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Dear students, On behalf of the Student Union, I' m writing to express our appreciation for your donation for the disaster-hit area. The event, which lasted a week, received a warm welcome from almost everyone. Up to now, we have re-ceived countless donations such as books, clothes and even some cash. After registering all of them and classif-ying them carefully, we have packed them up with the help of some volunteers. All the donations are scheduled to be delivered to the people in desperate need of them with a week, and all the cash will have been put into aspecial account for the area. Please allow me to say thanks to you again. The Student Union 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。要求考生代表学生会给全体在校交换生写一封信,感谢他们为灾区进行的捐赠活动。 内容要求:1.表明写信目的;2.介绍捐赠活动;3.通报捐赠物品处理情况。4.词数要求100左右。 时态:一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时。 句式要求: 1.表明写信目的:I’m writing to do… 2.表达感谢:Please allow me to say thanks to you again.






Last year, our class paid a visit a local nursing home. After arrive there, we saw some elder doing Tai chi. They gave us an impression of being energetic but healthy. But there was also some old people seated in the wheelchairs. They were out of the shape, which made me a few sad. They must have experienced a hard life in the past. During that visit, we chat with the old and did some cleaning here. We had such a good time. This year, we plan to visit it again and hope more people care about the old so that they can be healthy, peace and happy for the rest of their life.




Jingdezhen porcelain(瓷器)is Chinese porcelain produced in or near Jingdezhen in southern China. Jingdezhen has produced porcelain 1. (century)ago. And the town 2.was named Jingdezhen by Emperor Zhenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty became a major kiln()site around 1004.During the period, the 3.(produce)of porcelain in this area first became 4.(know).By the 14th century it had become the largest centre of producing Chinese porcelain, which remained in the following times. In the Ming Dynasty, official kilns in Jingdezhen 5.(control)by the emperor, making quality porcelain in large quantities for the emperor to give abroad as gifts. As a result, the town was 6.(close)linked to the world.

Although being a remote town in a hilly area, Jingdezhen is near the quality porcelain stone and forests which can provide plenty of wood for the kilns. It also has 7.river flowing from north to south, 8.(benefit)the transport of the fragile objects.

Jingdezhen has produced a great variety of 9. (value) porcelain. As a result, the town is famous 10. the “Porcelain Capital”. One type of its well-known high quality porcelain object is the blue and white porcelain from the 1330s.



    Fink had accidentally texted the wrong number and her messages were going to a man named Clayten, rather than her friend, Jakeman. "Hey! Brother, Jakeman. This is your sister Fink, we are _______ you dinner tomorrow. What time would be a _______ time to bring it over?" the text read. Clayten _______ replied, "Ooh! What5re you bringing me? I'm allergic to seafood. "

Fink then _______ to Clayten that the text was meant for Jakeman and his _______, Sally, who have a four-year-old son, Noah, who was in the ICU. Clayten then responded to Fink, asking, "How can I _______?" Noah has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Sally was _______ Noah,

along with his four siblings (兄弟姐妹),to a doctor for a follow-up _______ regarding his broken ankle, which was caused by a fall when he _______ a seizure (突发疾病).

Clayten told Fink he is a single father and helping a ________ in need would be a teachable moment for his ________, adding that it is "just what people ________ Clayten used Facebook on Sunday to ________ the exchange he had with Fink and encouraged his friends to help out the Jakeman's  family. He also ________ a fundraiser on Facebook and got in contact with Armer Foundation for Kids, which can ________ assist the family.

“He doesn't ________ us or Fink at all and the fact that he not only offered to help but actually backed that with ________ is amazing," Jakeman said. "I don't know if he ________ in God or not, but I believe he was sent here to help this family. I ________ him he was an angel," Fink said. Noah is doing better, but he has a long way to go to ________. Noah's mother said that she was making plans with Clayten so he could meet Noah.

1.A.lending B.bringing C.renting D.changing

2.A.good B.useful C.bad D.real

3.A.sincerely B.luckily C.rudely D.jokingly

4.A.complained B.admitted C.explained D.turned

5.A.mother B.wife C.colleague D.sister

6.A.help B.give C.leave D.stay

7.A.persuading B.adopting C.driving D.asking

8.A.clarification B.business C.research D.appointment

9.A.found B.suffered C.controlled D.hid

10.A.family B.group C.team D.friend

11.A.work B.students C.son D.ways

12.A.observe B.study C.declare D.do

13.A.speed B.share C.spare D.involve

14.A.turned up B.gave up C.set up D.looked up

15.A.further B.spiritually C.totally D.hardly

16.A.get B.treat C.trust D.know

17.A.action B.service C.thought D.opinion

18.A.wants B.consists C.believes D.hands

19.A.reserved B.awarded C.warned D.told

20.A.disease B.recovery C.adjustment D.hospital



    Have you been working from home at your dining room table, on your couch or even from bed? We find ourselves typing away on our laptops and tablets in different positions around the house. 1., I've created a quick stretch and core routine that combines both yoga and Pilates exercises. These simple moves will not only help straighten you out, they'll also reduce strain and tension in your shoulder muscles, neck, and legs.


While seated or standing, roll your shoulders back and clasp your hands behind you. Pull your arms away from your back as you expand your chest, and breathe deeply. Stick your chest forward as you pull your arms back. Hold this for 3 deep breaths, in and out.

Neck stretch

3. . Lift the right arm up and press your right hand onto the left side of your head for a more intense stretch. Hold this for 3 deep breaths, and then repeat on the other side.

Single leg hamstring stretch

Stand up and place your right heel onto the chair or couch. Bend the foot, and lean forward to stretch the hamstring and calf (小腿肚).4.. Hold this position for 3 breaths, and then repeat on the other side.

5. , because we're combining Pilates core work with yoga stretching and strengthening.  Repeat it every hour if possible.

A.Shoulder stretch

B.Strike your hands behind you

C.This routine counts as a mini workout, too

D.To shift to the edge of your couch, bed or chair

E.To help you maintain good pose no matter where you're working

F.Make sure your legs are square to the chair and your feet are leg length apart

G.Drop your right ear toward your right shoulder to stretch the left side of your neck



    Feedback is regarded as an essential component of a successful business culture. Used correctly, it can improve performance and teamwork. In a recent study, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the IESE Business School in Barcelona examined which type of feedback tended to lead to cooperative behaviors and which to competitive behaviors. To this end, 112 students of different subjects and 28 managers, all of whom had at least seven years of professional experience, were invited to participate in a laboratory experiment.

Groups of four participants played variants (变体)of a classic public goods game. Each player was given a fixed number of points to invest per round. During the time of the ten rounds, they were required to decide how many points they wanted to invest in a group project and how many in their own individual project. The rewards for cooperative behavior differed across the two experimental scenarios (方案),impacting participants, scores and finally how much money they were paid. In the first scenario, cooperative behavior on average led to a better score for the group, but to a worse score on the personal level. In the second scenario, cooperation paid off for both the group and the individual. Uncooperative behavior not only reduced the overall score, but also harmed the other players more than it did the participants themselves. After each round, the participants received feedback—either just on their own performance (individualistic feedback) or additional feedback on the performance of the group as a whole (joint outcome feedback) or on how they ranked relative to the other players (ranking feedback).

The results showed that the type of feedback received had a significant impact on participants' views of the scenario and on whether they behaved cooperatively or competitively. Participants who were given individual feedback behaved cooperatively in the cooperative scenario and increasingly selfishly in the competitive scenario over the rounds played. Participants who were given feedback on the performance of the group as a whole were generally interested in maintaining cooperation, regardless of the scenario.

1.What does the study try to find out?

A.What can improve employees' performance and teamwork.

B.What professional feedback is needed to inspire employees.

C.How the professional experience inspire teamwork among employees.

D.How different types of feedback impact interactions among employees.

2.What were the participants asked to do in the game?

A.Find at least two partners.

B.Play it more than ten rounds.

C.Set up and invest their own projects.

D.Invest every round with given points.

3.What did the participants get when they worked individually in scenario two?

A.A better score for the group but a worse for individuals.

B.A worse score for the group and more harm to others.

C.A worse score for the group but a better for individuals.

D.A worse score for the group and more harm to themselves.

4.What is probably discussed in the following text?

A.How different scenarios reward participants.

B.How participants given ranking feedback behaved.

C.How participants given individual feedback behaved.

D.How participants given joint outcome feedback behaved.



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