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A number of studies show that sports and...

    A number of studies show that sports and other physical activities can contribute to the development of self-esteem (a feeling of pride in oneself). For example, Canadian scientists found that sixth-grade students who were more physically active had considerably higher levels of self-esteem. A study in Switzerland found that teenagers who took part in sports clubs were healthier, including being better socially adjusted, feeling less anxious, and generally being happier about their lives. Similar findings were reported in a study of Latino students, where participation in school sport was found to be greatly associated with self-esteem.

There seems little doubt that part of the potency (潜能) of sports lies in their social setting. There are a lot of facts showing the importance of social connectedness (关联性) for healthy child and teenager development, and sports offer a popular and engaging setting for social interactions. Involvement in team sports has been positively associated with social acceptance and a sense of belonging, especially where such involvement is characterized by positive coaching, progressive skill development, and peer support.

But, the social setting of sports can exclude as well as include. There is now evidence that boys’ and girls’ experiences of sports can be very different, and this can affect the contribution they can make to the self-esteem of players. Peer acceptance seems to be an important factor in determining the relationship between sport participation and self-esteem, and girls can be particularly sensitive to negative judgments. And studies have found that many ‘girly’ boys and girls benefit most from non-competitive physical activities.

So, a note of caution ought to be sounded in case sports are considered to be a cure. Much of the literature on the most positive psychological (心理的) outcomes associated with childhood and youth sports stress the absolute importance of positive experiences. It will surprise no one that bullying, excluding or abuse experiences will harm, rather than support the development of self-esteem, and well-being in general. Sadly, it will also not be a shock to learn that many children’s introductions to sports are far from improving the quality of life.

The great developmental psychologist Jean Piaget argued that the foundations of self-esteem were laid between the ages of about 6 and 11 years of age. Importantly, this is also the time when children are most likely to be introduced to sports. We should know the importance of positive early sporting experiences for the development of both self-esteem and on-going participation in sports and other physical activities. Teachers, coaches, and parents have a responsibility to ensure that these experiences ‘catch’ as many children as possible, and for this to happen they need to remember ‘the principles of child development’: Children are not mini-adults.

Problems arise when adults forget these principles, and kid themselves into thinking that they are coaching future Olympians or Super stars. Unluckily, evidence suggests that talented children are most likely to stand out when they are given time to develop, to play, and to remain children.

Children are not miniature adults, and their enjoyment of sports (and their self-esteem) can suffer when adults forget this!

1.Studies in Switzerland and Latino showed teenagers who often join in sports _____.

A.build self-esteem earlier

B.have more good experiences

C.are more sensitive to judgments

D.are healthier both physically and mentally

2.In general, the author’s attitude toward the influence of sports on teenagers is _____.

A.positive B.critical

C.uncertain D.tolerant

3.According to the author, when children take part in sports, they _____.

A.will be happier about their lives

B.are more likely to be attracted by competitive sports

C.should be treated by coaches and parents as super stars

D.will build self-esteem if given positive comment and support

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Children Should Take Part in Sports

B.Sports Offer You a Better Teenage Life

C.Sports Experience and Building Self-Esteem

D.People Should Treat Teenagers Like Miniature Adults


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明了。主要说明了体育运动与促进自尊的发展之间的关系,并提醒大家发展体育方向要注意形式和方法,切勿把孩子当成小版的成年人那样急功近利地进行培养。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“A study in Switzerland found that teenagers who took part in sports clubs were healthier, including being better socially adjusted, feeling less anxious, and generally being happier about their lives. Similar findings were reported in a study of Latino students, where participation in school sport was found to be greatly associated with self-esteem.” 瑞士的一项研究发现,参加体育俱乐部的青少年更加健康,包括在社交上有更好的适应能力,不那么焦虑,并且总体上对自己的生活更快乐。在对拉丁裔学生的一项研究中也报告了类似的发现,在该研究中,参加学校运动与自尊有很大关系。可知瑞士和拉丁美洲人的研究表明,经常参加运动的青少年在身心上都更健康。故选D项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“A number of studies show that sports and other physical activities can contribute to the development of self-esteem (a feeling of pride in oneself).”许多研究表明,体育运动和其他体育活动可以促进自尊的发展。由此判断出作者对与体育运动对青少年的影响的态度是积极的。故选A项。 3. 推理判断题。根据第二段中Involvement in team sports has been positively associated with social acceptance and a sense of belonging, especially where such involvement is characterized by positive coaching, progressive skill development, and peer support.可知,团队运动的参与与社会接受度和归属感呈正相关,特别是当这种参与以积极的指导、进步的技能发展和同伴支持为特征时。由此判断出,根据作者的观点,当孩子参加体育活动时,如果给予积极的评价和支持,他们会建立自尊。故选D项。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第一段中“A number of studies show that sports and other physical activities can contribute to the development of self-esteem (a feeling of pride in oneself).”许多研究表明,体育运动和其他体育活动可以促进自尊的发展。并结合全文理解可知,文章论述了体育运动与促进自尊的发展之间的关系,并提醒大家发展体育方向要注意形式和方法,切勿把孩子当成小版的成年人那样急功近利地进行培养。C项Sports Experience and Building Self-Esteem“体育运动经历与自尊心建立”切合文意。故选C项。

Climate Change Requires the World’s Attention

In 2013, a lot of people were shocked by a news photo of a dead polar bear that was found on Norway’s Arctic island of Svalbard. According to the scientists who found its dead body all that remained of the polar bear was “skin and bones”. An expert who has studied polar bears for many years said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved and died. Experts claimed that low sea-ice levels caused by climate change meant the bear could not hunt seals as before, so it had to travel greater distances in order to find food. This alarming case showed how the increase in temperature had an impact on Earth’s ecology.

Then what is causing the increase in the global average surface temperature? Climate scientists often mention a key climate process called the “greenhouse effect”, which has two common meanings: the “natural” greenhouse effect and the “man-made” greenhouse effect. The “natural” greenhouse effect, which helps keep the earth warm enough for people, plants and animals to live on, refers to the fact that heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms Earth’s surface as short-wave radiation. The heat is released back into space at longer wave lengths. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as methane (沼气) and carbon dioxide, trap some of the heat, keeping Earth’s climate warm and habitable. Without this process, Earth could not sustain life. However, the man-made greenhouse effect has now become a big problem. When people produce huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels, more heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere and causes Earth’s surface temperature to rise quickly.

There is strong and comprehensive evidence that the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide, not only causing serious damage, but also costing human lives. Climate scientists have warned that if we do not take appropriate actions, this warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay. In fact, news reports are frequently broadcast about extreme rainstorms and heat waves causing deaths and economic losses.

Continued greenhouse gas emissions (排放) will result in further warming and long-lasting changes to the global climate. This requires the attention of people all over the world. Governments need to consider making policies and taking appropriate actions and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We as individuals can also reduce our “carbon footprint” by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce. It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming, along with its causes and impacts, because it is all of us that share this planet. So what will you do to help?

1.The dead polar bear was mentioned in the first paragraph to _____?

A.show polar bears are endangered

B.raise the problem of global warming

C.raise the awareness of protecting animals

D.warn people of the damage caused by travelling

2.What is causing the rise of Earth’s surface temperature?

A.Methane. B.Carbon dioxide.

C.Heat from the sun. D.Man-made heat energy.

3.The rise of Earth’s surface temperature may result in _____.

A.higher cost of living B.better growth of plants

C.more extreme weather events D.speeding of animal reproduction

4.The last paragraph mainly tells us that _____.

A.policies are important to stop carbon dioxide emissions

B.the long-lasting effects of climate change is very serious

C.everyone should take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

D.it is the governments’ duty to control the process of global warming



Journey to the West

If you have a dream, go for it.

My dad talked of the jewel in China’s western part, Tibet Autonomous Region. Tibet was a region I wanted to see and discover but its remoteness and my inability to find the right time to go delayed my journey. After a few talks with my dad, we decided to take a pause in our lives for a few weeks in July 2019 to start an amazing adventure.

We started our journey on a Saturday morning at the Guangzhou train station in south China. We started the first leg of the journey admiring the mysterious mountains of south China. The next day it changed quite suddenly to the dry, waterless landscape of central-west China as we passed through Shanxi and Gansu provinces. That evening we arrived at Xining, Qinghai Province, where we got onto the Xining-Lhasa train.

We were greeted on the train with Tibetan yogurt. The train signs were also written in Tibetan, the beautiful handwriting matched its environment and people. The following afternoon we arrived in Lhasa. Lhasa, one of the highest-altitude cities in the world, is a gem hidden on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We started our tour of the jewel by exploring the palace and watching local people do morning prays and dances in the park. Overlooking the Jokhang Temple, we enjoyed an amazingly beautiful breathtaking view, just like we had been in the fairyland. It’s a stunning (令人震惊的) golden temple in the middle of old Lhasa, which we visited next before wandering in the old quarters and Barkhor Street in the evening. Barkhor Street is the ideal place to try local food and buy local products.

The following day, we started our journey to the Qomolangma base camp by road from Lhasa. Along the way we stopped to admire the beautiful Yamdrok Lake, a huge freshwater lake that is one of the three largest sacred lakes (圣湖) in Tibet. Yaks (牦牛) in blankets and bells at the lake made for a picturesque impression of perfect countryside Tibet.

About a week later, the highlight came in the afternoon when we arrived at the Qomolangma base camp. We were staying in a guesthouse just next to the base camp. After dropping off our backpacks, we headed straight outside to see the magnificent Mt Qomolangma. There it was, the top of the mountain peeking through the clouds, astonishing us with its unbelievable height. We enjoyed the mountain waves and saw the beautiful clouds separated until the sunset over the peak, feeling I would have regretted for the rest of my life if I hadn’t made the journey.

1.The author wanted to go to Tibet Autonomous Region because _____.

A.his father wanted him to travel there

B.his father thought it was worth visiting

C.he was interested in the mysterious place

D.he wanted to go to the farthest place of China

2.The author thought the most exciting part of the journey was visiting _____.

A.Jokhang Temple B.Barkhor Street

C.Yamdrok Lake D.Mt Qomolangma

3.The underlined word “gem” in the fourth paragraph means _____.

A.smart genius B.precious stone

C.unique temple D.beautiful grassland

4.The author wrote this passage to tell us _____.

A.beautiful views are worth the risk you take

B.if you have a dream, you should try to make it happen

C.you can finally achieve your dream if you put your heart on it

D.traveling ten thousand miles is better than reading ten thousand books



4 Eco-Friendly Bikes to Ride This Summer

Nowadays, many drivers are searching for more environment-friendly ways to get around and are starting to look back to bikes. Bikes don’t require gas. In terms of convenience, bikes can be easier to park and can help riders get their daily exercise in.

Companies everywhere are beginning to take the traditional bike and adapt it to people’s needs. Below are eco-friendly bikes to consider adding to your morning ride.

1. Bamboobikes

Ccycles produces Bamboo Bikes. The company sources bamboo and carbon fiber joints for their bike frames. Bamboo is ideal for bikes because it can absorb significantly more shock than carbon fiber. It is also very lightweight compared to traditional bike materials, like steel. But bamboo is incredibly strong and can take on twice the compression force as steel.

2. Cowboy

Cow offers Cowboy, a bike hides the battery in its frame under the saddle. The removable battery takes about two and half hours to charge and has a range of roughly 31 miles, but the best part is the app features. The Cowboy app gives travelers a real time dashboard (仪器板) to check out their speed and distance. Riders never need to worry about getting lost since it has navigation and can pull up your route history from your ride states. This smart tech also gives riders updates about the bike’s status. The Cowboy has a high tech locking system so the owner is the only one who can start up the bike.

3. The Faraday Bicycle

Faraday ebikes have a 250W motor, and the battery can be fully charged in less than 4 hours. Faraday recently partnered with the organization One Tree Planted to help reforest California after the state underwent serious damage from wildfires that destroyed thousands of acres of land in the area. The company stepped up and donated $100 from every bike sold to plant 100 trees.

4. The Donky Bike

Wilson, who works for Donky, created The Donky Bike, a practical cargo bike. This bike was designed to easily carry a cargo load on the frame. Like any great workhorse, this bike was built with simple low-maintenance components and has a strong, durable frame.

1.Which bike can show you where you are?

A.Cowboy. B.Bamboobikes.

C.The Donky Bike. D.The Faraday Bicycle.

2.If you want to help reforest California, you can buy a bike from _____.

A.Faraday B.Ccycles

C.Donky D.Cow

3.The bike that Wilson created _____.

A.has a 250W motor B.carries a cargo on the frame

C.is lightweight but strong D.has a battery under the saddle



True Manliness

Fred Liscom was a twelve-year-old boy. His mother was very _____ but his father was away from home. Fred was the person to take care of his mother.

One day, Tom Barton, one of Fred’s classmates, saw him with a _____ in his hand, cleaning the table. He _____ this at school, and Fred received the greeting “Girl boy!”

“Fire! fire!” The _____ spread out one night, and the fire bells began to ring. Fred   was _____ by the alarm and he saw the red light streaming into his room. He _____ himself in a moment, and tapped at the door of his mother’s bedroom.

“It is Mr. Barton’s house, Mum. Do let me _____.” he said in eager, excited tones.   Mrs. Liscom thought for a moment. He was young, but she could _____ him. “Yes, you may go.” she answered: “But be careful. Don’t do _____ things.” Fred promised to follow her advice, and _____ to the fire.

Mr. and Mrs. Barton were not at home. The house had been left in charge of the servants. The fire _____ with fearful speed, for there was a high wind, and it was found impossible  to save the house. The servants ran about, screaming but doing nothing to any purpose.

Fred found Tom Barton outside. “Where is Katy?” he asked. Tom, trembling with _____, seemed to have had no thought. He said, “Katy is in the house!” “In what room?” asked Fred. “In that one,” said Tom, pointing to a window in the upper story.

It was no time for words, but for _____. The staircase was already on fire; there was  but one way to reach Katy which was full of _____. The second floor might fall at any  moment, and Fred knew it. But he _____ sought help and guidance.

A ladder was quickly brought, and placed against the _____. Fred climbed it, followed by the hired man, dashed in the window, and pushed his way into the room where he found Katy with some _____. The poor girl lay nearly suffocated with _____. Fred managed to carry her to the window as quickly as possible, and placed her upon the sill (窗台). She was immediately grasped, and _____ down the ladder, Fred following as fast as possible. They had scarcely reached the ground before a crash of falling timbers told them that they had barely escaped with their lives.

Fred showed us true _____ is in harmony with gentleness, kindness, and selflessness.

1.A.beautiful B.kind C.strict D.sick

2.A.textbook B.dishcloth C.toothbrush D.newspaper

3.A.reported B.followed C.controlled D.criticized

4.A.whistle B.secret C.cry D.fire

5.A.wakened B.saved C.disturbed D.challenged

6.A.dressed B.seated C.absented D.enjoyed

7.A.apologize B.explain C.know D.go

8.A.persuade B.trust C.remind D.respect

9.A.boring B.childish C.useless D.silly

10.A.hesitated B.struggled C.hurried D.prepared

11.A.burned B.spread C.moved D.disappeared

12.A.terror B.anger C.relief D.anxiety

13.A.confusion B.thanks C.regret D.action

14.A.turns B.danger C.plants D.furniture

15.A.suddenly B.excitedly C.slowly D.calmly

16.A.staircase B.window C.wall D.door

17.A.difficulty B.uncertainty C.curiosity D.patience

18.A.water B.illness C.smoke D.poison

19.A.rolled B.carried C.pushed D.sent

20.A.friendliness B.nobleness C.manliness D.effectiveness




The 24 solar terms originate from the Yellow River basin. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the four solar terms of midspring, midsummer, midautumn and midwinter were identified. The 24 solar terms were 1. (full) established during the Qin and Han Dynasties, and they 2. (record) in the book of Huainan Zi. In 104 BC, the Taichu Calendar 3. Deng Ping and other people, formally recorded the 24 solar terms and made clear the astronomical position of the 24 solar terms.



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