满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据首字母或提示词,结合句意写出所缺单词 1.Yet Antarctica is...


1.Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife, which has a___________ to its extreme conditions.

2.The meeting is intended to p__________ an understanding of different countries in Asia.

3.I expressed the great thanks for your help in seeking the lost child on b________ of my family.

4.It’s a new country, hoping for diplomatic r____________ from the international community.

5.The koala is u__________ to Australia, which can’t be found in other countries.

6.The plan is designed to ___________ (激发) employees to work more efficiently.

7.The government is ___________ (呼吁) to the public to save water.

8.She’s completely ___________ (迷恋) with the handsome boy.

9.According to a rough ____________ (估计), at least 5, 000 people were killed.

10.Such events only increased the ____________ (不赞成) of France’s princely neighbours.


1.adapted 2.promote 3.behalf 4.recognition 5.unique 6.motivate 7.appealing 8.obsessed 9.estimate 10.disapproval 【解析】 1. 考查时态。句意:然而南极洲充满了野生生物,野生生物已经适应了南极洲极端环境。此处是定语从句,先行词是wildlife,先行词在从句中做主语,wildlife适应极端环境,所以可以填动词adapt,动词前面有has,所以需要用现在完成时态,adapt需要用过去分词形式。故填adapted。 2. 考查动词。句意:这个会议意图是增加对亚洲不同国家的理解。promote an understanding表示“增加了解”, 动词前面intend to do sth, 所以此处用动词原形。故填promote。 3. 考查名词。句意:我代表我家人表达对你极大的感谢,感谢你帮助找到丢失的孩子。此处on behalf of表示“代表”,是固定短语,故填behalf。 4. 考查名词。句意:这是一个新的国家,它希望得到国际社会的外交认可。 diplomatic修饰名词,根据句意可知新的国家是需要得到承认的,故填recognition。 5. 考查形容词。句意:考拉是澳大利亚独有的,在其他国家找不到。本句为主系表结构。根据句意可知考拉只在澳大利亚有,所以用unique表示“独一无二的”,故填unique。 6. 考查动词。句意:设计这个计划的原因是为了激发员工更有效地工作。motivate动词,表示“激发”,置于be designed to do sth ,用动词原形。故填motivate。 7. 考查现在进行时。句意:政府正在呼吁公民节约用水。动词前面有be动词,所以这里用be doing表示现在进行时。故填appealing。 8. 考查时态。句意:她已经完全迷恋上这个酷酷的男孩。前面she’s = she has,用到了现在完成时,所以这里动词obsess需要用过去分词形式,故填obsessed。 9. 考查名词。句意: 根据粗略估计,至少有5000个人被杀害。这里前面有冠词a加上形容词rough, 所以应该填名词词性。故填estimate。 10. 考查名词。句意:这些举动只会增加法国邻国的反感。the ____ of中间需要填名词词性,故填disapproval。

__________, your article is of greater value than his.

A.All things considered B.All things considering

C.All things are considered D.All things are considering



They demanded that the right to vote ___________ to every adult.

A.was given B.was giving C.be giving D.be given



_________  my heart still beats, I will go on working for the people.

A.As soon as B.As far as C.As long as D.As much as



Hardly _________ the knock when I opened the door.

A.have I heard B.had I heard C.did I hear D.do I hear



Bai women wear white and red costumes, _______ the men wear white shirts and long wide trousers.

A.while B.but C.because D.so



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