C.business D.future

12.A.easy B.difficult C.common D.special

13.A.adjusted B.turned C.stuck D.agreed

14.A.left B.expected C.talked D.remembered

15.A.prove B.tell C.consider D.understand


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个家庭在中国餐馆吃饭的故事,从而告诉我们“有志者事竟成”的道理。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们在生活中遇到麻烦或问题时,我们渴望有一个迹象,告诉我们一切都会得到解决并变得更好。A. ready准备好的;B. grateful感激的;C. responsible负有责任的;D. desperate极度渴望的。根据前文“When we meet troubles or problems in our lives”可知,生活中遇到麻烦或问题时,需要一个“告诉我们一切都会变好,变得更好”的信号存在以给予希望。固定短语be desperate for意为“非常渴望;极需要的”。故选D。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们在生活中遇到麻烦或问题时,我们渴望有一个迹象,告诉我们一切都会得到解决并变得更好。A. settled解决;B. hidden隐藏;C. defeated打败;D. gone走,离开。根据前文“When we meet troubles or problems in our lives”可知,遇到的是问题和麻烦,所以要“解决问题或麻烦”。故选A。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这种心态下,我想起了我曾经听过的一个故事,一个家庭在中国餐馆吃饭。A. message信息;B. story故事;C. problem问题;D. case情况,案例。根据后文“I once heard about a family having dinner at a Chinese restaurant”的讲述,作者应是想到了一个听说过的故事。故选B。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:用餐结束时,每个人都打开幸运饼干,大声读出自己的纸条。A. ate吃;B. tasted品尝;C. touched 触摸;D. opened打开。根据后文宾语“fortune cookie”可知,应是中餐馆给客人的,包有预测未来运气小纸条的幸运饼干,因此打开之后才能看到其中的小纸条上的内容。故选D。 5. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,最小的孩子没有,她去拿另一块幸运饼干。A. Anyhow无论如何;B. However然而;C. Otherwise否则;D. Therefore因此。根据前文“At the end of the meal, everyone ___4___ their fortune cookie and read their messages out loud.”可知,每个人都读了自己的小纸条,空后“the youngest child did not”提及的最小的孩子没有读,因此,前后句应是转折关系。故选B。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种情况发生了好几次,妈妈才拦住她问。 A. changed改变;B. ran奔跑;C. happened发生;D. showed展示。分析可知,句中主语“this”应指前文提及的“to get another fortune cookie”这件事,且结合后文“This ___6___several times before the mom stopped her and asked, “What are you doing?””可知,这个动作发生了不止一次才引起了妈妈的注意和询问。故选C。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在找一种好运气的饼干。A. good好的;B. bad坏的;C. wrong错误的;D. right正确的,最好的, 最恰当的。根据后文When___9___ are not going our way, we may___10___ the “right fortune.”中提及“right fortune”可知,本句中应是“right fortune”。故选D。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你只需要知道一件事,而且不是在幸运饼里。A. doubt怀疑;B. guess猜测;C. know知道,懂得;D. hope希望。根据后文“That is where there is a will there’s a way. ”可知,这是妈妈希望这个小孩子能够懂得的道理。故选C。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当事情不顺心时,我们可能会寻找“好运气”。A. memories记忆;B. things东西,事情;C. questions 问题;D. chances机会。结合文章主旨可知,本句的“When___9 ___ are not going our way, we may___10__ the right fortune.”在表达“事情不是按照自己的预想方式发展”,且对应前文“everything will be ___2 ___ and get better”提及的everything,设空处主语应是things。故选B。 10. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当事情不顺心时,我们可能会寻找“好运气”。 A. search for寻找;B. make up构成,编造,弥补;C. take out除掉;D. wrestle with全力对付。对应前文“I am looking for a cookie with the___7___fortune for me.”可知,应是寻找(search for)right fortune。故选A。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们寻求未来的希望,使它比现在更好。A. family家庭;B. work工作;C. business商业,生意,要事;D. future未来。根据后文“so that it will be better than the present.(以至于它会比现在要更好)”可知,应是对未来寻求希望。故选D 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那个时候,一切对他们来说都是困难的,但是他们并没有失去希望,相反,他们积极地适应了新的环境。A. easy容易的;B. difficult困难的;C. common普遍的;D. special特殊的。根据前文“Once the Israelis were expelled (驱逐) in a foreign country against their will.”可知,他们被驱逐,因此日子不好过。故选B。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那个时候,一切对他们来说都是困难的,但是他们并没有失去希望,相反,他们积极地适应了新的环境。A. adjusted调整;B. turned 转动 ;C. stuck 使扎入,坚持;D. agreed同意。根据前文“they didn’t lose hope”可知,他们虽然被驱逐,但是没有放弃希望,因此可推知,他们在新环境中积极调整自己。固定短语adjust to意为“调整以适应”。故选A。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年以后,他们如预期的那样回到了祖国。 A. left离开;B. expected期望;C. talked谈话;D. remembered记得。固定句式:as sb. had expected意为“正如某人所期望的”。故选B。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它证明了好的事情确实会从坏的和困难的情况中产生。A. prove证明是;B. tell告诉;C. consider考虑,认为;D. understand理解,懂得。固定句式:it proves that+从句,意为“它证明了……”。故选A。

    Hotels in Shanghai are requested to stop offering disposable toiletries(一次性洗漱用品) unless customers ask, in order to make efforts to reduce waste and pursue(追求) green development. 1.. The move is stated in a set of regulations on garbage sorting and recycling that went into effect in Shanghai.

Under the new regulations, most household plastic wastes should be sorted and recycled. The city also encourages individuals and companies to reduce their use of disposable plastic products. Kunlun Jing An hotel is one of those that answered the government call that “not offering disposable toiletries unless asked”. 2.“Shanghai is taking a lead in the country to fight against plastic waste,’’ said Gerd Knaust, general manager of Kunlun Jing An hotel. “Hotels should make contributions to sorting and recycling garbage.3.’’

4.  “It is a good thing to reduce waste in daily life,” said Zhang Wei, 40, from east China’ s Shandong Province who checked in the hotel for a business trip. He brought a reusable toothbrush after being informed by the hotel in advance.

At least 6.5 million sets of disposable toiletries are said to be used every day if the occupancy rate(入住率)is 50 percent for the 13 to 15 million hotel rooms across China, said Du Liangliang of the Hotel Business Unit of Ctrip, China’s leading online travel agency. “ 5.,” Du said.

A.The hotel said the new measure will help reduce plastic waste

B.Guests are encouraged to use recyclable toiletries during their stay

C.If hotels stop offering disposable toiletries, it will be great progress

D.It is one of the steps that the government takes to protect our environment

E.Also, we should encourage customers worldwide to lead an eco-friendly life

F.The hotel has informed people of the change through online and offline means

G.Plastic products harm our environment so greatly that we shall reduce their use



    If you’ve spent any amount of time boating, fishing, or bird-watching at lakes and rivers, you have most likely seen fishes jumping out of the water. I have seen it many times. Certainly, fishes will exit water in desperate attempts to escape enemies. Dolphins take advantage of the behavior, forming a circle and catching the frightened fishes in midair. But just as we may run fast from fun or from fear, different emotions might motivate fishes to jump.

Mobula rays(蝸鲼)aren’t motivated by fear when they throw their impressive bodies—up to a seventeen-foot wingspan (the distance from the end of one wing to the end of the other) and a ton in weight—skyward in leap(跳跃)of up to ten feet. They do it in schools(鱼群)of hundreds. They usually land on their bellies, but sometimes they land on their backs. Some scientists think it might be a way of removing parasites(寄生虫). But I think that the rays are enjoying themselves.

In the clear waters of Florida’s Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge, I watched several schools of fifty or more mullets(鲻鱼)moving in beautiful formation. Their well-built bodies were most evident when they leaped from the water. Most of the time I saw one or two leaps by a fish, but one made a series of seven. They usually land on their sides. Each jump was about a foot clear of the water and two to three feet in length.

Nobody knows for sure why the fish leaps. One idea is that they do it to take in oxygen. The idea is supported by the fact that mullets leap more when the water is lower in oxygen, but is challenged by the likelihood that jumping costs more energy than is gained by breathing air. It is hard to imagine they will feel any fresher when back in water.

Might these fishes also be leaping for fun? There is some new evidence. Gordon M. Burghardt recently published accounts of a dozen types of fishes leaping repeatedly, sometimes over floating objects—sticks, plants, sunning turtle—for no clear reason other than entertainment.

1.What can we say about the dolphins in Paragraph 1?

A.They have great escaping skills. B.They are easily frightened.

C.They are very clever. D.They love jumping.

2.What do the ray and the mullet have in common when jumping?

A.Both do it in groups. B.Both land on their bellies.

C.Both jump many feet out of water. D.Both make leaps one after the other.

3.How does the author feel about the idea mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.It is valuable. B.It is interesting.

C.It is imaginative. D.It is questionable.

4.Which may be the reason for fish leaps according to the author?

A.To remove parasites. B.To amuse themselves.

C.To take in more oxygen. D.To express positive emotions.



    Before the end of the year, employees at Ubiquitous Energy, a company in Redwood City, Calif, will gather in a window-lined conference room to stare toward the future. That’s because their new glass windows will offer more than an amazing view of the North California landscape. They will also be able to power the company’s lights, computers and air conditioners.

Several years in the making, Ubiquitous’ energy-producing glass is a remarkable technological achievement. Its power lies in the layers of organic polymers (聚合物) between sheets of glass. As light enters the window,the flow of electrons between the polymer layers creates an electric current, which is then collected by tiny wires in the glass.

“It’s sort of like a transparent computer display run in reverse (反过来),” says Veeral Hardev, director of business development at Ubiquitous Energy. “Instead of electricity being shuttled to different points in a display to light them up, light is producing electricity to be shuttled out of different points in the window.”

Right now the windows produce about a third as much electricity from a given amount of sunlight as the typical solar cells used in roof panels ().These windows, about half as transparent as ordinary glass, don’t work as well as transparent ones. Hardev says the company is likely to improve the transparency significantly. As for the lower output of electricity, he notes that windows can cover a much greater surface area than a roof, so numerous windows will produce a surprisingly larger amount of electricity than the production from a rooftop full of higher-efficiency solar panels. “You could do both.” says Hardev. “But you’ll get more from the windows. The biggest challenge, he adds, is increasing the windows from less than two square feet currently to about 50 square feet.”

1.What makes the new glass windows special?

A.They can offer an amazing view.

B.They are controlled by computers.

C.They can power the conference room.

D.They can help stare toward the future.

2.What is Hardev trying to explain in Paragraph 3?

A.The source of light.

B.The significance of different points.

C.The similarity of computer and glass.

D.The working principle of energy-producing glass.

3.What can affect power production according to the passage?

A.The transparency of the glass.

B.The quality of the rooftop.

C.The height of the solar panels.

D.The thickness of the glass.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Windows: A New Challenge of Technology

B.Windows: No Longer Just for Letting in the Light

C.Power: A Pressing Problem in the Near Future

D.Power: Not Enough from Rooftop Solar Panels



    Connie Monroe clicks a button, flicks her wrist and watches as her neighborhood floods. The shorelines are first to go. Then, the baseball fields at Fleming Park. By the time seawater reaches the senior center, it has flooded streets and over a dozen brick homes. Monroe moves her head up and down, side to side, taking in the simulated (仿真的) view. This is what could happen to Turner Station, a historic African American community southeast of Baltimore, as sea levels rise.

Climate change presents many challenges to coastal communities and to those trying to prepare for its impacts, but one of the most basic is also one of the most vexing: How do you show people and convince them of a possible future?

Communicating the realness and immediacy of the climate threat is hugely important to climate researchers and those aiming to lessen its causes. But it's also the most important to communities faced with coming changes that are already unavoidable. These projects need public support and input. That's why Monroe and other residents (居民) are being directed to sit in metal chairs, put on virtual reality headsets and watch their homes flood.

Turner Station, a community which gets flooded easily, is trying to prepare. It has partnered with the Port of Baltimore, a few nonprofits and a local landscape architecture firm to adopt a range of tools and ways to communicate climate change to the public, because every person is different and every place is different.

The virtual reality program is only the most recent, and perhaps the most effective step. Virtual reality is an immersive experience that can trick the human brain into thinking it's real. But tricking people is not the goal of the sea level rise simulation being used at Turner Station, says Juiano Calil, one of the program's developers. ''The goal, '' he says, ''is to start a conversation and help folks visualize the impacts of climate change and the solutions, and also discuss the trade-offs between them. ''

1.Who is Monroe?

A.A coastal community citizen. B.A climate researcher.

C.An architect. D.AVR program developer.

2.What does the underlined word ''vexing'' mean in paragraph 2?

A.Bothersome. B.Dramatic.

C.Original. D.Convincing.

3.Why is VR technology employed here?

A.It can cut down the risks of climate change.

B.It can show severe results of climate change.

C.It can introduce technology to the residents.

D.It can predict the climate change accurately.

4.What is the purpose of the program?

A.To trick more people to believe.

B.To win the residents’cooperation.

C.To advocate the application of VR.

D.To inform the residents of the solutions.



    Many college students want to look for seasonal, short-term or part-time jobs to get extra cash, to stay busy or to get working experience.


The job is a great opportunity to build your fitness, keep people safe and be outdoors to enjoy some fun on the beach in the sun. The average hourly wage for lifeguards is $ 9.31, but those with certifications or previous experience may be able to earn a bit more.

Nanny (保姆)

Students can find plenty of positions as parents scramble (争抢) to arrange activities and find care for their children. Students who enjoy spending time with kids, staying active and being outdoors can spend their leisure time making money without even feeling like they’re working. Nannies make $ 14.56 per hour.

Camp Consultant

Students who enjoy spending their time with children, being a leader and monitoring fun outdoor activities are perfect for camp consultant positions. The average hourly wage for camp consultants is $9.28, but those with many years’ experience or specific academic backgrounds may be able to earn more.

Food Server

Although it may not seem like the most attractive way to spend a weekend, working as wait staff allows students to build up their social skills, stay active, enjoy free meals at work and posily educate themselves about different cuisines. However, food servers need to be on their feet for hours at a time and must be able to multi-task like professionals, so take this into account before submitting an application. The average salary is $ 9.00 hourly, but trips can raise that number.

1.Who are the two jobs nanny and camp consultant most fit for?

A.Students who want to develop their social skills.

B.Students who love staying with children.

C.Students who love traveling.

D.Students who love camping.

2.What should you take into consideration before applying to be a food server?

A.The way of cooking.

B.The food you can enjoy.

C.Long standing time at work.

D.Skill in getting tips from customers.

3.What job can you do if you’re good at swimming?

A.A lifeguard. B.A nanny.

C.A camp consultant. D.A food server.



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