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4 Eco-Friendly Bikes to Ride This Summer...

4 Eco-Friendly Bikes to Ride This Summer

Nowadays, many drivers are searching for more environment-friendly ways to get around and are starting to look back to bikes. Bikes don’t require gas. In terms of convenience, bikes can be easier to park and can help riders get their daily exercise in.

Companies everywhere are beginning to take the traditional bike and adapt it to people’s needs. Below are eco-friendly bikes to consider adding to your morning ride.

1. Bamboobikes

Ccycles produces Bamboo Bikes. The company sources bamboo and carbon fiber joints for their bike frames. Bamboo is ideal for bikes because it can absorb significantly more shock than carbon fiber. It is also very lightweight compared to traditional bike materials, like steel. But bamboo is incredibly strong and can take on twice the compression force as steel.

2. Cowboy

Cow offers Cowboy, a bike hides the battery in its frame under the saddle. The removable battery takes about two and half hours to charge and has a range of roughly 31 miles, but the best part is the app features. The Cowboy app gives travelers a real time dashboard (仪器板) to check out their speed and distance. Riders never need to worry about getting lost since it has navigation and can pull up your route history from your ride states. This smart tech also gives riders updates about the bike’s status. The Cowboy has a high tech locking system so the owner is the only one who can start up the bike.

3. The Faraday Bicycle

Faraday ebikes have a 250W motor, and the battery can be fully charged in less than 4 hours. Faraday recently partnered with the organization One Tree Planted to help reforest California after the state underwent serious damage from wildfires that destroyed thousands of acres of land in the area. The company stepped up and donated $100 from every bike sold to plant 100 trees.

4. The Donky Bike

Wilson, who works for Donky, created The Donky Bike, a practical cargo bike. This bike was designed to easily carry a cargo load on the frame. Like any great workhorse, this bike was built with simple low-maintenance components and has a strong, durable frame.

1.Which bike can show you where you are?

A.Cowboy. B.Bamboobikes.

C.The Donky Bike. D.The Faraday Bicycle.

2.If you want to help reforest California, you can buy a bike from _____.

A.Faraday B.Ccycles

C.Donky D.Cow

3.The bike that Wilson created _____.

A.has a 250W motor B.carries a cargo on the frame

C.is lightweight but strong D.has a battery under the saddle


1.A 2.A 3.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了四种环保自行车。 1. 细节理解题。根据Cowboy部分的“Riders never need to worry about getting lost since it has navigation and can pull up your route history from your ride states.”可知Cowboy的骑行者不必担心迷路,因为它的应用程序有导航功能,并且可以从你的乘车状态中提取路线历史记录。有导航意味着你可以知道自己所处的位置,故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。根据Faraday部分的“Faraday recently partnered with the organization One Tree Planted to help reforest California after the state underwent serious damage from wildfires that destroyed thousands of acres of land in the area. The company stepped up and donated $100 from every bike sold to plant 100 trees”可知法拉第最近与“种一棵树”组织合作,帮助加州重新造林,此前加州遭受了野火的严重破坏,野火烧毁了该地区数千英亩的土地。该公司随后从售出的每辆自行车中捐出100美元用于种植100棵树。所以如果你想帮助重建加州的森林,选Faraday牌自行车即可。故选A项。 3. 细节理解题。根据The Donky bike部分的“Wilson, who works for Donky, created The Donky Bike, a practical cargo bike. This bike was designed to easily carry a cargo load on the frame.”可知Wilson设计的自行车是一种实用的货运自行车,这种自行车被设计成可以很容易地在其车架上装载货物。故选B项。

True Manliness

Fred Liscom was a twelve-year-old boy. His mother was very _____ but his father was away from home. Fred was the person to take care of his mother.

One day, Tom Barton, one of Fred’s classmates, saw him with a _____ in his hand, cleaning the table. He _____ this at school, and Fred received the greeting “Girl boy!”

“Fire! fire!” The _____ spread out one night, and the fire bells began to ring. Fred   was _____ by the alarm and he saw the red light streaming into his room. He _____ himself in a moment, and tapped at the door of his mother’s bedroom.

“It is Mr. Barton’s house, Mum. Do let me _____.” he said in eager, excited tones.   Mrs. Liscom thought for a moment. He was young, but she could _____ him. “Yes, you may go.” she answered: “But be careful. Don’t do _____ things.” Fred promised to follow her advice, and _____ to the fire.

Mr. and Mrs. Barton were not at home. The house had been left in charge of the servants. The fire _____ with fearful speed, for there was a high wind, and it was found impossible  to save the house. The servants ran about, screaming but doing nothing to any purpose.

Fred found Tom Barton outside. “Where is Katy?” he asked. Tom, trembling with _____, seemed to have had no thought. He said, “Katy is in the house!” “In what room?” asked Fred. “In that one,” said Tom, pointing to a window in the upper story.

It was no time for words, but for _____. The staircase was already on fire; there was  but one way to reach Katy which was full of _____. The second floor might fall at any  moment, and Fred knew it. But he _____ sought help and guidance.

A ladder was quickly brought, and placed against the _____. Fred climbed it, followed by the hired man, dashed in the window, and pushed his way into the room where he found Katy with some _____. The poor girl lay nearly suffocated with _____. Fred managed to carry her to the window as quickly as possible, and placed her upon the sill (窗台). She was immediately grasped, and _____ down the ladder, Fred following as fast as possible. They had scarcely reached the ground before a crash of falling timbers told them that they had barely escaped with their lives.

Fred showed us true _____ is in harmony with gentleness, kindness, and selflessness.

1.A.beautiful B.kind C.strict D.sick

2.A.textbook B.dishcloth C.toothbrush D.newspaper

3.A.reported B.followed C.controlled D.criticized

4.A.whistle B.secret C.cry D.fire

5.A.wakened B.saved C.disturbed D.challenged

6.A.dressed B.seated C.absented D.enjoyed

7.A.apologize B.explain C.know D.go

8.A.persuade B.trust C.remind D.respect

9.A.boring B.childish C.useless D.silly

10.A.hesitated B.struggled C.hurried D.prepared

11.A.burned B.spread C.moved D.disappeared

12.A.terror B.anger C.relief D.anxiety

13.A.confusion B.thanks C.regret D.action

14.A.turns B.danger C.plants D.furniture

15.A.suddenly B.excitedly C.slowly D.calmly

16.A.staircase B.window C.wall D.door

17.A.difficulty B.uncertainty C.curiosity D.patience

18.A.water B.illness C.smoke D.poison

19.A.rolled B.carried C.pushed D.sent

20.A.friendliness B.nobleness C.manliness D.effectiveness




The 24 solar terms originate from the Yellow River basin. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the four solar terms of midspring, midsummer, midautumn and midwinter were identified. The 24 solar terms were 1. (full) established during the Qin and Han Dynasties, and they 2. (record) in the book of Huainan Zi. In 104 BC, the Taichu Calendar 3. Deng Ping and other people, formally recorded the 24 solar terms and made clear the astronomical position of the 24 solar terms.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

My dearest parents,

It 1. (be) quite a long time since the last time we really talked. I know you are very busy trying 2. (earn) a living, but all I hope is to have more of your company. There is a lot going on in high school. The academic pressure is huge because my courses are difficult to understand. So, I wish you could encourage me to do better 3. I fail tests. And I wish to see your brightest smiles and applause for me if I finally win.





阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一.个.适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class walking home from school 1. (carry) all of his books. A bunch of kids were running toward him, knocking all his books out of his arms and making him land in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible 2. (sad) in his eyes. So, I ran over to him and 3. (hand) him his glasses. He   looked at me and said, “Hey thanks!” There was a big smile on his face, 4. was one of  those smiles that showed real gratitude.



假如你叫李华,你的朋友Jenny 来信向你询问如何保持健康.请你给她发一封e-mail 提出建议.内容如下:




注意: 1.词数100左右.


Dear Jenny:



Li Hua



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