满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Communicating effectively means more tha...

    Communicating effectively means more than knowing what to say and when to say it. Communication involves the subtle signals your body language sends to those who are watching. Here are some common body actions and the impressions they create:

● Fiddling (好动) — Playing with your watch or a pen looks like you’re bored or impatient.

● Clock watching — It looks like you’re to move on to something else.

● Tapping — Tapping your feet or fingers suggests you are impatient or nervous.

● Staring — An unblinking (不眨眼的) stare conveys threatening or violent behaviour.

● Legs crossed or body hunched (弓背,耸肩) — Closing up your body profile — becoming smaller — looks like you lack confidence.

● Arms crossed — If you keep your arms folded during communication, you appear to be defending yourself against the others.

● Touching your face — When you have your hand in front of your mouth, you appear very shy.

● Rubbing your nose, looking away — People who are lying often rub their nose or look away when speaking.

● No eye contact — If you won’t look the other speaker in the eye, you seem to have low interest or a lack of confidence. (Don’t forget staring above.)

How you communicate with your body language is just as important as what you say. Watch your body language and control the unconscious messages you might be sending.

1.According to the passage, effective communication includes all of the following EXCEPT _____.

A.knowing what to say

B.sending unconscious messages to other people

C.saying the right thing at the right time

D.getting information from the other speaker’s body language

2.Which of the following people looks shy according to the passage?

A. B.

C. D.

3.If you want to show confidence when communicating, you should ______.

A.cross your legs or hunch your body

B.avoid direct eye contact

C.look the other speaker in the eye

D.keep touching your face

4.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.How to make a good impression on others

B.Can you read body language?

C.Control your body language for effective communication

D.How to send effective information through body language


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。有效的沟通不仅仅意味着知道说什么和什么时候说。交流包括你的肢体语言向他人发送的微妙信号。文章介绍了一些常见的身体动作和它们给人的印象以及控制你的肢体语言的重要性。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的Communicating effectively means more than knowing what to say and when to say it. Communication involves the subtle signals your body language sends to those who are watching.可知,有效的沟通不仅仅意味着知道说什么和什么时候说。交流包括你的肢体语言向观看你的人发送的微妙信号。由此可知,向他人发送无意识的信息不是有效的沟通。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章中● Touching your face — When you have your hand in front of your mouth, you appear very shy.可知,摸脸——当你把手放在嘴边时,你会显得很害羞。再结合选项照片可知,C项图片中的人看起来害羞。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据文章中● No eye contact — If you won’t look the other speaker in the eye, you seem to have low interest or a lack of confidence.可知,没有眼神交流——如果你不看说话人的眼睛,你会显得兴趣低或缺乏自信。由此可知,如果你想在交流时表现出自信,你应该看着对方的眼睛。故选C。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的Here are some common body actions and the impressions they create:及最后一段How you communicate with your body language is just as important as what you say. Watch your body language and control the unconscious messages you might be sending.可知,文章主要介绍了一些常见的身体动作和它们给人的印象以及控制你的肢体语言的重要性。由此可知,C. Control your body language for effective communication(控制你的肢体语言以达到有效的沟通)适合做本文最佳标题。故选C。

    It is every kid’s worst nightmare and six-year-old Jaden Hayes has lived it - twice. Firstly, he lost his dad when he was four and then last month his mom died unexpectedly in her sleep.

“I tried and I tried and I tried to get her awake - I couldn't,” said Jaden. Jaden was understandably heartbroken.

But there was another side to his grief. A side he first made public a few weeks ago when he told his aunt, and now guardian, Barbara DiCola, that he was sick and tired of seeing everyone sad all the time. And he had a plan to fix it.

“And that was the beginning of it,” said Barbara. “That’s where the adventure began.”

Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy a bunch of little toys and bring him to downtown Savannah, Georgia near where he lives, so he could give them away.

“I’m trying to make people smile,” said Jaden.

Jaden targeted people who weren’t already smiling and then turned their day around. He’d go out on four different occasions now and he was always successful. Even if sometimes he didn’t get exactly the reaction he was hoping for.

It was just so overwhelming to some people that a six-year-old orphan would give away a toy- expecting nothing in return - except a smile.

“I’m counting on it to be 33, 000,” said Jaden. When asked if he thought he could make that goal, he answered, “I think I can.”

1.Why did Jaden give the toys to other people?

A.Because he wanted to fix the toys.

B.Because he wanted to see more people.

C.Because he wanted to give the toys away.

D.Because he wanted to make people happy.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Jaden lived with his aunt.

B.Jaden targeted people who were not happy.

C.Jaden got nothing he wanted all the time.

D.Jaden was sick and tired of seeing everyone.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Jaden?

A.Helpful and impatient. B.Creative and tricky.

C.Optimistic and courageous. D.Ambitious and greedy.



    I applied for a placement (实习工作) with the BBC one rainy afternoon, expecting to hear nothing back. Much to my _______ a few weeks later I received an email _______ me that due to my good performance I had been _______ for a two-week placement at the News and Current Affairs department in London.

As a History and Politics student, the _______ that I would be at the BBC in the run-up to the general election made it particularly exciting. I didn’t _______ it until suddenly I found myself _______ off the underground at Oxford Circus, and seeing New Broadcasting House for the first time, which was to be my _______ for the next two weeks.

From day one I had an extremely interesting _______ I was primarily working on the TV debates being hosted by Victoria Derbyshire for her new program. I was _______ for gathering information from the audience, which ____________ and improved my communication and research skills. ____________, I went from watching live broadcasts, to working with a reporter on news stories, to ____________ some interviews for a documentary (纪录片).

The senior producer of the Victoria Derbyshire team was wonderful and always ____________ I was getting what I wanted from the job. She ____________ to help me spend time on World Service and Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, which was a ____________ highlight (最精彩的部分) in my life. My time at the BBC not only enriched my resume, but it ____________ me with the skills and confidence I needed to ____________ in my career.

The chance that I ____________ the world of the BBC is the first class. The experience went above and beyond my ____________. The team I worked with was inspiring, and I had a truly ____________ time.

1.A.delight B.confusion C.surprise D.regret

2.A.informing B.showing C.reminding D.educating

3.A.applied B.selected C.cheated D.sent

4.A.suggestion B.possibility C.fact D.problem

5.A.escape B.trust C.suspect D.believe

6.A.falling B.seeing C.taking D.stepping

7.A.study B.settlement C.workplace D.classroom

8.A.experience B.idea C.research D.impression

9.A.suitable B.responsible C.hopeful D.grateful

10.A.tested B.adapted C.affected D.satisfied

11.A.After all B.In addition C.As a result D.In case

12.A.giving B.organizing C.promoting D.refusing

13.A.took out B.figured out C.made sure D.made sense

14.A.decided B.wished C.intended D.managed

15.A.major B.lovely C.senior D.useful

16.A.rewarded B.provided C.equipped D.prepared

17.A.progress B.restore C.guarantee D.survive

18.A.attend B.stay C.involve D.enter

19.A.comprehension B.descriptions C.control D.expectations

20.A.Humorous B.unusual C.difficult D.terrible




Located in the southern part of Beijing, the Temple of Heaven is a magnificent complex of fine cultural buildings set in gardens and 1. (surround) by historic pine woods. It has been one of the most significant 2. (place) for the whole country for more than five centuries. It 3. (serve) as a complex of sacrificial buildings for the Ming and Qing emperors, and is the 4. (large) one in Beijing among several royal sites.




Basketball hero Kobe Bryant's death has drawn an outpouring of shock and sadness across China. Basketball fans in China are now sad after learning that the former Los Angeles Lakers' 18-time NBA All Star had died at the age of 41 in a helicopter crash 1. Sunday in California. Bryant was among nine people on board, 2. (include) his 13-year-old daughter Gianna, who all died in the disaster3. occurred in the heavy fog.




These pioneers of the 20th century were all dedicated to improving the quality of human life on earth, but sometimes breakthrough discoveries that 1. (affect) our lives today happened by mistake! For example, we are all grateful for the handy microware oven that allows us 2. ( prepare )meals in minutes and we have Percy Spencer to thank. This inventor, with 120 patents to his name, discovered microwaves when he was experimenting with radars and noticed a chocolate 3. (melt) in his pocket.



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