满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.表达谢意;   2.个人感受;   3.表达信心。



参考词汇:传染病epidemic  新型冠状病毒novel coronavirus

Dear medical workers


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear medical workers. I am Li Hua from a senior High School. On behalf of my school, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all for your devotion in the battle against the novel coronavirus. During this epidemic, it is you who, regardless of the shortage of equipment and the potential risk of infection, desperately rescue those infected. It is also you who make us build up our confidence to defeat the terrible virus. Such few words can' t fully convey our thankfulness for your great contributions. I’ m definitely convinced that with our joint efforts, China will win the battle and make a quick recovery. Yours sincerely, LiHua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封信,向奋战在抗击新型冠状病毒第一线的对医护人员的感谢。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 结构:总分法    总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 要求:1.表达感谢 2.个人感受 1)尽力抢救病人。(Trying to save the patient) 2)给他人树立信心。(Building confidence in others) 3.表达信心。 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) on behalf of; express thanks to sb. for; devotion; the battle against; infect; a shortage of ;the potential risk ;build up confidence; contribution; with joint efforts; win the battle; make a recovery 第三步:连词成句 1. I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all for your devotion in the battle against the novel coronavirus.. 2. During this epidemic, it is you who, regardless of the shortage of equipment and the potential risk of infection, desperately rescue those infected. 3. It is also you who make us build up our confidence to defeat the terrible virus. 4. Such few words can't fully convey our sincere thanks for your great contributions. 5. China is bound to win the battle and make a quick recovery. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including, 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步:润色修改


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(^) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Jenny,

Welcome to my school! When you arrive, there will be a party for you holding by my classmates. You may attend to English classes to feel a differently learning style. After that, you can go to your host family that you can experience the Chinese way of life. You can have meals together chatting anything that interests us.

The host family will also show us around some famous scenic spot. You can see people selling kites everywhere because our city was home to kites. There are many kinds of kites to choose from.

So isn't it the good idea to buy some for your friends? Write to me unless you have any questions about the schedule.

Best wishes.


Zhang Ming




People all over the world seem to be 1. (interest) in the UK’s royal family. Most fans know all their names and faces and who’s next in line to the throne (王位). So famous are they that they don’t even have to use their last name. But what do they 2. (actual ) do? They don’t need money as they 3. (support ) by UK taxpayers and have a large family fortune, but they do still have to work. Most of Queen Elizabeth’s time is taken up with 4. are called “royal engagements (活动)”. These engagements include 5. (host) heads of states, diplomatic trips to other countries, parties at palaces as well as opening Parliament when a new government is formed and giving out 6. (nation) awards. Queen Elizabeth’s engagements add up 7. several hundred a year, more than Prince Harry, William and Kate’s all together. In fact the royal family has to carry out 8. average of 2,000 engagements, entertain 70,000 guests and answer 100,000 letters every year. Obviously one woman can’t do all of that and that’s where the rest of the royal family step in 9. (help). Apart from this, some members of the royal family have done jobs like other people. The most famous royal who did one of these jobs is William, Duke of Cambridge, 10. worked as an ambulance helicopter pilot.



    When I read a post about taking someone to the movies, I remembered something that happened a couple of years ago.

I used to drink Coca-Cola and they had a contest where there was a ___________ inside the bottle cap. You went to a website and entered the code and maybe you _________ something. I won some ___________ Cokes. But then, I won the Grand PrizeI was surprised and ___________.

The Grand Prize was free movies for a year. What that ___________ to be was that the company sent me 52 admission tickets for a local movie theatre — they _________ one movie a week was what free movies for a year _______. All of the tickets had expiration dates(失效期)later than a year from the day I _________ them. I used quite a few taking friends to see _________.

But the best thing I did with them was that I ____________ twenty-two tickets that I had left by that time, to the local Women’s Transition House. It is a place where women and their ____________ could go when they’re ______________ domestic violence or just a bad situation in general and get help to make a ______________ start.

My work team had decided we would be a charity through which we ______________ donations for that particular Christmas. I knew that the Women’s Transition House ______________ some childcare for the women ______________ they could go for job interviews and things like that.

I put those tickets in a(n) ______________ and wrote a note on the outside, asking the Women's Transition House staff to give the movie tickets to women there ____________ the holidays to have something ____________ to do, with or without their children. It made me ____________ happy to do this.

1.A.website B.sign C.code D.note

2.A.bought B.won C.downloaded D.sought

3.A.expensive B.cheap C.delicious D.free

4.A.skeptical B.delighted C.numb D.jealous

5.A.turned over B.turned up C.turned out D.turned down

6.A.figured B.tolerated C.foresaw D.identified

7.A.occurred B.mattered C.meant D.underlined

8.A.refused B.received C.presented D.lost

9.A.plays B.movies C.performances D.matches

10.A.sold B.abandoned C.distributed D.donated

11.A.children B.partner C.family D.parents

12.A.handling B.opposing C.fleeing D.defeating

13.A.steady B.fresh C.complete D.perfect

14.A.purchased B.managed C.controlled D.collected

15.A.provided B.accepted C.supported D.postponed

16.A.but B.so C.otherwise D.or

17.A.mailbox B.timetable C.pocket D.envelope

18.A.to B.before C.over D.with

19.A.controversial B.compulsory C.entertaining D.systematic

20.A.really B.nearly C.generally D.simply



    Sometimes, when considering our own beliefs, we can find it challenging to accept other ways of life and rituals. However, close-mindedness and prejudice (偏见) are not the way to go, especially when there is so much we can learn about other cultures. Learning to accept and respect other cultures is an important step that opens your mind to the world around you and everyone’s unique differences.

Develop an open mind. Open the doors of your mind to accept what other people believe in. Try not to stereotype or brush things off when you haven’t actually taken a closer look yet. 1.

Take a look at history. The way some civilizations developed can be fascinating! 2. When you start studying, you’ll understand how things moved together to form the world we live in today. It’s a great piece of knowledge to have, so don’t rob yourself of it! There are plenty of books and sites available to fuel your curiosity. Appreciate the way different people fought for what they believed in, even if those beliefs differ from yours.

3..Sample some Italian or try your hand at cooking curry. Enjoy different foods and the different way meals are prepared. Don’t limit yourself, try everything and smile.

Talk to people. 4.It will help you understand that though they may believe and practice different things. That doesn’t make them strange or backward. Developing friendships with those from other cultures can be a really great experience.

Watching movies from different countries, like Bollywood movies or those on ancient happenings can be eye opening and help you appreciate different societies. If you’re into fashion, try sampling different culture’s dress and styles 5. If you’re having issues with racism and discrimination, try talking to someone to understand why you feel this way.

A.Try some new cooking.

B.Try doing something magical.

C.Try studying about ancient times.

D.Learn as much foreign culture as possible.

E.Talk with people from different cultures.

F.Try to get away from the personal opinions.

G.There are lots of magazines available on different fashions.



    “When I grow up, I want to be a runner.” These words are spoken by thousands of Kenyan children. 50 percent of the Kenyan top runners are members of Kalenjin, one minority race of the country. They make up less than two percent of Kenya’s population. This fact has puzzled sports scientists. They have spent considerable time and effort trying to answer one question: What enables the Kalenjin people to run so fast?

Although the question seems simple, finding the answer has proven to be difficult and controversial. A team of Danish sports scientists spent 18 months and discovered the Kalenjins had remarkably slow heart rates even when running long distances. The Kalenjins live in high-elevation(高海拔) villages in the Rift Valley in western Kenya. People living at high elevations produce more red blood cells, which aid in the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Because the air is thinner and contains less oxygen at high elevations, the body produces more red blood cells. Scientists believe there is a connection between increased red blood cells and low heart rates and that both may enable high-altitude athletes to outperform those who train at low altitudes. The Danish scientists also studied the bodies of the Kalenjins and compared them to those of the Danes. They found that the Kalenjins have longer “birdlike” legs. The Kalenjins also have lower body mass indexes (a measure of body fat based on weight and height) and shorter bodies than Danish people.

As a result of the Danish study, some scientists made the conclusion that the Kalenjins possess what is called a “speed gene(基因)”. However, Kenyan runners were offended by this conclusion They credited their success to hard work and endless hours of training.

Although the controversy over the “speed gene” remains unsolved, British runner Mo Farah’s experience offers an interesting perspective on the subject. In 2005, he realized he wasn’t meeting his potential as a runner. A group of Kenyan runners were training in England then. After he accidentally observed the Kenyans’ strict training routines and dedication to their sport, Farah said it was like a switch had been turned on in his head. He began eating healthy foods, going to bed early, and training harder than he had ever trained in his life. As a result, Farah’s running career exploded. He has won seven world and Olympic titles in the 5000m and regularly beats Kenya’s top runners!

Farah’s story proves what Kenyans have known all along. Regardless of genetics, their success would not be possible without hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and mental toughness. Their “secret” is simple. Train hard, run fast, and never give up.

1.What interested the sports scientists?

A.Kenyan sports history.

B.Kanlenjins’ running ability.

C.Kanlenjins’ training methods.

D.Kenyans’ enthusiasm for sport.

2.According to Danish scientists, what leads to the Kanlenjins’ success?

A.Physical condition. B.Hard training.

C.Living style. D.Strong will.

3.How did Kenyan runners think about Danish research result?

A.Convincing. B.Astonishing.

C.Unacceptable. D.Important.

4.Why is Mo Farah’s story mentioned in the passage?

A.To show running methods count.

B.To encourage British athletes.

C.To prove effort pays off.

D.To support gene theory.



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